Double Lucky (78 page)

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Authors: Jackie Collins

BOOK: Double Lucky
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His touch was too good to resist. Firm yet gentle. Warm and encompassing. Hard and, this time, fast.

Fact of life: she couldn't get enough of him.

After making out, they headed for the shower together, which led to even more making out, while Amy stood by the glass door attempting to force her way into the shower and under the streaming water. Eventually Amy was successful.

Giggling, they finally emerged, along with a soaking-wet Amy, who, after shaking her fur all over both of them, proceeded to race around the room like a dog possessed.

“Time to get dressed, 'cause it's wheels up at noon,” Bobby said, reaching for his pants. “Oh yeah, and I forgot to tell you—little sis is comin' on the plane.”

“She is?” Denver questioned, not thrilled at the prospect.

“No avoiding it,” Bobby said, buttoning up his shirt. “Besides, you like Max, don't you?”

“Actually, I hardly know her,” Denver said, opening up her closet and throwing some things into an overnight bag.

“To know Max is to love her,” Bobby said. “She's a wild one.”

“Hmm,” Denver said, wondering if the party would be dressy and if she should take her one and only Diane von Furstenberg cocktail dress. What was she thinking? Of course she should. It was Vegas and the Santangelo/Golden clan. Whoopee!

“What's with the
?” Bobby said, his still damp hair curling over the collar of his shirt.

“Well,” Denver said tentatively, “I've only met Max a couple of times and she wasn't exactly talkative.”

“Max can be shy. Don't forget, she's only a kid.”

“Really?” Denver said, loathe to point out that Max had gone out of her way to practically ignore her. And about to hit eighteen was hardly a kid. But maybe Max would lighten up now that she and Bobby had been together a while.

being the operative word.

*   *   *

“Why's your mom's Ferrari all over the Internet with, like, Billy Melina behind the wheel?” Cookie demanded over the phone.

“Huh?” Max said, a sudden chill coursing through her body. “What're you

“Check it out, girl,” Cookie said, unaware of the panic she was causing. “Do you think Lucky
it to him? And why'd she'd do that with his divorce deal goin' on? Isn't Venus like her BFF?”

“I've no idea,” Max said, already racing to her laptop and checking out the gossip sites. And there it was: a video of Billy climbing out of Lucky's distinctive customized red Ferrari at a gas station in Pacific Palisades.

He'd stopped for gas! Why would he

And if that wasn't enough, there were numerous photos of him getting pulled over by a traffic cop!

“Seems strange t' me,” Cookie continued. “Maybe I'll ask Lucky what's up.”

“No!” Max said, totally panicking. “Don't do that.”

“Why not?”

“'Cause, uh, maybe she doesn't want Venus to know.”

“Ohhh!” Cookie squealed. “D'you think she's hookin' up with Billy? It's always the best friend you gotta look out for. Wouldn't
be something.”

“You are

“What's gross about it? Billy Melina is a total stud muffin.
do him in a flash.”

I bet you would,
Max thought, totally mortified that Cookie was even thinking about Billy in such a fashion.

“Anyway,” Cookie continued, “didja know Frankie brought Billy to the party? We think he left with Willow Price. Frankie says she's a raving lesbo. Only
think she and Billy are totally doin' it. I got to meet both of 'em.”

“Awesome,” Max said distractedly, thinking that if Cookie knew the truth, she'd go totally nuts.

“Yeah,” Cookie said casually, pleased with herself. “You could've met 'em too if you'd been around. Where
you all night?”

you're asking. Where were
when it was time to clean up?”

“Okay, okay,” Cookie said impatiently. “So I flaked on you. Let's not get carried away about it.”

“‘Carried away'?” Max said indignantly. “Screw you!”

“We're takin' off for Vegas soon,” Cookie said, completely unfazed that Max was pissed. “What time are
planning on arrivin'?”

