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Authors: Jettie Woodruff

Domesticated (9 page)

BOOK: Domesticated
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I shifted my eyes back to the drunken dancers on the street. Why did he have to go and say that? Why couldn’t he be like Garrison and just let it go?

“Kendra, I felt like you knew, like you wanted me to see. I’m sorry. I was wrong. I shouldn’t have watched.”

“I did,” I quietly spoke.

“Did what?”

“I knew you were there,” I admitted, glancing into his eyes and then back to the stringed lit street.

“You’re married,” he stated the fact with a confused expression like he didn’t understand. Hell, I didn’t understand.

“I have a proposition for you,” I blurted out.

“Excuse me?”

“Can we get out of here, talk somewhere else?”

“Okay,” he offered and the next thing I knew, I was spilling my guts in the Kendra kind of way, leading him back to my house.

“I’m really glad it’s dark and you can’t see me,” I started.

“I like seeing you. What’s this proposition all about?”

“You’re going to think I’m crazy.”

“I already think that.”

“What would you say if I told you I wanted to pay you for sex? Just while I’m here,” I added.

“Um, well, I—uh.”

“I know it sounds ridiculous, and you can say no if you want.”

“I don’t—I don’t even know what to say. Why? You’re gorgeous. What about your husband? I’m sure he’s not okay with this. You could fuck any guy on this street. Why?”

“Garrison wouldn’t understand, and Garrison doesn’t really give me what I need, what I want from you.” Before I knew it, Sam and I were sitting on my steps, overlooking the ocean.

“What do you want me to do?”

“Things. Dirty things.”

“This is so out of the realm of what I thought you were going to say.”

“What did you think I was going to say?”

“I don’t know. Not that. I don’t know if this is legal,” Sam confessed. He was more distraught than I was.

“You can say no. Hang on,” I said, running to my phone. “Hello,” I answered Garrison.

“I was ready to get on a plane and come out there. Where have you been? Why haven’t you answered your phone?”

“I was out on the boat all day. I just got in. You know there’s no service out there. What did you want?”

“Nothing. You could let me know what you’re doing. I was worried about you.”

“Garrison. I’m fine.”

“You need to check your phone and call me back.”

“I would have. I just got in the door,” I lied, sort of. I did just get in the door.

“Okay. I’m sorry. I just worry. I should send Olivia out there.”

“No! I don’t need Olivia. I’m fine. I’ll talk to you later. I want to go shower.”

“Okay, answer your phone tomorrow.”

“I will.” Making sure the call ended, I turned back to Sam. “Sorry about that.”

“Is he mean to you? Does he hit you?”

I almost laughed. “God, no. Garrison doesn’t have a mean bone in his body.”

“Then I don’t understand this. Why doesn’t he take care of those needs?”

“I want you to do things Garrison wouldn’t do.”

“Like what?”

“Like spank me, eat me out, put it in my ass, tell me to suck your cock.”

“Jesus, Kendra. Tell me how you really feel?” Sam said, shifting on the step to look at me.

“I am. That’s what I want. I want to pay you to dominate me. Be your sex slave. You can do whatever you want to me. I want you to.”

“This is pretty fucked up, you know? What if I have someone?”

“Do you?”

“No, I’m just trying to rationalize some sort of stabilization in all this.”

“There isn’t any. Are you in or not? I’m sure I can find someone to fit those shoes if you’d rather not.”

“Can I sleep on it?”

“Of course. I’ll meet you at the yacht at eight in the morning. If you’re not there, I’ll know you can’t handle it.”

“I can handle it. I’ve just never done those things before.”

“What have you never done? Spank a girl?”


“Eat a girl out?”

“I’ve done that.”

“Dominate a girl?”

“No, I’ve never done that. I don’t know if I would be any good at it.”

“You could try.”

“I’ll sleep on it.”

I nodded. “That’s good enough for me. We’ll talk more tomorrow, I hope.”

Sam slid his hands in his jean pockets and stepped up the two steps to me. I crossed my arms in an instant, standoffish manner. “Can I kiss you? It might help with my thinking process.”

I smiled and nodded. That wasn’t just a kiss. The whole thing about seeing fireworks and feeling butterflies were a lie. I saw meteors exploding behind my eyelids. I felt earthquakes moving mountains. Sam didn’t hold back. He kissed me with everything he had. My world changed at the feel of his lips on mine. My toes curled while our tongues explored each other’s mouths. He didn’t kiss me softly. It wasn’t gentle. It was possessive. Garrison never kissed me like that. Garrison never made me feel like I was floating. I couldn’t breathe. I may need to see a doctor.

“Goodnight, Kendra,” Sam said, pulling away from my lips. I still couldn’t breathe, and I’m sure that was the slowest my eyes ever opened. He smiled and tugged on the front of my shorts with two fingers just inside the waistband.

I was stoned cold—frozen—when he walked off the deck, down the steps and disappeared into the night. What the hell was that?

