Do Not Disturb (26 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Julian

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Do Not Disturb
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She raised her eyebrows. “Lift.”

He did, shoving his hands in his waistband to help her drag it down and free his cock. But before she could move to take him in her mouth, he put his hands on her shoulders and held her away from her prize.

She looked up at him, a question in her raised brows.

Then he smiled. “I just needed to make sure. Just know, after you get me off, I’m going to make you come so hard, you won’t be able to walk to bed.”

Her breath caught in her throat and she choked out a shaky laugh. “I’m going to hold you to that.”

“I really fucking hope you do.”

With her lips curved in a smile, she let her gaze fall back to her prize.

Leaning forward, she rubbed her lips over the silky skin on the tip of his cock.

So soft. So hot.

Dane radiated so much heat, his big body a furnace that made her want to strip naked and rub every inch of her body against his.

She would. After.

Wrapping one hand around the base of his cock, she took her time tormenting him, moving her head back and forth, her lips brushing against the crown. His cock throbbed in her hand, seemingly trying to get her to take him inside.

But she wasn’t going to be rushed in this. She wanted to torment him, make him squirm. Give her the sense that she was in control.

On her next pass, she let her tongue peek out and lick across the head. His guttural moan made her smile as he put his hands on her shoulders and exerted pressure.

He wanted to force her to take him in her mouth, but he stopped just short.

She needed to let him know she wanted his domination. Wanted him to own her.

At least in this.

With leisurely decadence, she parted her lips and took the head between her lips. She sucked in air through her nose as she swirled her tongue around the fat crown, sucking hard.

She felt his cock stiffen, his muscles tighten as he groaned again. She heard rather than saw his head fall back against the cushion, his fingers kneading her shoulders.

Giving herself over to instinct, she took him in deeper, her lips tight around the shaft, her tongue teasing as she sank lower, following her fingers to the base.

She moaned at the taste of him on her tongue. So good. She could lose herself with him and not worry about being found.

Drawing back to the tip, she started a slow, steady rhythm that finally coaxed Dane’s hips into moving.

At first, his movements were gentle, hardly movement at all. Not the wild, unrestrained motion she craved and was determined to draw out of him.

She increased her pace, fingers digging into his hips as if he was trying to get away. Her lips stretched to the max as she dove down.

It only took another couple of complete swallows before she got what she wanted.

His unleashed passion.


His voice held so much dominance, she shivered.

And he froze.

Moaning in protest, she ran a hand up his chest and clutched at his shoulder.

Please. Please.

As if he’d heard her, he began to thrust into her mouth.


She took everything he had, let him sink deep into her throat and control the motion. Control her.

His hands cupped her head and held her steady. Even though he wasn’t. He was losing control but trying not to.

So she bucked against his hold, forcing him to hold her tighter.

Losing herself in the motion, she let him take her.

When he groaned and clutched her tighter, she sucked him hard and took everything he pumped into her mouth.


Feeling like he’d just run a marathon, Dane gave himself a minute to catch his breath.

Tally rested her cheek on his thigh, eyes closed as she drew in deep breath after deep breath.

He still had one hand on her head, fingers woven through her hair. He wasn’t sure he could let her go if she tried to move away.

You really need to tell her.

The only questions were when and how.

She shifted, and his fingers automatically tightened but she wasn’t going anywhere. She’d stretched her legs out along the couch. Still fully dressed.

He intended to fix that. Right now.

First, he pulled his pants back around his hips. Didn’t want to be an idiot and stumble. Then he slid his arms around her and lifted her against his chest before he stood, heading for her bedroom at the top of the stairs.

She practically purred, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding on.

He was listing all the things he wanted to do to her in his head when she yawned halfway up the stairs.

“Wow, sorry,” she said as she nuzzled her nose into his neck, making his cock stir. “It’s definitely not the company, and don’t get any ideas about leaving.”

No way in hell was he leaving. He’d packed a bag. Just in case.

“I’m not. I’ve got payback in mind, sweetheart.”

“I think I like the sound of that.”

“Good, because I have plans.” Long-term plans. Possibly lifetime plans.

“I like plans. Plans make everything better.”

“True, but sometimes you have to be ready for the unexpected.”

He felt her nod. “You were unexpected.”

“I hope you mean that in a good way.”

She flicked her tongue along his jaw and he shuddered at the light touch. “Absolutely. Sex like this is totally unexpected.”

