Read Devil's Bargain Online

Authors: Jade Lee

Tags: #Fiction

Devil's Bargain (20 page)

BOOK: Devil's Bargain
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“Don’t be concerned,” he whispered. He drew her back against him, holding her close so that she could accustom herself to the feel of him. “I will not take your virginity.”

She had not been thinking of that. Indeed, she had
not been thinking of anything beyond the size of him and the smallness of her.

“I will show you, Lynette. You do not know what your body is capable of.” Then he bent his head, kissing her neck even as his hands found and cupped her breasts. “Let me show you,” he whispered.

She relaxed. Indeed, how could she not? His hands were skillful, knowing just how she liked to be held and touched and teased.

“Do you see what Louise is doing?”

She had not even realized she’d closed her eyes until he spoke. Her eyelids were so heavy, her body liquid as she melted against him. As his hands splayed across her belly, she opened her eyes and looked at Louise and Geoffrey.

Louise had gained the upperhand—literally. She had flipped her gentleman over on his back, feet aimed directly at the window. She stood above him, one naked thigh on either side. His hands stroked her long legs, but his eyes were on her breasts as she straightened her legs and bent over, presenting her buttocks high in the air.

Aimed directly at Lynette and Adrian.

Once again, Lynette got an excellent view of the underside of a woman. It was wet and red and full.

“Yes,” whispered Adrian. “That is how you look when aroused.”

As Louise presented her bottom to the window, her hands stretched down. Her breasts did, too, near Geoffrey’s hands. He wasted no time in enjoying the sight or the situation.

Lynette did not know how the dancer did it, but she managed somehow to keep her focus: allowing
the man to fondle her breasts while she undid the buttons along his trousers. Within moments, the fabric was pulled away and a short, thick male organ sprang free.

Adrian said, “Men come in all shapes and sizes, Lynette. But all are most sensitive along the tip and behind.”

Because of the angle, Lynette got a full view of Geoffrey’s underside as well, quickly revealed as he kicked aside his clothing. She saw the intriguing male pouch that had so interested her when Adrian slept on her bed. Was it weeks ago that she had gotten her first view?

She was about to ask, but the thought spun away as Adrian tweaked her nipples. A hot flash of sensation burned across her thoughts, and she gasped in reaction.

“Dancers are the most flexible lovers,” Adrian whispered. “Men appreciate that.”

It took a moment to understand what Adrian meant. Indeed, she knew he was speaking to her to distract her from what he was doing, from the way his hands were roving over her belly, spanning her waist, pressing onto her hips. It was an incredible sensation, but it was also overwhelming. Her knees weakened and she whimpered.

“Watch Louise,” he whispered.

And so she did, allowing herself to be amazed by the petite dancer.

The woman appeared to be part contortionist as well as a dancer. Louise managed somehow to remain standing, removing Geoffrey’s pants while the man fondled her breasts. It was amazing. And it allowed
Lynette to see the male anatomy from all different angles while the dancer stroked and fondled.

Lynette’s own hands itched to reach behind her. She wanted to feel what Louise felt, to explore Adrian as the dancer explored Geoffrey. But she did not. Her hands pressed against the smooth window as she stared at what went on before her. And all the while, she felt Adrian push her forward, helping her step out of the circle of her clothing as she leaned into the window. Gently he nudged her knees open, spreading her legs as she watched.

She was aware of all these things, and yet completely unaware, her attention absorbed by the sight before her.

“He is enjoying it,” she commented as she spared a glance toward Geoffrey’s face. It was red, and his breath came in unsteady gasps.

“All men enjoy it,” was Adrian’s response. But his words came not from a place beside her ear. No, he was kissing his way down her back, stroking her belly with one hand while the other massaged her inner thigh.

Lynette’s legs were threatening to buckle from the sensations spinning through her body. She heard her breath as it rasped through her lips, and she twisted to look at Adrian. Again, he stopped her.

“Lean against the window. Look closely at Geoffrey. Do you see how his legs are beginning to tense? See the arching of his feet?”

She looked and she saw, but she did not comment.

“He is coming close. Soon you will see him ejaculate.”

Indeed, as he spoke, Lynette saw the man suddenly
jerk forward, pushing through the dancer’s hand. A whitish liquid burst forth.

