Read Dial M for Ménage Online

Authors: Emily Ryan-Davis

Dial M for Ménage (15 page)

BOOK: Dial M for Ménage
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Raising up on one elbow, Liam ran his fingertip along the seam between her breasts. “God, you’re perfect. I want to fuck these so bad.”

Hunter didn’t say anything but he worked his fist a little faster, a little rougher. Interesting. Discovering Hunter’s kinks gave Kat a crazy thrill. This was one she hadn’t thought to ask about, but now she couldn’t get the image out of her head.

“So do it.” With a shimmy and a few other small adjustments, she stretched out on her back between them and cupped her breasts.

Liam bent his head and drew her left nipple into his mouth, teasing the tip with his warm, wet tongue. Before he directed his attention to the other nipple, he rolled onto his knees and swung one leg over to straddle her. His cock fell heavily against her stomach. The smooth tip left a damp trail in its wake as he crawled up her body. He straightened above her and wedged his knees beneath her arms.

“Hold your pretty tits together, babe. Turn them into a nice, tight glove for me.” He fisted his cock, gathering the moisture that glistened at the head and smoothing it down his length as a crude lubricant.

Anticipating Liam’s request, she was already cupping her breasts. At his word, she gathered them together to create a shallow valley. This was an activity better suited to a woman more generously endowed than she was, but Liam had never complained.

As Liam notched his cock between her breasts and slid deep, she raised her knees and let her thighs fall open. “Hunter?”

“Yeah.” His voice came from above, and closer than she expected. She opened her eyes to see him kneeling a few inches away from Liam.

Kat licked her lips. “Touch me.”

He responded without an instant’s hesitation. His callused palm coasted down her thigh as if he’d already been on his way to making contact. Kat’s lips parted on a moan of anticipation. Liam’s cock was waiting. She flicked out her tongue, reaching to lick the tip, but he retreated before she could claim anything more than a hint of a taste.

Disappointment didn’t have a chance to settle in. Hunter distracted her first by pulling her panties down her legs, and after that, with his fingers swirling through her folds. She arched her back as he angled deep into her core and glanced across a hypersensitive spot with his first pass.

Liam covered her hands and pushed her breasts closer together as he tunneled between the pale globes a second time. His precome eased the way, and his scent drugged her. She lifted her head and tried to catch his cock again. This time Liam indulged her desire and pushed his balls flush against her ribs as he slid into her mouth.

Hunter proved his attentiveness by fucking his fingers deep at that precise moment. She flexed hard around his fingers and moaned, triggering Liam’s groan of appreciation.

“Jesus, whatever you just did, do it again.” Liam cupped Kat’s jaw and held her steady as he withdrew, surged forward, slow and measured.

For a man who didn’t take orders from civilians, Hunter was quick to respond. Kat dug her feet into the mattress and raised her hips, driving up to meet Hunter’s thrusts. Liam settled into a rocking rhythm that rubbed his cock between her breasts and up against her parted lips. She caught his flavor in quick, stolen licks until Hunter located a deep, hidden spot and started to work her in earnest. Gasping, Kat bucked beneath Liam and threw her head back.

“Oh my God,” she moaned. Spreading her knees wide, she strained to take Hunter’s fingers deeper.

Astride her ribs, Liam stopped moving. His cock lay heavy between her breasts as he thumbed her stiff nipples. “Hunter, you should see her face right now.”

“I can see.” Hunter’s rough words were little more than a growl.

When the ripple of a soft orgasm faded, Kat forced her eyes open. Arrows of light sneaked between the slats of the blind and pointed across the bedroom, bisecting Hunter’s chest and Liam’s face. Liam was staring down at her, his features tight with need. Kat reached up to clasp his cock between her hands. She stilled when Hunter straightened. His face appeared over Liam’s shoulder, all shadows and lust, but his gaze didn’t linger on her. No, that hungry stare cut straight to Liam. Kat’s breath caught in her throat.

Slowly, Hunter’s touch slid from her pussy. She shivered, instantly missing him, but he raised his hand and threaded his damp fingers through Liam’s hair. Liam’s throat arched as Hunter tightened his grip and pulled Liam’s head back. Struggling to her elbows, Kat watched, enraptured by the hunger that dominated Hunter’s expression right before he opened his mouth against Liam’s neck.