Yeah, this wasn’t just sex and she knew it. But he wasn’t going to push it. Not now.

A light shone in a room at the end of the hall and he headed for it, nudging open the door with his shoulder and carrying her to the queen bed.

Laying her out, he stripped her naked, slowly and carefully, making sure he stroked each bared inch of skin, until she squirmed. Then he tucked her under the sheets and took a step away.

Her eyes popped open. “I thought you were staying?”

Lips curving, he zipped his jeans though he took off the belt and let it fall to the floor. “Have to get my bag out of the car.”

Her eyebrows lifted. “You packed a bag?”

“Didn’t I tell you I was a boy scout?”

“You failed to mention that. And I don’t believe you for a second.”

“Maybe I just like to be prepared for all possibilities.”

Her head cocked to the side before she nodded slowly. “Hurry back. Or I might start without you.”

He bit back the words on the tip of his tongue. If she moved in with him, he wouldn’t have to leave her.

Instead, he turned and headed down the stairs.

By the time he got back, she’d fallen into a dead sleep.

Disappointment warred with an overwhelming tenderness. Tossing off his clothes, he crawled into bed beside her, wrapped his body around hers and followed her into sleep.

Chapter Fifteen

“Talia Driscoll?”


“I’m calling from Silvanwood Care Facility. You’re listed as the contact for Frederick Van Dyke. I’m calling to let you know his health has taken a downward turn and he’s not expected to continue more than a few days. Will you be coming to visit or would you like to be kept apprised of his situation as it develops?”

Talia felt like she’d been kicked in the chest.

Sucking in a short breath to combat the pain, she held the phone away from her mouth so the woman on the other end of the line didn’t hear her.

“Ms. Driscoll? Are you there?”

“Yes.” She forced in a breath through the tightness of her throat. “Yes, I’m here. I’m sorry, I’m just . . . I’m not sure . . . Can I call you back in a little while and let you know my plans?”

“Absolutely. Let us know if you plan to visit. If not, I’ll be sure to call you as soon as he’s passed. At this stage, it won’t be long. Please call at any time.”

Won’t be long.

Talia set the phone on the bedside table and swung her legs over the side.

“Tally, you okay?”


“Yes, I’m fine. Sorry to wake you. It’s early. Go back to sleep.”

“Hey.” He put his hand on her arm. “You don’t sound fine.”

She froze, too many emotions battering at her. The strongest was the urge to spill her guts to Dane, let him hold her in his arms and comfort her. Which she couldn’t do because she’d have to lie to him.

Now wasn’t the time to spill her guts. She needed to get control first.


She moved off the bed and toward the bathroom. “I’ll be right back.” She tried a smile but knew it looked awful. “I just need . . .”

Hell, what did she need?

She left without finishing her sentence, barricading herself in the bathroom.

Taking deep breaths, she tried to calm her racing pulse and the urge to throw up. She was hyperventilating and she knew it.

She just couldn’t seem to contain it.

She wanted Dane. But she couldn’t tell him why.

After all this time, she still couldn’t bring herself to come clean.

And it wasn’t fair to Dane. She couldn’t keep doing this. Couldn’t keep letting him get close and then pushing him away.

It wasn’t fair.

She’d already done it once.

And look how that’d turned out. He still ended up back in your bed.

Sitting on the toilet, she put her head between her legs and just breathed. Finally, she forced herself to her feet.

By the time she got back to the bedroom, he was dressed and sitting on the edge of the bed, elbows on his knees, hands clasped.

“Are you okay?”

The deep note of concern she heard in his voice nearly made her break down. She couldn’t. Not now. She’d simply be prolonging the moment she’d have to let him go.

Because she couldn’t keep stringing him along like this.

“I’m fine.” She didn’t smile or try to sell her lie in any way. “I need to take a trip out of town for a couple of days, but I’ll be back in time for the retreat. I’ve got everything—”

“Tally, what—”

“—set and ready to go. I’ve already spoken to the catering manager at Haven and the menu and schedule are set, so there’s nothing to worry about there.”

He stood abruptly, curving his hands over her shoulders and staring down at her. In this position, he towered over her and she wanted nothing more than to wrap her arms around his waist and press her cheek against his chest.

“Talia. What the hell’s going on?”

“I told you. I need to go out of town, maybe for a few days.”


