Don't Mess With Texas (37 page)

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Authors: Christie Craig

Tags: #Mystery & Detective, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #FIC027010, #Suspense, #Adult, #Erotica, #Women Sleuths

BOOK: Don't Mess With Texas
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“Bored?” He leaned in closer. “Are you kidding? Hell, you are all I can think about since you puked on me. I mean, I’m covered in it, it’s oozing into my tennis shoes
and I’ve got the instant hots for you. And today all I can think about is getting you naked again.”

She laughed. “You’re never going to let me forget that, are you?”

“Oh hell, no.” He leaned in for a kiss. This time she didn’t pull away. He actually felt her lean in. She put her hand on his thigh, and his jeans grew tight, and that was a damn good feeling. Good until the damn bell over the gallery door jingled.

She pulled back and brushed a finger over his lips. “I should…”

“Go.” He watched her walk out and dropped back on the sofa waiting for the effects of her kiss to wear off. Head reclined, he tried to figure out the emotions doing laps around his chest. He didn’t want Nikki to start talking about promises, but when he thought she was trying to pull back, the only thing he could think about was keeping her close. Hell, he was one mixed-up bastard. Closing his eyes, he listened to Nikki greeting her customer.

“So you’re Nikki,” the male voice said. “You’re prettier than I expected.”

Dallas stood and was out of the office and just about to clear the hall when the man spoke again. “And talented. I guess I should introduce myself. I’m Andrew Brian. I worked with your husband… ex-husband.”

What the hell!
Dallas stopped just before he stepped into the gallery. Reaching down, he pulled out his gun in case this guy turned out to be their suspect. Pausing, he could see Nikki standing behind the counter.

“Yes,” Nikki said. “I think you started at the firm about the time we divorced.”

“I remember,” Andrew said. “That’s why I’m here.”

Dallas moved closer and could see Brian standing a foot away from the counter, but considering the way he eyed Nikki—as if she were a piece of candy—that distance wasn’t nearly enough. Dallas debated making his presence known. Having an appointment at the law firm in about an hour, he hadn’t planned to announce his involvement with Leon’s case. So hanging back as long as he could to keep an eye on Nikki made sense.

“I don’t understand,” Nikki said.

“I handled your husband’s will. You know Jack left everything to you, along with the life insurance policy.”

“I’m sure his parents are having that changed,” she said. “We’re divorced.”

“Yes, and in Texas, that means you were automatically taken off his policy. However, Jack had it reinstated. So they might want to fight, but legally it’s yours.”

Dismay darkened Nikki’s face. “Why would Jack do that?”

Brian moved closer and Dallas’s grip on the gun tightened.

“He told me he wanted to patch things up between you. He obviously cared about you. Not that I blame him.” He smiled.

Dallas frowned. When Tony heard about this, no doubt it would only strengthen Nikki’s motive for murdering her ex-husband.

“Anyway,” Brian continued, “we are going to read the will next Monday. You should be present.”

Nikki shook her head. “I… don’t want Jack’s money.” She paused. “Wait. All I want is thirty thousand. That’s what was in my account when we got married and when he left I had nothing.”

“That’s big of you.” Brian sounded surprised by Nikki’s answer. Dallas wasn’t.

“So you’ll be there on Monday,” Brian said.

“No. If I need to sign something, I’ll come in later. His parents wouldn’t want me there. They don’t really like me.”

Brian shrugged. “To be honest, his parents don’t like much of anything. Myself included. They… stopped by the office earlier.”

“I’m sure they’re having a difficult time with this.” Nikki spoke with sincerity.

Brian paused. “Are you going to the viewing tonight?”

“I… haven’t made up my mind.”

Dallas frowned. She hadn’t mentioned the viewing. And if she had, he’d have explained she wasn’t going. She didn’t need to rile up Jack’s parents any more than they already were.

“If it will make it easier, I’ll be glad to accompany you. We could do dinner before.”

Dallas’s gut clenched. The jerk was asking her out. He waited for Nikki to tell the guy to back off. To give him one of those no-nonsense blunt statements of hers.

