Read Dial M for Ménage Online

Authors: Emily Ryan-Davis

Dial M for Ménage (6 page)

BOOK: Dial M for Ménage
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She wasn’t ready yet.

Hunter surprised her by lingering. He licked at Liam’s cock, ignoring Liam when he groaned an objection. As hot as it was watching Hunter savor his connection with Liam, Kat knew Liam was approaching the point of discomfort. She glanced up at Liam’s face and bit her lip.

Kat took pity on Liam.

Ok, maybe it wasn’t all pity for Liam. Her pussy was empty and fluttering and she was finished watching. Raising her hem above her knees, she slid off the bed and knelt beside Hunter. The scent of sex was thick on this level. She closed her eyes and drew a deep breath, savoring the cocktail of pheromones. When she opened her eyes, Hunter was watching her.

Kat didn’t wait for an invitation. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and leaned her full weight against him, crushing her breasts against the rock-hard expanse of his chest. Her touch seemed to free him from whatever held him prisoner. He crushed her mouth beneath his and, with one arm across her back and the other around her hips, brought them both off the floor. She expected Hunter to drop her on the bed and come on top of her instantly, but he pressed her into the plush bedding with surprising care.

Candlelight darkened his tawny skin to deep amber. Kat ran her hands over his biceps while he crouched over her.

When he didn’t speak or move for long minutes, she reached up to smooth the fine, deep grooves at the corners of his mouth. “What are you thinking?”

Hunter glanced at Liam, who hadn’t moved a muscle and sat facing forward, his back to them. “I’m thinking I love you. Both of you.”

Liam’s shoulders slumped. He stood abruptly. “I’m going to fill the Jacuzzi.”

Hunter started to push away from her. Kat looped her hands behind his neck, stopping him. At Hunter’s questioning look, she shook her head and squeezed her eyes shut. Not wanting to worry about Liam’s increasingly odd behavior, not yet, she pulled Hunter’s mouth down to hers.

Liam’s flavor lingered on Hunter’s tongue. Kat ate at his mouth, greedy for the pleasure Hunter had wrung from her husband’s body. Under her carnal onslaught, Hunter’s hesitation vanished. Shoving her gown up over her hips, he settled on his knees between her thighs. The woven fabric of his pants teased her, brushing her legs every time he moved. Kat swept her palms down his chest and over his stomach, tracing the ridges of muscle on her way to his belt buckle. While she fumbled blindly with the simple fastening, Hunter threaded his fingers through her hair and pinned her to the bed with the long strands he gathered in his fists.

He tore his mouth from hers only to drag his lips down her throat, pausing to suck at the pulse point before continuing to the skin bared by her gown’s deep neckline. Kat managed to loosen his belt and unzip his pants before he blew her mind with a sharp bite at the inner curve of her breast. Moaning, she crossed her ankles behind his back and lifted her hips off the bed. His cock slid through her folds, the wide head bumping over her clit before he lowered his weight and trapped her beneath him.

Holding position, Hunter locked his elbows and levered his chest up away from her. “Look at me,” he rasped.

Kat opened her eyes to find him staring down at her, something hot and intense shining in his gaze. Sweat glistened at his throat, which worked as he swallowed. His need was undeniable. He couldn’t have hidden it if he tried, and in that moment he was wide-open to her.

“Hunter...” She reached up and traced his parted lips with her finger. He squeezed his eyes shut, but they popped open with his next breath.

“I need you.” He turned his head until the bathroom door stood in his line of sight and said, beneath his breath, “Both of you.”

Sandwiching his face between her hands, she directed his eyes back to hers. “You have us.”

His breath left him in a rush. Biceps flexing, he supported his upper body on one arm while reaching back to yank his wallet out of his pocket. Kat’s heart rate skipped and sped as she realized he had reached his breaking point. While Hunter dug for a condom, she shifted until she could pull her gown over her head. Hunter growled a low sound of approval. With the foil packet pinched between his fingers, he bent to suck her nipple into his mouth. The treatment he gave her was different from that he had given Liam, but no less intense. As he drew the tender bud against the roof of his mouth, Kat groaned out loud and rocked her hips. His shaft connected with her clit again, firm enough to light a spark of sensation but not enough to push her to the edge.