“This afternoon,” Max said, swallowing hard while attempting to stay calm, for if Lucky saw these pix of Billy with her Ferrari, Max would be in deep shit. “Oh, and Cookie,” she added quickly, “do
say anything to Lucky about her car.”

“Why not?”

“'Cause it wouldn't be cool.”

After getting rid of Cookie, Max attempted to think of a brilliant excuse should Lucky come across the video. Not that she was likely to on her own; Lucky was totally uninterested in trolling the gossip sites.

But what if someone showed the video to her? What if
saw it?

Throw up time!

Wasn't it enough that Billy's best friend had turned up and ruined what was about to be a perfect evening? Kev, with his inane remarks and stupid face. She'd automatically hated him, so after gulping down a slice of pizza, she'd taken off, and to her chagrin, Billy hadn't even tried to stop her. And when he'd walked her out to the car, Kev had come too! What an insensitive

Billy had given her a brief peck on the cheek, warned her to drive carefully, and that was it. No
When can I see you again?
Not even
I'll call you.

She was furious and hurt and felt like a total idiot. It was apparent that Billy had used her for a quick bang. Just because he was a big freaking movie star, he obviously felt that was acceptable behavior.

Well, screw him. Screw him

Now she was left knowing that Lucky could easily discover that Billy had driven her car. And how exactly would she explain that?

Her dream evening had somehow turned into a disastrous nightmare.

Billy Melina.

*   *   *

Danny got off on filling Lucky in on all the hotel gossip, scurrilous and otherwise. Danny collected information without even trying; it came to him whether he wanted to hear it or not. Yes, Danny was a magnet for all things juicy. He culled all the latest information over a very early coffee with some of the staff before everyone reported for duty.

It amused Lucky to hear everything that was going on in her hotel, and Danny was always a great source.

Friday morning the news was all about the pit boss caught cheating with a married woman who worked in the catering department. Then there was the delectable and extremely young PR engaged to a croupier, but busy having an affair with a teenage singing sensation who visited Vegas a lot. And lastly the perverted pig in the Presidential Suite who'd refused to pay hookers for extra services rendered.

“Men!” Danny exclaimed, rolling his eyes at his boss. “Why order in if you're not prepared to pay?”

“Ah,” Lucky sighed as they made their way onto the terrace of her magnificent penthouse, where a virtual breakfast feast was laid out on a marble side table. “Men can be mysterious creatures, exactly like women.”

“You're too kind,” Danny said with a snippy edge. “But believe me, most men are nasty little piggies.”

“Do you really think that?” Lucky asked mildly.

“Oh, yes indeedy,” Danny responded. “I could tell you a thing or two about men. You know, before Buff and I got together—”

Lucky cut him short. “Much as I would love to hear your life stories, Danny, I'd prefer you go pick up Venus and escort her here.”

“One day,” Danny said, slightly put out that Lucky didn't want to hear what he had to say, “you should listen to my stories.”

“One day I will,” Lucky assured him. “But not today.”

“You're such a machine,” Danny said with a knowing nod. “Everything and everyone has to be on time—no room for error.”

“And fortunately for you, Danny, you never make errors,” Lucky said briskly. “So I suggest you move your tight little ass and go fetch Venus.”

“In some circles that remark might be construed as sexual harassment,” Danny sniffed. “Besides, you know Venus will keep me waiting. She's such a diva.”

“Good-bye,” Lucky said, thinking that one of the reasons she got along with Danny so well was that he wasn't scared of her. Because of everything she'd achieved, some people viewed her as intimidating. Danny was never intimidated; he had a sweet but sometimes perverse nature, plus he was efficient and full of energy. He was the perfect assistant for her.

Danny reappeared fifteen minutes later with Venus, a vision in an all-white workout outfit trimmed with gold braid, her platinum-blond hair piled on top of her head.

Danny escorted her onto the terrace to join Lucky, then left. The two women shared a warm hug. “I'm so glad you made it,” Lucky said. “Wasn't sure you would.”

