Deviant (8 page)

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Authors: Jaimie Roberts

BOOK: Deviant
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Swiftly turning my head, I looked at the bed. Empty. That was strange. I would have thought he would at least have stayed the night with me. It kind of upset me that he could just turn up unannounced, fuck me better than I’ve ever been fucked before, then hightail it out of my room.

When I thought about it, I wondered how he got in my room without a key. Shrugging, I tried not to dwell on that too much. Maybe he got a spare set, maybe he was just good at picking locks. He was a policeman and maybe he knew some of the tricks of the trade.

Staggering into the bathroom, I turned the shower on and went back to the mirror to tie my hair up. When I caught a glimpse of myself, I nearly screamed. No wonder my neck was sore. I had a big huge bite mark. It was so huge, I didn’t think any amount of make-up would help mask it.

In a panic, I raced into the shower and quickly washed up. Once finished, I ran towards my bag and dialled Louisa’s number. Hopefully, she would be up by now. It
after ten.

“Tyler, is that you?” Louisa asked groggily.

“I need your help, Louisa. Stat!”

“What’s the matter? Are you okay?” Suddenly, her voice didn’t seem so groggy.

“I’m fine, Louisa, but my neck… You have to help me. I think a vampire snuck in my room last night and had a field day!”

I heard her chuckling into the phone. “So we had a good night then? Is Brad with you now?”

Feeling my annoyance rise, I huffed. “No, he’s fucked off. The prick. He’s done this to me and disappeared. I’m going to give him a piece of my mind when I see him.”
Or a piece of something else
, I thought

I didn’t know what had come over me all of a sudden. I like to think of myself as a strong-minded woman. I left my parents’ home and their dreams of me becoming a high-profile lawyer, like they wanted, to pursue my dream in journalism. I’d never once bowed down to a man before. Ever.

“I’ll come over as quick as I can with the emergency kit.”

I breathed a sigh of relief. “Thanks.”

Hanging up, I quickly rummaged through my bag and pulled out a pair of jeans and a V-necked jumper. A fat lot of good the jumper will do, but I never dreamed I would have a life-sucking arsehole bite the hell out of me. If he wanted to leave his mark and send a message to every other man out there, I believe he had done it.

Waiting for Louisa to show up, I scanned the room. I looked everywhere for my ripped negligee, but I couldn’t find it. So, not only had he bitten me, he took my clothes? Arsehole.

If he hadn’t given me such good orgasms last night, I think I would be fuming by now.

In my musings, I almost missed the knock on the door. “Tyler, are you in there? It’s me.”

The sound of Louisa’s voice made me smile as I jumped off the bed to answer. When she saw me, she smiled, but then she looked at my neck.

“Holy fucking bat balls!”

Waving at her to calm down, I pulled her inside and shut the door. “Shh, someone will hear you.”

“I knew you said it was bad, but man. Tyler, is he some crazed super-caveman or something? Because he’s certainly staked his claim on you, my friend.”

I shook my head. “I know. It’s so fucking juvenile, isn’t it? I feel like I’m at school again and Tim Baker has come at me.” I shuddered at the thought, remembering all those years ago.

“I hear what you’re saying, but I have to ask. Was it worth it?”

My eyes widened, revealing to her that it was more than worth it. “Louisa, it was the best sex I’ve ever had.”

Louisa gasped. “Shit! Really?”

“Oh hell, yes…unfortunately. He was so good that if he asked me again, I doubt I would be able to say no.”

She looked confused. “Why in the hell would you say no?”

Frowning at her, I pointed to my neck. “Look at what he’s done to me?”

“Why did you let him do it?”

I blushed a little. “He was… How can I put it? Overbearingly domineering. He told me that if I came without him telling me to, he would punish me. I guess this is my punishment.”

If I thought her eyes couldn’t widen anymore, I was wrong. “Fucking hell, Tyler! I don’t know whether I find that extremely disturbing, or extremely hot!”

Just thinking about him made me ache for him again. “I know.”

“What are you going to say to him when you see him?”

I pursed my lips, thinking about it. “I’m not sure. I’ll have to think of something. But first, could you help me clean myself up? I really don’t want people seeing me like this.”

