Devan Chronicles Series: Books 1-3 (178 page)

Read Devan Chronicles Series: Books 1-3 Online

Authors: Mark E. Cooper

Tags: #Sword & Sorcery, #Magic & Wizards, #Epic, #Historical, #Fantasy, #Series, #Sorceress, #sorcerer, #wizard

BOOK: Devan Chronicles Series: Books 1-3
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The boy led him on through that day and into the next. Flashes of memory came upon him more as time went on and he forget less each time. Still the name Julia haunted him; beautiful and smiling one moment, beautiful and angry the next, but always beautiful... except on one occasion when he remembered her lying close to death on a blackened hill. He tried to blot out that memory, but it was a strong image. It would not go.

He followed the boy that he had no name for and thirsted. He could not remember when he last drank something, but then he could not remember much of anything—not reliably anyway. He didn’t worry about it. He staggered along, sometimes seeing long grass under his feet, other times seeing a mountain pass with a huge fortress brooding over it. None of it was real, at least, he thought not.

They travelled through each day and rested at night. That was the way of it for many days and Keverin did not question their course. He travelled with the sun in his face. It made his headaches worse, but there didn’t seem any way to avoid it. The boy gave him dry biscuits to chew and sometimes a piece of cheese with a sip of precious water when they had some. The cheese came rarely until one day there was none left. That was when he realised the boy was not eating and had not for more than a few days. It seemed wrong of him, and he tried to tell the boy, but he would not listen. A day came when the boy failed to rise. Keverin spent that day watching and waiting for him to wake. He waited a long time, but the lad did not stir. He dozed for a time and awoke to the sound of moaning—the boy burned with fever.

Keverin reached for the waterbag at the boy’s side, but it was empty. “Lorcan...” he croaked and blinked in surprise. The boy’s name was Lorcan! Just like that the boy’s face had clicked in his memory. He was determined not to forget again. “Lorcan, be easy, boy. I’ll get us water.”

He gathered up the waterbag and looked around for a likely looking direction. He realised that finding water might not be as easy as he first thought. What direction had they been travelling? He turned away from the sun and nodded at what he found. Their back trail was easy to make out. A trail of bent and broken stalks of grass led north and west.

“Camorin... I’m on the plain.”

So much was now obvious to him. Knowing he was on the plain and heading roughly eastward gave him something of his situation but not enough. Would Lorcan be travelling east to reach Julia? No, that did not seem right. The Hasians were north, so that meant Julia was…

“South,” he said to himself and frowned that way.

Lorcan had been leading him this way for days. Did that mean anything? Did the boy know something of Julia and her whereabouts that he, in his daze, had missed? His memory of events felt vague, his grip on events tenuous, but Lorcan must have had a reason for heading this way.

He shielded his eyes against the sun trying to find something worth noting, but he saw nothing. Turning to look south, he found…


No, not clouds. Hills! Seeing them so close, he suddenly knew where Lorcan had been going, and he thanked the God for him. He knew these hills. He knew where he was!

He checked the boy once more before stumbling toward those inviting hills. Lorcan needed water and food, but water first. A friend of his, a shaman named Shelim, had once told him that the plains had many rivers. He didn’t know about that. He had seen precious little water on his journey—unless he had and did not recall. He frowned and probed his hair for an injury but he couldn’t find anything. Except for his hand, he was uninjured. The stump had healed, and by the look of the scars, healed with magic.

“Julia…” he stumbled to a swaying halt as her name came unbidden to his lips.

Was she all right? He groaned as he realised she must think him dead. He turned to the west, aching to go that way, but Lorcan needed him. Julia would be all right. She was strong.

“Water. We need water,” he said firmly and half-trotted half-staggered toward the hills.

A rumbling sound made him pause, looking everywhere for the source of the noise. He frowned when the sound died away. He was about to move on when he heard it again. This time he found the source, and what a sight it was! A herd of bison was on the move. There must have been hundreds of the huge beasts rumbling toward him—no, not toward him, toward a river! That must be it. They were heading for water; he could feel it. Without hesitation, he turned to follow. The herd seemed huge to him, but he felt sure Shelim would scoff at the notion. Bison were a common sight to the clans; they could not live without them, and now neither could he. If he’d had the means, he would have killed one and butchered it for a meal. It would have been the first meal he’d had in… he did not know how long, but it felt like a long time.

