Doctor's Baby - BWWM Romance (Doctor's Love Book 3)

BOOK: Doctor's Baby - BWWM Romance (Doctor's Love Book 3)
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To All The Readers Who Are Making My Dream Possible




This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Copyright © 2015 Violet Jackson
. All rights reserved. Including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof, in any form. No part of this text may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the author.

WARNING: This book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language. It may be considered offensive to some readers. This book is for sale to adults ONLY.

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Other Titles By Violet (Free on Kindle Unlimited)

Loving The Doctor

Doctor's Love (Doctor's Love Book 1)

Doctor's Soul (Doctor's Love Book 2)

The Nurse's Secret Love

Falling For The Doctor

Heart of Fire

Country Vibes

The Billionaire's Bodyguard

City Vibes – Complete Series

Jamaica, I Love You

Books By Friends (Free on Kindle Unlimited)

Tasha Jones

For The Love Of The Doctor

Cowboy Love

Doctor Of My Dreams

Meet Me In Alaska

Saving The Cowboy

African Attraction

My Caring Cowboy


About Me


I'm Violet and thanks so much for taking the time to read my book! I've always been a strong curvy African American woman who isn't afraid to go against societies social expectations of us. I hope through my writing you can trying to break out of these expectations as well, and truly be who you want to be. When I'm not writing I'm a regular 30 something gal who loves reading about strong males who appreciate women in all their beautiful forms. I also have a loving husband, and two beautiful children that I am grateful for every day.

Really hope you enjoy the book!


About This Book

Meeka Brown thought she finally had everything she wanted until her perfect life started to unravel.

After living with her new husband Rick, a prominent local physician for the past year and a half, everything seemed great on the surface. Their child Carter brought joy into their lives and her son from her first marriage Malik, loved Rick, their new home (especially the pool), and Rick treated Malik like his very own.

But Meeka found it difficult to adapt to the "real housewives" lifestyle finding herself bored and not really liking being solely reliant on Rick for everything. While Rick had told her that she would never have to work again, she was a strong independent woman and longed for something more.

Tensions started to build when Rick without consulting her, decided to invite two recruiters over to the house who were looking to hire Rick at a new hospital in California, half way across the country. This angered Meeka who didn't want to leave her family behind and wanted some stability for her children.

Malik started having problems at his new private school and without consulting Rick, Meeka decided to pull him out as he was having trouble with all the "snobs". Rick furious at the fact he wasn't consulted makes it clear they should do what's best for Malik not what the child wants.

When a chance encounter leads Meeka to hanging out with an old flame behind Rick's back things start to get real heated.

Will their love be able to handle life's curve balls or are they just too different to make it work long term?

This steamy BWWM romance is for adult audiences 18+ only

Chapter 1

Meeka had just put her son down for a nap. Carter was one of those babies that didn’t fuss much and thankfully at one and a half he was still taking naps. Her older son gave up naps when he started walking, so Meeka was thankful for the little break in the afternoon before Malik was home from school.

He was going to a new school, a private school. Her son was having a difficult time blending in with the upper-class student body, but Rick had pushed it after they got married. Rick wanted Carter to go to the same school and he wanted Malik to experience the best school. Meeka worried that he was pushing them both into something that they may not be ready for. Malik had loved his old school and had done well, now he was having behavioral and academic issues. Meeka sighed and started to clean up the kitchen.

Since the incident with her boss before Meeka and Rickgot married, Meeka had since been staying home with baby Carter. She was taking a few evening classes to finish her degree, but Rick had reminded her that she never had to work again. Meeka knew many women who would love that option, but she found herself more and more bored with the lack of work. It was one of the things that she had always liked about her life, her independence, and she felt like it was slowly waning. She wasn’t sure how she felt about it and it was hard to explain to Rick.

She loved her husband and she knew that he loved her, but sometimes a person needs more. She wanted something for herself that was outside of regular life, something only hers. They argued about her going back to work because Rick was heavily opposed to it. She wondered to herself if it was because of what had happened with Johnny, but she would never ask him. It was never brought up, just left hanging between them. Meeka regretted her lapse in judgment and she knew that he still thought about it.

They had recently seen Johnny at the grocery store. Rick had ruffled up like a peacock and made it clear that he knew what had happened. He also made it clear that Johnny was not welcome around her anymore and while his jealousy was kind of cute, it was also aggravating. She felt like he just didn’t trust her and she missed Johnny as a friend.

Meeka tried to tell herself that it was just a rough patch they were going through. It was a bit tense at the house and Rick was becoming a bit of a workaholic. While he didn’t want her to work, that was all he seemed to do anymore. The honeymoon was officially over and Meeka was trying to deal with the changes. When her phone rang and it was Rick, Meeka was actually surprised. He had not called her mid-day in a long time. He used to call her several times a day, though it had been a while since he had done that.


“Hey, baby. How's your day going?”

“Pretty good. Carter just went down for his nap. I am making stroganoff for dinner.”

“Sounds good. I was wondering if you would mind a few people are coming home for dinner.”

“Sure, who is it?”

“The VP and hiring manager of a hospital that is looking for new doctors, they think I might be a good fit.”

That was the first Meeka was hearing about another hospital and she wondered why she was just hearing about it then. They were coming for a meeting with Rick, so apparently he had been talking to them for some time.

“Oh, I didn’t know you were looking for another job.”

“Well it was just a chance. The pay would be almost triple and I would get to work with some of the newest equipment, best people and more specialized programs. I would also have more time off.”

“Well where is the hospital?”

“California, right outside of Los Angeles.”

Meeka coughed, choking on her own tongue and the dryness that coated her throat. That was more than two thousand miles away and he was acting like they were all but going to go. He had the hiring manager coming to dinner? Meeka was more than a little surprised at the new revelation.

“Okay, don’t you think we should talk about this first?”

“What? We are. What's the matter? Can’t you see what a great opportunity it would be for us?”

Meeka’s teeth gritted in her mouth and she stopped herself from saying something she may regret later. He was being a jerk and it was not the first time he had made life-altering decisions without her. With Malik’s schooling, he already paid and had him enrolled before he even whispered a word to her about it. It was infuriating and with her eyes closed, she tried to calm down. She did not want to start an argument with him while he was at work, though she promised herself that they would have a long conversation when he got home and the company had left.

“Okay, Rick. I guess I will see you guys when you get here. Is stroganoff okay, or do you want me to cook something else?”

“No, baby, anything you cook will be perfect. I love you and I will see you around five.”

“Wow, it’ll be nice to see you before dark. I love you too, Rick.”

Meeka hung up and looked at the phone for some time. She knew that he was doing what he thought was best for them, but he had some audacity sometimes. To not even mention the fact that he was trying to get a job away from everything that she had ever known, across the country, was just too much. Meeka did not even know how she would tell her parents if she left and she really wasn’t so sure that she wanted to go. Malik and Carter had all of their family here, as well as school. Her oldest was just starting to get used to the new school and she couldn’t stand the idea of changing it all over again on a whim.

She went through the afternoon cleaning up the house and stewing about Rick’s decisions. In her first marriage, they had decided everything together. What they were going to do, eat, see, it was all planned out together. If there was one thing that she truly missed from the first marriage, it was the open communication that they had shared. Sometimes she just felt like she was living in Rick’s world and it wasn’t even her own.

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