Dory's Avengers (42 page)

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Authors: Alison Jack

BOOK: Dory's Avengers
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‘How do you mean?' asked Lord William, torn between curiosity and telling Philip to mind his own business.

‘With the greatest respect, Lord William, I'm in a position to see things from the Unsponsored point of view. There are those who still say Lord Theodore is mad. Do you want people talking about your son like that?'

‘Why should I care…?'

‘Because rumours are dangerous. They get out of hand. Before you know it you've got Sponsored thinking the same, or worse. Then there were the thinly veiled accusations from that reporter following Nicola Trevelyan's suicide. This is an opportunity to put things right, very publicly. If you turn up to this wedding the TV cameras are sure to follow; you'll be seen as having made a huge effort to extend the hand of friendship to the Applethwaite Unsponsored despite their continued disrespect for you and the Scheme. They won't find it so easy to bad-mouth the Scheme if the wave of public sympathy switches onto your side. Also, Lord Theodore will be seen to be perfectly all right, quashing the madness rumours. I have heard some say that Lord Theodore isn't permitted to leave this house. The country's full of weak-minded fools who believe any rubbish. Then,
! Lord Theodore appears at his uncle's wedding! Another false but potentially damning rumour quashed. You've got plenty of security guards to ensure the
safety of yourself and your family. To my mind, you've everything to gain and nothing to lose by attending this wedding. By
your whole family
attending this wedding.'

As Philip fell silent, not a word was spoken in the room. Marina and Theo continued to watch the television as though it really didn't matter to them one way or another, while Catherine turned pleading blue eyes in Lord William's direction. Rosanna helped herself to coffee, being the only one in the room who genuinely couldn't care less about Chris Farrell's wedding.

‘I could have people find the roots of these rumours, deal harshly with the culprits, send out a clear message…'

‘Once again I speak with the utmost respect, Lord William. I have nothing but respect for you and the Scheme,' Philip lied. ‘But if you fight this with force you will only breed resentment. Cut down one adversary, two more will appear to replace them. In your position, I would take the Unsponsored and the rumour mongers by surprise. Do precisely what they don't expect. Attend this wedding with your family, send out a very clear message that you have nothing to hide. What weight will those rumours hold when they're seen to be untrue, so obviously untrue? The credibility will be yours and yours alone.'

‘You're a powerful speaker, Philip,' said Lord William. ‘If ever you fancy a change of career, there's always a place for you in the Scheme.'

Lord William fell silent once more. Theo and Marina concentrated with all their might on an advert for washing-up liquid, while Catherine squeezed Theo so tightly he could barely breathe. In the end it was Rosanna who broke the silence.

‘Well, Father?' she said, her voice petulant. ‘Do we have to go to this stupid wedding or not?'

Ironically, it was Rosanna interrupting his thoughts that made Lord William's mind up for him. Suddenly finding
himself immensely irritated with his daughter's constant whinging, Lord William took out his mobile phone and dialled the number on the invitation.

In Applethwaite no one was doing any work. Only too well aware that Lord William's wedding invitation was likely to reach him that day, Dory's Avengers had congregated in the bar of The White Lion; Gideon contenting himself with ordering Louis to stick to mineral water. To Gideon's disgust, Louis was occupying his time helping Matilda improve her pole dancing skills by demonstrating how to grip the pole securely and hang upside down.

‘Bloody hell, Louis; you're supposed to be an Olympic gymnast, not a bloody pole dancer,' he grumbled, unimpressed with Louis's new-found talent. Alan was equally unimpressed, but for different reasons.

‘If that skirt were any shorter, Matilda, it would qualify as a belt. It's really not decent to be hanging upside down on a pole dressed like that, or rather
dressed. I'm sure Louis can see what you had for breakfast, and I'm sure Abi would rather Louis couldn't see what you had for breakfast…'

Matilda righted herself, and covered what she could of her modesty with her extremely short skirt.

‘Sorry, Abs,' she said. ‘I'm not after your boyfriend, I promise. Still holding out for a chance with the sexy Theo…'

At that moment Chris's mobile phone started to ring, successfully silencing everyone in the bar.

‘Please don't let this be someone with a sick dog,' muttered Chris, answering the call. ‘Hello?'

Everyone in the pub held their breath, as Chris started to smile and nod.

