Don't Turn Back (Coming Home Book 1) (31 page)

BOOK: Don't Turn Back (Coming Home Book 1)
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I wake the next morning to an empty bed. I glance at the clock on the nightstand and see it’s barely seven o’clock.
Where has Jennifer gone so early?
I walk into the living room, and she is sitting on the couch reading a book.

She notices me standing in the doorway. “Morning.” She says, closing her book. “Did you sleep okay?”

“I really did. I never even knew you got up this morning.”

“I’ve slept so much these last few days, I don’t think I can sleep any more. I thought I would catch up on some reading before I get myself ready.”

“Have you got plans for today?” I ask, knowing I have things I need to take care of as well.

“I need to stop by school and pick up my new schedule for this term. Then, I need to go by the bookstore and spend a ridiculous amount of money on books. I thought I would also stop by work and let my boss know that I’m doing better, and I plan to be back there tonight.”

. Are you sure you have to work tonight? Can’t I convince you to stay home with me one more night?” I realize my asking her not to go in to work goes against me trying to better myself, and my old ways. Used to be, if my girlfriend at the time wanted me to stay home with her, I thought nothing of it. I called in sick to different jobs so many times, or simply just stopped going in because I would rather hang out with the girl, in a relationship that was doomed to fail in the first place. Any girlfriend who is okay with a boyfriend who does this can’t say much for herself.

Jennifer doesn’t let on that this bothers her, so I opt for an apology anyway, just to make things sound better.

“I didn’t mean that, really. I know you are ready to go back to work. I need to get myself up and going, and get ready to head out. I have a mission to find a job today.” I lean down to kiss her on the cheek.

“You go ahead and shower first. I’m going to tidy up around here.”

I take a quick shower and pull on a pair of jeans. “Hey, babe. Which shirt should I wear today? I want to wear something nice that will make a good impression.”

She walks in the bedroom and glances through the few shirts I have hanging in the closet. “I think this one will do.” She pulls out a navy blue polo and hands it over to me. “It will bring out the blue eyes you used to win me over.”

“Oh, is that what won you over?” I’m not sure if she is referring to when we first met at the hotel that night, or if she means our current situation.

“You’ll do fine today. Besides, how can anyone say no to you?” She reaches up and tugs on my chin.

I finish getting ready and she hops in the shower. I tell her goodbye, and we make plans to meet up for lunch.

“Shoot me a text later and let me know where you would like to go.”

“I will and good luck.”

I walk out to the car and cringe at the sight of it. I would love to have something that looks better. I know Jennifer is never going to ride with me anywhere, and it’s really unfair that we always need to use her car. Once I can get a steady job and see that it’s going to work out, I’m going to see about getting a new car. Besides, once the baby gets here, I don’t think either of us will feel safe with him or her in this piece of junk.

Thoughts of being a father suddenly fill my head. I never in a million years thought I would be expecting to have a baby.
I still have a lot of growing up to do myself

I pull out from the apartment complex without a clue as to where I’m going to look for a job first. I decide to head over to the mall and see if any of the retail stores are hiring. It’s not exactly the job I would like, but on the bright side, it would be indoors and not outside, now that the weather has turned cold.

I notice there are not many people out at the mall today. I know business usually slows down some after the holidays, but surely there are people still shopping for the after-Christmas specials. I walk into a few clothing stores and inquire if anyone is hiring. One store tells me that I need to apply online, while another shares with me they are overstaffed right now and have been forced to drastically the cut hours of their current employees.

This isn’t going very well. I walk through another section of the mall, beyond the food court area. I stop when I see a small sign posted in the window of a shoe store. As I stand outside the window, the sign states an assistant manager is needed, and to inquire within.

I walk inside and see piles and piles of boxes, of what I assume to be full of shoes. They are behind the counter and down several aisles. From the look of things, this place definitely needs some help.

I stand at the counter for a bit waiting for someone to notice me. When no one shows, I walk towards the back of the store and see a young woman not much older than myself, shuffling through boxes.

“Um, excuse me.” I catch her by surprise because she turns around with a startled look to her face.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t see you. Can I help you with something?” She looks frustrated.

“I saw your sign in the window about needing help. Are you still looking for someone?”

“Are we ever!” She looks up to me, and I give her a warm smile. “We ran into a few problems right after Christmas and had to fire almost the entire crew. I’m running the day shift and John is another associate who handles the evenings. We have both been working every day since Christmas, and are desperately in need of a day off.”

“What kind of paperwork do I need to fill out to apply for the job?”

“Do you have any prior retail experience?” She asks me.

I don’t want to mention about getting fired from the oil shop, so instead I tell her, “I was working a service job that ended prior to Christmas. I tried to find something else, but with all the temporary workers looking for work, I haven’t had much luck.”

“How soon can you start?”

“Are you serious?”
I can’t believe I’m hearing her right.

“I’m dead serious. The sooner I can get you trained, the sooner I can have a day off.”

“Actually, I can start right now. If you will allow me to make a quick phone call, I’ll be right back, and I’ll be all yours for as long as you need me.” I am relieved I finally have secured a decent job, and so quickly. I’m not sure about the pay yet, but it looks like I’ll be getting as many hours as I want to work, and it doesn’t take long for overtime to add up.