Louisa gave me a gentle look and smiled. “Of course. Let’s get right to it, shall we?”

While Louisa was fixing my neck, she told me all about her expeditions with Pete. It would seem she had as good a time as I did. It sounds very much like Pete is smitten, and I couldn’t blame him.

“He’s asked me to go out with him again tomorrow.”

“Really? And what do you think about that?”

Louisa shrugged. “I told him I would have to see. I don’t want to seem too keen. I do like him, though. I know they say good things come in small packages. Let me tell you, it’s certainly bloody true!”

Giggling hard, Louisa set her foundation down and looked at me. “There. I think I’ve done the best I can.”

Getting up, I looked in the mirror. You could still see the faint outline of what looked like a bruise, but it was much better. “Thank you so much, Louisa. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

Louisa smiled sweetly and laid her hand on my shoulder. “No sweat, Tyler. Now, it’s time to kick some ass!”

Once the laughter subsided, we went in search of Brad. All seemed quiet around the mansion, making me think everyone had gone home already.

Leaning over, I whispered in Louisa’s ear, “Considering the fact we were thinking with our loins last night, don’t you think we should try and snoop around a bit this morning?”

Louisa nodded eagerly. “Oh, yes. I still want to find out who owns this place.”

“Me, too. You’ve got me intrigued now.”

At the bottom of the stairs, the gentleman who opened the door last night appeared. “Good morning, ladies. I trust you had a good night’s sleep?”

I nodded. “Oh, yes. It was perfect.”

The man smiled, and it was almost like a knowing smile. I suddenly felt paranoid. “If you come with me, I will lead you to get some breakfast.” He motioned for us to follow him and we did so without another word.

It wasn’t long before we were at a set of doors that he pushed through. It was a big room which was brightly lit from the sun. There were small tables situated everywhere, which kind of reminded me of a dining room in a hotel. I could smell the distinct aroma of coffee, bacon, and sausages. Whatever it was, it was making my stomach growl.

“Please, take a seat and help yourself to any food and drink available.”

Louisa and I nodded, then turned our attention back to the room. I soon spotted Brad sitting at the table, his head in his hands. He didn’t look too well, and I didn’t know if I was secretly pleased with that or not.

Giving Louisa a knowing look, we marched up to his table. It would seem that everyone else was gone because Brad was the only one sitting there.

“Brad,” I demanded, once we were at the table.

He looked up, and I took a step back. He looked ill. His handsome face was drawn, red rims underneath his eyes. He looked like he hadn’t slept all night.

I couldn’t let this lie, though. He marked me and I needed to know why the hell he did it.

I was about to ask, but then he noticed my neck. “What in the hell happened to you?”

I huffed. “As if you didn’t know, Brad. Come on. You sneak into my room, and…”

Brad shot up, waving his hands in front of him. “Hold on, Tyler. What are you talking about? I passed out on one of the sofas. I was there all night.”








































Chapter 10





I was secretly watching this whole spectacle with a smile on my face. The look of shock on everyone’s faces was a picture. In fact, I should take a photo so I could look back at it and laugh.

Grabbing my phone from my pocket, that was exactly what I did. I could only imagine what must be going through her head. It would eat away at her all day, trying to figure it out.

Thinking about it had my cock springing to life. I knew that sinking my dick into her again would feel good, but I never thought it would feel
good. I was in control until she came, then I fucking lost it. I couldn’t let her do that to me again. I couldn’t let her gain control. I had to fight her fucking powers before she consumed me. I only had her once, but couldn’t wait to have her again. I’ll play with her for a while, then do something that will frighten and shock the life out of her.

Picturing her panicking made the laughter erupt inside of me. The first game was set. After last night, I knew she would be craving more. I would certainly give that to her. I would be as obliging a lover as I can be without giving her what she truly desired in the end.

She would want me to kiss her. She would want me to hold her all night so she felt a connection with me. I would make it so that she would seek me out in the dark. I would be the one that satisfies her ultimate fantasy. A stranger who sneaks into her room. Someone who gives her the ultimate pleasure, but also seeks to give her the ultimate pain. Pain she’s never had to endure. Pain that would eat away at her until there was nothing left.

