Destiny's Fire (33 page)

Read Destiny's Fire Online

Authors: Trisha Wolfe

BOOK: Destiny's Fire
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I was Feyan. But what did that mean? Reese was Feyan along with the rest of the Feyan Army, but Drevan still ruled over them with enough power to force them into submission. And if I was being honest with myself, I had to admit he intimidated me, also.

I shook out my hands and cracked my knuckles. Then accepted the text from Jace. Placing my feet directly over the crest, I stared out over the ocean. “How long before dawn?” I asked.

“An hour,” Jace said. “Don’t think about that, or me, or the battle. Just focus.” He laid his hand on my shoulder. “Reese may be a dick, but I trust he’ll hold the Feyan Army back. You can do this before the last flank is called in.” He tightened his grip, assuring me. “And after the barrier goes up, whatever Narcos are still inside, we’ll take care of them.”

“I’d feel better if I knew the spell Drevan used to make the humans leave.” If I failed to raise the barrier, having a backup plan, like using Drevan’s spell against the Narcos, would be comforting. I lowered my head. I hated all the death this battle brought, but it was either them or us. And the spells were another reason I felt Drevan was more powerful than ordinary Narcolym. He knew things other Kythan didn’t. According to Dr. Thailow, those kinds of magics were thought to be long dead to the Kythan centuries ago.

“Dez,” Jace said, a warning in his voice. “It’s time.”

I blew out a long breath and cracked the book open to the marked page. I slid the satin marker over and began reciting the spell I’d memorized. I couldn’t read ancient Egyptian, but I felt more confident looking at the markings and pictures as I thought of my lines. And the book itself was magic. I felt it could help me, even if it really couldn’t.

The words tumbled out, and after a moment, a glimmer appeared before me. My eyes widened as the spark grew, becoming a glowing, translucent-blue, wavering circle. It stretched and wobbled, slowly expanding. I could
the shield. I knew the barrier wrapped all the way around our city, but Dr. Thailow didn’t tell me I’d actually see it. I wondered if the blue light had to visibly encase all of Haven before the spell was complete.

I paused my chant and looked over to Jace. “Do you see this?”

He ran up beside me. “What? Is there an attack near?” He looked around, and then back over the bay.

“No,” I said, pointing in front of me. “That. The light.”

He raised his eyebrows. “Nope. There’s no light out there from what I can see.”

I stared at the halted light. It was waiting for me to continue. I had to hurry. Brushing my bangs from my eyes, I began chanting from the book again. The light grew, quickly becoming as long as my body.

Watching the light spread along the border of Haven in a sheer blue glow, I knew I was getting close. It was moving quickly now. I looked down the pier as the light expanded, hoping it was strong enough to cancel out Drevan’s spell.

Dr. Thailow had said when the spell was completed, when Haven was safely guarded, I’d feel the magics surge through me. I kept chanting, waiting to feel something…anything. We were running out of time.

As I ran my finger over the text, a loud
sounded from behind. I dropped the text and spun around. Two Narcos fired round after round of Flame at Jace. And, crap. More were coming toward us.

I took a step off the crest, and the blue shield dimmed.
I slammed my hands against my thighs and turned toward Jace.

Jace blocked a blast from one of the Narcos and turned toward me. “Dez! Finish it!”

God. How could he ask me to do this while he died? I glanced down the road. At least five more were moving in, getting closer. I panicked. If I didn’t help him they’d kill him and come for me next. Even if I finished the spell, we’d still have to fight them. I made my decision.

I summoned my Charge and ran toward Jace. At least I could hide who I was…for a while. I sent a blot of Charge at the Narco blasting Jace. He fell, but recovered quickly.

“What are you doing?” Jace yelled. “I told you before, you have to work the—”

“To hell with it! What good is it if we’re dead?”

Jace shrugged. “Good point.” Then he blocked a Flame coming at us.

I moved behind him and dropped into a crouch, sending another bolt at the firing Narco. “You block. I’ll shoot.”

