Dory's Avengers (52 page)

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Authors: Alison Jack

BOOK: Dory's Avengers
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‘Well, I think an emergency meeting of Dory's Avengers is called for,' said Alan from the stage, not even looking up from the guitar in his hands.

‘Is anyone capable of making a statement that doesn't start with ‘‘well''?' asked Gideon, still grumpy but mellowing a little now Alan had made a constructive suggestion.

‘Well, I think you're right, Al,' said Louis, grinning at Gideon. ‘All of the Avengers, though?'

‘Well, why not,' replied Alan.

Gideon roared at him that the joke had run its course.

‘Sorry, Gideon,' said Alan, finally putting the Les Paul down and laughing as he came back over to join the group. ‘I think we need to get everyone together, and I mean everyone. Matty's anxious to see Theo again, and I'd rather they were both here than out in the wilds.'

‘Theo's in my cottage, Alan, hardly the wilds,' said Gideon. ‘But I do see your point. After last night we've kind of declared war on the Sponsors, what with driving Dyer and the rest out of Applethwaite. I can't see them staying away for ever though, and you heard His Lordshit's parting shot. I think it's safety in numbers from now on…'

‘I agree,' said Matilda, helping Dex carry groceries in from his car. ‘It's about time the lovely Theo was a permanent fixture in my bed…'

‘Before you torment me with yet more details of your sex life, Matty, why don't you phone Faye and congratulate her on her new job?' Alan interrupted.

‘Yeah,' said Louis, laughing, ‘we just had a very interesting chat with His Lordshit and co in London. Dad's been sacked – yay; and your mum's taken his place – boo hiss!' Louis went on to fill Matilda and Dex in on all the details of the conversation with Lord William.

‘I can see the need to get Dory's Avengers together, pronto,' said Matilda. ‘Who's going to round them up? And get Izzy and Theo back here safely?'

‘I'll do it,' said Philip, who'd been in the bar for the duration of the conversation, unseen by His Lordship. ‘His Lordshit has still got to keep me onside, so it's probably safer for me out there than for anyone else.' Not waiting for a reply, Philip grabbed his car keys from the table and set off straight away.

‘Good,' said Matilda as Philip drove off. ‘Soon we'll be able to discuss the pressing issues like the Games, but for now I want to know more about Faye. I bet she tried to get you into bed again, didn't she, Dad?'

‘Yes, as always,' replied Alan, laughing. ‘Don't look like that, Dexter; I can't help being too gorgeous for my own good.' Far from pacified, Dex continued to look disapprovingly at Alan.

‘I hope you said no,' said Matilda. ‘Otherwise Dex is going to slap you into next week.'


‘You said YES?'

‘No, I didn't say yes. I mean yes, I said no. Oh shut up, the lot of you!' Totally flustered, Alan stalked off and started playing Theo's guitar again as even Dex joined in the laughter. Following his boyfriend over to the stage, Dex sat watching Alan as he played; any tension between the two of them never lasted long.

An hour or so later all of Dory's Avengers were gathered in the bar, including Jenny. Lysander had decided it would be prudent to remove his daughter from the Sponsored primary school until further notice. Chloe, Brains and various other London Unsponsored were still in the village following the wedding, and it took a while for the excitement of seeing Isabelle again to pass. Everyone wanted to greet her warmly; from the London Unsponsored who'd benefitted from her kindness many years ago, to Applethwaite friends who'd missed her so much during her long exile. Seeking out Lysander, the ever compassionate
Isabelle took his hands to offer her condolences about Nicola's death.

‘I'm so sorry, Lysander,' she said. ‘I'm so sorry you had to lose Nik in that awful way. If there's anything I can do, you just ask. I feel kind of responsible, him being my husband…'

‘Izzy,' said Lysander, ‘you and His Lordshit are poles apart. If anyone's to blame it's me for not challenging him and his Scheme sooner…'

‘Well, you've challenged it now, Dad,' said Louis. ‘I don't see the point of continuing to beat yourself up about the past. Welcome home, Izzy!' he continued, turning to his best friend's mother and embracing her warmly.

‘Good to see you again, Louis; all grown up and handsome,' said Isabelle. ‘Taking good care of my niece too, from what I've heard.' Isabelle kissed Louis on both cheeks before turning to everyone assembled in the room.

‘Is everyone here?' she asked. ‘Shall we get down to business?'