‘Good morning, Lord William…yes…yes…how many?… Really?…That's fabulous, Lord William. You'll all be more than welcome…yes…I certainly will. See you in May. Thank you.'

Ending the call, Chris desperately tried to let the suspense build, but there was no way to hide the huge smile spreading over his face

‘Lord William thanks us for the invite, Georgia. Philip, Simone and Catherine Lorimer would be delighted to join us to celebrate the wedding, as would Lord William St Benedict, Lady Rosanna, Lady Rosanna's boyfriend Adam Foster, Lady Marina…oh yes…and…LORD THEODORE…'

The bar filled immediately with hugging, kissing, cheering, shouting celebrations. Sarah grabbed Gideon's chair and spun him round and round as several people attempted to hug them both. Even the sight of Louis hanging upside down from Matilda's pole couldn't make Gideon lose his temper; he was far too busy yelling ‘Yes! Yes!' at the top of his voice. Alan and Dex appeared with bottles of champagne and added the popping of corks to the general din. His drink ban forgotten, Gideon called to Louis to pour them both a large glass of champagne so they could celebrate the fact that Theo would be coming home. Finally, Theo would be coming back home – to Applethwaite.

The weeks leading up to the wedding of Chris Farrell and Georgia Montfiore dragged by for both Theo and Louis. Theo found that his usual twin interests of watching cartoons and playing guitar failed to hold his attention anymore; all he could think about was his forthcoming return to Applethwaite. A real return this time, not just in his imagination. Despite knowing that Louis's chance of actually competing at the Games was very remote, Gideon had given up arguing the point to the unreceptive Dory's Avengers and was training Louis to the highest possible standard. Louis knew he had to work hard with the Games getting ever closer, but he often found it difficult to concentrate even on the sport he loved so much. Gideon spent a lot of time exasperated; Louis was struggling with routines
he would normally be mastering with ease. Knowing this was down to lack of concentration not lack of skill, Gideon eventually lost his temper quite spectacularly with Louis.

‘Come here,' he said in a low hiss one day when Louis had once again messed up his floor exercises.

‘Now then, Louis,' said Gideon when Louis was standing in front of him. ‘Would you like to explain to me why you're SO FUCKING CRAP ALL OF A SUDDEN?'

Not giving Louis any chance to explain, Gideon ploughed on.


‘It's difficult, Gideon, with Theo coming home…'

‘What do you care about Theo? What do you care when you're so hell bent on letting him down at the Games? You're so HELL BENT on letting Dory's Avengers and all the Unsponsored down? You're so HELL BENT on letting the memory of your mother down…'

If such a thing were possible, Louis would have gone a shade paler than he was already.

‘What's going to happen if you produce a powder puff of a performance like that? You won't even QUALIFY, that's what. You'll be a laughing stock. You'll be the SPONSORS' GREATEST ALLY! Yes, I do mean it, Louis; don't look so shocked! I can almost hear the Sponsors already. Oh look, Louis Trevelyan! He's Unsponsored, that's why he's FUCKING CRAP! I know you're thick, Trevelyan, but I did think even you'd grasped that the only way we'll be able to use the Games as a publicity platform is if AN UNSPONSORED GYMNAST GETS GOLD! So, the decision is yours. Carry on daydreaming; let Nicola and all your friends down. Let Abi down, and Jenny too. So what's it to be, boy?'

‘I'll concentrate, work hard, qualify and go for gold; and
if you ever so much as hint that I'm letting Mam's memory down again…' Louis's voice choked and faltered, so hurt was he by Gideon's words.

‘Make me eat my words then, Louis! Look forward to seeing Theo when the time comes, but when you're in this studio I don't want you thinking about anything but WORK!'

Louis glared at Gideon, walked over to the mat and put on a display of such brilliance that Gideon ate his words immediately. The day progressed with Louis continuing to produce the best gymnastics of his life, Gideon forgetting his temper in the delight of seeing his protégé shine once more. Louis was finding Gideon's outburst harder to forgive, especially the insinuation that he cared nothing for his mother's memory, and refused to speak to Gideon at all for the rest of the day despite the older man's glowing praise.

‘Right, that'll do, Louis,' said Gideon at the end of the day. ‘Off you go and get a well-earned shower. You've certainly redeemed yourself, and who knows? Tomorrow you might actually be speaking to me again.'