Jace didn’t argue. He knew my reach was farther than his. I sent bolts at the closest Narco until he ran. My spirits picked up until I saw that he was only running toward the approaching guards—regrouping.

“I can’t block all of them,” Jace admitted. “We’re going to have to retreat.”

I glanced at the barrier. The blue light grew smaller, and the sky was beginning to lighten just over the ocean’s horizon. We were almost out of time, and soon the Feyan Army would march in. Retreat wasn’t an option. There wouldn’t be another chance to raise the barrier after they slaughtered us. And if this many Narcos were coming after only the two of us, that meant the main battle in the center of Haven wasn’t going well for the Shythe.

“No,” I told him. “We have to make a stand now and raise the barrier.” I stood in front of Jace, calling my Feyan power forth. My arms illuminated.

“What are you doing, Dez?” Jace asked, attempting to pull me with him.

“Taking them out.” I willed my White Flame forth. “I’m not going down without a fight.”

A faint smile crept over his face. “Can you do that crazy thing you did in second block?”

“I’m going to try.”

“Count me in,” he said, taking his stand right beside me. “Let’s give these assholes hell.”

Bringing my hands out before me, white flames burst from my palms as I shifted into my Kythan form. I sent a beam at the first Narco coming toward us. He tried to block, but was blasted back on his butt. He didn’t get up. Jace sent out bolts, but too many flames came at him to block. I stepped in front of him and urged my power up full force. The white haze surrounded us, and I rocketed out my shield. Seven Narcos all flew into the air, landing on their backs, stunned. I smiled, about to turn back toward the barrier, when I froze, staring down the street.

“That power is so bad,” Jace said and laughed. Then his expression waxed, his face paling when he saw what I was staring at—the battle was moving our way. A group of Shythe retreated as the Narco Army pushed them back.

“Here it comes,” I muttered, crossing my arms over my chest, waiting for the impact.

“I thought you guys were given a direct order?” someone said from behind me.

I spun around to see Nick, Lana, and Devon all fired up and glowing. “What are you guys doing here?” I asked.

“Saving you guys, I guess,” Nick said.

I laughed. I was so happy to see them. But then my mood dimmed. We were all about to be hit with the full front of the battle.

We formed a line, with me in the center. “This is it. When the Shythe move behind us, we let loose.” I swallowed hard. I wasn’t ready for this to be it.

A warm hand engulfed mine. I looked to my left as Jace laced his fingers through mine. “Always,” he said. Then the attack hit.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

from my training block held me in a headlock, lifting me off the ground. I
hated that. I threaded my foot around his calf and ignited my White Flame, slamming my hands against his head. I swept my foot forward, and he tumbled to the ground.

I turned on my heel, blasting a beam at him, but he rolled, my power hitting the cobbled street, instead. He recovered to his feet, lunging at me and sending a flame toward my head. Switching my power to Flame, I deflected the blow. He didn’t see that one coming.

Another Narco sidled up beside him and slapped his arm, both of them leering at me. What was this? Tag team? I shook my head and returned my power to Feyan. I had to take these guys out. I had no idea what was happening to the rest of my friends, and I needed to find out.

I blasted the Narcos with my shield, sending it out full force, and they flew back. I didn’t wait for them to recover. I ran at them and jumped, my hands aimed down, palms firing beams into their chests. They shook, convulsing. They didn’t get back up. For a moment I stared down at their lifeless bodies in shock. Then a scream jolted me out of my reverie.

Searching the battle, I spotted Lana. She was up against a nasty Narco twice her size. I rubbed my hands together and headed into the fray. I came at him from behind, slamming my glowing white arms into his back. He whirled and backhanded me. That stung, but it didn’t take me down like he intended, and I fired a beam into his chest.

He blocked. Lana ran at him and jumped onto his back, wrapping her arms around his neck. He shook as she shocked him. “Drop him now!” I told her. I didn’t want her touching him when I used my Feyan power. I didn’t know if it would affect her.

