Authors: Meg Donohue
drunk by the time I leave Lourdes's because I find myself standing at the bottom of her front steps, swaying slightly as I stare at the line of fence in front of me. The pretty, arched gate at its center is one of the quaint touches that had so charmed me when I first pulled up in front of the house. In a flash of memory, I see Toby lumbering out of the rental car and trotting toward it. In that intuitive way of dogs, he'd somehow known exactly where we were going and decided to lead the way.
I turn away from the gate and instantly feel better. Just
looking in the direction of my apartment makes something dark and heavy evaporate from my chest, freeing space for air. I practically float down the path to my apartment, my feet barely connecting with the stones that hug the side of Lourdes's house and mark my way home. By the time I feel the cool metal of the doorknob turn in my hand, I'm smiling. When I shut the door behind me, the breath I exhale sounds like a laugh. It's a sort of mild euphoria, returning home, a delicious loosening in all of my joints. I sink into the couch, feeling dull and mellow until I remember the promise I made to Lourdes.
I'll try,
I'd said.
As if it were simple.
he next morning when I embark on my usual scroll through my in-box, I find an e-mail from Sybil Gainsbury, the executive director of SuperMutt Rescue.
During my first month in San Francisco, I'd busied myself with the logistics of setting up my practice, sending introductory e-mails to dog-related organizations and veterinary clinics all over the Bay Area. Sybil Gainsbury in particular seemed to have her finger on the pulse of the local dog-lover community; a few of my first patients found their way to me after Sybil forwarded my contact information to her vast network. It was out of both gratitude and sincere interest that I began volunteering for her dog rescue organization.
Over the past few months I suppose I've become SuperMutt's unofficial Webmaster. Foster families e-mail me descriptions of the dogs they are hosting and I post them, along with photos of
the dogs, to the organization's website. It's work I can do from home and it keeps me busy during the hours of the day that I'm not seeing patients. If I can't be out there gathering abandoned dogs from the street myself, this feels like the next best thing.
Lately I've also been helping Sybil organize SuperMutt's annual fund-raiser, a cocktail party and auction that will be held at the home of a wealthy dog lover and patron in San Francisco's tony Sea Cliff neighborhood. A few of the dogs in foster care will be auctioned off (to suitable, vetted families), as will a long list of items and services that I'm in charge of convincing local businesses to donate.
As usual, Sybil's e-mail is full of exclamation points.Great work getting that sunset cruise donated, Maggie!
she writes.I have a feeling we're going to raise more money than ever before and it's all thanks to you! Can't wait to finally meet you in person at the party!
I have never said that I will attend the fund-raiser, but it's only natural that Sybil assumes I'll be there. Even though we haven't met in person, we e-mail several times each week and have formed a fast friendship. Somewhere along the way I started imagining her as a cross between a relentlessly chipper version of Joan Didion and a female Saint Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals. In other words, I picture Sybil birdlike and earthy, with graying hair, long skirts in shades of granola, eyes blinking behind oversized glasses, surrounded by a pack of mutts representing every dog breed under the sun.
My plan is to e-mail an apology on the afternoon of the event, explaining that I'm not feeling well. It won't be a lie; just thinking of attending makes my heart race. This reaction isn't new; I've always felt vaguely uncomfortable at partiesâthe press of people,
the noise. In the past, my uneasiness at parties, like my fear of heights, never overwhelmed my life, but now I worry that any emotional discomfort might trigger a panic attack.
I e-mail Sybil to let her know about a couple of the other donations that I'm working on securing: free grooming for a year from a dog spa in Russian Hill called The Pampered Pup and a wine class with a well-known local sommelier who adopted a dog through SuperMutt a few years ago.
I don't say anything about the party.
new patient that afternoon. In theory, this is a relief; I'm glad to fill one of the many holes in my appointment book. In actuality, it turns out to be something else entirely because she shows up filthy and pissed off, her eyes flashing like those of a feral cat about to be dropped into a hot bath.
