Discovery at Nerwolix (9 page)

Read Discovery at Nerwolix Online

Authors: C.G. Coppola

Tags: #spirituality, #sex, #action adventure, #romance scifi, #war action adventure

BOOK: Discovery at Nerwolix
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“No one knows,” Qippert shrugs, moving
further into the very tight space. “And that was the last we saw of

“Or of it,” Sampson says.

“We are the only World that lost our Gift,”
Blovid frowns, a tinge of guilt and melancholy reflecting in his
tone. “It is why Mybyncia and Nerwolix protect theirs so
scrupulously. No one except their Leaders know the Gift’s
whereabouts. They fear the same will happen.”

“But Reuzkimpart will do what he must to
locate them,” Clarence places the bowl of Vilbrees on the floor
next to the bed. “He believes the fate of the Dofinikes rests in
it. It is an act of pure survival, and he will bring war on the
Worlds to do it.”

“He already has,” Sampson sighs. “You heard
Queen Ravan—she wants to go on the offense and strike Dellapalania.
What stops her from this once Pryncbia is fully recovered?
Chancellor Keller only has so much say in the matter.”

“The queen wishes to invade Dellapalania?”
Jothkore’s eyes widen at the news.

“Yes,” Blovid agrees, “she spoke of it right
before I fled to Larupip. That is why I wanted you to stay and
assist,” he glances to Sampson and Clarence. “We need her as an
ally, not an enemy—it could severely impact our role in this war.
Tell me, even after the toxin was reversed, was she still
discussing a possible invasion?”

“No,” Sampson shakes his head. “Her focus
rested with the recuperation of her people. She may readdress the
subject at some point, but the Chancellor assured us we have their
aide if we need it. I expect this would include sharing any
invasion plans with us.”

“But do you think she would?” Blovid raises
a brow. “If so, I will need to warn the others.”

“No,” Sampson shakes his head. “As a
courtesy to us, and all we did for them, I do not believe an
immediate counterstrike is something they are seriously
contemplating. If it changes, I am sure we will be notified.”

“Good,” Blovid exhales a sigh of relief.

“But what about Nerwolix?” Reid asks.
“They’re still neutral. Hozfin told Sampson he doesn’t want to get
involved in any war. Unless Jothkore has good news from King Thias,
we’re sitting on neutral ground.”

“Not necessarily,” Blovid shakes his head.
“Nerwolix will only stay neutral until they are invaded, which
Reuzkimpart plans to do. Once he lands, he will make a fierce new
enemy. We just need to be here to help the Zingfinolds defend their
lands and we’ll gain an ally.”

“What about Thias?” Reid asks.

“It is most likely that Reuzkimpart will
, in the southern terrain. There is a good
possibility the Nerwos won’t even be involved.”


Clarence folds his arms. “It is believed the
Floating Ruby is here, in the southern terrain.”

“And the Nerwos won’t help?” I ask. “It’s
their home too.”

“They are a separate people from the
Zingfinolds now,” Sampson explains. “It would be a surprise if they
assisted us in any invasion. What do you think, Jothkore?”

Pausing a moment, he considers. “I have been
around King Thias for only a short while and he is just now warming
to my presence. I have spent most of my time with Rhester and he
advises everything that happened is still fresh for the king—”

“After a hundred and fifty years?” Sampson

“I am sorry, Fychu…” Jothkore blanches. “He
is barely able to tolerate
presence. I am not sure if he
would be willing to assist with people who seceded from his
great-great-grandfather, especially if Dofinikes and humans are

“Then the Nerwos will remain neutral,”
Clarence sighs.

“Until their Gift is endangered,” Blovid
corrects. “Then their enemy will be the Vermix.”

,” Sampson corrects. “They
will eternally loathe the Dofinikes… there will never be peace
between us.”

The room grows silent, the question burning
on my tongue. I need to know. And we’re finally here—finally
talking about it. Knowing I shouldn’t, I give in and ask about the
secret Sampson has been hiding this entire time.

“What happened a hundred and fifty years

A quiet moment passes. Without looking
anyone in the eye, he exhales softly, his voice infinitely morose.
“I stole something from them.”

Stole? Sampson?