She did, falling to her knees before I kicked him once across the face and sent a beam, blasting him in his stomach. He skidded to a stop a few feet away.

“Holy hell, Dez,” she said. “You’re a monster.”

I whipped my head around. “Don’t call me that,” I snapped.

She held her hands up. “Sorry. I didn’t mean—”

“It’s okay.” I shook my head. “I’m sorry, just crazy right now.” I gave her a reassuring smile. But we didn’t have time for girl bonding. Another wave was moving in.

“Let’s find the guys,” I said, grabbing her arm and running.

Jace and Nick were in the center of the battle, taking on more Narcos. Lana pulled her Charge Saber from beneath her pant leg, and we both dove in, joining them. Before we left Cogs, Nick and Jace had given their sabers to Shythe who hadn’t mastered throwing their Charge. I’d have preferred them to keep their sabers—they were more powerful than their blasts, but I didn’t argue. They did what they felt was right. I only hoped Mr. Liam completed the new weapons soon.

If we could arm every Shythe here with Feyan power, we’d actually stand a chance of defeating the Narcolym. Reese, wherever he was, seemed to be holding off the Feyan Army. But I knew Drevan would soon become bored with the battle and send in his last flank. And Reese wouldn’t be able to prevent that. We had to force them back before the last—and final—attack.

And I had to raise the barrier.

While Jace and Nick fought back-to-back, Lana and I moved in beside them, forming a circle. “Did you miss us?” I asked Jace.

He smiled at me. “Of course.” He winked and caught a punch with his arm, pushing a Narco backward.

Another Narco came at me from the side, but I didn’t see him in time, and he clipped me against my temple with a Flame punch. My vision swam, blinking in and out. When I could see clearly again, I spun around to find Jace attacking the same Narco full on. I joined in, blending my beams along with his Charge until the Narco went down. Then we split up as more Narcos came at us.

I dropped another Narco and glanced around the battle. Lana and Devon were holding their own. I watched as Lana kicked a Narco’s knee in, and he fell to the ground. Devon grabbed his head, sank his teeth into his neck, and ripped out his power source.

I barely had time to cringe before a blow hit me from behind, causing my back to blaze with heat. Spinning, I crossed my arms and blocked the next Flame. The Narco charged me, and I ducked, sweeping his legs as he ran past. He rolled, and I shot a beam into his chest.

I turned and saw Nick facing off with a Narco girl. She was getting the better of him. I moved in his direction, but someone grabbed me around my midsection from behind, pinning my arms to my side. I struggled, attempting to ignite my White Flame, but the Narco’s arms burned me. The fire spread, and I couldn’t focus. My skin seared, and I screamed as smoke curled up from my body. I was too weakened by my attacker’s Flame to call on my Feyan power.

He laughed, then wedged his face between my head and shoulder. Panic ripped through me as he slid his tongue over my neck. Then he sank his teeth into my skin—my power source.


I wasn’t going out like this. Faces flashed before my eyes, the people I loved, and I knew I couldn’t lose. For them. I had to raise the barrier so they’d be safe. So that Reese’s sacrifice wouldn’t be for nothing.

With one last burst of energy, I pulled up my shield, the white haze cocooning me. Then I blasted it out. He screamed—a muted, hollow sound—as he flew back and I dropped to my knees. I cupped my neck. Relief flooded me as I felt the skin still intact. Four puncture wounds dotted my ink, but my power source was there.

Turning, I saw the Narco lying on the cobbled street, his body twitching. But I didn’t watch for long. I amped up my power and blasted him with a stream of white light, and he shook one last time before going still. My stomach curdled at the thought of killing so many.
This is war

I cleared the moisture from my eyes, regaining my focus, and spotted Mr. Liam and a few members of the Shythe Council rounding a building toward me. I scanned the thinning fray, locating Jace, and ran up to him. “They’re here.”

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