“You know I love Vegas,” Venus remarked. “And I was thinking we could work out after breakfast.” She did an elaborate twirl. “You see, I dressed the part. This is from my new clothing line, Body by Venus. You like?”

“Sensational, but I can't get sweaty today,” Lucky said, wishing she had the time. “Got a meeting, followed by the board meeting with potential investors you promised to show your face at. Remember?”

“I did?” Venus said innocently.

“You did,” Lucky assured her.


“Suck it up, superstar,” Lucky said, laughing. “You know you get off when everyone's creaming all over you. You're an attention junkie, and it shows.”

Venus smiled. It was true; she never tired of being in the spotlight. “I guess Danny can work out with me,” she said, checking out the table of food. “Right, Danny?”

“Sorry to disappoint you,” Lucky said, helping herself to a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon. “But Danny will be with me, taking notes.”

“You're no fun,” Venus said, opting for a dish of yogurt and blueberries. “At least you could lend me Danny.”

“Don't tell me you flew in by yourself?” Lucky questioned as they sat down. “No entourage to attend to your every need?”

“Do I need one?” Venus questioned, lowering her Dolce & Gabbana sunglasses.

“Apparently yes. You can't go wandering around on your own. Where's your stylist? Your hair person? Your usual glam squad?”

“I thought this weekend was all about family, so I came alone.”

“How adult of you.”

“Actually,” Venus admitted, “got me a surprise package who's even now on his way here.”

“Ah!” Lucky exclaimed. “I knew it!”

“Of course you did.”

“And who might it be?”

“Well…” Venus said, an evil smile hovering on her luscious lips. “Yesterday at the shoot for my new clothing line, they hired a very buff stud to be in the shot.” She paused for effect, then continued, “I couldn't let the poor guy go to waste, now could I?”

“You're incorrigible,” Lucky said, laughing.

“Oh, like
weren't when you were single?” Venus shot back. “I seem to recall you would fuck 'em an' leave 'em quicker than any guy.”

“Single,” Lucky protested. “I was single. And please, don't
mention that to Max.”

“Well, now
single,” Venus said, “which means I will not be wasting a minute of my time.”

“As if you ever do,” Lucky said dryly.

“By the way,” Venus added, “he's twenty, Brazilian, and hardly speaks a word of English.” Once again she paused for effect. “I think I'm in love!”

“Does that mean I'll hear no more moaning and groaning about Billy?” Lucky said hopefully.

Venus gave another deliciously evil smile. “Billy who?”

*   *   *

Frankie drove his Grand Sport convertible Corvette like a maniac, all the while speaking on his BlackBerry, reaching over to change a CD, texting, and maneuvering in and out of traffic lanes like he was playing dodgem cars.

Cookie didn't care; she was down with a touch of danger, and Frankie offered her all that and then some. When he picked her up they'd done a couple of lines of coke to prep themselves for the four-hour drive, then she'd gone down on him, and promised that when they hit the desert, she'd do it again.

“While I'm driving,” he'd said, salivating at the thought.

“What do I get in return?” she'd demanded.

“Depends on how you do it.”

“Ha!” Cookie exclaimed. “Who d'you think won the blow job competition at school when she was fourteen?”

Frankie was intrigued. Teenagers indulging in blow job competitions—he'd thought it was an urban legend. Satisfying to know it was true, and that
girl was the champ. How about that?

His girl. His first steady since Annabelle Maestro, who in the end had treated him like a piece of shit. He would never forgive her for that. Annabelle had even written about him in her dumb book, and not in a flattering way. He'd thought about suing, but everyone had warned him against it. Not worth the time, money for lawyers, and pure frustration it would entail, so eventually he'd decided against it.

If only he'd had the foresight to make a sex tape while he and Annabelle were together. What a financial bonanza
would've been.

But no, he hadn't done that, he'd blown a major opportunity to score. Vivid Entertainment would've paid big. They'd forked out millions for Paris Hilton and the Kardashian broad with the big ass. He could have made a killing. Colin Farrell, here I come!

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