“That’s sweet of you to offer.”

Okay, that wasn’t what he wanted to hear.

“But,” Nikki continued, “I’m not sure if I’ll attend.”

“How about I give you my card and you call me?”

“Thank you.” Nikki took the card and her gaze shot to the hall. When she saw Dallas standing there with his gun out, her eyes widened, then she looked back at Andrew Brian. “Thank you… for coming by.”

Dallas waited for the jerk to leave. Instead, Brian looked around the gallery. “I love your artwork.” He
paused in front of a painting of a mother pushing a boy on a swing. “This would be perfect for my mom.”

“Can I ring it up for you?” Nikki offered, sounding at bit nervous. Dallas didn’t know if it was because Brian had asked her out or because Dallas was holding the weapon.

“Let me think about it. You’ll be here on Saturday, right?”

“Yes,” Nikki said.

And so will I
, Dallas thought, and watched the man leave.

Nikki turned and looked at Dallas. “Why do you have your gun out?”

Dallas holstered his gun. “Because I think Andrew Brian killed Jack.”

“Shit.” Nikki dropped the card as if touching it repulsed her. Then she looked at Dallas. “But he seemed nice. Are you sure?”

“No,” he admitted. “But he’s on my list. Even more so now that he’s hitting on you.”

“He wasn’t hitting on me.”

“Yes, he was. So guilty or not, he’s an ass. What kind of guy hits on a woman just after her ex-husband is killed?”

Nikki shot him a pensive look. “And what are you doing?”

“This isn’t like that.”


“I didn’t go looking for you. We met.”

“You came to the hospital.” Smiling, she walked to him and put her hand on his chest.

“Because you needed me.” And he couldn’t say he was sorry about it.

The humor faded from her eyes. “And what happens when I no longer need you?”

“Then you’ll stay with me for the sex.” He kissed her before the conversation took a serious turn.

“I love you!” Nikki looked up from the plate of four cupcakes covered in yellow icing and pink sprinkles to Nana, who was holding it. The sandwich Dallas had brought her was still wrapped up in the bag in the office. She hadn’t thought she was hungry until Nana walked in bearing gifts.

Picking up one of the cupcakes that almost still felt oven-warm, she pulled back the paper holder and sank her teeth into the sweet moist piece of heaven. “And cream cheese icing, too,” she muttered licking the sticky sweetness from her lips.

“Here,” Nana said and reached into a bag and pulled out a bottle of milk.

“Is it my birthday and I forgot?” Nikki asked and reached for the milk.

“No,” Nana said and smiled. “I just… I know how much you like cupcakes.”

Just a little less than she liked Dallas. Nikki remembered her whole cupcake issue that happened when she’d made out with him on his bedroom floor. Thinking about that led her back to what Dallas had said,
Then you’ll stay with me for the sex

Not wanting to go down that mental path, she shifted gears. “I got a little something for you, too,” Nikki said as the vanilla flavor tickled her taste buds.

“Me?” Nana asked.

“Yeah.” Too busy eating to move, Nikki pointed to the book on the counter. “Mr. Pope had it for sale next door
on his clearance table. I saw it when I popped in to just say hello this morning.”

Nana picked up the book on Annie Oakley. “Wow. Maybe I can learn something that will help me play her.” Her grandmother held the book to her chest. “That was so sweet of you.”

“No, this is sweet,” Nikki insisted, running her finger over her lips to catch a drop of icing. “That…”—she pointed to the book—“cost me a whole fifty cents.” She grinned.

“Cost isn’t important,” Nana said and watched Nikki continue to eat. “I brought four thinking maybe… maybe I’d find your fellow here.” Nana looked toward the back office. “Is he hiding out?”

“No. He… he was here. But he left.” Left like he would do when the new wore off the sex. That’s what men did, didn’t they?

“Problems?” Nana asked, her right eyebrow arching up.