“Is that what happens?” she whispered. It was a foolish question with an obvious answer, but she felt Adrian nod against her waist nonetheless. “But I thought you said men don’t like to do that outside of a woman.”

Adrian shrugged, the movement communicated to Lynette as his shoulder pressed against her thigh. “Geoffrey is well known for his ability to spring back to life quickly.” His words were dry, even laced with humor. She felt him kneel between her legs. “I cannot see from this angle,” he continued in a conversational tone. “You must tell me what is happening.”


“Just tell me what you see.” His voice was soft, coaxing, but she heard a note of tension. Or perhaps it was merely thick, as though he yearned for something he could not have. She would have asked more questions, but he was kissing her ankle, stroking the inside of her leg, all the while urging her to speak.

“Tell me,” he whispered, just before he nibbled at her anklebone. “It can be quite exciting to hear the act described.”

She licked her dry lips, aware that he wanted her to make what she saw alluring. To describe in such a way as to enflame. Her voice, according to the baroness, was yet another tool in the game of seduction. Resolved to try, she looked into the other room.

“There is not much to see, Adrian,” she began, her voice low and husky without her even trying to make it so. “He…uh, Geoffrey is lying on his back, apparently relaxed.”

“Mmmmm,” was Adrian’s only response, though
his hands seemed to be saying a great deal. They kneaded and caressed their way up her legs.

But thoughts of Adrian’s hands inevitably led to a search for Geoffrey’s. “He is tugging at her legs. I think he wants her to kneel.” She frowned. “But I do not think his organ is ready.”

“Ah,” came Adrian’s soft response. “Perhaps you should kneel as well. That will put you at a better angle.”

She froze. If she knelt, she would be astride the viscount. Indeed, she thought with a sudden flash of insight, perhaps this was what they meant by riding one another. She had often heard such jokes, but she never understood them.

“Trust me, Lynette. I will not be harmed.”

She did not want to do it. Indeed, it was already awkward, feeling him between her legs, open in a way she’d never imagined—and yet he had accomplished it without her even knowing it had occurred.

“You must watch what is happening, Lynette,” he chided. “Come. Bend your legs.” As he spoke, he tugged, forcing her forward. Her legs were weak to begin with, and she toppled, landing on her knees.

If she felt open before, it was nothing compared with now. In order to span his very broad shoulders, she had to spread her legs quite wide. But one glance downward and she realized he did not mind. Indeed, he was grinning at her, and she suddenly realized that he seemed quite happy.


He inhaled deeply, his eyes drifting shut. “Many men enjoy this scent, Lynette. It is one unique to a woman in heat.”

She felt her blush all the way down to her toes, but
he did not seem to notice. In fact, he was leaning to one side, grabbing a pillow to set behind his head. Even as he moved, he was speaking, urging her to look up, to ignore what he was doing.

“Look at Geoffrey, Lynette. What is he doing now?”

She did as she was bid, squinting through the gauze covering on the window as she tried to sort out the bodies. “She appears to be kneeling just as I am. And he is reaching…” Her words ended on a gasp as Adrian showed her exactly what Geoffrey was doing. One of his hands touched her left inner thigh, kneading the flesh there, while the other rose in a long caress up her other side. That hand ended between her legs, and stroked and touched the moist flesh there.

Lynette’s body spasmed, jerking her both forward and back, seeking deeper contact and then shying away. But Adrian followed, one hand holding her still even as the other rubbed and probed.

“You wanted to know what a woman looks like, did you not?” he asked, his voice low, intense, with a note of predatory hunger. “Now, discover how a woman

Then she felt him move his hands, sliding upward, pressing his thumbs deep, widening her, until suddenly she felt them slide inside.

“This is where the man goes. Inside here.”

One thumb slid all the way in. Lynette didn’t scream. She didn’t cry out in pain. What she did was arch and gasp, her legs tensing but not drawing away. Her hands still pressed against the window. Indeed, that was all that held her upright.

“What is Louise doing?” Adrian asked.

Though her eyes were open, Lynette wasn’t seeing.
At Adrian’s urging, she focused, requiring great effort to speak. “She is…moving on top of him.” Indeed, Louise was undulating above Geoffrey, moving, teasing, drawing her bottom closer, then farther away.