It wasn't long before Louis was speaking to Gideon once more; he was never one to hold a grudge and was far too good-natured to make his mentor suffer for long. He didn't forget Gideon's words, though, and made sure that he did only concentrate on work while in the studio, despite there being a huge distraction in the village just a few days later. Taking into consideration that he was meant to be so friendly with Chris and Georgie that they would invite him to their wedding, Philip Lorimer arrived in Applethwaite with his wife and daughter.

‘Welcome, old friend,' said Georgie, laughing and hugging the Lorimers once Philip had introduced his family. ‘I'll have some rooms made up for you in no time. You are staying, aren't you?'

‘Yes please, that would be lovely,' replied Philip, laughing
along with Georgie. ‘It's rather a long way to drive back to London tonight.'

Word soon spread round the village that the Lorimers were staying in The White Lion. Knowing the important part that Philip and Catherine had played in ensuring Theo could come to the wedding, Dory's Avengers arrived along with a host of Unsponsored to welcome the family to Applethwaite. The bar was soon packed with friendly faces; Georgie, Dex and Alan had their work cut out keeping everyone supplied with drinks. The Sponsors' spies were also very interested in the arrival of the Lorimers; hoping to get into Lord William's good books they immediately phoned London to give him the news.

‘Oh yes, that's not a problem. Apparently they're old friends' was all Lord William would say, to the disappointment of the spies who'd been hoping for an opportunity to stir things up in The White Lion. Philip, Simone and Catherine were indeed being treated like old friends as the Unsponsored wanted to know all about the day Lord William's invitation arrived.

‘It was so difficult trying to play it cool,' said Philip.

‘Dad was brilliant!' added Catherine, before realising all eyes were on her and blushing crimson.

‘So were you, darling. Cathie kept her cool so well…'

‘What do you think swung it with His Lordshit?' asked Alan from the bar, enjoying a rare break from serving drinks.

‘I'm not sure. He seemed to make his decision when Rosanna started moaning about the idea of coming to the wedding, so it may be just because he's fed up with her whinging all the time.'

‘It is something she's very good at,' added Simone, smiling.

‘So I remember,' said Alan with a grin, recalling the grilling he and Dex had received from Her Ladyship during
the Sponsors' Fair the previous summer. ‘Hi, Louis. Hi, Gideon. What can I get you guys?'

‘Usual for me, water for Louis, and whatever these good people would like please, Al,' said Gideon gesturing at the Lorimers with his hand.

‘There's really no need…' began Philip, but Gideon cut him short.

‘There's every need, Mr Lorimer. We all owe you so much for ensuring Theo can come to Applethwaite; I can't begin to explain what it means to us, eh, Louis?'

‘Well, at least call me Philip then. Mr Lorimer is way too formal, especially as this isn't supposed to be the first time I've met you all. You must be our Olympic star,' Philip added holding a hand out to Louis. Shaking hands with Philip and Simone, Louis turned to Catherine with a big smile.

‘I'm so pleased to meet you, Catherine. I'm Louis; Theo and I have been friends for ever.'

‘Pleased to meet you,' whispered Catherine, going red again and looking at her feet.

‘This is my girlfriend, Abi,' Louis added, putting his arm round Abi as she joined them. ‘And my trainer, Gideon.'

‘I thought I was your friend, Louis,' said Gideon, feigning hurt.

‘After the way you spoke to me the other day? I don't think so!'

Philip and Simone were relaxed, enjoying the informal atmosphere and friendly banter of the Unsponsored; but, without her beloved Theo, Catherine had gone back into her shell. Abi sat next to Catherine, doing her utmost to make conversation, but not even the friendly company of Theo's cousin could relax the shy girl. Eventually, Abi gave up; instead she cuddled up to Louis as Matilda entered the bar and started showing off her pole-dancing skills again.

‘Matty darling, could you stop displaying your underwear and start helping behind the bar,' called Alan as he, Dex
and Georgie rushed about serving the host of thirsty Unsponsored. Slowly lowering her feet to the floor, Matilda began a tour of the bar collecting the glasses. As Matilda reached the Lorimers' table, Catherine raised her eyes shyly and looked at the girl she'd realised was her mysterious rival for Theo's affections.

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