‘Do you want me to leave?' asked Adam, looking concerned. ‘Only my parents are Sponsors…'

‘Don't be daft, Adam!' said Matilda. ‘You're one of us now; no one's going to hold you responsible for what your parents do. If that were the case, I'd have to leave too, given Faye's latest career move…'

‘I shouldn't have been allowed in Dory's Avengers either, at least not until Dad was sacked this morning,' added Louis.

‘And I definitely shouldn't be here,' said Theo, grinning. Laughing, Adam held up his hands.

‘OK, OK, point taken. Thank you!'

‘Enough, you lot!' snapped Gideon. ‘Now, if everyone's finished beating themselves up for their Sponsor pasts or their unfortunate parentage, can we get down to BUSINESS?' Gideon waited for everyone to settle down, then continued.

‘The most pressing issue we have is that His Lordshit has withdrawn Louis's entry into the Games. I don't mind saying I'm devastated…'

‘How do you think I feel?' interrupted Louis.

‘Devastated too, I should imagine,' said Gideon. Addressing everyone in the room, he added, ‘Louis has put so much work into his training since Christmas…'

‘So have you, Gid…'

‘Being devastated doesn't give you a right to CALL ME GID, TREVELYAN!' roared Gideon.

‘YES, TREVELYAN,' said Theo, giggling like a child. ‘Learn some respect…'

‘Button it, St Benedict!' retorted Louis.

‘Excuse me, less of the St Benedict…'

‘Oh, I do beg your pardon, Lord Theodore lah-di-dah,' Louis persisted, starting to laugh too as he warmed to the task of winding up his friend. Launching himself across the room, Theo grabbed hold of Louis and the two of them embarked on a fiercely contested play fight. Gideon roared at the two young men to stop acting like children, while everyone else laughed at their exuberance.

‘Come on, Gideon,' said Lysander, ‘let them play! They've had no chance for too many years…' Abandoning his wrestling match with Louis, the gleeful Theo bounded over to Lysander.

‘Lysander Trevelyan,' he said, wagging a finger in Lysander's face, ‘are you questioning how His Lordshit treated me? AGAIN? HOW DARE YOU!' Lysander threw back his head and joined in Theo's infectious laughter, and even Gideon was chuckling as he made another attempt to call the meeting to order.

‘Much as I can understand your delight at escaping from His Lordshit's clutches, Theo, please can you calm down just for now? Just while we discuss this morning's informative chat?' As Theo finally settled down next to Matilda
again, Louis helped himself to a lager then re-joined Abi and the rest of the group.

‘I've left the money on the side,' Louis said to Dex, who argued that Louis could have had the drink on the house.

‘No, Dex,' replied Louis, ‘we take advantage of your hospitality too many times. Don't look like that, Gideon; I'm not competing at the Games, so why can't I have a beer?'

‘Why aren't you competing at the Games?' asked Brains.

‘Oh come on, Brains; you're supposed to be the clever one round here,' said Louis exasperated. ‘Hence the nickname! His Lordshit said no Sponsorship, no entry…'

‘And you're just going to do as His Lordshit says then?' Brains interrupted. ‘Without question? You might as well get Sponsorship if you're going to let him dictate to you like that.' A startled silence settled on the bar as everyone took in Brains's words; even Alan quietened Theo's guitar and looked over at the group with his mouth open. Finally it was Matilda who broke the silence.

‘Close your mouth, Dad, or you'll catch a fly in there. Brains is right you know, Louis.'

‘Of course he's right,' added Chloe. ‘But don't just blame Louis; we all gave up on the Games idea the second His Lordshit said no.'

‘So what do you all suggest I do then?' said Louis, a little stung by the implication that he'd unquestioningly do whatever His Lordship commanded. ‘Just waltz in and say: ‘‘Hi, I'm Louis and I'm a gymnast. Watch this…'''

‘I may have a little influence here,' said Philip. ‘I can at least work on ways to gain you entry to the Games, Louis…'

‘I don't actually like the way everyone's so quick to send my son into what is potentially a very dangerous situation,' snapped Lysander, and Sarah nodded her agreement.

‘Louis wouldn't be alone,' said Abi, turning to Lysander and Sarah with her eyes shining. ‘I'd be there right behind him…'

‘Count me in too, Abi,' said Matilda without hesitation.

