Die For You: Catastrophe Series, Book 1 (16 page)

Read Die For You: Catastrophe Series, Book 1 Online

Authors: Michelle Mills

Tags: #ménage;post-apocalyptic;bondage

BOOK: Die For You: Catastrophe Series, Book 1
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Chapter Twenty

An hour later, Rachel stood in the shower, her confessional, massaged a dollop of shampoo into her scalp and thought about the crap that had gone down these last twenty-four hours.

First there was the revelation that Adam wanted her to start having sex with
him and Trevor at the same time. And then a pack of dogs had tried to kill her. Again.

No biggie. No worries there, right?

Shit, shit, shit.

Rachel rolled her shoulders, hoping the hot spray would relax her tense muscles. She pressed her fingers against her temples. What a mess. Why, oh why, did God leave her with
men? Normally that wouldn’t be a bad thing, but seriously, Adam would have been enough.

Day in and day out, she was subjected to hard muscles, deep voices and tight asses. A woman could suffocate from all the testosterone in the air. And with the whole world silenced, it magnified their importance.

And after last night, it was obvious Trevor wanted her. Wanted her, as in wanted to have sex with her. He was bartering for her with Adam. It was flattering having a gorgeous hunka burnin’ love with wicked tattoos act as if you were the be-all, end-all. But she
Trevor’s end-all, his only chance to have real live sex. She cringed. He’d denied it last night, but come on, she was obviously plain compared to his everything burrito. She was normal to the point of boring, and he was heavily tattooed rock ’n roll. In real life, they would’ve been oil and vinegar.

And did any of it matter if they were all just fuck buddies anyway? Her brow crinkled. She rinsed the shampoo out of her hair. Was that all she and Adam were? Fuck buddies? The air in her heart deflated like a balloon. She hoped not.

With Adam, she wanted more—the whole enchilada, with sour cream on top.

She licked her lips. Damn, she missed Mexican food.

She and Adam shared a bedroom, bathroom and a closet. He was the one—the man who’d taken her virginity, the man who had found her the first day she’d stepped out of her parents’ house and kept her safe, the man she slept with at night, snuggled with, talked to. The man she could easily fall in love with. Hell, if she were honest with herself, was probably already half in love with. And she had no idea where his heart was. He seemed to care for her. He’d insisted they share a room. It seemed all the affection she gave to him was mirrored back. She never felt like a silly girl chasing a guy she couldn’t get anymore. Now she was a grown woman, living with her boyfriend.

Wow. She shook her head. The world had to end for her to finally find a man she could fall in love with? How crazy was that?

But could she really rely on Adam when the chips were down? Yeah, he’d proven that he wanted to protect her. He’d saved her life. Twice.

But what about her heart? Would he keep that safe too?

What did it mean that he could so easily decide he wanted to share her with Trevor? Was that a red flag, or was it a sign of greater intimacy for Adam?

Her mind raced forward and flooded with images of the sex Adam had described. She didn’t discard them, or push them away with disgust. Why not have sex with the both of them if that’s what they wanted? What harm was there? It’s not like there was anyone left to judge. There literally was no one left alive to give one shit about what she did or didn’t do. She didn’t have to answer to anyone. She didn’t have to pretend not to like ménage, or anything else in the sexual pantheon, in order to seem like a good girl, did she?

This was a new world, and she was a new Rachel. She could be whoever she wanted to be. Do whatever she wanted to do.

But a ménage? With Adam and Trevor?

Her stomach fluttered with swirls of candy-coated joy.

What would that be like? Rachel swallowed hard against her dry throat and closed her eyes as a sexual fantasy flared bright and hot in her mind. An erotic, scorching one with her sandwiched between
hard bodies. Naked men with stiff, jutting cocks, touching her, pleasuring her. Trevor pushing his cock between her lips while Adam fucked her from…

Whoa! Her eyes flew open.


What was wrong with her? This might be a brave new world…but still. Rachel grabbed the soap. Had she gone out of her mind? Having sex with more than one man only happened to celebrities on secret sex tapes, not to someone like her…normal and slightly boring. She didn’t know a single woman in real life who’d ever done such a thing.

Or at least they’d never told her.

She put her hand on her forehead and blew out a breath. This craziness had to be a symptom of their forced intimacy. Right? They were all squeezed together like sardines, constantly in each other’s company, spending every moment of every day together. Even though she’d only known Adam for a little over a week and Christian and Trevor for three days—with everything they’d been through, it felt like years.

She rinsed out the conditioner and lathered up her body, heat pulsing between her thighs, breasts heavy, nipples begging for relief.

