Distracting the Billionaire's Son (4 page)

BOOK: Distracting the Billionaire's Son
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“Suck it, little girl,” he murmured. “Prove yourself to me.”

His words encouraged me. I licked the tip, rubbed the flat
of my tongue across it and traced a circle around the rough ridge. I licked
softly, pulled it out of my mouth wetly and moved my hand out of the way so I
could lick from his balls back up to the head.

I pushed it back into my mouth and began the deliberately
slow motion of taking him deeper.

It slid across my tongue, bumped the roof of my mouth. When
I went as far as I thought I could go, I stopped and sucked, closing my mouth
tight around it. He moaned, so soft I was sure he didn’t want me to hear. He
pulled at my hair, strawberry blond curls hiding his view of me, pulled them up
and out of the way. His breath caught and I started to slide back up. I
squeezed my thighs, desperately wanting to touch myself, to relieve the
pressure between my own legs. He had no idea how turned on I was by this game
of who could make the other beg first.

I won when he let out a growl and pushed my head down and
thrust his hips up to meet my lips. I instinctively wanted to fight back when
he pushed past my limits, but I didn’t. I let him push me all the way down
until he was hitting the back of my throat and I knew he was mine in that

Between clenched teeth he commanded me. “More.

I gave him more.

He released his hold on my head and gave me control over his
pleasure. I quickened my pace, sliding him in and out along my tongue, licking
at the drops of pre-cum, letting him see my desire to please him. His hands
were encouraging, pushing when he wanted to go deeper into my mouth, moaning
when I licked up his shaft and around the head with the tip of my tongue in a
way that I quickly discovered made him mad with lust. The second time I did
this in a row he collapsed back into the sand, leaving only one hand on the
back of my head, the other he grabbed at the sand with his fist, his breath hot
and short, punctuated with moans I loved to hear.

He was stubborn though, and held out until my jaw began to
ache. I wanted to make him cum, to take a moment of control from him. He must
have sensed this and tried to hold back as long as possible, but when I took
the shaft in my hand and started bobbing my head up and down on the head
faster, squeezing the head between my lips and just barely grazing my teeth
when I went down further and further until I gagged, he was done for. His hips
thrust to meet my mouth, buried both hands in my hair and pushed my head down,
all the way down, with his last desperate attempt to control me. He cried out as
his cock jerked against my tongue and waves of cum spurted down my throat. I
rushed to swallow as fast as possible. It was hot, salty, and endless, like the

When his hips fell back to the sand he released his hold on
my hair and I licked him clean as I slid him out of my mouth. His hands
softened and his fingertips stroked my hair almost affectionately before he
remembered himself and let me go.

He lay there spent, gazing at the stars as he worked to
control his breathing.

I licked my lips of the last of him. My skin vibrated with
the want to touch him again, but I didn’t dare, not in this vulnerable moment.
I wanted him to touch me now; I was soaked through and desperate to have his
hands on me. He had no idea how willing I was to let him have what he wanted at
that moment. I felt powerful, forcing this vulnerable moment out of him where
his pleasure was my doing, but I also needed him to know how badly I wanted his
hands between my legs.

He put himself away, wiped sweat from his forehead, and sat
up. He didn’t force his intense stare on me, not right away, but when he did, I
was leveled. The lust, the desire, was gone. Like a light switch. I knew he
wasn’t going to touch me, to please me, but I hoped I was wrong. He looked, for
a moment, like he was going to touch my face, but instead he picked up his
bottle and glass and climbed to his feet.

“Go back to your cabin,” he said. That was it. That was all
he had to say to me, before leaving me there alone.




By breakfast I’d convinced myself it had never happened. It
was like a dream anyway, an indecent encounter with my best friend’s older
brother on a beach beneath a nearly full moon? Too incredible to be believed. I
was fully prepared to put it behind us until I saw him come onto the deck where
breakfast was soon to be served. Shannon and I were helping Meredith, one of
the housekeepers, set out the silverware at each plate, when his body filled
the doorway and his eyes immediately found mine.

No, not a dream, then.

