Door to Kandalaura

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Authors: Louise Klodt

BOOK: Door to Kandalaura
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by Louise Klodt

Published by Creation House

A Charisma Media Company

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Design Director: Justin Evans

Cover design by Lisa Cox

Illustrations by Laurel Uhlig, KnightOwl Design Studio

Copyright © 2015 by Louise Klodt

All rights reserved.

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Library of Congress Cataloging In Publication Data:


International Standard Book Number: 978-1-62998-395-0

E-book International Standard Book Number:


While the author has made every effort to provide accurate telephone numbers and
Internet addresses at the time of publication, neither the publisher nor the author
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Surprised by a Friend

Jumpin' Goldfish

Not in My Wildest Dreams

Dad, Can I Go?

Adventure on Kandalaura

Swimming With Dolphins

Sights, Sounds, and Celebration

I Join in the Dance

Sometimes I Feel Like a Jerk

I Hear the Lion Roar

Flying Horses

Man in White

Family, Laughter, and Farewell

Transport to Earth

Creature Kidnaps Toddler


Glossary of Terms

Where to Find It in the Bible

For Further Reading

Meet the Author

Chapter 1


. I like him a lot. And that's really crazy because I've only seen him
about four times. I met him out on the football field during recess. He's different,
but in a good sort of way. My friends like him too.

Everybody wants to be chosen for his team because they usually win. He's super fast
at thinking up great plays. His blue eyes sparkle with enthusiasm, and it spreads
to the entire team. When the game is over, he cheers on the losing team, telling
them they put up a great defense. That way nobody feels like a loser.

Anyway, I asked mom if I could invite him over some day after school, and she said

It was the last day of school, and it was only a half-day. Yippee! There was no recess
because of the awards assembly. I looked all over after school to see if Andron had
stopped by that day. Yes! There he was, sitting on the front steps. Quickly I ran
over to him.

“Andron,” I said, “what's up?”

“Oh, hi, Mikey,” he said. “I'm just waiting for my brother to pick me up. Could be
a while.”

“Hey, why don't you wait at my house? He could pick you up there,” I suggested.

“Yeah, sure,” he said. “That's a lot better than waiting here. He won't care.”

“Let's head for my house, and you can call him there. I only live a block away.”

“Super,” said Andron.

On the way, I thought I'd find out more about him.

“Andron, do you go to this school, or are you visiting relatives?”

“I'm not from this school,” he said, “but my brother likes to explore new places,
so sometimes I travel with him. Then he drops me off wherever I ask him to.”

“Do you live in a town close by?” I asked.

“No,” he said. “I live in Kandalaura, a long ways from here.”

“Kandalaura,” I said. “I've never heard of Kandalaura.” I wanted to ask more, but
by this time, we had reached my house. When I opened the door, I could see Mom cooking
in the kitchen.

“Mom, I'd like you to meet my friend Andron,” I said.

“Nice to meet you, Andron,” she said. “You boys are in luck because I just took a
batch of chocolate chip cookies out of the oven. Sit down and I'll get you some milk.
Make yourself at home, Andron.”

We sat down at the kitchen table and woofed down a few cookies.

“So what do you do for fun?” asked Andron.

“Well, we play sports or computer games,” I said. “Sometimes we build things with
Legos, watch TV, or read a book. What do you do?”

“We play games and sports too. We like doing things with our animals. I have all
kinds of animal friends: Ian, my lion friend; Lightning, my black stallion; and a
bunch of rainbow striped zebras. I especially like riding my horse through rivers
and trees, and I like swimming with my dolphin friends.

“Wow!” I said. “That sounds exciting.” This guy was getting interesting. At least
he had imagination.

“But the best times are when our Creator comes.”

“Creator?” I asked. Now I was even more curious.

“Yeah,” said Andron, “the One who created the entire universe. He usually visits
in the afternoons. He can do anything.”

“Like what kinds of things does He do? Does He play tackle football with you?” I

“He probably would if we asked Him to,” said Andron. “But usually, He invents His
own games. One afternoon He brought bubbles down from the sky. They were huge and
had rainbows swirling around inside. And they were so strong that they didn't pop
when you touched them. He told us to climb on top and hang on. Then He tapped them,
and they went high above the trees and came floating down. He kept tapping the bubbles
and dancing and twirling around below us. We were all laughing and shouting for Him
to tap us higher and higher, like you do in this country when you're swinging.”

Mom must have been listening because she gave me a strange look.

“Don't worry, Mom,” I said. “We're just pretending.” Her face relaxed, and she kept
fixing dinner. I felt like things were going pretty well—until my friend Ben decided
to pay me a visit.

“Andron, meet Ben,” I said. “He's my friend from next door.”

“Hey, Ben,” said Andron. “Glad to meet you.”

Then I asked Ben, “What's in the box?”

“It's Herby,” he said, pulling his fish bowl out of the box. Ben's face was down.
I could tell something was wrong. His fantail goldfish, Herby, was lying sideways
and motionless on top of the water.

“He was like this when I came home from school,” he mumbled. “I didn't feel like
burying him by myself. Mary's gone on an overnighter with friends.” (Mary is Ben's
twin sister. There's nothing she wouldn't do for him.) “I thought maybe you could

At this, Andron suddenly stood up. “What's this?” he questioned. “I don't get it.
What happened to Herby?”

Ben gave me a puzzled look. Then he exclaimed, “He's dead! He died!”

“Dead,” said Andron. “What do you mean?”

“You know, Andron,” I tried to explain. “There's no life left in him.” I was getting
a little nervous at this point.

“Then talk with him!” exclaimed Andron. “On Kandalaura we talk to all the animals,
even flying creatures and creatures of the sea.”

He was starting to get excited now and his voice was getting louder and louder.

Ben seemed puzzled. “I . . . I don't really know how,” he said. “Could you try talking
to Herby for me?” He didn't seem to notice Andron's mention of Kandalaura. All he
cared about at that point was Herby.

“I'll do better than that,” said Andron. With that he leaned over the table, stuck
his hand inside the bowl, and took ahold of Herby. “Herby, do what Creator made you
to do. Swim!” he shouted. Then he wiggled Herby a little and let him go.

Ben and I held our breaths and waited. Herby's fins appeared to move a little, then
his mouth began to open and close. Slowly he began to move his body. A moment later
Herby was swimming.

We all began clapping and cheering, “Yeah, Herby! Go, Herby!”

Chapter 2


decided to step in. She walked over to the table, her eyes glaring
and narrowing in on me. “I thought you were just pretending,” she barked. Then she
scowled at Andron and slowly formed the words, “Wh-e-r-e did you say you were from?”

Andron drew back a little, not understanding what was going on. I don't think he
had seen anger before. He'd just saved Herby's life, so he seemed puzzled.

“Like I told Mikey,” he said, “I'm from Kandalaura.”

“I thought he was just pretending,” I said when Mom turned my way, still scowling.

“I won't be here much longer, ma'am,” said Andron. “My transport arrives soon.”

“Your transport?” replied Mom. “What on earth are you talking about? Young man, I
think I deserve some answers, and they'd better start right now!” Then she started
shooting one question after another at Andron. “You mentioned Creator,” she said.
“Does this Creator have a name?”

“Yes, ma'am,” said Andron. “In your language His name is Jesus.”

That interested Mom, so she continued. “And how do you know our language?” she asked.
“Do they teach every language in your country?”

“No, ma'am,” said Andron. “When we travel, our minds automatically translate to the
spoken language.”

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