The herd soon outdistanced him, but he had the direction now. He moved roughly southwest. How far was the river? He didn’t want to leave Lorcan longer than need be, but he could not return empty handed. He continued on his weary way and fretted about the time it took.

The river wasn’t much as rivers go; narrow and gentle. In Deva he would have called it a stream. He could swim across with ease. With a glad cry, he threw himself down and drank his fill of the dirty brown water. It was wonderful. With Lorcan constantly on his mind, he filled the water bag and retraced his path.

Lorcan was burning with fever when he reached the boy. “Here you go, lad, drink this.” He poured a little water into the boy’s mouth. Lorcan swallowed greedily and sank back in a doze.

Keverin ripped the sleeve off his shirt and soaked the rag to wash the boy’s face. Lorcan’s skin felt hot and dry, his lips cracked and bleeding. He winced as he dabbed some of the precious liquid over the boy’s forehead and nose. He was badly sunburned and his skin had peeled leaving the flesh raw. No doubt he looked little better than Lorcan did, but with luck and the God’s blessing they would make it. Lorcan had done the hard part by freeing him from the Hasians. Now it was his turn to get them the rest of the way home.

Lorcan’s fever ran its course, and a few days later he awoke tired but chatty. He insisted he could travel, but Keverin thought him overly optimistic. He did not say that of course; the boy’s pride would be hurt. Instead, he made an excuse.

“Forgive me, but I’m not strong enough yet. We’ll turn south at first light tomorrow.”

“Yes, m’lord.” Lorcan relaxed, obviously trying to hide his relief. “Do you think the others are all right?”

Keverin silently considered the question. His time in captivity was hazy to say the least, and his memory seemed unlikely to improve any time soon. He had a vague recollection of a sorcerer healing him and of seeing Lorcan in legion armour sneaking into a tent, but other than that he could not have said who or how many were captive with him.

“Who led the others?”

“Burke, m’lord.”

“Burke you say? He’s a good man. Tell me again what you saw at the camp.”

“I had to sneak in during the night, m’lord. The guards walked the rampart, but when they came close to the jakes they turned back.”

He shook his head. “Fools.”

“Yes, m’lord.” Lorcan grinned. “I was real thankful! I made it over the wall and into the jakes, but found someone inside. I killed him and stuffed him into the pits. His friend outside joined him, but then I was stuck. I didn’t know how to cross the camp without being seen, m’lord!”

“The armour?”

The boy grinned again. “That’s it, m’lord, but it took me a bit of worrying to figure it out. Anyways, I put the smallest set on over my clothes and took a chance. That’s when I saw the General. He was talking with a sorcerer about prisoners. I didn’t know there
prisoners! I came to kill Demophon for what he did to the Lady and you.”

“I thank you for that my friend, my very
friend, but I’m happy enough that you freed me. Demophon will get his later.”

Lorcan beamed happily, proud to be called his lord’s friend. Apart from Darnath and Adrik, the boy had none at all as far as Keverin knew. He had no living family. He would have died alone and mourned by none on the streets of Devarr if not for Julia’s intervention in his life. Keverin was glad to call him his man, more, he was proud to call him friend.

“Demophon is dead, m’lord!” Lorcan said. “I killed him for you!”

Keverin gaped; not because of the ease Lorcan had for killing—he knew the boy had killed to survive many times. No, it was that he had killed Demophon himself. Demophon was, or had been, a sorcerer. Killing one of them was very hard to do—very!

“How by the God did you manage that?”

“I did have a little help, m’lord. I pretended to be a legionnaire taking you and the prisoners to the jakes, but Demophon stopped us. I was certain we were done for, but then there came this big fire in the sky. I think one of the sorcerers made it. It distracted him from what I was doing. I killed him with this, m’lord.” Lorcan made a dagger appear and disappear as if by magic. “I killed him for you.”

Keverin nodded, feeling somewhat disappointed. “I had hoped to kill him myself for what he put Julia through.”

Lorcan’s face fell. “Yes, m’lord, sorry m’lord.”

“Don’t apologise, lad. By killing him when I was unable to, you performed a very great service for me. I owe you a great debt; I’ll not forget.”

