Diamond Deceit (8 page)

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Authors: Carolyn Keene

BOOK: Diamond Deceit
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“It's possible,” George agreed. “I mean, Len did say they've been working hard to get their businesses off the ground. Maybe he stole the diamonds because money is tight.” Then she frowned, running a hand through her short, dark curls. “But the diamond switch happened days ago. I still don't get what Len could be handing over to that woman now.”

Nancy had been wondering the same thing. “It's possible there was money in the envelope. Maybe Len gave her a cut after he sold the diamonds.”

Nancy absently fingered the hem of her blazer. “Let's face it. Marcia, Len, Cy Baxter, and his assistant are all still suspects, and we're no closer
to figuring out who's guilty than we were yesterday.”

George flicked a thumb back in the direction of the Café de Carmel. “Well, let's give up for now and see if Bess is through working. Maybe we can get in some sightseeing,” she suggested. “After a break, maybe all of this will seem a little clearer.”

“Mmm,” Nancy said noncommittally. “I want to go back to Baxter's jewelry store, though. I want to check out both Baxter and his assistant more.”

lunch,” George insisted, pulling Nancy toward Café de Carmel. “All we've been through this morning has made me hungry!”

When the two girls entered Ted's restaurant, there was already a sizable lunch crowd. Libby, the waitress Bess had spoken to the day before, was rushing around taking orders and delivering food.

“I guess Bess is in the kitchen,” George commented.

Just then the door to the kitchen opened and Ted emerged, a welcoming smile on his face. As soon as he recognized Nancy and George his smile faded.

“Hi,” Nancy said brightly, ignoring his unfriendly expression.

“Uh, hi. Did you find anything out at Joanna Burton's this morning?” he asked. His question was polite enough, but Nancy knew he wasn't happy to see her and George.

Nancy smiled at him and said, “I thought we could fill you and Bess in at the same time. Is she here?”

“Bess is busy,” he said curtly.

“Come on, you're the boss. Tell her she can take a break,” George teased.

Ted just glowered at George. “She's not here right now,” he told her. “She went to get stuff for a new dessert she wants to try.”

What was with this guy? Nancy wondered. He was acting as if it were a crime even to ask about Bess. “So I guess that means she's not going to be able to go sightseeing with us this afternoon?” Nancy asked.

“Bess and I have a business to run,” Ted said. “She said to tell you that she'll catch up with you when she has time.” With that he disappeared back into the kitchen.

George turned to Nancy, angry red spots coloring her cheeks. “She'll catch up with us when she has time?” George said, keeping her voice low. “Bess
us to come here. She's hardly had time to say hi since we arrived.”

“I doubt that's the exact message she left for us,” Nancy said, frowning. “I have a feeling Ted interpreted it more harshly.”

“He isn't exactly Mr. Charming, is he?” George muttered. “Suddenly I'm not hungry. Let's get out of here.”

Nancy nodded. “We can grab a slice of pizza or
something. And then let's go over to Cy Baxter's.”

• • •

Baxter's Fine Jewelry seemed to be deserted when Nancy and George entered the shop forty-five minutes later.

“Where is everyone?” George murmured, stepping up to the counter.

Nancy shrugged and started toward the doorway that led to the back. From the doorway she caught sight of the assistant, who was studying a piece of jewelry on the table in front of her. She was so intent on her work that she didn't appear to hear Nancy and George at all.

Nancy held a finger up to her lips for silence, then stepped a little closer. She was trying to get a better look at the piece of jewelry. Could it be Marcia Cheung's charm bracelet?

As Nancy shifted her weight a floorboard let out a loud creak. The woman's head jerked up, and she gasped when she saw Nancy in the doorway. A split-second later she swept the piece of jewelry into a drawer. The jingly sound Nancy heard immediately made her think it was a charm bracelet.

“Can I help you?” she asked nervously. She hurried over to the doorway.”

Nancy turned as the front door opened again and Cy Baxter strode into the shop. His eyes landed on Nancy and George and flickered with recognition.

“Rachel, why is there a customer in the workroom?” Baxter asked. Nancy wasn't actually in the workroom, but he obviously wasn't pleased to see her in the doorway.

“I'm sorry, Mr. Baxter,” Rachel said. “I didn't hear her come in until just now.”

Smiling at Nancy and George, Cy said, “So, have you decided to have me design your bracelet?” he asked.

It took Nancy a moment to remember what he was talking about. She'd almost forgotten that she'd pretended to be a customer during her last visit. This time she decided not to play games.

“Mr. Baxter, I'm investigating your claims about Joanna Burton's diamond necklace for Marcia Cheung,” Nancy told him.

Cy Baxter's smile faded. “I don't have to answer any of your questions,” he said. “And I'm certainly going to speak to Joanna about you. I don't see any reason why she should cooperate with you, either.”

Nancy was surprised to hear him mention Joanna's name. Apparently he hadn't heard what had happened to her yet. Then again, there hadn't been much time for the news to get around, “Mr. Baxter, Joanna Burton died this morning,” she said softly.

The jeweler blinked, and his hand went to his chest. “Joanna—dead?” he echoed.

Rachel was just as surprised. Her face turned a pasty, unhealthy color. “But—how?”

Nancy took a deep breath before answering. “She fell down her terrace steps. The police suspect she may have been pushed. When they found her she was holding a charm—a sea otter charm, like the ones you make.”

“One of my charms?” Baxter asked weakly.

Nancy nodded, then asked her next question. She had a feeling Baxter wasn't going to like it. “Where have you been all morning?” she inquired.

Baxter opened his mouth to speak, but all that came out were sputtering noises. “Why are you asking me?” he finally demanded.

“You sell charms like the one the police found in Miss Burton's hand,” George answered.