“You must be Anya,” I say. “I'm Maggie Brennan.” Her eyes slide away from mine, one bony finger shooting out from the cuff of her enormous coat to swipe violently at the bottom of her nose. There isn't enough antibacterial soap in the world to make me comfortable with the idea of shaking her hand, so I just wave her through the doorway and hope the gesture seems welcoming. “Please come in.”
She skulks by without a word, the arm of her coat brushing my blazer. A musky, sour scent follows in her wake. Before I know it, I'm coughing into the crook of my elbow.
One Echinacea, one probiotic, two vitamin C, peppermint tea with honey, saline nose spray (two per nostril).
The prescription practically writes itselfâa modern spell to ward off the germs carried on bone-chilling blasts of wind and the unclean hands of visiting patients.
The only thing I know about this womanâgirl, really, she can't be more than twenty years oldâis that her brother is worried about her. He's the one who found my website and reached out to me via e-mail to schedule the appointment. It's a curious arrangement, but after years of counseling patients through various forms of grief at the hospital, it would take more than an e-mail from a concerned family member to surprise me.
My sister might be difficult,
Henry Ravenhurst had warned in his e-mail.But she really needs to speak with someone.
Anya stands a few feet inside the door now, her molten gaze moving slowly over the living room and kitchen, the potted jade plant in the corner (a housewarming gift from Lourdes), the fireplace with its bare mantel, the pair of yellow armchairs across the coffee table from the dove-gray couch, the framed diplomas and licenses and certifications on the wall. As she studies my apartment, I study her. Her long hair, which might be auburn but is too dirty to tell for sure, hangs in front of her shoulders like a damp dish towel slung around the neck of a faucet. Scuffed leather combat boots poke out from the bottom of the bulky army-green jacket that swallows most of her body. Those boots look as though they weigh as much as she does, and are clearly cleaned with even less frequency than her hair.
“Can I take your coat?” I ask, though really what I'd like to do is ask her to remove her shoes.
“I'm not staying long.” Anya hefts her bagâa big black canvas thing covered with pocketsâhigher on her shoulder and crosses her arms in front of her chest.
“Well,” I say. “Please sit anywhere you like. How about something to drink? Water or tea?”
She shakes her head and drops onto the couch. Something in the middle of her face catches the overhead light and glittersâa tiny green nose piercing, I realize, a pinprick of color on her sallow face, like the distant beam of a lighthouse in a sea of fog. Underneath her hard expression, sadness looms, irrepressible.
“My dog is gone,” she says, staring at the floor. Her voice is flat, affectless.
My heart contracts. It's a knee-jerk reaction. All of my patients have lost their dogs; that's why they come to me. Still, every time I hear the words, the hard thorn of loss draws blood.
I sit down across the coffee table from her and tell her how sorry I am. She's boring holes into the carpet with her eyes, so I direct my words to the milky, jagged line of skin exposed by the part in her hair. “Would you like to tell me about him?” I ask. “What kind of dog was he?”
“No.” Anya's lips clip the word but she still doesn't look up. She begins unzipping and zipping her jacket, the motion electric with a fierce sort of frustration.
Already, I can see how a dog must have been good for someone with her uneven swings of energy, how the schedule and activity of the care and feeding and walking of a dog might have helped to balance her. Even petting a dog can lower your heart rate, producing endorphins that mirror the effects of antidepressants and pain medication. It's just one of many reasons why some people take the death of a pet so hard. Another of my patients recently compared the experience to being cut off from Prozac.
The word “no” still hangs in the air.
“We don't have to talk about your dog,” I say. Some patients can't contain their emotionsâanger and anguish and even laughter bubble up and out of them as urgently as water gushing from a broken hydrant. Others need time, encouragement, or sometimes silence before they can begin. “We could start by talking about something else.”
At this, she finally looks up. Her eyes are a murky shade of green, the color of plant life at the bottom of a lake. “No,” she says again. “Billy isn't dead. He's just . . . gone. I'm only here because my brother Henry blackmailed me into coming.”
