Divided Worlds Trilogy 01 - Disconnect (24 page)

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Authors: Imran Siddiq

Tags: #love in space, #can androids love, #divided worlds trilogy, #ebook Leicester author, #young adult novel, #Space romantic fiction, #male romance novel, #male character POV, #romantic science fiction

BOOK: Divided Worlds Trilogy 01 - Disconnect
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Disrupt: Book Three of the Divided Worlds Trilogy (July 2013)

Tyler Nitbone and the Snowflake Traitor (November 2013)

About The Author

Imran Siddiq lives in Syston, Leicestershire (UK) and works as a Senior Information Manager with the NHS. He makes time to write in-between work, tweeting, dabbling in digital art and feeding his two cats. A timetable stretching out for the next three years keeps his focus sharp. Can you blame his ambition to tell a tale or a dozen?

Interact and seek what lurks in his mind at:





Believe it or not but thanks goes to my guide in Borneo who left me alone to absorb the zillions of bugs creeping within the jungle. In a minute of solitude, I realised the one thing missing from my life that had spurred me on as a child; writing. I couldn’t blame anybody except myself for not continuing the worlds and dastardly characters I used to create. As soon as I got home, I started writing. Disconnect is my second novel, and at the time of writing, I’m working on my sixth.

A huge thanks to everybody that believed in me to write and not give up, even during those moments when I doubted myself. My wife, Shehnaz, for putting smiley faces on bits of the manuscript, although I often wondered why? In addition, my two cats for inspiring me – yes, try to work that one out.

My writing group: The Nomad Novelists
tore apart the first draft and kicked me into gear. They deserve credit for making me think again.

Kudos to Sendol Art Studio
for the amazing character art on the front cover. I sense a long-term relationship formed.

Appreciation galore to Stephanie
for the great copy-editing and proofreading. It’d be wrong not to mention another Stephanie
for doing a great job in copy-editing an earlier version and helping me to focus my writing. Thanks to Jo
for tweaking the formatting of the manuscript, and eBook Partnership
for their valuable conversion and distribution services in getting this to you. And in no way last of the experts, Giselle
for the amazing promotion packages put together.

A final thanks to colleagues, friends, friends of friends, and many on Twitter and Facebook.

I hope that I delivered.

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