Read Destiny Wears Spurs Online

Authors: Kari Lee Harmon

Destiny Wears Spurs (19 page)

BOOK: Destiny Wears Spurs
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So much for getting drunk. Ignoring it, and her, he leaned back against the wooden railing of the stall and let his eyelids slip closed. Maybe she would get the hint and leave. He wasn’t up to another confrontation right now.

“Oh, no, you don’t. Open those eyes, cowboy. I’m through playing games. You’re going to face this whether you like it or not.” She stormed over, stood between his widespread knees, and then poked him hard in his chest.

He pried one lid open and frowned. “Leave me alone, Miss Hammond. I’m drunk, remember? There is no
.” He pulled his black Stetson low over his face in a dismissive gesture.

She snatched the hat off, and he heard it land in the stall behind him. “I’m sorry, okay? I can admit when I’m wrong. We both know you’re not drunk, though it looks like you were intending to get there sometime tonight. Why do you think that is, cowboy?” she paused, but he didn’t answer. “Look me in the eye and tell me there is no this.”

His eyes slowly opened and locked with hers. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Goddammit. He slammed his jaw closed and stared at her.

She looked magnificent with her hands on her hips, glaring at him. “We both want each other, and you know it. It doesn’t have to be anything more than tonight, so why fight it? You said so yourself not twenty minutes ago.”

“Yeah? Well, maybe now I’ve changed

“Look, you’ve been avoiding me and acting like a jerk. Then you show up like a cocky rooster staking his claim with all that ‘this one is mine’ business. Let’s just say my feathers were a little ruffled, okay? If you don’t kiss me right now, I’m going to explode.” She blinked, and her face flushed pink.

The little lady had no idea how to rein in her thoughts before they bolted out of her mouth. Thank God. A thrill raced through him. He knew this was probably a mistake, but dammit, he couldn’t help himself. “Careful what you wish for, sweetheart. If you want a piece of me, well, honey, you got it.” He lunged forward and snatched her off her feet to straddle him.

“Oh,” she said.

“You wanna play with the big boys?” He slipped his hands under her skirts, touching her thighs and stilled. She hadn’t worn nylons? His flesh heated as he felt all that silky bare skin.

He had to see her. Nudging her skirts higher, he lifted the edge and looked under, his mouth going dry. She looked enticing as hell, wearing bikini underwear and cowboy boots. Those damn purple boots.

He slipped both hands under her skirt and his thumbs inside the edge of her panties to caress her hipbones. Her skin felt as soft as silk. He caught her watching his hands work their magic under the material, and her breathing came faster. He stared down at his bronzed forearms as they brushed her buttermilk thighs, and the contrast aroused the hell out of him.

He should stop. It wasn’t the right time or the most romantic place. He
stop in just a minute. Swallowing hard, he stared at the lace-trimmed, ivory satin underwear riding high on her hips. When he reached around and cupped her rear, kneading her, she sighed. He slipped his fingertips beneath the bottom edge of the lace and then trailed the path up over her thighs around to the front, stroking her skin until he reached the juncture of her thighs. She moaned and squirmed on his lap, crying out for more.

God, he had to slow down before he lost it too soon. He jerked his hands back and yanked her skirt down, then squeezed his eyes shut, willing his heart to regulate and his breathing to calm. After a few tense moments, he righted Monica and started to stand up.

“Oh, no, you don’t. Not this time.” She straddled his lap again and wrapped her arms around him, holding tight.

“You’re playing with fire.” But it was
heat that made him begin to sweat.

She licked her lips.
“Stop looking at me that way or I can’t be held responsible for what I’m dying to do to you,” he choked.
“Oh, I plan on holding you, but not in a responsible kind of way. Let’s cut the games and just let this happen.”

Cody sighed and closed his eyes. “I don’t do relationships, but I don’t share, either. If this happens, then you’re mine until you’re gone. Can you live with that?”

“I’m not looking for a lifelong commitment. I’ve been down that road. You couldn’t pay me enough to take it again.”
He opened his eyes and stared at her. “You were married?”
“No, engaged.”
“I see.” He tried to push her off his lap. “I won’t be a party to cheating.”

Monica grabbed his face and forced him to look at her. “Dammit, Cody, I’m not your wife. I’ve been hurt, too, and I’m not engaged anymore. I broke it off months before I came here.”

He raised his brows.

“That’s right. I may not have been married, but that didn’t make the fact that he didn’t love me hurt any less. I don’t share, either, okay?”

