Dolphin Way: Rise of the Guardians (20 page)

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Why would they kill what they will not eat?’

Who knows? They do not seem to care.’

When will they take this?’

I would guess that they will not. This seems to be abandoned to me, I have seen this before.’

As they closed on the net, Sky saw that it was still doing its deadly work. A number of reef fish were entangled in it, having swum into its nearly invisible fibres. In one upper corner a young turtle hung. Unable to reach the surface to breathe, it had drowned.

We will warn the Gathering,’ Green Wave Falling said. ‘Although most zetii would probably detect it, if one were not paying attention they could miss it and become entangled; with fatal consequences. Come, let us go.’

They swam back. As they arrived back in the bay, a group of females, all Starwriters, passed them. As they swam by he recognised Venus In Mist amongst them. Sky would have liked to stop and talk to her and tried to catch her eye, but she looked away at that moment, and the group moved on, talking to each other about the coming evening’s events. As he escorted Green Wave Falling back to the Grand Council’s meeting place, he felt disappointed and hurt, and hoped that perhaps she had just not seen him. He comforted himself with the thought that he should see her that evening when the Starwriters would be massing for an unlocking song. He would try to speak to her then and find out what was wrong.






Chapter 24


We mistrust the strange.”

- The ‘Seer’ Stone Eyes (13,222 -13,264 post Great Alluvium)



The Grand Council came to the last points of discussion that day as the sun met the horizon. The onshore breeze had been strengthened by the heating of the land and a sharp surface chop diffused the light and created eddies of sand on the bottom. The dolphins swayed gently back and forth in the swell without noticing it and kept station in their circle. Sky still had not spoken but was feeling less uncomfortable than before. His attention had begun to wander while a senior Healer from one of the southern clans had given a long and detailed report. He had been thinking about Rain Ending and hoping he would come soon with news of his father. Suddenly he realised that the Healer was coming to a conclusion and that he must have missed something important.

and until this warm season the algae was fairly plentiful but now it is almost non-existent. Something is getting into the river and killing it; we think it may be coming from a big Walker settlement that is on the riverside upstream. You have all traditionally sent your clan members to our bay when they fell ill, but I have to tell you that in the next year the supply may stop completely.’

Sky suddenly realised what she must be referring to. For thousands of years the dolphins had gone to this bay to treat many forms of cancer. The unique species of brown algae had remarkable powers and nearly always resulted in a complete cure. Now it seemed that the only known source of it was almost gone.

Silent Waters spoke, ‘This could indeed have dire consequences. We have grown used to thinking of these diseases as unimportant as we had a ready and effective treatment for them. If that cure is now destroyed many lives will be lost needlessly. We must hope that other sources of the algae still exist that we have not yet found. This zeta suggests that the Healers meet separately and arrange a systematic search amongst the clans in the coming year. Please treat this as a priority.’

There was a general agreement to this, and Silent Waters thanked the Healer for her report. Then she addressed the meeting again.

And now to the final item for discussion today. You have heard much in the last days concerning the issue of the hunting quotas. As you know, normally we would have the perspective of other species represented by the Voice of the Others. At this Gathering, however, we have a unique chance to hear from an envoy of the Xenthos who has kindly agreed to represent his kind and explain their position concerning the prey shortages we are all experiencing.’

At her gesture, Cloud Passing politely indicated to a stranger to enter the circle. Smaller than the assembled bottlenose dolphins, the lone common dolphin looked quite unique. He was smaller than they, with a slender build. The grey of their backs gradually became lighter on their undersides, but his back, and indeed most of his body was a very dark grey, closer to black. In stark contrast, his flanks were yellow while his belly was white, and this colour extended up the sides of his body at the fore part. It also continued in a narrow band in front of his eyes, giving the appearance of a white mask. When he spoke, it was clear that he knew their language quite well, although his accent was strange. He bowed to them.

The Xenthos thank the Ka-Tse for your hospitality and wish that the waves always follow you and that Senx smiles upon you. This zeta’s name in your language is Trevally Outpaced.’

Cloud Passing moved into the circle and bowed in return. ‘We thank the Xenthos for allowing you to join us. You honour our clans with your journey, which was long, even for the renownedly fleet Xenthos.’

Trevally Outpaced smiled at the compliment and bowed again. Cloud Passing continued, ‘Forgive me for being direct, but you and I have spoken of this at some length. You know of the concerns that we have about the shortage of prey. For many centuries we have agreed quotas for hunting with the Xenthos, the Xa-Hana and others. In spite of these quotas we are seeing a dramatic fall in key species. Many clans are going hungry and do not understand why the fish stocks do not replenish as they once did.’

The envoy nodded gravely. ‘The Xenthos have the same concerns, and I have spoken to clans of the Xa-Hana and other zetii; they all say the stocks are diminishing.’

Suddenly North Wind pushed forward and interrupted: ‘Then tell them to stop breaking the quotas so the prey can breed and replenish!’

There was a shocked silence then Silent Waters spoke, her voice icy. ‘Councillor North Wind will leave this meeting. Now.’

He stared at her defiantly for a moment and looked about to speak, but then suddenly turned and swam rapidly off, his awkward swimming style jerking his body up and down.

Silent Waters turned to the envoy whose body was stiff with anger. ‘Please accept the apologies of the Grand Council for that outburst.’

Trevally Outpaced’s posture softened slightly and he nodded. ‘I can yet understand the emotion of that zeta,’ he said at last, ‘I have to tell you that some of my kind have had similar thoughts of the other zetii species, but I am here to tell you that the Xenthos do uphold the quotas, even though our children go hungry at times!’

