Double Plush Velvet BBW Romance (Velvet Series) (2 page)

BOOK: Double Plush Velvet BBW Romance (Velvet Series)
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She raised her breasts from the water and pretended he was sucking on her nipples. Oh, his mouth would be hot and he would tease her nipples with his teeth. She could hear his husky voice as he tilted his cowboy hat up, so that she could see those blazing blue eyes as he whispered,
“Open up for me, Bren…

At the smokin’ sexy vision, she splashed around in the bubble-laced water and her eyes popped open.
Dammit! I’m doing it again!

She reached for the shampoo and lathered her hair with a little too much vigor.
Like he would actually be in my bubble bath wearing his cowboy hat! I could at least envision some kind of reality with it. I bet his bare body would be a reality to me all right and just the loveliest rose scented piece of man meat I ever saw! I have tried my best to envision what that body would look like bare.

Why, just the other day, she stood at the coffee station and stared at him for no telling how long. Her mind was conjuring up visions of him without his cowboy duds. She then would switch it and have him in just boots and hat. Then all naked.
Oh, to be his saddle. Hell, I’d settle for being his anything. Yeah, ride me anytime, baby boy!

I can’t help but to fantasize. He was so hot and he makes me sweat whenever he looks at me.
But that wasn’t sexy either, trying to stay dry in your panties and under your arms while you worked.
Nope, every time he came in, the panties were shot.
Bren released a drift of laughter
. Another pair bites the dust!

Thinking naughty thoughts of him always did change her attitude, because it almost made her giddy and that was part of the addiction, probably.

She rinsed her hair and lathered up with conditioner. Laying her head back, she wondered what it would be like to kiss him. He had been coming in for the last three weeks, breakfast, lunch and dinnertime. He’d said that they didn’t have a cook out at the ranch he was working at and he liked the home cooking style at the diner.

Shaking her head, she knew she should stop thinking about this man. There was just no way he was ever gonna ask her out. Sure, he smiled at her and talked to her. But sometimes, he would just eat and leave without talking much. Plus, he’d never even made a play for her.

God, she loved it when he did talk though. That sweet twang of his?
It wasn’t heavy, just light enough to make my skin tingle whenever I hear it.

She rinsed out the conditioner and wondered if she should shave her legs?
Why? It’s not like I would be wearing a dress anytime soon.
Shrugging, she grabbed the razor and soap. Mom always said to keep your ladylike swing going.
Again, what the hell did that mean?
Good ole mom, she said some pretty wild stuff, but she was a take no nonsense woman and she always got what she was after.

Taking up the razor, Bren wondered why she wasn’t more like her mom. She made neat rows through the soap on her calves with the razor and thought about it.
I wish I could just go after what I wanted. I just think it’s because I’m a heavy girl and it’s better to try and stay as invisible as possible, seeing how rejection was always a real sting when it happened.

Still, that was no excuse. Bren’s mom had always been a big woman, and just look how many guys she’d had? She always said,
men were like shoes and you never know if they will really fit until you wore them for a while.
Bren giggled aloud. My mom, she was something, but she always got her man or her way in the end, and boy, did she ever go through men like they were shoes!

Finishing the shave, she splashed water over her legs.
What did I really want and was too scared to go out and get?
It used to be that she wanted the hell out of high school, and then out of town and now? She just wanted to get the man of her dreams.

Her resolve built as she thought of her strong willed, happy mother
. But, I was always trying to be good, so I wouldn’t get branded as a slut and just last week I told mom that.
She remembered now what her mom’s response had been.
“Good girls go to heaven, Bren, but bad girls go everywhere
Some Mom she was…telling me things like that.
Her Mom never seemed to feel any shame about being the way she was all of her life though. She always said she planned to be in heaven at least a half an hour before the devil knew she was dead.

Well, I sure as hell don’t wanna go to heaven this soon, myself. But, maybe I will get a few miles out and reach a heaven filled with cowboy beefcake?
Another giggle escaped as
Bren shaved her underarms too, while she wondered if those great looking stretch jeans still fit her. She then thought about what blouse to wear and before she knew it, she’d made her decision to go for it. She figured what was the use in sitting around waiting for her life to change and feeling sorry for herself anyway?

“It’s time for Miss Plushy butt to get a new pair of shoes!” Her laughter echoed through the bathroom as she dried herself off.




This time, tomorrow did come and Bren was aiming to face it head on. She drove out to the Triple K Ranch while still asking herself if she was nuts and her body literally shook all the way up Lockhart road. The question of
what the hell she thought she was doing,
kept popping into her head, interrupting her newfound courage.

“I’m gonna ask for the cooks job, that’s what!” she answered aloud and gave a resolute downward head nod while looking into her rearview mirror. As if seeing the reflection of her pink cheeks and the false tough glint in her own green eyes would make her braver.

not yet to be junked
car was about to earn its keep, but she realized again, that it had certainly seen better days. She looked out at the paint peeled hood, while knowing that the tires were bald and the driver side door had a nice healthy gash where she had scraped it against a cement pylon at the carwash. It would make it out there and back though, right?