She was my nemesis, I was her lotus. And payback was a bitch.

























Chapter 11





I wanted to think maybe Brad was either lying or couldn’t remember what he did last night, but seeing the way he looked told me otherwise. My first reaction was that I couldn’t move. My second reaction was to grab a coffee and think. Maybe once I had a drink, I would be able to think clearly and come up with a solution as to what in the hell happened to me last night.

I walked over to the coffee pot, a shocked Louisa and a stunned Brad following me.

Pulling on my arm, Louisa leaned in to whisper, “If Brad wasn’t the one to give you the best sex you ever had, who was?”

“What are you whispering about?” Brad asked. “Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on?”

I looked at both of them and shook my head. “I honestly don’t know.” I was answering both their questions because I really didn’t have a clue.

“Well, tell me this,” Brad said. “Who did that to your neck?”

I looked timidly away and poured myself a coffee. “I thought it was you.”

Turning back around, I saw Brad’s eyes open wide. “I know I can’t remember anything about last night, but I certainly wouldn’t do that to you. I would never mark you like that.” Rubbing his head in confusion, Brad sat down on the nearest chair. “I swear I wouldn’t do that to you.”

I could see his confusion, and could tell he was starting to doubt himself. He
a little out of it last night.

Somehow, though, I knew it wasn’t him last night. I didn’t know Brad that well, but I could tell he would never hurt me like that. The way he kissed me that night after the bar told me that much.

In my haze, I suddenly found myself looking around the room to see if I could spot anything out of the ordinary. I wasn’t sure what I was looking for, but the paranoia was setting in big time.

With a snap of his head, Brad looked up at me with concern. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

Oh, shit. He thinks he did this to me

Feeling I needed to diffuse this situation as quickly as possible, I walked over to him and rubbed his shoulder. “Brad, you were fine last night. Honestly. I had a brilliant time.”

I looked at Louisa and she smiled. “Brad, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. I can tell you that Tyler is feeling rather good this morning.”

He looked up at me, hope in his eyes. “Really? I didn’t hurt you?”

I shook my head. “No, Brad. You never hurt me.”

Everyone seemed to calm a little…everyone but me. I knew for a fact I was going to stew about this all day. I was trying to figure out who could’ve gotten into my room. He knew my name, so it must have been someone I introduced myself to.

I thought about John and Jose, but I couldn’t picture their accents from last night. Jose had a slight Mexican or Spanish sound. John had a slight Scottish accent. The man from last night had a hint of London. He wasn’t cockney, but he wasn’t posh by any means, either. His voice was rough, commanding, territorial, and damn sexy. The thought of him both excited me and frightened me to death. I wanted him again, needed him again. I hoped he would come to me again. It sounded sick, but I couldn’t get him out of my mind. The way he touched me, the way he caressed me with enough edge that he wouldn’t hurt me. I know he marked me, but it felt erotic that he was staking his claim on me. It was almost as if he was telling the world I was his and, for some unfathomable reason, I wanted it to be true.

“Are you ready to do some snooping?”

Louisa’s voice stopped my daydreaming. “Sure, why not.” Placing my toast on the plate, I got out of my seat.

Brad still looked ill, and I couldn’t help feeling sorry for him. “Are you okay, Brad? Can I get you anything?”

Brad laughed. “I did that to you, and you’re asking me if I’m okay? I’m supposed to be an officer of the law who catches bad people, not become one myself.”

I pulled Brad into my arms. He stiffened, then wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace.

“Brad, please don’t worry yourself over this. You did nothing wrong. What if I told you I asked you to do this to me?”

Abruptly, he pulled away. “Did you?”

I nodded, but felt the heat flush my cheeks. “I believe I did,” I lied. I couldn’t send Brad home feeling the way he did.

With his expression changing, I knew he was feeling better. “You know, you’re rather sexy when you blush.” He pushed his groin into me to make that point.

“Really?” I asked with a timid smile.

Brad nodded and came in for a kiss.






























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