I glance down at the open notebook on my lap. At the top of the page I'd written Anya's name. Below this I'd written:
. Now I add:
I've never had a patient with a missing dog, let alone one who claimed to have been blackmailed into seeing me. The relationship between each patient and his or her dog is unique and the symptoms of grief vary, but the fact that the dog is dead has always been the same.
“How long has Billy been gone?” I ask.
“Twenty-four days.”
I write this down. “How awful. Can I ask what happened?”
When Anya begins moving the zipper of her coat up and down again, I notice that the outline of an old-fashioned camera is tattooed on the top of her right hand. Inwardly, I wince; it strikes me as a particularly painful place to pierce repeatedly with a needle.
“What good is talking about it going to do?” she asks. Her voice is losing its flat affect now, splintering into hard, jagged pieces. “I just want to find him.” Then, before I have a chance to
respond, she leans toward me, eyes darkening. “Let me ask you something, Doctorâ”
“Oh, please call me Maggie. I'm notâ”
Anya interrupts before I can remind her that I'm a bereavement counselor, not a doctor.
She says my name the way I imagine she would say the words “day spa” or “decaf.” “Do you have a dog?”
I only hesitate for a moment, but in that moment I see her eyes flick back and forth between mine, a spark of interest briefly lit.
“No,” I say. “But I love dogs.”
“You love dogs. Okay. So let's say one of these dogs you
disappears. He's just . . .
. Would you want to come to some lady's office and drink tea and chat about how he disappeared? Or would you want to be out
”âshe jabs her thumb toward the door, her words rushing out in a frustrated hissâ“where you had at least a fucking chance in hell of finding him?”
“I'd want to be out there,” I say immediately. And I'd like to think it's true. I'd like to believe that if I thought I could find Toby somewhere in the city, I wouldn't hesitate. I'd grit my teeth through the galloping heart, the breathlessness, the fear. I'd walk the streets until I found him.
Anya must have thought I was going to say something else because now she sits back, studying me through narrowed eyes. After a beat of time she stands and slings her large bag onto her shoulder.
“If Henry gets in touch with you again,” she says, “just let him know I was here. I told him I'd come; I didn't tell him I'd stay.”
I know how to keep my expression calm even as my mind
races. My boss at Philadelphia Hospital was always eager to tell me that it can be dangerous to become too invested in your patients.
There's something to be said for emotional distance,
he warned me over and over again.
Distance is necessary for the process.
I was never very good at heeding his advice, which was undoubtedly why he spent all that time repeating himself. I can't afford to lose patients, but more importantly, everything about Anyaâher anger, the hollow, haunted look of her face, the sadness that lurks below, not to mention her blatant disregard for basic hygieneâworries me. I want to help her. I
to help her. I can't let her leave.
“Before you go,” I say, “do you have a picture of Billy? I could send it to the animal rescue organizations that I'm connected with and check if anyone has seen him.” I say this casually, like it's just an idea.
Anya hesitates. Then she shifts her bag and begins rifling through it. “Here.” She thrusts a photocopied flyer toward me. I'm hoping she'll sit again, but she just stands there watching me as I study the piece of paper.
The words
blare from the top of the flyer in big block letters. And then: $100
. Below this line is a photograph of a dog leaping through the air, his face turned so that he looks head-on at the camera. The wind is caught in one of his cheeks, endowing him with an elastic, cockeyed grin. I'd been envisioning Billy as a stoic shepherd or a rough-and-tumble pit-bull mixâsomething to match Anya's hard-as-nails exteriorâbut it turns out he is small and scrappy with bristly white hair, mischievous black eyes,
andâeven when flying through the airâmore than a passing resemblance to Albert Einstein.
I look up from the flyer and smile at Anya. “Are you a photographer?”
“No. I used to take some photos, but not anymore.” She crosses her arms. “Whatever. They're just pictures.”