She needed more. Her hands shook as she took the condom from him and tore open the package. Hunter released her nipple with a wet
and reared up on his knees. She dropped her feet to the bed and rose up on her elbows. The dark gray material of his pants parted around his jutting cock. Kat watched him roll the latex over the thick column of flesh.

When he was sheathed, he caught her gaze. Their eyes held for a moment before Hunter’s focus shifted. He looked past her shoulder and nodded at something behind her. “Turn around and hold on to the headboard.”

Mouth dry, she nodded. Hunter helped her turn over. She crawled a few inches along the bed, knocking pillows aside to make room at the head of the mattress. The headboard was nothing more than a padded rectangle covered in rich blue brocade. When the bed dipped behind her, she hurried to close her hands over the upmost edge. The texture of the upholstery registered right before Hunter palmed her hips, and everything outside that skin-to-skin contact faded away.

He must have peeled off his trousers in the few seconds she’d spent crawling away from him. The silky hair that dusted his thighs tickled the backs of her legs as he aligned their bodies. Needing face-to-face even if Hunter didn’t, she turned her head so she could watch him over her shoulder.

A furrow of concentration lined his brow as shifted his hips, his cock between her thighs but not inside her. Gasping, Kat flexed her hands and gripped the padded headboard harder.

“I don’t want to play tonight.” She bumped her ass back against him insistently. His powerful thighs supported her as she settled her weight against him and rocked over his erection. Despite her efforts, she couldn’t draw him in.

Hunter let her squirm until her frustration welled up in a low curse. When she released the headboard and reached between her legs to grasp his cock, he caught her wrist and put her hand back where it was. “I told you to hold on, kitten. Don’t let go.”

She bared her teeth at him. “If you don’t do something soon, I’m going to have to get myself off. I’m so empty, I ache.”

“Fuck, you’re hot.
Don’t let go

At the urgency in his command, she instinctively locked her elbows. No sooner did she shore up her grip on the headboard than Hunter dragged his cock back, only to surge forward. She had so little warning that she gasped out loud. The force of his thrust rocked the bed. If she hadn’t braced herself, she would have pitched face-first into brocade.

He grunted as he hit home, but he didn’t even pause before he drew back and shoved into her again. Breathing hard, Kat dropped her head between her outstretched arms. Hunter’s fingers framed her pelvis, biting into the soft flesh of her hips as he drove into her again and again. Her clit became a bundle of tingling, needy nerves but she didn’t dare touch herself. Just when she thought she’d have to beg, Hunter dipped one hand to cover her pussy. The pressure of his palm brought instant relief. Shuddering, she whipped her head back and arched her spine, seeking more.

Hunter slowed to a torturous pace. He held her ass against his pelvis and circled his hips, grinding deep in her core. Spearing his fingers over her drenched flesh, he swirled a fingertip around her opening, which was sensitive from being stretched wide by his cock. Kat took a chance and released the headboard. She wound her arms up and back, looping them around Hunter’s neck.

“God, look at your tits,” Hunter breathed. He raised his free hand to toy with her nipples, moving back and forth between the stiff peaks until Kat whimpered.

“Hunter, please.” She bucked into his hand, desperate for the firm stroke that would tip her over.

He didn’t say anything but he spread her pussy wide and centered the heel of his hand over her clit. His breath deepened as he established a new rhythm, steady and determined. Eyes closed, Kat gave herself over to him. Within moments, her muscles drew tight with a rush of pleasure. Hunter groaned behind her. Seconds before he stiffened, release ripped a cry from her chest and stole her breath. He stilled, controlling everything except the flex of his thighs and the jerk of his cock inside her.

Kat sagged against him as the aftershocks rolled through her, setting her muscles aquiver. Her inner walls fluttered and clutched, unwilling to relinquish their hold. Hunter dropped his chin to the top of her head and wrapped his arms across her ribs, echoing her body’s reluctance.

“Jesus.” He rubbed his face against her hair. “The two of you destroy me.”

A measure of her earlier anxiety drifted away, soothed by the satisfied exhaustion she heard in his voice. Stroking his forearms, she asked, “All better now?”

His embrace tightened. “Getting there. Could be even better.”