“It was nothing really…”

“No false modesty now. What would Gideon say?”

“False modesty is for fools?”

“Pride filled fools,” Keverin agreed. “There are no fools here, pride filled or otherwise. Am I right?”

“Yes, m’lord!”

“So, Demophon is dead. That is one less thing to worry over. You freed me and the others, but then you split up?”

“Yes, m’lord. Burke led the others across the river that same night. I only had the one horse you see.”

“I understand. So they’re on this side then?”

“Unless they swam back.”

“No reason they should.”

“They might have tried to reach the Lady.” Lorcan frowned as something occurred to him. “I should tell you about the Lady, m’lord. She thinks you’re dead—we all thought it. Our magic failed to find you—”

Keverin frowned at that. Lorcan was too new in the mysteries of magic to be able to scry, but that did not apply to Lucius, Mathius, and Julia. If they had looked for him in their mirrors and failed, and by Lorcan’s account they had indeed searched for him, then it was a sorcerer’s doing. Keverin did not know how they had blocked his friend’s efforts to find him—he was not a mage—but he didn’t doubt they had done something.

“—she was angry, so very angry, m’lord. She leads the clans now.”

“Julia is
the clans?”

Lorcan nodded sombrely. “Mathius said she was ready to kill Shelim and the other shamen for not disobeying Tobiah.”

“They had no choice. Tobiah was their chief, just as I am your lord. They had to obey him, right or wrong.”

“The Lady doesn’t see it that way, m’lord. She was ready to kill them all, but Tobiah was already dead and—”

“Tobiah is dead?” shock heaped upon shock. Was nothing as it had been?

“Yes, m’lord, and most of Wolf Clan—the warriors are anyway. Everyone thought Cadell would be chief of chiefs, but he said Mazel should lead because Horse Clan has more warriors.”

Keverin pursed his lips and reordered his thoughts. Much had changed while he had been gone. Mazel was chief of Horse Clan, and now chief of chiefs too. He was a capable man.

“Mazel listens to Julia?”

“Everyone, m’lord. She tells Mazel what to do, and he tells everyone else, but they all know who really leads.”

Keverin could hardly conceive of clansmen listening to an outclanner and doing what she said, but Lorcan said it was happening nonetheless. He ached to go to her, but he was old and wise enough not to be so impulsive—barely. They were in no shape to return. It was a long way and Elvissa was closer. He turned toward the hills and estimated their distance. Two days he decided, and then another two to pass through them to reach the first of Purcell’s villages. Once there, and with a few good meals inside him, he could take to horse and be back with Julia in no time.

“I know where we are, Lorcan. Two days will see us into those hills, and another two after that we should reach a village. As soon as I can, I will return to Julia.”

Lorcan nodded. “The Lady will be very happy, m’lord.”

“So will I lad, so will I.”

Keverin rubbed his stump gently. He wasn’t looking forward to what she would say when she saw it, but he would brave her anger to be with her again. It would pass.

“Try to get some sleep, lad, you’re still weak. We have a long march ahead.”

“Yes, m’lord.” Lorcan lay back. “Good night, lord.”

“Good night, Lorcan.”

Keverin rose to his feet and stared toward the hills wondering if perhaps Burke and the others were ahead of him. It didn’t matter he supposed, but he almost hoped they weren’t. If they had crossed the river to go back to Julia, she would know he was alive by now. That should make him happy, but she would try to come to him, which would be a disaster for the clans. They needed her magic. It was that simple. The General had hundreds of sorcerers, and the shamen were not being heeded by the warriors. Only Julia, it seemed, had the power and the authority to make a difference.

The journey through the hills proved a long and hungry one, but Keverin comforted himself with the knowledge that he would not starve. No one could starve to death in a single tenday. It took much longer than that as Lorcan had pointed out.

“How did you survive?” he asked as they made their way through the hills. Their course was by necessity a meandering one. They chose their direction by the simple expedient of letting the grade lead them around the hills.

“I’m a street thief, m’lord. I stole to buy food, but during the Hungry the only food to be had was carried by someone like me. I killed those I could find, took whatever they had on them, and tried not to let them do the same to me.”

“I’m sorry you had to do that.”

Lorcan shrugged. “I’m used to it. I lived on the streets for almost five years.”

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