Suddenly, Geoffrey grasped the dancer’s legs, drawing himself upward as he buried his face within her. Even through the glass, Lynette could hear Louise’s scream of joy. She arched back, giving her gentleman full access as he nuzzled and…and…

All thought fled as Adrian’s thumbs pushed deep within her, then withdrew.



“This is what a man’s organ does,” he whispered. “Do you feel how wet you are? Do you understand how easily a man could slide in?”

Then he did as he described, with his fingers, widening her as he did. Lynette felt her muscles clench in response, fighting the invasion, and yet her resistance was temporary, an involuntary reaction. The muscles relaxed, and she felt as if he were pushing her wider, opening her even more. Impossibly wide. Wonderfully deep.

“What is Geoffrey doing?”

Lynette was gasping, arching and moving without volition, but her eyes managed somehow to focus. “He is…his face…”

“Ah,” returned Adrian. “He is touching her here.”

Then Adrian’s hand moved. She had not thought a touch could be more intimate than what she’d been experiencing, but suddenly a flash of lightning burst across her consciousness. Her body jerked forward, flattening fully against the glass, but Adrian did not
release her. In fact, he continued to stroke her, continued to speak as he touched her in ways she had not dreamed possible.

“A man wants to put himself here,” he said. He pushed his fingers deep inside her. “A woman wants to be touched here.” With his other hand, he stroked someplace nearer her surface.

Someplace incredible.

Then, suddenly, he withdrew his fingers, sliding his thumbs alongside to the place of lightning. He seemed to play there, and sensation after sensation burst across Lynette. First he pulled her flesh wide, exposing her completely. As if to emphasize what he had done, he blew cool air on her, and this time she cried out in reaction. He moved his fingers around, mixing touch with openness and the caress of hot breath. But it was not enough. Lynette did not know why, but it was not nearly enough.

“Look at Geoffrey, Lynette. What is he doing?”

Lynette did not see Geoffrey. Instead she saw Louise, writhing and dancing while still on her knees, with Geoffrey delving deep into the recesses of her body.

“He…” She gasped, unable to finish. Adrian had began to rub, lightly at first, in a circle that was not rough enough.

Then, as she watched, Louise’s entire body seemed to clench, jerking. Geoffrey threw her backward onto a pile of pillows. He was atop her in a second, ramming his organ into her while she clung to him, crying out with each thrust.

These things Lynette saw in a daze. She watched in only partial understanding while below her, Adrian lifted his head. She felt his kisses rising along her
thigh, and she felt his tug as he urged her lower, closer to his lips.

She went willingly, with no strength to object. Then she felt the brush of his tongue. In the back of her mind, she vaguely thought she ought to resist. But to feel Adrian kiss her, even there, was too glorious a sensation to resist. And so she eased herself a little wider, allowing him full access without even a whimper of protest.

He began on the outside, following the path his fingers had taken. He kissed the top of her thigh; he sucked and nibbled at her folds. And as his hands shifted, helping to support her weight, he spoke, his voice a deep rumble against her skin.

“Is Geoffrey doing this?” She felt his tongue. It went deep inside her, but not as far as his fingers had gone. “Look at Geoffrey, Lynette.”

Forcing herself, she opened her eyes. She watched Geoffrey’s member push deep inside Louise, ramming in, then withdrawing all red and glistening.

Without realizing it, Adrian was mimicking his counterpart’s movements, pushing his fingers within her, withdrawing, then pushing deep inside again. Meanwhile, his mouth moved, conjuring the lightning that Lynette adored.

“This is what the man wants,” he said as he continued pushing his fingers inside her, his movements full and hard. Shamelessly, she pressed down. The glass was cool against her breasts, her distended nipples rubbing delightfully as she gyrated.

And all the while, she dazedly watched Geoffrey thrust into Louise.

“But this, Lynette,
is what you want.”

Then he used his tongue perfectly. The sensations
were overwhelming, flooding Lynette on a tide of delight. She felt her body clench and arch. Something primal took over. Harder. She wanted harder. More, she wanted more.

Suddenly she convulsed, her mind spinning away from her. The explosion of her senses sent her body pitching forward, back. Her legs clenched. Her head reared back and she screamed for joy.

BOOK: Devil's Bargain
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