Disorder in the House [How the West Was Done 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (13 page)

BOOK: Disorder in the House [How the West Was Done 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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As their tongues intertwined with that hot urgency men were prone to, a thought vaguely crossed Levi’s mind.
We should get inside
. Laramie was a flat, open town. Two men shouldn’t be necking in the yard.

But the thought wasn’t urgent enough for him to act upon.


* * * *


Oh, my
Son of a gun.

At first Liberty thought she was just looking at two men discussing something. She continued taking the bags of sugar and flour from her cart. Since this would be the first Laramie school, her father had allowed her to order a wood stove for both heat and cooking, and she had brought other supplies. She had potatoes, bars of soap, another coal oil lamp, and wooden boxes full of ears of corn, onions, beans, pickles, raisins, and candles. All things the children—or the men—would want.

She was taking the second box into the school when it occurred to her the men weren’t discussing anything. Or weren’t anymore. They embraced as they stood next to a sawhorse, licking each other’s mouths as though there were no tomorrow.

Slowly, Liberty set the box down. It would’ve slipped from her hands anyway.

Peering around the corner of the school, she watched avidly. The men’s jaws worked hungrily, Levi’s fingers massaging the base of Garrett’s skull as he’d massaged her vertebrae before. Garrett’s broad, tapered hand clutched Levi’s ass to his crotch, and they rubbed their bulging erections together.

Liberty’s breath came shallow and fast. She had seen men kissing before, mostly in New York during the convention, but that was quite different. The New Yorkers were ganymedes and poofs, effeminate fellows who liked to act as women. Those men didn’t affect her to the core, as this sight did. Those big city poofs were fun, bright, and interesting, their color certainly livening up any dull proceedings. Most importantly, they were men who loved only men, and Levi and Garrett clearly loved women. Garrett had even been married once.

Maybe it was just a happenstance, something they’d stumbled into. Liberty leaned against the corner of the house, barely daring to breathe, to find out more. Maybe they had just been sawing and hammering along when
, someone had…given someone a fat lip with a hammer? So they were consoling each other? Liberty could really come up with no logical explanation for what she was spying, but it was incredibly stimulating.

She’d never seen Garrett shirtless, and it was a sight to behold. His bicep muscles moved in separate bunches, like some of the stevedores she had seen along the Missouri who unloaded heavy things all day long. He plastered his glossy, nude chest to Levi’s, and it made Liberty shudder between the thighs to wonder what it felt like, being engulfed by those massive arms. His enormous prick was up like a mallet, the thin fabric of his drawers revealing the rim of the straining cockhead as he mashed it against Levi’s clothed erection.

Levi left her so speechless she didn’t have a single thought in her head. The dashing Indian agent leaned his torso back as he clutched Garrett’s skull, and just the sight of the flat plane of his abdomen taut like that made Liberty’s knees turn to water. She clutched the corner of the house to keep from falling down, watching him suck and lick Garrett’s mouth. He gyrated his hips against Garrett’s swollen penis.

When they detached suddenly, as though they’d shoved each other away, Liberty remembered herself. It was only a matter of seconds before they started looking around to make sure no one had seen them. So she smartly picked up her box and vanished inside the front door, heart pounding like mad.

She commenced putting away the groceries, wondering what was taking so long. How long did it take for them to notice her horse and cart out front? She was stowing the wooden box under the kitchen counter when Levi banged in the back doorway.

“Liberty!” He seemed surprised to see her. He came forward as if to help, but she was only fooling around with a coffeepot.

“I brought more things.” She stated the obvious but didn’t know how to bring up what she’d seen. It was so rousing just to stand next to him again. Levi Colter seemed to emanate a sort of energy that her body just sucked up like life-giving liquid. As though without him she would certainly shrivel and die. When near Levi, her body fairly buzzed with his beneficial force. “I just came in and happened to see…”

Levi looked guilty. “You saw me and Garrett.”