She extends her hand to me. “Welcome aboard. I’m Melissa. What you have on is proper attire. Make your phone call and let’s get to work.” I can tell already Melissa is going to be a great boss.

I step outside the shoe store and make a phone call to Jennifer to share my good news. After a few rings, she finally answers.


“Hey babe. I found a job, and they need me to start work right away.”

. That’s awesome. I’m so happy for you. Tell me about it.” I hear the happiness in her voice, and I hope this is one step closer to her accepting my proposal.

“You’re talking to the newest assistant manager of the shoe store down at the mall.”

“Get out of here! You’re kidding me.”

“I’m serious.”

“Are we still on for lunch? I’m almost finished up here at school, and I can meet you at the mall if you’re still there.”

I’m already regretting this, and I’ve not even told her yet. “Actually, that’s also why I’m calling. You see, they need me to start immediately, and I sort of told them I could. The sooner I put in some hours, the sooner I get a paycheck.”

“Well, that’s ok, I guess. I can swing by and bring you something to eat if you would like.” I hear a little disappointment in her voice, but I know she’s relieved I finally got another job.

“Why don’t I text you later on, and you can bring me something then if they still need me here. I love you, baby.” For once, I am excited about working. I know this is going to make things much easier on us.

“Okay, if you insist. I’ll miss you.” She makes a kissing noise into the phone, and I feel like we are one step in the right direction already.

I go back inside the store, and Melissa is at the register checking out a customer. I walk over to her and once she finishes the transaction, she begins to tell me some things about the job.

I start helping her put out cases and cases of shoes, then restack what’s left over. I can understand how tired she must be if this is something she does on a daily basis. I’m not sure yet what amount of business the store does, but being inside a mall, I’m pretty sure it’s a lot.

The evening passes by rather quickly, and I look up to see an older gentleman walk through the store’s entrance and make his way to the stockroom. I assume he must be the other employee she mentioned earlier. Melissa formally introduces me to Rodney, and he instantly looks relieved to finally have some help. I stick around for a little while longer, until Melissa tells me I can go home for the day. She tells me to come back first thing in the morning, and to plan to work the rest of the week.

I get out to my car and look down at my phone, pulling it from my pocket. I have three missed texts from Jennifer. Dang it, I got so caught up with work, I guess I didn’t hear my phone alert for her text. She’s going to be pissed at me.

“Hello?” I hear her on the other end, after the phone rings several times. I can tell by the sound of her voice that I woke her.

“Baby, I’m so sorry I missed your texts. I’m headed home now.”

“That’s okay. I figured you were busy.” She yawns, and I know I should let her get back to sleep since she’s going in to work later on tonight.

“Go on back to bed. I know you’re trying to rest as much as possible. I’ll try to be quiet when I get home.” I love the sound of me referring to her apartment as home. I’m thankful for the chance to prove myself to her again, so I don’t have to worry about finding a place to stay, on top of everything else.

My stomach rumbles, and I realize I’ve not had anything to eat all day. My body is used to going longer periods of time without food, so it’s not unusual for me to go all day without something. I pull in at the apartment complex and quietly walk inside. The television is playing, but there is no sound coming from it. I close the blinds to the patio doors and take my shoes off before walking down the hallway towards the bedroom.

The door is cracked, and I gently push it open enough to see Jennifer sleeping soundly. I decide to let her sleep instead of waking her. I go back to the kitchen and fix myself something to eat. Taking my plate to the living room, I walk over to the couch. I don’t realize how tired I am until I sit down. I take a few bites of my sandwich and I feel myself nodding off. I manage to stay awake long enough to finish eating, but leave my plate in my lap. I shut my eyes for a moment, and I’m lost to a deep sleep in no time.






I hear the phone ringing, and I’m suddenly jolted from my sleep. I stop for a moment to remember what day it is, and look over to the clock.
. I was due at work thirty minutes ago. The sound of the ringing again brings me back to the present. I grab the phone from the nightstand and see Rebecca’s name on the screen.

I have not spoken with her in a week now, but I know why she’s calling.

“Hello?” I answer and try to grab my clothes from the closet at the same time. I know time is valuable right now, and the more time I can save getting ready, the quicker I will make it to work.

“You were supposed to be at work half an hour ago. I need to know if you’re planning on coming in or if I need to call the manager to let him know he needs to find someone to cover.” Rebecca sounds very stern, and almost hateful in her tone. I hate this animosity between us.

“I’m on my way right now. I overslept. I’ll be there in a few minutes if you can cover for me ‘til then.” I miss my friend and would give anything to have her back, but there is still a part of me that’s angry with her.
Will I ever be able to talk things over with her and forgive her?

I walk to the kitchen to grab my things and see Brian is sound asleep on the couch. I can’t believe he didn’t wake me up as soon as he got home. I must have been deeply sleeping and didn’t hear him come in. Poor thing, he looks so tired. I turn off the television and lock the door behind me. Maybe in the morning he can tell me all about his new job.

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