Because I need to see my father before he dies.
“There’s something I’ve got to do.”

He stared down at her as if he could read her mind. “You’re not going to tell me why, are you?”

She shook her head. “No. I— No.”

A muscle in his jaw twitched, as if he had to try so damn hard to hold back his words.

Then his hands dropped. “I thought you’d realized you could tell me anything.”

He took her breath away with those few words, and she was still trying to catch it when he turned to grab his bag off the bed.

“I guess I could say the same.”

The words were out before she realized she’d said them. She wanted to take them back the instant his gaze narrowed at her.


“I really need to leave. I’m sorry, but you have to go.”

After a few seconds, he turned and headed for the door but stopped just before he left. “If you need me, you know how to find me.”


“Mom, I need to make a short trip out of town. I just didn’t want you to worry.”

“Okay, sweetheart. Where are you off to?”

“Dad’s dying.”

The silence from the other end of the line made Talia question the reason for calling her mom. Amelia had moved on years ago. Talia realized she never had. She’d just shoved it into a deep hole where it’d festered all these years.

“I’m sorry, Mom, I didn’t mean to—”

“Oh, sweetheart, I’m so sorry.”

Her mother sounded sincere, and Talia felt tears well. She’d managed to hold them off since the phone call this morning.

“I’ve been expecting this for years. It’s no surprise.”

“But he’s still your father. Have you told your brother?”

“Yeah. He’s going to meet me at the hospital.”

“Do you want me to go with you? I have to be honest and tell you I’d prefer not to see him again, but I’ll go if you need me.”

“No. Sammy and I will be fine. But thanks.”

“I wish you didn’t have to go through this.”

“Me too.”

“Did you tell your guy? Do you want him to go with you?”

Yes, she did. “No, I didn’t. I don’t . . . I’m not sure I’ll be seeing him again.”

Her mom sighed. “That’s not really what you want, is it?”

She had no idea what she wanted. Only that she needed to get through this day without ending up a weeping mess in a corner somewhere.

“I’m not sure what I want. And it’s not fair to him to lead him on.”

“But if you told him . . .” Amelia sighed. “Honey, if you really like the guy, don’t you think it’s worth the risk?”

She wanted to say yes so badly. Instead, she said, “I’ll call you when I get back. Love you.”

“Love you, too, sweetheart. Safe trip. Call me if you need anything. For that matter, call me even if you don’t.”


Dane stood in his office in front of the window, one hand on the cold glass.

The burning sensation in his palm helped to ground him.

“Dane, just charter a damn plane and meet her there. This is a no-brainer.”

not the way to handle this, Will. He does that and he can throw any trust she has in him out the window. No, he needs to let her handle this on her own . . .”

Listening with one ear to his brother and sister argue behind him, Dane only heard one thing . . . the absolute absence of emotion in Talia’s voice when she’d told him she was leaving.

If she could so easily shut down her emotions when it came to him, maybe he was fooling himself. Maybe he’d fallen hard and fast. And maybe she hadn’t.

Maybe he’d totally misread her.


Will’s sharp tone drew him out of his thoughts and he turned with a frown. “What? Did you two finally stop arguing and figure out what I should do?”

Julia waved a hand in front of her, dismissing his bitchy question without a second thought. “Oh, please. The only thing Will and I agree on is that we hate seeing you so miserable. And I can’t remember the last time you wanted something so badly that you seemed paralyzed. To me, that shows how much you care about this woman. We only want you to be happy, so if she makes you happy, then go get her. And if she breaks your heart, I will make her life a living hell.”

Dane’s eyes widened at the absolute sincerity in his sister’s voice and in her eyes. “Julia, don’t—”

“She’s speaking metaphorically.” Will shook his head. “She won’t do anything stupid or illegal, like ruin the woman’s life. We’ll just make her pay.”

Dane shook his head at his brother. “You’re not helping.”

“Yes, we are.” Julia smiled at him. “You just don’t appreciate us now that you’re too old for us to order around.”

Dane sighed. He loved his brother and sister, but they sometimes forgot he was an adult.

“Oh, I appreciate you. I just don’t know what to do with you.”

“Yes, you do. You can continue to ignore us like you usually do.”

Dane grimaced at Julia. “I don’t ignore you. I just don’t always follow your every instruction to the letter.”