She forced herself to look him in the eye. She didn’t want to scare him off. “Yes. Kissing.”

Levi slowly inhaled and exhaled. “Look. I can explain. We were both very carried away by the activities at Vancouver House the other night. I hope you don’t think we’re just a couple of randy dogs—”

“But I
randy dogs!” Liberty cried then clapped a hand over her mouth in shame. But it was true. “I mean, I like it when you two are randy dogs. Don’t apologize, Levi.” Softly she added, “It was very stimulating, what I saw.”

Levi came even closer to her, taking her chin between his fingers. “I don’t want you to be confused. It’s you who I love.” His glittering, radiant eyes could never tell anything but the truth. “I’ve been in love with you since—well, since before we met, according to Paddy. It’s clear that our destinies have merged. I want to protect you, Liberty. I’m not leaving your side until we figure out what that warning was about the water.”

“But you need to find Shady and Moses.”

“I’ll find Shady once this dangerous matter is resolved. Why isn’t Zeke with you?” He smiled, and Liberty absolutely melted. “I’m happy you’re alone, but I asked that clown to keep an eye on you. Do I need to request Marshal Tempest assign you a bodyguard?”

Liberty had never felt more feminine than at this moment. Levi’s stately face regarded her with concern and love. His enigmatic half- smile dissolved any fears she may have had. “No,” she assured him, touching his tattoo. How she wanted to ask him what it meant, this snake coiled around a cross. “Neil has his hands full with more important things. I assure you, we have a very good bathtub at Vancouver House, so I don’t need to bathe in any rivers.”

And she backed him into one of the chairs. He sat with a curious look that became soft and aroused once she straddled him, planting a slipper on either side of him, and sat on top of him. Just as they had been in the train, before someone’s boot and the train’s arrival had wrenched her from his embrace—forever, she had feared.

Now she placed both hands on his shoulders. “The eighth, I think.”

“Eighth what?”

“The eighth day of the month. In those instructions Garrett was reading from. Well, I read them all, of course.” She touched her nose to his and whispered, “I even copied them down.”

“Well.” Levi’s eyes traveled over her face with affection. “I must help you with your studies. So pray tell. What does the eighth involve?”

Liberty recited from memory. “‘On the eighth day, he should put his lips on her breasts while joining the two and put his face between them and rub them.’” She left out the “until she ejaculates” part. She still didn’t believe that was possible.

Levi smiled mysteriously. When he pressed his face to her bosom, a shudder ran the length of her spine. She arched her back, pressing her bosom into Levi’s warm, stately face. Liberty didn’t know what “while joining the two” meant, but Levi obviously had a very accurate idea.

Rather gently, he pulled down the neckline of her gown while lapping like a kitten at the cleft between her breasts. Her breasts popped free, and he showed admirable restraint in merely fondling them while lapping between them. A shivering, buzzing sensation filled her inner cunt, moistening the entire channel so she could plant her pussy directly over his erection and hump.

How sensual it was, clutching his rich mane of hair to her naked breast! His pointed nose was buried between her breasts—breasts that were perfect, she now knew for a fact. Full, round, and set perkily high, she was sure they compared favorably to any other tits Levi had ever suckled. He lifted them, one cupped in each hand, nuzzling the cleavage between them. Every time his tongue snaked out to lick her chest, Liberty gasped and wormed around on his erection. Again, she had found the slit in her drawers, and her naked pussy was plastered directly over his stiff penis. She giggled to wonder what his laundress thought of his stained clothing.

Levi uttered muffled sounds as he moved his fingers to her nipples. Liberty held her breath, waiting for him to pinch down, and when he did, her pussy fluttered, as it allegedly did during the accumulation of blood leading up to paroxysm. The entire channel clenched as though wishing to suck his beautiful cock inside it. But it was impossible to reach climax without direct stimulation of the clitoris, Liberty knew. Or at least, that’s what the women at the convention had rumored.