Another silent moment and I know this is
incredibly difficult for him. Finally, when he’s able to speak
again, he stares off at nothing, seeing into his past, into
something he desperately aches over. “King Thias’s most precious
possession,” he says quietly, his words sailing through the space.
I’m dying to ask what it is, but he moves for the red curtain.
“Excuse me.”

Once he’s outside, I turn to Clarence. “You
know, don’t you?”

He nods, still staring after his friend.


“It’s probably best not to ask him about
it,” he says. “The Fychu doesn’t like to talk about his past.”

“And you can’t tell us?” Reid asks.

“It’s not my business to tell…” Clarence
looks at us, his eyes sinking into me in a way they never have
before. It stirs something. “We all have our own troubled pasts. I
better go check on him,” he heads out.

“Fallon,” Blovid says, “I am ecstatic we
retrieved you in good condition. Take the night to heal. We will
reconvene in the morning,” he moves for the red curtain.

“It is good to see you again,” Jothkore
smiles, following after the Arizal Leader. Qippert offers a polite
nod before he does the same, leaving me alone with Reid. Once
they’re all gone and it’s just the two of us left, we turn together
at the same time.

“What was all that about?” he asks.

“What do you think he stole?”

“I don’t know…” Reid lies down next to me,
tucking a curl behind my ear, “…must be something important.”

“I can’t imagine Sampson stealing

“Maybe he was different back then. You heard
Clarence… ‘troubled past.’”

“But from a king?” I ask.

“Well,” Reid sighs, thinking. “He
a Vermix. Maybe it was Reuzkimpart’s first attempt to get the
Floating Ruby.”

“But he said he
it, which means
he’d have it. No,” I shake my head, dismissing the possibility.
“That’s not it.”

“We may never know,” he gently tugs my chin
toward him. “Don’t think about it right now.”


Reid leans in, softly brushing his lips
against mine, cutting me off. He hovers a moment and kisses me
sweetly again, setting a fire loose deep in my belly. I’m short of
breath, my fingers gripping his shoulder as my lips crave his in a
way that’s nearly painful. He pulls back, our mouths less than an
inch apart. His eyes look between mine, a thought building behind

“What?” I ask when he keeps quiet.

“I’m just glad we got you back. Everyone
wanted to go—all the Rogues, Blovid, even some of the

“Why didn’t they?”

“Sampson said a smaller group would be
better. Less chance of losing someone. He…” Reid glances down,
playing with a curl, “…he didn’t want me to go at first.”

“Why not?”

“Thought I’d kill them.”



I frown, waiting for him to continue.

“All the Vermix. He thought…” he wraps the
curl around his fingers, “…he thought I’d slaughter them all.
Everyone I saw. We didn’t know if you were alive or dead and I… I
couldn’t bear…” he gulps, closing his eyes as he shakes his head.
It’s a long moment before he starts again. “I went through five
before I reached you. And then I got to that room and…” his breath
hitches, his words coming out in whispers, “the sight of you like
that…hanging there.” Reid opens his eyes and looks at me, searing
my insides. “I would’ve killed them all. If it wasn’t about getting
you out, getting you to safety, I would’ve slaughtered them all,
just like Sampson said.”

“But you didn’t.”

“I killed eight Vermix. If you weren’t
alive, it would’ve been every last one. I would’ve kept going until
they killed me. That’s why Sampson didn’t want me to go. He thought
I wouldn’t come back.”


“I’m dead if you’re gone,” his eyes flicker
between mine again, swelling my heart. “You know that, right?”

“You wouldn’t go home?” The words are out of
my mouth before I realize I’ve said them. I want to take them back.
Not because of his answer, but because I’ve brought up Reid’s home.
It hurts him; I know it does. To think about his family… to think
. But it’s the truth. If I die, he doesn’t have to
stay. He can go back. He can always go back.

Reid frowns as he stares down at me. He
starts to speak but pauses, rearranging his words before he says
them. After a long moment he trails a finger down my cheek, ending
on my lower lip. “I have a past life… we all do… but this is the
one I belong to now,” he looks between my eyes. “I wasn’t lying
when I told you there was no choice. If something happens to you,
that’s it. There is no going home,” he gulps, his voice softening.
“There’s only following you.”