“You girls don’t need to help me,” Meredith chided good
naturedly, but we reached in to the bucket for more wrapped silverware. The
linen napkins were soft and very delicately embroidered at the corner of each.
I wondered how anyone could wipe their mouth with such pretty things.

“After two years of eating from of take-out containers or served
from a line where  women in hairnets plopped our gruel, it’s a pleasure to
actually set a real honest-to-god table with real honest-to-god silverware. Do
you know what Jess and I have in our kitchenette? A box of plastic spoons
because otherwise you have to do dishes in the girl’s bathroom and there’s
something really undignified about that.”

Melissa looked up from her computer tablet. “There’s
something really undignified about plastic spoons.”

“Don’t be a snob, Mel,” Shannon said. I was still aware of
Jonah’s eyes on my every little move. Straightening a water glass so it lined
up with the others felt like an incredibly intimate, private thing under his

I wondered if he was thinking about me. About my mouth. The
memory made me squeeze my thighs involuntarily. I’d never gone to bed so
unsatisfied and turned on as I had last night, but Shannon’s proximity made it
too embarrassing to touch myself. Being turned on by his mere presence made me
more angry at myself than him. What kind of man leaves a girl lonely and
wanting like that?

Melissa pushed her designer white sunglasses back up her
nose and returned to the book she was reading. A tawdry romance from what I
gathered glancing over her shoulder. She was dressed impeccably in white shorts
and a white shell tank-top.

Shannon had on a light, flowery sundress over her bikini.
Jonah was dressed way down from the day before in running pants, a t-shirt, and
running shoes. His shirt was sweat stained and his face red and damp.

When he approached the table, Shannon made an exaggeration
of his smell. “No! If mom sees you she’ll have a cow, Jonah.
A whole cow
Go shower and change. Please.”

He frowned, glanced down at himself like he didn’t realize
running caused even rich people to sweat. “Fine.”

“I’ll hold off the breakfast, Mr. Silver,” Meredith said
while wrestling the last silverware from Shannon’s hands. She picked up her
bucket and headed for the doors. Without thinking about it, I grabbed the other
tub she’d carried the water glasses out in and followed her. Eric appeared at
the door and held it open for us.

“Putting you to work already, huh?” he joked and Meredith
turned to see me helping and scoffed.

“Put that down. I’ll get it.”

“It’s no problem, really. I wanted to find the bathroom and
figured I was going your way anyway.” I felt him behind me before I saw him.
The heat from his sweaty body was unmistakable. I almost stumbled over my own

“If she wants to earn her way here, let her,” he said in
that voice he’d whispered
proved yourself to me
last night. My heart
shot into my throat. He remembered everything too, despite the alcohol.

Meredith snorted. “I suppose you’ll let her cook breakfast too,
refill your water goblets?”

“If she likes, who am I to stop her?” There was almost,
almost something playful about his tone, but if anyone else noticed, they
didn’t let on. Meredith made a derisive noise again and stepped into the house.
I didn’t turn around to let him see the blush creeping up my throat into my
cheeks. He followed us inside and Eric went to join his sisters.

“There,” Meredith pointed to a place for me to put the tub.
She was too busy to argue anymore with us so I headed out of the kitchen in search
of one of the many bathrooms I know I’d seen yesterday. I did not expect Jonah
to shadow me.

When I reached for a door knob to the bathroom in the
hallway, he put his hand on the door to stop me. He stood close, too close, and
my breathing betrayed me.

“Look,” he said and I couldn’t help but notice his eyes
linger on my slightly parted lips. “You can’t tell my sister about last night.
She would be very upset that I took advantage of you.”

“Advantage of…” My jaw dropped and I was all at once angrier
than I should be. “Were we on the same beach last night? I am quite sure there
was no advantage taking on
side of things.”

“Be quiet!” He eyes flashed, anger making him bristle. “Could
you be less discreet?”

This hurt, and I looked down at the floor between us. Of
course, I was sure he lived in a world where he expected complete discretion
and my part in all of this was a minor one. It was about his reputation and I
was sure his father would have less than kind things to say about his behavior
with me last night. I shrugged.