When he moved his mouth to replace his fingers on a nipple, Liberty clutched his skull and leaned into him. Yes, his nibbling and tonguing sent erotic surges down her spine and into her uterus, making it tremble and shiver. She knew this was the anticipation of paroxysm, but the climax itself was unknown to her. Could these sages from India possibly be right? Could she possibly “lose herself in waves of pulsation” merely by Levi nipping at her breasts? Liberty very much wanted to find out, for it seemed she was on that track right now.

But Levi stood then. He held her up by her ass as she reflexively locked her ankles around the small of his back. He carried her like a sack of potatoes, setting her down lightly on the tabletop. He had the wonderfully disheveled look of a randy dog, and it made her feel thoroughly feminine to know she had caused that look in him.

“You’re skipping the step!” she protested. “The eighth day!”

Suavely, he said, “I was thinking of moving along to the next step.”

She thought he intended to fuck her and worried she hadn’t brought her family-limitation pessary, a mixture of acacia gum she had obtained from a Chinese pharmacist in town. Although he stood tall between her outspread thighs, his erection bulging enticingly, he soon dropped to his knees, burrowing his head beneath her skirts.

Liberty instantly tensed to have a man’s head in such an intimate spot. She considered herself a modern suffragist, revolutionary even in her pursuit of the women’s vote, and she had heard of such things. But she’d never experienced it herself.

When he softly bit the sensitive flesh of her inner thigh, though, she relaxed a bit. His silken locks snaking against her thigh caused her pussy to flutter in anticipation, and she realized this was perhaps another way of bringing her to “the height of pleasure,” as the book said. Levi lifted her skirts and gathered them about her hips, and she felt his breath against the tip of her clitoris.

Son of a gun
. Her entire inner pussy clenched, as though mimicking the spasms of orgasm she had heard about. She lay flat on her back like a patient on a table, panic-stricken with fear at what this paroxysm might do to her. Or, worse yet—what if she didn’t even
the dreaded yet desired paroxysm?

These fears were all out the window in the next instant, when Levi dove into the slit in her drawers, delving the exquisite tip of his nose into her cunt. The talented fingers of one hand diddled at her clitoris as his fat tongue laved her labia. She gasped so loudly she was sure it could’ve been heard at the Bucket of Blood. She dug her fingernails into his poor shoulders and lifted her hips off the table. Shoving his shoulders under her hips to raise her, Levi’s twiddling fingers sent a flood of fluid into her pelvis.

She gasped and uttered strangled animal sounds, feeling the expansion of sensation in her pussy. His fingers slickly toyed with her enlarged clitoris.
she cried urgently, not understanding what she really wanted.

But he seemed to know, for he moved his face up to suck on her clitoris.

That was when she reached the crest, as the manuscript described. All the pent-up fluid in her pelvis simply crashed, like a dam breaking. Wave after ecstatic wave rolled down her inner passageway, a veritable flood of delirious passion that even had her chest and fingers tingling. Her torso heaved and bucked as she clutched his shoulders. Her pussy felt as though it would rupture if the waves got any stronger—and how
they, without sending her into a delirium of nerves?

Levi sped up his lapping at her clitoris. She bucked like a steer being branded and cried,
Yet she
it! Why was she crying “no”?
Yet she wanted it to end! If he continued like this, something inside her would simply break. The disorder of this female hysteria would simply be the death of her!

Thankfully, he seemed to know when to slow down. From the loud lapping sounds, Liberty imagined she had flooded his face with her juices. Embarrassed, terrified, and thoroughly enraptured, she feebly pushed his shoulders away.

“Ah,” she said weakly, trying to raise herself on her elbows. “You moved right ahead to the seventeenth.”

Levi still slurped slow, languid licks to her clitoris. She jumped with the buzzing sensations that shot up her abdomen and giggled.

Her breath caught in her throat when she perched on the edge of the table. Garrett was down on his knees behind Levi. His face was buried in the bare cleft of Levi’s ass, and he was lapping away, too.

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