“Not really.” Nikki filled her mouth with cupcake so Nana wouldn’t expect more of an explanation. Unfortunately, Nana was a very patient person. Even when Nikki quickly took another big mouthful of cupcake and savored it for a good two minutes before swallowing.

No sooner than Nikki’s mouth emptied did Nana pose her question. “What happened?”

“Nothing. I just… don’t want to rush into anything.” She ran her finger over the icing and popped it into her mouth. “How is Benny?”

“Don’t do this, Nikki,” Nana said.

“Do what?”

“Focus so hard on the potholes in the road that you run off the street and hit a tree.”

Nikki rolled her eyes. “It was the pothole that made
me hit the tree,” Nikki defended herself and her one accident. “I’d be a fool not to look out for them.”

Nana shook her head. “Being careful is one thing. Being afraid to take a chance is another.” She moved closer. “If you keep looking for bad things, sooner or later, you’ll find them. You’ve proven that to yourself over and over again. Why not try to follow your heart on this one? Let it lead the way.”

Nikki licked the corner icing off her second cupcake. “I’m afraid my heart’s directionally challenged. It led me to Jack, didn’t it?” And wasn’t it just wise to look out for the potholes?

“Jack doesn’t count. He fell into the asshole ratio.” Nana reached up and smoothed back a tendril of Nikki’s hair. “Trust me. There’s nothing wrong with your heart, Nikki. If you’ll take it off its leash, you might be surprised.”

Dallas parked at the offices of the Brian and Sterns Law Firm two hours later and continued his phone conversation with Tyler. “Keep digging. I need an address.” He needed to prove who killed Leon. And fast. His gut said something was about to happen.

“I’m working on it,” Tyler said. “It’s only been an hour since you gave me the names.”

“An hour and a half. Have you heard from Austin?” Dallas had tried to call him, wanting him to watch out for Nikki. After the article in the paper, if the killer was after Nikki, he’d know he’d gotten the wrong person. But Austin’s phone went to voice mail. He really needed to have a talk with Austin about answering his damn phone.

“He said he was going to snoop out a new dealer in town who might be connected to DeLuna.”

For once, Dallas realized something in life mattered as much as catching the asshole who framed him. The realization was disconcerting. He liked being focused, knowing his priorities. But didn’t he like Nikki more?

“If he calls have him contact me.”

“Something up?” Tyler asked.

“I’m concerned about Nikki. Wanted him to keep an eye on her.”

“After she Maced him…”

“I’m serious.”

“Okay,” Tyler’s voice lost the humor, “you think she’s really in danger?”

“I think it still bugs the shit out of me that Nikki and her friend Ellen look so much alike. If she had someone else with her I wouldn’t worry.”

“I could shut the office and go—”

“No, I need you to run down those names.”

“I know a few cops who take babysitting gigs. Wouldn’t tell them about Austin getting Maced, but…”

Dallas ran a hand through his hair. “I’m probably overreacting. Wait. What about Nance? See if he wants to hang out with Nikki. He said he was broke. Offer him a good hourly rate. And make sure he has a cell phone in case of emergency.”

“He’s not paying us and we’re going to pay him,” Tyler said. “You know we really suck at business.”

“I think we can afford it.”

“It wouldn’t matter if we couldn’t,” Tyler said and Dallas knew his friend meant it. “Oh, you’re going to tell Nikki that Nance is watching her, right?”

He considered it. “Yeah. She probably won’t like it, but I think she’ll accept it.”

“Then I’ll get right on it.”

“And get me that info on the names. I want to go there after I’m done here.” Dallas hung up and called Nikki. As he expected, she didn’t like the idea of having a companion. However, when he explained it was a kid—also being framed for a crime—who needed to earn some money, she relented.

Happy, Dallas walked into the Brian and Sterns Law Firm. A tall blonde walked into the reception area from an office as Dallas stepped inside.

She gave him a puzzled look. “May I help you?”

“You sure may.” He put on the charm. “I’m here to see Mr. Canton. To discuss my custody battle… over my dog. Can you really believe my ex is willing to take me to court for a dog?”

She grinned. “I heard about that. You have an appointment?”

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