My heart feels like it’s about to combust.
It’s growing too big for my chest and I wonder briefly if it’ll
expand, bursting straight through me and onto Reid. Holding my
breath, my blood boils as he leans in and softly brushes his lips
against mine. My pulse quickens, my body heating at the touch of
his. At the feeling of his mouth on mine. At his scent. Just as I’m
drowning in him, Reid pulls back and gently reaches for my arm. I’m
not sure what he’s planning until he brings my wrist to his mouth
and starts kissing it again.

I bite my lip, watching as he closes his
eyes, gently working his mouth along my irritated skin. Once he’s
done with the first wrist, he moves to the second and moving his
Callix out of the way, he keeps to the same slow torture as his
lips undo the harsh grip of the Vermix restraint. Watching him do
this, tend to me like this, I want to tell him. I want to tell him
that he’s the most important thing to me, the most important thing
I could ever have. But I don’t know how to say it. I don’t know how
to tell him that if he ever left me, I would do the same. I would
follow him into the dark.

“Reid…” my heart takes off, my words getting
lost in my throat.

“Yeah?” he opens his eyes, gazing down at
me. He smiles and I think I might lose it—right now. How can he do
this to me? Make me feel like this? He leans in, pressing his mouth
against my neck, his lips moving with infinite tenderness. I’m
shattering. The feel of him… the
of him… I’m
overheating quicker than ever before as a strange new ache grows in
my chest. He gently kisses behind my ear. “What is it?”

Can I just say it? Just tell him?

He brings his lips to mine, his hand resting
at the base of my stomach. It sends tingles over my entire body.
I’m burning up, especially as his fingers slip under the fabric of
my tee, teasing the hot skin below. On impulse, I open my mouth and
he slips his tongue in. Bringing his fingers over the shirt again,
Reid inches them higher while keeping dedicated focus on kissing

I need to tell him now.

His hand moves even higher, over my rib cage
and I’m starting to tremble. He’s touched me like this before—why
is it so different now? I break away from his mouth and arch my
back, getting ready for him. His hand sails up, slowly inching over
my breast and my mouth drops open again. This feels so good.
feels so good. He takes me in his palm, squeezing gently
as he brings his lips back down to mine.

“Please…” I whisper against his lips.

“Please what?”

I want to tell him. I need to tell him.

Reid’s hand trails even further up, toward
my neck and pinching my chin as he kisses me. “You are

I hold his hands which are on me.

“So beautiful…” he kisses around my mouth,
sending me into a dizzying whirlwind. I close my eyes, getting lost
in his touch until he finally pauses, his hands softly cradling my
face. I look at him and he’s gazing down at me, an awed power
emanating in his stare. It’s like he doesn’t believe what he’s
looking at, like he can’t believe I’m real. “You are the most
beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

That’s it. The words I’ve wanted to use, the
words I’ve wanted him to hear can’t be kept in any longer. My need
to tell him is swallowing everything else, overpowering every other
thought as I gaze into his eyes. It’s time. It’s time he knows.

My words come out in whispers, my heart
beating against the hollow of my chest. “I have to tell you

His brows pinch together. A small smile
pulls at the corner of his mouth, waiting. But I can’t speak. My
heart is pounding too fast now, threatening to explode again.
it. Just do it.
But Reid leans down and places a gentle kiss on
my lips. “Tell me when you’re ready.”

He moves back to my neck and softly brushes
his lips against my hot skin.
Oh God
I have to tell him.
I’ll break if I don’t. Closing my eyes, I focus on the feel of his
mouth, on my thumping heart, on this swelling inside my chest and
give in.

“Reid, I love you.”

He stills, his breath warming my skin. Panic
takes over as I wait for him to move. But his mouth is still at my
neck, his body motionless. Finally, he pulls back and shifts focus
between my eyes. It’s silent and for a moment I think I’ve said the
wrong thing. My pulse races as I watch him process what I’ve said.
Have I messed everything up? Should I have kept it in? No. It’s
what I feel. It’s what I’ve known for a while. How can telling him
be wrong?

My breath hitches as Reid looks down at me.
What do I say? Do I even speak? I don’t know what to do. I don’t
know if I should—

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