She nodded. Sometime during her time with Hunter, Liam had turned off the water in the bathroom. The whirlpool tub’s jets filled the suite with a low, steady hum, not loud enough to have muted the sounds of Hunter fucking her. As the heat of passion ebbed, she thought back to Liam’s tense exit and pressed her lips together. Between whatever had gone on between him and Hunter in the bar, and the aggressive way Hunter sucked Liam off, Liam had surely been dropping into an adrenaline crash. Leaving the room was his choice, and she knew he had needed the time to decompress, but instinct called her to his side.

Maybe Hunter felt it too, because he was the one who spoke first. “Let’s find Liam.”

Kat nodded and Hunter loosened his embrace. Before he released her, he angled his head so he could brush his lips along her cheek. Smiling at the sweet kiss, Kat unfolded her legs and slid off the high bed. She plucked her silky blue robe off the floor and wrapped it around her body, trying to hold on to some of the heat she’d felt in Hunter’s arms. Hunter followed her into the suite’s luxurious bathroom.

Liam sat in the bubbling hot tub, his arms outstretched along the sides and his head resting on the rim. He looked at first her, then Hunter. Something passed silently between the two of them. Liam pressed his lips into a tense, uneasy line while Hunter shook off the aftereffects of his orgasm and squared his jaw.

Kat frowned at the tension that rippled between them. Taking a deep breath, she said a mental farewell to their romantic evening and said, “I think it’s time to talk.”

Liam sat up in the water. “K-K, let’s drop it until Sunday. I want us to enjoy the weekend together.”

“What the three of us have is fragile. I think it’s important that we face any issues that crop up as soon as we realize they exist. Resolving the problem now will allow us to relax for the rest of the weekend.” She strove for an even, nonconfrontational tone and included both Liam and Hunter as she spoke.

“She needs to know,” Hunter said.

Liam narrowed his eyes, but after a moment he jerked his head in a nod and looked away.

Unease settled in Kat’s stomach. “Okay, so...I guess we’re in agreement. What’s going on? Liam?”

Hunter was the one to speak. “Liam and I didn’t see eye to eye on telling you about my reassignment.”

Frown lines pinched between Liam’s eyes. He shot another unspoken question at Hunter and this time, the exchange was so brief, Kat was sure she would have missed it if she wasn’t looking for it.

Hunter’s back was to her while he climbed into the large tub, so she missed his reaction to Liam’s pointed look. His features were expressionless when she could see his face again, his eyes betraying nothing except appreciation for the water that rose to his chest and the jets of bubbles flowing around him.

“Your reassignment,” Kat repeated, disbelieving. “That’s it? All the dark glares and dick waving and the power struggle in there were about

Liam looked up at her. “We argued about when we should tell you. It wasn’t pretty but it’s been resolved. I’m sorry we dragged the chest-pounding testosterone through the door.”

She blew out a slow breath and digested his words. During the weeks of researching, planning and waiting, she had rehearsed how she would react to the news. She had settled on calm acceptance and a no-nonsense, let’s-get-things-in-motion attitude. She’d thought maybe they would all have a celebratory drink, toast to the next stage of their relationship. Neither Hunter nor Liam looked like they were in the mood to toast anything, and she was anything but calm.

“How long have you known?” She directed the question to Hunter, but Liam answered.

“He found out today.” Liam held out his hand. “Come sit and relax, K-K. We’ll talk about it.”

“How long have
known?” She ignored his hand.

“Hunter told me before we came upstairs.”

Kat rubbed the space between her eyes. “Okay. Is there anything else we need to talk about? Or is this it?”

Again, Hunter took the lead in answering her. “Just this.”

“And nothing else is wrong?” She knew she sounded suspicious, but she needed reassurance that nothing was festering between them.

“That’s all, K-K.” Liam reached for her again. “I wanted you to have a special night. I think I fucked it up by wanting too hard, but I swear, that’s all. Just my fuckup. Will you please take off that robe and get in the tub? The outline of your nipples is killing me.”

“You’re not going to distract me with sex.” But she untied her robe and let it fall to the floor. Liam held her hand and Hunter cupped her hip, steadying her as she slid into the hot bath. With the men perched on the benches at either end of the tub, that left her with the deep middle. The water level rose to her navel, which wasn’t high enough to shield her from two heated gazes.

When Hunter reached for her, she shook her head. Backing up against the side of the tub, she sank down to her shoulders in the froth. A firm jet of water massaged the knotted muscles between her shoulders. She closed her eyes and moaned in pleasure.

BOOK: Dial M for Ménage
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