“And there you go.” Julia nodded as if that proved her point. “Your magazine wouldn’t be half as good as it is if you’d listened to everything we’d said. You’ve got a good head on your shoulders, Dane. You just have to learn to listen to yourself sometimes.”

“Apparently, we don’t know everything.” Will exchanged a glance with Julia. “She might think she does, but I’m not fooling myself.”

Julia rolled her eyes at Will then sat forward in her chair, her expression completely serious now. “How well do you really know this woman, Dane? And think about your answer carefully. What are you willing to do to keep her? Are you willing to risk being wrecked? If you are, then that’s the answer to all your questions.”

He thought about that for several seconds then looked at Will, who nodded. “What she said.”

Sucking in a deep breath, Dane sank into the chair behind his desk. “And if I totally screw this up and she wrecks me, what then?”

“Then,” Julia held his gaze, “you have to decide just how far you’re willing to go to make her change her mind.”


Talia slid out of the taxi and stood in front of the hospital in Dallas.

Her feet felt rooted to the ground but her head felt disconnected.

She’d managed to catch a flight out of Philly with a connection in Atlanta. She knew her father was still alive because she’d called the hospital the moment she’d touched down.

Her brother hadn’t been able to come at the last minute and, though she understood, she still felt abandoned.

You could’ve had company. You only needed to ask him. He would’ve come with you.

She missed Dane. His absence was a grinding ache in her gut that had gotten worse the closer she’d gotten to the hospital.

And it’s your own damn fault.

Tears welled but she blinked them away. She’d told herself she’d cry later.

After her father was gone and she went home to an empty house because she’d pushed Dane away for good.

After the press savaged her father once again when news of his death got out. And it would. She wasn’t naïve enough to think it wouldn’t.

He’d been hospitalized here under an assumed name since he’d been released from prison almost six years ago.

The stories then had been almost unbearable. So many people still wanted him dead, and even though he essentially was, that wasn’t enough. Now, it seemed they’d finally get their wish.

The articles would start again. She wouldn’t be able to hide her misery.

You were an idiot not to tell him last night.

Which didn’t make a damn bit of difference now.

Shaking her head, she headed for the front door. The brick building didn’t look at all like a hospital; the only way to tell it was a care facility was the sign next to the front door. There were no other markers that she’d seen.

You had to know what you were looking for to arrive here. Which was why this facility had been recommended.

At the door, she pressed the button and identified herself to the disembodied voice through the small white speaker on the wall. Above her head, a video camera’s solid green light shone.

Once inside, the smell hit her first, antiseptic and cleanser overlaying the deeper scent of decay.

Her stomach rolled and she longed for Dane to be by her side, holding her hand.

I can’t do this.

Looking around in a blind panic, she spotted a bench along the wall across from the reception desk.

The receptionist watched as she took a seat, not saying anything but nodding with a smile. As if this happened all the time.

And maybe it did. People died all the time here. Grieving family members probably sat on this bench at all hours of the day.

But it was her first time.

She had no idea how long she sat there, but it was long enough that the sixty-something receptionist with the motherly vibe finally asked her if she needed anything.

Talia forced a smile. “No, thank you. I just need a few more minutes.”

“You take all the time you need.”

Some time later, she heard a bell ring and the receptionist requested a name and a purpose for the visit.

The voice that came through the intercom brought her to her feet in a rush.

“I’m expecting him,” she said to the receptionist. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize he would get here so soon. I should’ve—”

“That’s quite all right.” The receptionist reached over and patted her hand, clenched into a fist on the desktop. “Just sign him in with you.”

She nodded, not trusting her voice. Oddly enough, she didn’t feel like crying. Probably because she couldn’t breathe deeply enough to do anything at all.

Another bell rang and she felt a rush of air. Turning toward it, she very nearly dissolved into a puddle of tears as Dane walked through the door.

He spotted her immediately and headed straight for her. She held herself in place as he made his way toward her.

She barely restrained herself from throwing her arms around him and begging him to handle . . . everything.

She wouldn’t ask any questions, especially not how he’d found out where she was. Right now, she didn’t want to know. She only wanted him to hold her.

Which he did as soon as he got close enough. Wrapped his arms around her and crushed her against his chest.

“Are you okay?”

She nodded. “Yes.”

“Do you want to sit for a few minutes?”

“I’ve been sitting here for probably half an hour already.” Pulling back just far enough to look at him, she didn’t bother trying to smile. “I need to finish this now.”

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