She imagined Adam. His hands on her. His hard cock pounding into her pussy. She exhaled. She needed him, needed his hands and his mouth to give her a screaming orgasm. Water fell along her neck and trailed over her hot skin. It rinsed off the soap but did nothing to decrease the warmth in the folds of her sex.

Adam wouldn’t be back until dark. He was out with Trevor, checking on neighboring farms for supplies and signs of life.


She whimpered and decided to do what she’d done so many times before.

Take care of it herself.

Rachel lathered her stomach and slid her hand down to the soft curls between her legs, dipping her finger inside to caress her swollen clit. She moaned. Not as good as Adam’s hand, but a girl had to do what a girl had to do.

She closed her eyes. What if she weren’t alone in the shower?

Rachel smiled, this time imagining Adam in front, Trevor in back, trying out in her mind again the idea that Adam had planted there, deciding it wasn’t as bad as it first sounded. She shivered at the thought of two sets of rough palms on her soft skin. Lips nipping her neck, large hands cupping her breasts. In this scenario, she wanted Adam as dominant as ever, calling the shots, telling Trevor what to do, where to touch her.

Water sluiced along the slope of her chest and between her nipples. They begged to be touched. She used her fingernails to lightly rub the soapy tips of her breasts. Warmth rushed through her body as pleasure spiked in her clit. Her breath quickened as she imagined Adam’s mouth latched on to one breast. She could almost feel the tug of his lips. In her dream, he pinched the other nipple simultaneously with large fingers. She gasped at the intense pleasure and leaned her back against the shower wall, delirious with bliss.

She moved one hand to the apex of her legs and delved back between her folds. She sighed as she stroked her swollen clit. She found the right spot and applied the exact amount of rhythmic pressure. One hand lifted to brace against the tile wall. Shaking, shuddering at the razor edge of release. She was almost there, the explosive orgasm hovering just around the corner.

The shower door clicked open and cold air swept in. Rachel gasped and jerked her hand from between her legs.

Adam stood there gloriously naked, penis flushed and erect, backlit with glowing light.

Chapter Twenty-One

Adam watched her with hungry lust, a wry smile twisting his lips. “Would you like some help with that?”

Heat rushed to her face. Her chest pounded so hard she thought she might be having an actual heart attack. She froze, unable to speak. Why hadn’t she heard him come inside the bathroom? A pathetic, squeaky noise finally emanated from her throat. He’d found her naked, touching herself. She wished a sink hole would split the ground open and swallow her up whole.

“You know we shouldn’t be wasting water. Too bad, because I’d love to join you.” A lazy smile tugged his mouth as he reached behind her and twisted the shower knob. Drops of water trickled overhead.

She stared at him, water dripping down her face, so completely mortified she was unable to speak. She turned her back to him, trying to hide.


“Get out,” she whispered.

“Come here,” he said with a hard voice. He grabbed her by the arms and guided her out of the shower. “I’m taking you into the bedroom and I’m going to finish what you started.”

Before she could answer, Adam’s hands went behind her knees. She squealed as he swept her into his strong arms and burst through the bathroom door. He dropped her wet body on their bed. He grabbed an ankle with a rough hand, pulled her down and immediately positioned her hips on the edge. He pushed her thighs open and put his mouth between her legs.

Wow, he worked fast.

Minutes ago, she was masturbating in the shower, alone and slightly pathetic, and now here she was with Adam’s face between her legs. Amazing how a person’s world could turn on a dime.

He used his fingers to spread her wide and then dragged his tongue across her sex and drew circles around her clit. Rachel’s thighs clenched. “Oh, dear God,” she moaned. “Don’t stop.”

“You’re so wet,” Adam rasped. “Finding you like that was fucking hot, like nothing I’ve seen before. What were you thinking of when you were getting off in the shower?”

Did they have to talk about this? “You.” She gasped. “I was thinking of you.”

“Just me? Or was anyone else in the shower too?” He plunged two fingers into her pussy.

Her back bowed off the bed. Was he psychic? How could he know? “Only you.” She thrashed her head from side to side. She was there again, right on the edge, if he put a little more pressure right there…

He lifted his head and kissed the inside of her thigh. “Tell me the truth, Rachel.”

She fisted handfuls of downy green comforter and squeezed tight. “Can we talk less and fuck more?”

He laughed at her blunt language. “Your wish is my command.”

She was so close it wasn’t going to take much. He returned his tongue to her clit and found that sweet spot, the same one from the shower. And she exploded. Pleasure so intense it almost hurt swept through her. Her hips jerked up as her pussy clenched around his fingers.