“I sell charms, but I don't wear them. And I assure you I was nowhere near Joanna Burton's house this morning,” Baxter said defensively. “My Jaguar stalled when I was driving to work this morning. I had to have it towed all the way to the dealership in Monterey. The mechanics there are the only ones I trust. Monterey Imports—you can call them if you don't believe me.”

His alibi would be easy to check, Nancy thought. She doubted that he was lying. “Do you know who else might have visited her?” she asked. “Someone who wears one of your bracelets?”

“I really couldn't say,” Baxter replied. “Joanna Burton loved my charms. She gave them as gifts all the time.”

“What about the charm bracelet your assistant was working on when we came in?” Nancy knew it was a long shot but hoped it would work.

“Yes,” George said, picking up on Nancy's reasoning. “If you don't mind, we'd like to see if there's a sea otter missing from it.”

Baxter appeared completely baffled. “Charm bracelet?” He turned to Rachel and asked, “What's this all about?”

Rachel looked panicky, and all the fight seemed to go out of her. Stepping over to the workbench where she'd been sitting before, she sank onto the stool.

Cy Baxter stood next to her while she opened the drawer in the work desk.

“What's this?” he asked, picking up a photograph of a man from the desktop.

Nancy moved closer to see who it was and immediately recognized Michael Davis. He was an older actor who was enjoying a comeback following the release of his latest movie.

Something was written on the back of the photo, Nancy noticed. Apparently Baxter saw it, too. He flipped the picture over and read, “ ‘Rachel—In every future there is a past.' And it's signed.” He laid the photo down in front of Rachel, shaking his head. “Honestly, Rachel. This is a place of business. It's unprofessional to keep pictures of movie stars piled on your desk.”

When Rachel saw the photograph, her face went completely white. “Oh, no!” she murmured.
Then she added, “I-I'm sorry, Mr. Baxter. I promise I'll get rid of it.”

“Good. Now, where's that bracelet?” Baxter asked, getting back to business.

Rachel opened her work desk drawer and slowly took out a charm bracelet. “Len wanted me to put on the charm that you made for him—the one that's the logo from his landscaping business.”

George stepped forward to look at the bracelet. “So that's what Nancy saw Len give you a little while ago?”

Rachel nodded. “He wanted it to be a surprise. Please don't tell Marcia.”

Taking the charm bracelet from his assistant, Cy Baxter carefully examined it. “Here's Marcia's sea otter,” he said, holding out the charm for Nancy to see.

Nancy carefully inspected the small gold loop connecting the charm to the bracelet. It was slightly tarnished, not shiny the way it would be if it were new. “Are you sure the sea otter charm was on there when Len gave the bracelet to you?” Nancy asked. “You didn't put that one on today?”

“Oh, no,” Rachel answered with a firm shake of her head. “The only new charm is the logo of Len's new business, Peninsula Pine Landscaping.”

Baxter fingered through the charms until he came to the right one. When he held it out,
George grabbed Nancy's arm. Nancy did a double-take when she looked at the charm.

The charm was of a gold pine tree with white-tipped branches that looked like waves. It was identical to the logo on the truck that had nearly run them off the 17-Mile Drive that morning near Joanna Burton's house!



hardly believe her eyes. There was a very good chance that she and George had seen Len speeding away from the murder scene.

“Nancy, are you thinking what I'm thinking?” George asked softly.

“Maybe, but let's not jump to any conclusions.” Turning to Cy Baxter, she asked, “Do you know if Len has a pickup truck with this logo on the side?”

Baxter nodded.

Okay, slow down, Drew, Nancy cautioned herself. She and George hadn't actually seen Len leave Joanna Burton's house. But she couldn't think of a reason for him to be driving so recklessly—unless he had been up to no good and wanted to get away fast.

Nancy thought back to her encounter with Marcia that morning. If Marcia knew or even suspected that Len had been at Joanna's that morning, that could explain her refusal to answer Nancy's questions.

Nancy knew George was dying to talk this over, but they couldn't in front of Cy Baxter and Rachel.

Nancy was about to say goodbye when Baxter asked, “What about Gigi?” Seeing the girls' perplexed expressions, he added, “Joanna's dog. Who's going to take care of her?”

“The police probably took charge of her. Or maybe Joanna's agent took her home,” George said.

“Stephanie Cooke?” Baxter's face turned sour as he mentioned the agent's name. “I can't imagine that she'd go out of her way to help anyone—especially if the person is dead and can't do anything for her. I'd better call the police and check on the dog myself.”

Nancy was surprised at Cy Baxter's critical tone. It had seemed to her that the agent was very concerned for her client. “Weren't Joanna and Stephanie close?” Nancy asked.

“Not really. Stephanie's specialty is to take an older actor or actress whose career has fallen off and build it back up.” With a quick look at Rachel he added, “I think she represented Michael Davis in his comeback, in fact.”

Rachel smiled stiffly and quickly placed the photo of Michael Davis in her drawer. She seemed uncomfortable talking about the actor, but then, why keep his photo on her desk?

After thanking Cy Baxter and Rachel for their time, Nancy and George headed for the door. The clocks in the showroom chimed the hour as they passed through the showroom. Nancy started at the sound. It reminded her of the smashed cuckoo clock that had been delivered to her at the Provence Inn.

A quick glance at the wall of clocks told her that Cy Baxter's cuckoo clock was in the same place it had been the day before. The clock that had been sent to her hadn't come from him—unless Baxter kept a supply of them.

“That's a beautiful cuckoo clock,” Nancy commented, pausing to look at it.

Cy Baxter nodded approvingly at the clock. “Isn't it? I have a man in Switzerland who makes them to order for me. That one is just for display,” he told her. “Would you like to order one? It takes about four weeks.”

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