She saw the sign,
Triple K Drive
and turned in, driving over the cattle grate. A loud pop echoed out as her car shifted with a swerve. At first, she thought it was just the grate hitting up against her very bare tires. So, she pressed the brake to slow the car and the pedal went all the way to the floor.

Well, that isn’t good.
Bren was sweating it now.
Brakes were something you needed to have, right?
With a rising dread, she noticed that the road titled downhill. Everything in life seemed to tilt that way eventually and this was no exception.

There were cows lining the road. The big doe eyed animals stared at her and her runaway vehicle from hell. Their great big eyes rounded at the loony woman in her disaster heap as she swerved aimlessly all over the road.

Just stay calm; it’s a barren road and it’s not like there’s heavy traffic and all.
Her mind conjured up visions of the car folding like a crushed aluminum can as it hit one of those beefy cows. Fighting the panic, she tried the emergency brake and it didn’t slow the car at all.
Did that stupid thing ever work before?

Up ahead, she saw a horse and rider on the dirt road.
Fuck—what is that?
She hit the horn, and then remembered that had stopped working sometime last winter. “Crap!” She tried to roll her window down to call out to the rider and of course, that button never worked since she’d gotten the damn car.
Okay, now I am gonna panic

The man wearing a cowboy hat looked startled as he hurried his horse across.

Bren could actually see the whites of the horse’s eyes, she was so close to it. The whole thing was like some bad dream, like the time she’d polished off that half a bottle of whiskey and imagined all kinds of freaky things. This whole scene was truly bizarre, as her and probably the horse’s life, passed in front of her eyes.

She screamed and turned the wheel, attempting to go the opposite direction.
Oh, shit!
The old Ford bucked and swerved as it went into a one eighty; the dust flew and she thought her heart had stopped while the car spun completely around.

Sucking her breath in, the world spun while the car turned into one of those whirling violent rides at a carnival. She fought to hold down the contents of her stomach. Finally, the car halted, jerking her body forward and back with a thump. Dizzy, she placed her head on the steering wheel.

The sound of her gasping for air echoed out through the dust heavy air. With a death grip of her hands on the steering wheel, she wondered if going on an adventure to jump-start your life could actually end your life
. I never even got to see the seven or eight wonders of the world, for Christ sake!

“Ma’am?” A voice called.

“Just a minute, I gotta keep my lunch from coming back on me,” she answered with a wheezing.

“Are you okay?” he asked again.

“I’m just having an argument with my sanity is all.” She raised her head to look at this annoying person. “And I’m losing, so could you just wait a—?”

Piercing blue eyes looked at her from beneath a dusty cowboy hat.

Bren realized that kneeling next to the car was probably the ninth wonder of the world.
It was Travis! Holy crap, just stay down there, big mac!
She willed her lunch to behave.

He rose up from the kneeling position and her bewildered gaze rose with him as she took it all in.

His body stretched out to his full height as he stood all the way up. He was wearing those strange leather chaps the cowboys on the range wore. If ever anything accented male muscular thighs, those pieces of leather did the trick.

Her stunned eyes wanted to resist looking directly at something this magnificent, but eventually they rose to his broad chest. His blue buttoned up shirt was a little dusty, but it matched his eyes like it had been made just for him. The very span of his chest was stretching the cotton fabric of the shirt to its limits.

The breathtaking journey her eyes took finally ended up at his face.

He gave her a huge grin and was easily able to open that stuck-forever door of hers. Reaching in, he unbuckled her seatbelt. “Let’s give you a look over and see if you have any injuries.”

Bren couldn’t seem to speak, as he stood her upright and pulled at her blouse. Her nipples stood at attention while the rest of her became complete mush. He was passing his big, callused hands all over her body. His warm hands brought a hot tingling everywhere he touched her.

One of those funny old sayings popped into her befuddled head.
It’s better to be looked over, than overlooked!
Closing her eyes, she wondered just how absorbent her panties were today.

He said something again, but her brain never registered what it was. All she could do was to feel that blaze from his wandering fingers. Nodding like a dummy, she stared at his face.

Kneeling again, he smoothed those large hands gingerly along one thigh.

I sincerely hope the other leg doesn’t get jealous.
In all honesty, she thought this whole session was gonna make her pass right out for sure.
Oh, I wish I was injured, but only in certain areas!
I wonder what he would do if I claimed that my breasts had been smashed up against the steering wheel?

Bren suppressed the nervous giggle that threatened to burst out.
Yes, my nipples need medical attention?

As though he may have heard her wicked rambling thoughts, he stood up while wearing a huge grin. At her bewildered expression, he shook his head and took off his hat.

Noticing the way the sun glinted off his raven-hued hair, she simply held her breath and stared. Here stood the reason she was out here in the first place and she’d almost run him down with that damn nightmare on wheels.

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