“My lips are sealed. You have nothing to worry about from

It’s what he wanted to hear, so I gave it to him. Funny, it
was more exciting to give him what he wanted when I thought he might give me
something in return. This felt like something else and I was ready for him to move
on and forget it had happened, too. I moved so that he had to take a step back
from my space.

He hesitated, but I didn’t look at him. After a moment of
consideration he leaned in, touched the small of my back with his palm. His
touch sent a jolt through me. I tried to pull away, but not for the same reason
I usually do, but he kept himself close. He leaned his mouth close to my ear,
whispered so that I could feel his breath on my skin. My heart quickened, my
body responded the way he wanted it to.

“It’s only a closet.”

“What?” I jerked back from him but he’d already turned away
and was heading for the stairs. I turned the door knob and sure enough, it was
only a closet.



Breakfast consisted of a poached egg and some kind of sweet
sauce over a bed of fluffy shaved potatoes, kind of like hash browns but
smoother, less crunchy, paired with fruit and yogurt with little bits of
granola on top. I paid close attention to my food, keeping my eyes from
traveling to Jonah’s who inconveniently was stuck sitting across from me again
because he was the last one to show up. On the breeze I could smell his shampoo
and damp hair. He’d changed into jeans and a t-shirt, tighter than the one he’d
run it, and I hated that I had to catch a glimpse of his body through the
fabric. It was nice, from what I could tell. Once, I caught myself wishing I’d
touched his chest last night, discovered the shape of him for myself.

Bad, Jessica. Terrible thoughts.

“When do you leave for the airport, Eric?” Mrs. Silver
asked. She ate like a bird, like Melissa, making Shannon and I look gluttonous.
We horded the hot bread as soon as it was brought out. I could have eaten the
whole thing with the cinnamon honey butter they served with it. This put our
microwave macaroni and popcorn breakfasts to shame.

“After I’m done eating. I’ll be picking up Nelson and Aunt
Steph and Amber at the same time.”

“Too bad we couldn’t have planned the others to come in then.
Do you think it is unseemly to send a car for them instead of going myself?”
Mrs. Silver looked to her husband who shook his head.

“If it weren’t my brother and his kids, I’d go, but they
won’t care.”

“Everyone will start trickling in throughout the day. We’ll
stick around to greet them, but tonight we’ll have a big bonfire on the beach
and with grilled ribs and burgers. Mmm, so good. There will be a bartender and
music and everything. We like to kick off the retreat in style.” Shannon gave a
little squeal and clap. Her laughter was infectious and I couldn’t help but

Mr. Silver gave me one of his hard looks. “Are you
twenty-one, Jessica?”

“Yes, my birthday was just before exams.”

“How lovely! Did your parents come up to see you?” Mrs.
Silver asked. She and Melissa had visited Shannon for her twenty first
birthday. They’d gone shopping and had cocktails at some fancy restaurant I did
not have the money to go to.

My reaction was nearly immediate. I could feel the color
drain from my cheeks and I couldn’t look her in the eye. I didn’t know how to
answer them without my voice cracking. Shannon rescued me like the saint she

“It was just us. I baked us cupcakes in the microwave and we
made icing with whip cream and strawberries.”

“You made…what in the what?” Melissa took her sunglasses off
and gave her sister a concerned look.

I relaxed and Shannon and I shared conspiratorial grins.
“They were terrible. We ended up just eating the whip cream out of the tub and
watching movies until two in the morning.”

Shannon bumped my shoulder and I was fine with it if she was
fine with it. It had been a great birthday.

When I looked up, Jonah was studying me like a specimen
under a microscope, but he didn’t have the concerned smiles of his mom and
sister, at least.

“It’s too bad your parents couldn’t have come up to see you.
Oh, John! We should have invited Jessica’s parents up to the beach house! How
rude of us!” Mrs. Silver reached for her husband who seemed to consider her
reaction thoughtfully.

“No!” I said quickly and they all turned their attention
back to me. “They have summer plans anyway, it’s really not rude. I appreciate
the thought though.

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