Old Cloud Passing spoke again now, his voice calming and reasoned. ‘These are sad times when zeta mistrusts zeta. Most of us know the likely true reason for the shortages, and it is not due to the excesses of any of the zeta kinds. We must build trust again between us. Trevally Outpaced and I have discussed this and he has suggested that we send one of our own to spend two moons with his clan as a gesture of good faith. Our emissary can then return with one of the Xenthos who can spend time with the Ka-Tse. Both sides will see for themselves if the quotas are being followed. Later, perhaps we can make a similar offer to the Xa-Hana and others.’

Green Wave Falling sought permission to speak and it was granted. ‘This zeta gives thanks to the Council for their consideration and fully supports this wise motion. Our envoy to the Xenthos should be one of the elders who can represent our interests properly and follow proper protocols in this key mission. This zeta should be honoured if the Grand Council would consider him for this purpose.’ He bowed backwards into the circle again.

There were some murmurs of assent from the elders, but Trevally Outpaced spoke again, apparently choosing his words carefully.

The Xenthos would indeed be highly honoured to have such a wise zeta amongst them, but I would make one observation that may be important. As you know, we Xenthos do not love the nearness of the land as do the Ka-Tse. Our home is the deep waters of the open sea. We swim hard and fast and we dive deep; it is our way. These sixty days may be…taxing for a Ka-Tse and youth may be a more…’ he searched for the words, ‘pressing attribute for your ambassador than wisdom.’

Green Wave Falling spoke again, his expression stony, ‘This zeta understands the concerns Trevally Outpaced outlines and suggests that in the circumstances we choose another, younger zeta.’

Sky nervously signalled that he wished to speak. Silent Waters gave permission, saying: ‘The Grand Council recognises this clan’s Voice of Youth.’

Sky began speaking in a normal tone, concentrating on following the proper protocol. He soon realised that some of the elders were struggling to hear him though, and raised his voice. ‘This zeta gives thanks to the Council for their consideration and suggests that a good candidate for this mission would be Silent Waters’ own son, Deneb Rising. I know that he even speaks some of the Xenthos tongue.’

Silent Waters looked surprised, but it was clear that the suggestion was well received by the elders so she assented. ‘When shall this take place then?’ she asked.

Trevally Outpaced answered, ‘My clan is due to be passing near here soon. I should try to rendezvous with them now, and I could return to collect your son in three days time.’

Then perhaps this zeta can assist in a lesser capacity.’ Green Wave Falling said. ‘Our clan may not still be in this bay in three days time. However, I know of a rock arch to the east of this bay that makes a good meeting point. I could escort Trevally Outpaced to it when he leaves us today and then take Deneb Rising to it for the meeting in three days time. I can then also at least ensure that our own ambassador has some coaching on proper protocols before he departs.’

Silent Waters nodded seeing that this was well received by the assembled elders. ‘The Grand Council asks the respected Councillor Green Wave Falling to make it so. Let us thank the good Trevally Outpaced for his time here today. It is to be hoped that in two moons time, when my son and he return again, a new period of trust and cooperation between the zetii will begin. We should also thank Passing Cloud for his efforts in negotiating this arrangement.’

Trevally Outpaced indicated his desire to speak, and at Silent Waters gestured invitation, spoke to them all, but with his eyes mainly on the old male dolphin.

We Xenthos have had little contact with your kind of late, but we have been honoured to have had these dealings with Passing Cloud. His wisdom and sensitivity have been an inspiration to us and I think I speak for many when I say that I was saddened to learn that this is his last Grand Council meeting. The Ka-Tse will be the poorer for it. For myself, from the brief time I have spent in his company, I feel privileged to say thank you, Passing Cloud-Jeii.’

Passing Cloud looked pleased but very embarrassed at the compliment. Silent Waters moved to help her old friend by closing the meeting. ‘These are words well spoken and they will resonate in many hearts here. There are many here who feel honoured to call this fine zeta Jeii. Tomorrow is the last day of the Gathering, and as you know we close it with a very special ceremony at noon. I am sure you will all wish to make your personal farewells with him before then. Thank you all again for coming so far to be with us here.’






Chapter 25


I see my lover approach

Her sweet face

Graceful movements

Senx sprinkles her back

With dancing light

She comes to me

My heart leaps

Her mouth opens to speak

I await her words’ caress

But she pours forth venom!

Who committed such wickedness

Whilst I slept

That looked so like me?”

- Three Standing Shells (13,282 -13,325 post Great Alluvium)



Taking advantage of the last of the light, Sky made his way along the shore line looking for something to eat. He had passed several others in twos and threes when he heard up ahead another dolphin probing the sand with sound. With a thrill he recognised it as Dusk. He called out his signature call: ‘It is I, Touches The Sky!’

Dusk responded and appeared out of the blue up ahead. He smiled, ‘What are you doing, Dusk?’

Just trying to find something to eat. I don’t have much time, we’ve a big meeting of Starwriters from all the clans this evening — we are decoding a complicated song with lots of harmonic layers. It’s the kind of thing we can only do at a Gathering. What’re you doing?’

Hunting too — haven’t found anything though.’

She shook her head in frustration.

Nor have I, and I am so hungry. What’s worse is that the visitors are having problems finding enough to eat. They’re too polite to say anything, but it’s really embarrassing as we’re the host clan this time.’

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