Hunter’s free hand slid from Liam’s biceps to his chest, where he thumbed one of Liam’s hard, flat nipples. Liam’s cock twitched in her grasp and his groan reverberated through her. Kat squeezed her thighs together around the arousal burning between her legs.

Unwilling to interrupt such a rare moment of unreserved passion between Liam and Hunter, she worked to ease herself from between Liam’s straddling legs. His cock dragged along her belly as she inched free.

By the time she pulled herself up to her knees, her willingness to sit back and watch had vanished. Still, she held back, breath caught in her chest.

These two men of hers were made to be together. On the outside, Hunter’s dark complemented Liam’s light. On the inside...on the inside, they each had their broken pieces, but they brought each other perspective. They always had.

Her chest flexed around a deep, sharp pain as she considered all the ways she stood between them, all the years she had unintentionally kept them apart. Would Liam and Hunter have different lives now if she had walked away from both of them, freeing them to explore their attraction to one another?

She must have made some sound of distress, because Hunter lifted his head and suddenly both men were staring at her.

“Come here.” Liam held out his hand.

Hunter shifted to make room between them, his fingers trailing across Liam’s stomach before falling away. Kat couldn’t help recognizing their parting for what it was, a physical rift created by her presence.

Abruptly, she gave herself a mental shake. Her dark thoughts were unfounded, nothing more than doubts birthed by the uncertainty of change.

“Kitten.” The light from the parking lot illuminated Hunter’s frown.

Swallowing, Kat banished her uninvited fear and closed the short distance. Liam’s arm snaked around her waist and Hunter cupped the back of her neck. Together, they drew her into the sphere of heat they had generated. Liam’s cock slid against her left hip and Hunter’s erection prodded her belly, and with the three of them skin to skin, nothing else mattered.

“You smell incredible.” Liam squeezed her hip hard before dragging his index finger down the crease of her ass, on his way to the slick folds between her legs.

Hunter’s voice deepened to a primal level. “She smells like you.”

Kat groaned. “Are you two going to sniff me all night or are you going to fuck me?”

Liam dropped his hand and pulled back. “Flip around and give me your ass, Kitty-Kat. Hunter’s going to keep your mouth occupied so we don’t make a bad impression on the neighbors during our first night here.”

Even though that prospect thrilled her, she shook her head. “I have a better idea.” She bit her lip, glanced at Hunter and added, “If you’re willing.”

Liam caught her meaning immediately. His breath quickened and he stilled, his eyes intent, watching and waiting for Hunter’s response. She knew Hunter had lowered his barriers but opportunity hadn’t presented itself for a repeat performance so she wasn’t sure whether the wall was down permanently or if allowing Liam to fuck him was a onetime thing.

But God, she wanted to be part of that.

Hunter didn’t answer with words. Kat leaned into Liam and watched Hunter get off the bed. He crouched on the window side, reached under and pulled out the basket Kat had filled and stashed earlier in the evening. She’d needed a creative solution to the lack of nightstand.

She knew the instant Liam realized what Hunter was doing. He shuddered against her and his cock twitched, brushing her hip. When Hunter dropped a small bottle of lube and a string of condoms onto the bed, Liam’s breath left him in a rush.

“Will you grab the blue vibe for me?” she asked, stopping Hunter when he was about to slide the basket back into place.

He kicked the basket under the bed and stacked the pillows high on the middle of the bed. “No. I have a high-functioning dick and I know how to use it. Get over here, kitten. On your back.”

“Don’t have to tell me twice.” She broke away from Liam and crawled to Hunter, who helped her into the position he wanted, hips elevated on the pillows, knees splayed.

“You know what to do with these.” Hunter tossed a condom and the lube to Liam, who caught both without fumbling.

Liam’s voice was strangled. “I think I can figure it out.”

“He’s superior at solving puzzles.” Kat twisted, reaching for Hunter, but he wasn’t beside her anymore. The bed dipped near her right hip as his shadow rose above her, obscuring her view of Liam. The hollow pop of the cap on the lube bottle sent a shiver down her spine. In that moment, she would have paid a lot for a mirror on the ceiling.

Hunter ran callused fingers down the inner slope of her thigh and pushed her leg wide, opening her completely. Warm lips glided across her stomach, past her navel, and she lit up with knowing and wanting. Knowing what he was about to do, wanting his mouth on her so much she twisted her hips and tried to meet him halfway. The chill air curling through the open window cooled her hot skin, a touch of relief right before Hunter licked into her pussy.