‘I knew you'd say that, baby,' said Alan, looking concerned, then pulled himself together and added, ‘I'll be there too, Louis.'

‘And me, of course,' added Dex.

‘You see?' said Theo to Lysander. ‘No one's sending Louis in alone, we're all in this together.' This time it was Isabelle's turn to look concerned.

‘Theo, I'm not sure it's safe for you…' she began, but was silenced by a howl from her son.

‘MOTHER! When we bring…
…His Lordshit to his knees, and I say WHEN not if, I want front-row seats. I'm not missing it, and that is that!'

‘We'll all be behind you, Louis,' said Chloe. ‘It's the Unsponsored way.'

‘All the same,' said Louis, not wanting to curb his friends' enthusiasm but needing to voice his fears nonetheless, ‘even if Philip can organise some way of getting a legion of Unsponsored into the Games – and please don't think I'm ungrateful, Philip…'

‘I don't think that for one moment, young Louis…'

‘Even if we do get in, I still can't just go out in front of the judges and start performing. I'd have to qualify, and it's way too late for that now…'

Everyone in the pub was silent for quite some time, no one being able to think of an argument to counter Louis's words. Finally, Theo spoke.

‘Well, I think we should continue to work on the principle that Louis is going to compete in the Games; so better make that your last beer, Lou.'

‘Yes, but how?'

‘Well, just don't drink any more, you dolt!'

‘You know what I mean, Theo!'

Laughing, Theo said, ‘Perhaps Gideon can persuade the judges to watch you? They're going to remember how good

‘I'm with Theo,' said Gideon, starting to smile. ‘I don't know yet how we're going to do it, but I believe something will crop up, as it always seems to with us lot. I believe you will compete at the Games, Louis, and that you will be representing the Unsponsored.'

Lord William's inner circle meeting was a long one, and it was well past lunchtime before the Sponsors were dismissed to enjoy the rest of the sunny day. Far from feeling reassured at Lord William's promise that the Scheme would be his only priority from now on, the Sponsors were feeling very apprehensive about the meeting they'd just attended. Faye was the newcomer to the group, but even she realised that to discuss the meeting among themselves, without His Lordship in attendance, would be unprecedented. However, she wanted to remain in the company of her new colleagues for as long as possible in the hope that she may be able to glean some idea of how they were feeling.

‘I don't know about you,' she said casually, ‘but I'm ravenous. If anyone fancies joining me for a bite to eat, I'd appreciate some company…'

‘I know just the place,' said Steph Rogers. ‘A gorgeous bar by the river. It's got a garden with lovely views of Tower Bridge, exclusively for Gold Sponsor cardholders, and the food is top notch.'

‘Don't you mean top nosh?' said Faye, laughing; delighted that Steph, whom she admired greatly, had taken up her offer. ‘Anyone else?'

The Fosters, Fiona Turnbull and, surprisingly, Mortimer O'Reilly decided to join Faye and Steph for lunch. They all kept the conversation light as they were seated by the bar's proprietor, who was delighted to have a group of topranking Sponsors in his establishment. No one mentioned the morning's meeting until they had all been served food by the attentive waiting staff. Finally, her tongue loosened
by a couple of large glasses of wine, it was Fiona who broached the subject.

‘Where do you think Lord Theodore's gone?' she asked lightly. ‘His Lordship appears to think he's still in Applethwaite, judging by his anxiety to get back up north.'

‘His Lordship wants to go back to cut the village off from the rest of the country, doesn't he?' replied Steph. ‘Being as it's become the centre of some Unsponsored network.'

‘I'm sure he could have his security deal with that,' Fiona argued back. ‘The fact remains that his son is missing, and I'm sure he wants to find Lord Theodore…'

‘I'm not so sure,' interrupted Mortimer O'Reilly. ‘His Lordship's never been…' Realising what he'd been about to say, Mortimer shut his mouth abruptly and started to sweat profusely. Laughing mirthlessly, Julia Foster continued for Mortimer.

‘His Lordship's never behaved particularly paternally towards Lord Theodore? Well actually, he has. Don't you remember when Izzy gave birth to a boy, the son and heir His Lordship craved? He thought the sunlight shone out of Lord Theodore then.'

‘Well, that certainly changed, didn't it?' replied her husband. ‘Changed big time.' All the Sponsors smiled ruefully, except for Faye who looked confused.

‘Didn't Lord Theodore have some sort of breakdown?' she asked.

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