I wished I had a girlfriend to talk to, someone who understood where I was at this point in my life. I stared out the windowed wall in the direction of our yacht. I knew he was there. I could see the lights. Sam was staying on our boat. I kind of had a suspicion he was that morning when he was there so early. I guess it didn’t matter. There was plenty of room and no one ever stayed overnight, not often anyway.

What was he thinking? I wanted to be in his mind. He had to think I was a nut job. I rolled to my back with a long sigh and touched my lips. Garrison never kissed me like that. Why? It was so erotic, so passionate, and I wanted more. There was no doubt in my mind that Sam could handle this job. I knew he could. What I didn’t know is if he would accept the challenge or not.

I had just turned back to my stomach and faced the wall. I no sooner slid my fingers between my lips when my cell phone rang. That was odd. Garrison never called me twice in one day. Something must be wrong. I reached for it, puzzled, and answered the unfamiliar number.

“Hello?” I answered in question.

“What do you mean, you’ll pay me? How are you going to do that without your husband knowing?”

I smiled hearing his voice.

“How did you get my number?”

“Uncle Fat. I lied and told him I needed to call you to confirm our outing tomorrow.”

“It’s confirmed,” I joked.

“I’m being serious. I’m pacing back and forth like a crazy person here.”

“Hmmm, how’s my boat?”

“You know?”

“There’s lights on. I hope it’s you.”

“It is. Kendra, you’re asking something that I don’t know how to deal with. I mean, I would love to touch your body. I’ve fantasized about it from moment one. This though. I don’t know. I’m not sure I can play that role. You want me to hurt you.”

“I don’t want you to hurt me. That’s ridiculous. Why would you think that?”

“You want me to spank you. That hurts.”

“I do want that,” I admitted, rolling back to my stomach to stare out in the distant direction where I knew Sam was looking back.

“Why, Kendra? You’re a grown woman.”

“Tell me it doesn’t turn you on just a little to have me bent over your lap while you spank my ass.”

“Oh, it does. I just don’t know if it should or not.”

“Well, it does me. In fact, I’m extremely wet thinking about it.”

“I have a feeling you’re extremely wet thinking about a lot of things.”

“I am. I really want you to do this, Sam. Dominate me. Let me be your slave for the rest of the summer.”

“I don’t know how to do that. What if I don’t meet up to your expectations?” he worried.

“What if I don’t meet up to yours? What do we have to lose? I have five thousand dollars deposited to my account on the third Friday of every month. The next three are yours if you will do this.”

“Five grand!? Are you serious? How will you hide that from your husband?”

“He has nothing to do with this account. It’s a trust fund from my father.”

“Your father is dead?”

“We don’t need to discuss personal aspects of our lives. This is about control. Your control over me,” I explained the client relationship expectations while my fingers continued their own explorations on my clit.

“I don’t know, Kendra. I keep going over this in my mind and it just…it’s…I mean, I want to…I’m an elementary teacher for Christ sake.”

“We’re not going to do it in front of your class. Look, if you don’t want to do it then tell me. It’s no big deal, really,” I assured him. I had been a closet nymphomaniac for years, I would just keep doing what I always did.

“If I say no, are you going to get someone else?”

“I don’t have a lot of candidates. Don’t worry about me. If you don’t want to do it, tell me no, and get the hell off my boat.”

“Jesus, girl, you have no idea how much I want to say yes.”

“Then say yes.”

“Let’s continue as planned. I need to sleep on it. If I’m here when you get here in the morning then you know we have a deal. If not, well you’ll know we don’t.”

“Fine. Goodnight, Sam.”

“Goodnight,” Sam apprehensively replied with a long sigh. I knew I was putting a lot on him, but like I explained, I wasn’t forcing him to do anything. I thought about Sam some more while I finished the job between my legs and fell asleep satisfied, dozing off to a hope I wished to come true.

I checked in with my meddling husband before heading out. He was busy and couldn’t talk, but I did get the chance to tell him I was going out on the yacht and wouldn’t have service. At least he wouldn’t have a coronary when I didn’t answer later.

I dressed in a sundress minus panties, just in case. I brushed my teeth, applied my makeup, and took my customary daily vitamin before heading out. I, however, didn’t take care of the ache between my legs. As soon as I walked out to the sea-filled air, I knew I should have. I felt the breeze brush past my lips. I wanted to lift my flowing skirt and let air fan my pussy the entire way. Please be there, Sam.

The walk-bridge was down. That was a good sign, but there was no other sign of movement. I didn’t smell coffee like I had the day before. He bailed on me. I knew he wasn’t there when I walked to the empty bow. Oh well, it was probably for the best anyway. The dreary sky matched my gloomy mood. Maybe I would just stay inside the house today and watch movies or read. The forecast said it was going to rain all day anyway.

“I typed up an agreement, just some things I want to get clear before we start this.”

It was impossible to hide the smile on my face. Without turning to face him, I nonchalantly replied, “Oh yeah? That’s good. I have a few of those myself. Maybe we can add them to your contract.”