“God.” She whimpered and pressed her fists to her mouth. In this, Hunter had tricks Liam didn’t possess. The tip of his tongue laid her open, lapped her up, left her begging for more and wishing he would stop at the same time. He slid his thumbs into her entrance and stretched her until she felt hollow; then he rolled her clit between his lips and the empty place filled to bursting with pleasure.

When Liam tore into the condom packet, Hunter froze, losing concentration and giving her an instant of relief. She reached for him but he rose above her, weight braced on his arms. He hung his head, fanning her abdomen with shallow, panting breaths. She opened her mouth, about to say his name, but the wet, slippery sound of flesh on flesh stopped her.

Hunter trembled in the dark. The bed shook with the force of his tight control as he dug his fists into the mattress at either side of her hips. Liam moved behind him, an upright shadow, one hand on Hunter’s back, the other working, working. Kat didn’t need to see to know what was happening. Liam’s arm flexed, and he hung his head too, watching his lube-slick fingers sink inside Hunter. She wanted to crawl behind Hunter and watch too, but one look at his shaking shoulders told her Hunter needed more than an audience. He needed a distraction.

“Hunter.” She rubbed the sole of her foot up his quivering thigh and brushed her fingertips along his jaw. On cue, he raised his head, eyes glittering in the dark. He exhaled in a rush as he came back to himself. Holding his gaze, she whispered, “Come up here. You need me.”

“Yeah. I do.” He moved carefully and Liam followed, unrelenting.

Liam could be merciless once he got started, believing it was better to forge ahead without hesitation. Hesitation gave a person time to stop feeling, time to think. Even though this wasn’t Hunter’s first time with Liam, Kat knew it was different. Blindness made for an excruciating sort of vulnerability and here they were, together in the dark, with Liam out of Hunter’s range of vision.

Hunter wanted everything Liam had to give. His erection was wet against her inner thigh, sticky with precome. Oh yeah, he wanted it. Liam did something and Hunter’s shaft jerked against her. Hunter rubbed his face between her breasts and groaned.

Kat brought her knees up high, cradling Hunter’s hips but careful not to obstruct Liam’s access. “Tell me,” she said, making it an order instead of a request. A distraction.

Hunter lifted his head. His cock slid through her folds, seeking, and Kat let him find her, but she didn’t relent. As he surged into her, she breathed, “
Tell me

“Tight,” Hunter muttered. His teeth scraped her shoulder. Wedging his forearms beneath her head, he braced on his elbows and carefully retreated until only the tip of his cock filled her.

“I agree with that,” Liam said. He settled squarely behind Hunter. “I want your tight ass squeezing my dick now. Are you still with me or do you need me to back off?”

Kat pressed Hunter’s hips with her knees, urging him back to her. He buried his face in her neck and tunneled deep, worked out, sank in again. Kat stroked her palms down his back, ink and rippling muscles beneath her palms, and licked the spot behind his ear. “Hunter? Can Liam fuck you?”

Liam went still. Kat imagined he was holding his breath, waiting for Hunter’s response.

It came as a muffled groan and Hunter clenched his fists in her hair. “Christ, yes. Do it.”

Hunter froze, not moving a muscle while Liam notched into position. Unable to see, she strained to listen, mapping their intimacy through sighs and grunts. Liam hissed a wordless curse and she knew he’d popped past the first tight ring. Hunter bit her shoulder, tugged at her hair, and she knew Liam had forged deeper. Within moments, Hunter’s rhythm changed. He rocked into her with shallow, angled thrusts, his pelvic bone compressing her clit every time he adjusted to accommodate Liam’s cock.

Kat arched her throat and held on to Hunter, giving herself over to the pace he and Liam set between them. The lusty, carnal sounds of pounding flesh and masculine pleasure enveloped her, taking her into a head space that carried her higher than physical sensation. The physical did come—crashing, washing over her, a shivering release that wrung her dry—but without Hunter and Liam coming together above her, it would have been ordinary. This...not ordinary. When Hunter drove into her and froze, shuddering first, then going pliant in her embrace while Liam raced to join them, it was not ordinary. It was perfect.

BOOK: Dial M for Ménage
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