She heard a crinkling noise and then he was rolling on a condom in record time. The crest of his rock-hard penis nudged against her entrance.

“Hurry,” she begged, digging her nails into his shoulders. The idea of his cock pounding into that empty space, filling her up where she needed him most, had her desperate and needy.

He lifted one of her legs, hand behind her knee, and entered her in one swift motion. He filled her wetness completely, his hip bones moving with hers.

“Adam,” she cried out and reached out to dig her fingers into his ass, pulling him close. It was so good, so good. This time, he was letting her touch him, letting her do what she wanted. It was a nice change of pace. He groaned and she wrapped her legs around his narrow hips. He reared up, pulling out until the head of his penis touched her opening and slammed back into her. She sobbed as he shoved his length into her again and again, tormented by the exquisite sensation.

Sweat shone on Adam’s face and his breath came in short, harsh gasps. She touched his warm skin, skated her hands down his smooth back and felt the ripple of his muscles. He braced himself on strong, quavering arms and ground out, “Isn’t this what you wanted Rachel? Hard cock?” he said with that dark, commanding voice she loved.

His long, deep thrusts grew jerky and hard, each stroke sending impulses of sensation lighting inside of her womb. God, she needed this, needed to imprint Adam all over her body, his scent, his touch to the point that it was deep down in her bones and would never go away.

“Come with me,” Adam ordered hoarsely.

She gripped his shoulders as she felt herself on the edge of her own release again. Her violent orgasm caught her by surprise. She opened her mouth and he covered her scream of ecstasy with his lips. The sensation exploded inside of her, detonated and dragged her down. She felt him drive deep into her one last time. He lifted his head and shouted out her name as hard pulsing dampness filled her. She tightened her arms around his shoulders, enjoying the warmth of his hot seed inside her pussy.

A sudden realization swept chilling coldness through her. Wait, how could she feel that? That shouldn’t be possible. He was wearing a condom, wasn’t he? He was, so that meant—

“Adam,” she whispered, her hands on his chest. “I think the condom broke.”

Adam’s whole body stiffened. “What?” he clipped.

“The condom,” she repeated, her voice a soft, defeated whisper. “I think it broke. When you came, I…I felt it. It feels warm.”

Adam dropped his face into her neck. “Fuck.” He lifted his head, gave her a quick kiss and muttered, “I’ll be right back.” He slid out of her, got up and stalked to the bathroom.

Motherfucking hell, this did not just happen.

Coldness settled into the pit of his stomach. He pulled the condom off and studied it. The damn thing was torn so wide a fucking B-52 could have flown right through it. “Goddammit,” he roared, ready to tear the room apart with his bare hands and beat someone senseless.

“Adam?” He whipped around, and reined in his anger at his own stupidity. How could he not have noticed the damn thing was torn? Was he a fucking idiot?

Rachel stepped into the bathroom—sexy in his T-shirt. The one she always wore, with the word
in block letters across her chest—her eyes wide and face pale, twisting the hem in her fingers. “Was I right? Did it…?”

“Yes, the condom broke. Shouldn’t even have bothered to wear one.”

Her mouth opened. She was staring at him but not focusing.

Adam closed the distance. “Rachel, it’s going to be okay.” His arms went around her and he pulled her in close.

“No.” Her lips trembled and tears formed in her eyes. “It’s not going to be okay. What if I get pregnant? There aren’t any doctors anymore. None of us know how to deliver a baby, or take care of it if something goes wrong.”

“Shit, I’m sorry, sweetheart, you know I didn’t want this to happen.”

She planted her face in his chest and sobbed, shoulders shaking.

Shit. He knew it would upset her, but not this much. “Rachel, if you get pregnant with my child, I’ll take care of you, and we’ll get through this…together.”

She cried harder against his chest. What the hell was this? Why was she so scared? He held her like that, his chest heavy with anxiety, both of them standing together in the bathroom, the air still warm and moist from her recent shower. Finally, her shoulders stopped shaking and she grew still in his arms. She pulled back and gazed up at him, her blue eyes wet with tears.

“My periods have always been erratic. I’m not even sure when my last one was. So I doubt I’m going to get pregnant.” Her voice was monotone, as if she were trying to convince herself this was true.

He held her tight. “I want you to let me know if you even suspect you’re pregnant. I need to be able to take care of you.”

She reached up, her gaze locked with his, and cupped his jaw with her hand. “You’re a good guy, Adam Sanchez. I’m lucky to be stuck with you.”

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