“It’s not really a contract. I started coffee.”

Turning to face him, I felt the wind on my naked labia again. I hoped he was willing to start soon. “Call it what you want. I’ll sign it.”

“Let’s drink coffee inside. It’s getting ready to rain,” Sam suggested, waving his stapled papers toward the cabin.

I nodded in agreement and walked in front of him.

“You look pretty,” he said from behind.

I smiled but still turned my bitch demeanor on him. “We don’t need to do that, either. Flattery is not needed.”

“Well, you do.”

I smiled again. I couldn’t help it. I wasn’t used to someone telling me I was pretty. I knew I was. I got the looks and the whistles, but I wasn’t used to hearing it like this. Garrison didn’t say things like that to me.

I slid into the booth and waited for Sam to get our coffee and join me with his agreement. I couldn’t wait to see what he wanted in return of having my body to do with as he pleased.

“That’s in the agreement. You have to take care of that.”

“Take care of what?” I asked with a frown.

“The domesticated part. I want you to see how the majority of us live. You get us coffee,” Sam ordered, sliding across the leather seat in front of me.

“Excuse me?” Surely he wasn’t suggesting I wait on him.

“Yeah, you get us coffee. I want things from you, too. If we’re doing this, you have to do things I want, too. One being get us coffee.”

“You think I am going to be your bitch?” I asked in total disbelief.

“No. I will take care of you just as much as you take care of me. I loved cooking with you. I’m not asking you to be my bitch. I’m asking you to let me do this my way. I’ll do what you want behind closed doors if you do what I want when they’re opened. Coffee?” Sam suggested with cocked eyebrows.

are you talking about?” I asked, emphasizing the word things. I got up and poured us both coffee and Sam talked to my back.

“Just normal everyday things that I do on a daily basis. Things that rich people like you don’t do. Like cook for yourself.”

“I don’t need to know how to do that,” I assured him, giving us both a splash of cream.

“I didn’t say you needed to. I said I want you to.”

I slid back to my seat across from him and stirred my coffee, more of a distraction than anything. “I’m paying you to do this. You’re not paying me.”

“Fine. I’ll pay you half of what you’re paying me. I think half is fair since I am doing the crazy part of this deal.”

“That depends on whom you’re asking. So you want to pay me half of my own money? That’s very noble of you,” I mocked, sliding his list over to read his contingents.

“I think that’s fair. Don’t you?”

“Fishing? Why do I have to fish? I don’t want to touch fish.”

“Suit yourself. That’s the deal. You have to let me show you how I live. None of this high-class rich-bitch crap. You’re no better than I am. You shit in the toilet just like me.”

I snapped my eyes to him, ready to be defensive, assure him that I did no such thing. Then I remembered, I did. I just didn’t talk about it. “No wine? That is ridiculous. I like my wine.”

“I know. How much does that Challis-North stuff cost a bottle?”

“I don’t know. Three hundred or so. I can afford it.”

“No, you can’t. As long as we’re together, there will be no three hundred dollar bottles of wine. You can have a long neck bottle of Bud, just like me.”



“Oh, hell no. I’m not drinking beer.”

“Why? You think beer is beneath you?”

“I know it’s beneath me. You drink your nasty beer. I’ll drink my wine.”

“No deal.”

“This is ridiculous, Sam. This has nothing to do with anything. You’re going to shut it down because I won’t drink beer?”


“Fine. I’ll drink beer, but I’m not doing this. You can forget it. You have to let me negotiate, too.”

“No, I don’t. This is what I want. You want me to rub your pussy, you have to go by my rules.”

Well, damn. Maybe Sam did have it in him. The way he just said pussy, speaking of my sex, made me even wetter. I would have agreed to anything after that comment. “Whatever, where’s a pen?”

Sam held a pen firmly in his hand when I tried to take it. “You’re sure you want to do this?”

Jerking the pen from his hand, I signed it. “I’m sure. When can we start?”

“Make us some eggs and toast. I’ll head us out to sea,” Sam said, standing. He leaned in and kissed my cheek before leaving. Oh, hell no!

“That’s not necessary, either,” I disputed. 

“Yes it is. See?” he pointed halfway down the sheet and left me alone.

I agree to let Sam be as intimate as he wants when we’re not role playing behind closed doors.
Fuck. What the hell was this shit? What did he think was going to happen after summer break? He knew I was married. What was the point in pretending to be a couple? This made no sense. Once I was finished reading through the ludicrousness, I opened the apartment-sized refrigerator.

“Make me breakfast,” I mocked out loud to the empty room in a whiny tone. I complained about it, but if I’m being honest, I sort of enjoyed it. Yeah, eggs weren’t rocket science, but I felt useful cracking eggs into the pan.

I was very proud of my little pile of eggs and wheat toast. With two plates in hand, I carried them to where Sam was programming a route into the sophisticated navigation unit. He smiled at me when he saw me. As dumb and cliché as it sounds, it made me feel kind of warm and fuzzy inside.

BOOK: Domesticated
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