“Okay.” He looked into her brown eyes and watched them soften with understanding and something more, but he wasn’t quite sure what. When she traced each of his features with her fingertips, he froze, unable to move, and stared mesmerized.


Monica’s heart went out to Cody. She cared about him, but tonight wasn’t just about him. Her world faded to black when she was with him and he was all that existed, the only splash of color she could see. Tonight was about collecting and storing as many memories as she could. Enough to last a lifetime, because all too soon she would be going home. Every fiber of her being told her this was right, and she promised herself there would be no regrets.

She cradled his whisker-rough face and pulled his mouth to hers. What started as a gentle kiss swiftly changed to one of urgency, filled with desire and need. With his mouth locked on hers, he placed his hands beneath her legs and stood.

Still captured by his kiss, she didn’t realize they’d moved until he laid her in the empty stall behind them. The sunshine-ripe smell of straw drifted up to her nose, mingling with the smells of hay, leather, and him. She felt the cushion of a sleeping bag beneath them. He must’ve planned to sleep alone in the barn--the stray thought fled as he settled himself between her legs. God, he felt so right, she never wanted him to move.

He supported most of his heavy weight on his elbows as he rained tender kisses across her face. Lifting his head, he peered into her eyes with burning passion and a powerful need. Wonder and awe filled her. She hadn’t thought this loner of a cowboy needed anyone. It made her feel special. He smiled tenderly and then trailed his tongue down the side of her neck to nibble her shoulder. She giggled, and he chuckled.

It was so amazing, so wonderful … so right. It reminded her exactly why they’d fought so hard. They were perfect for each other. A perfect couple.

Wrong place, wrong time.

He grabbed the lace edge of her gypsy blouse between his teeth, jarring her back to the moment at hand. God, he was incredible. She would never find another lover like him. Another man like him.

He pulled her blouse down, lifted his head, and stared in appreciation over her lace-edged, ivory satin bra. She watched him worship her body, wondering how he could make her feel so cherished. Not a shred of embarrassment like she thought there’d be.

With Wendell, she had wanted to hide under the covers until they were done. He’d never said anything negative about their lovemaking; in fact, he’d never said anything, period. They’d simply gone through the motions until he finished, which never took long. In the end, she’d somehow felt inadequate, like she hadn’t measured up to his standards. Then she’d found out why.

With Cody, she felt alive, empowered, and beautiful. He made her want to strip off all her clothes and parade around the barn naked, not giving a damn who saw her.

Monica slipped her arms from her sleeves and reached up to undo the snaps of his western shirt. She wanted to give him as much pleasure as he gave her. Cody’s breathing grew heavy as she ran her fingernails through the hair on his chest and grazed his nipples.

Letting out an animal growl, he undid the front clasp of her bra and peeled it back to expose her breasts. His eyes filled with such heat, her nipples tingled. He made her feel, well, damn good. Her insecurities vanished, and she became the vixen of her fantasies.

The light of the full moon shone through the window of the barn, illuminating the stall in its silver glow. Monica couldn’t look away. Her eyes were riveted on his mouth as his head descended, and when he reached out his tongue, she held her breath, trying not to come apart at the seams. When he flicked her nipple, she arched her back. Grinning, he did it again, but this time, he added his teeth.

“Cody, please,” she choked. She’d die if he didn’t take her soon. Better yet, she’d flip him over and take him herself, now that she was a vixen.

“So sweet,” he mumbled, wrapping his lips around her and sucking deep. She cried out, and a groan rumbled deep in his chest. Jamming her fingers into his hair, she pulled his head closer, and then she twisted her head back and forth, all the while sobbing out his name.

“Easy now, sweetheart,” he whispered and slipped lower to kiss her ribcage.

Writhing now, she reached for more of him. The fire spread from her nipples to the pit of her stomach. Her heart pounded and blood coursed through her veins. Just when she thought she couldn’t take anymore, cool air rushed over her as her blouse and skirt slid down her hips and over her feet.

When had he taken her boots off?

As he ran his palms down her thighs and over her calves, she felt him kiss the sole of her foot. He nipped her big toe with his teeth, and she sighed her pleasure, never imagining she could derive pleasure from her foot. He ran his hands up her inner thighs, and she gasped as he touched her intimately. Oh, God, she was going to erupt.

His fingers found the core of her desire and sent sparks skyrocketing through her. When they slipped deep inside, she trembled, exploding with need.

“Cody, I want ... I ... please,” she panted.

“So sweet.” He lifted his intense eyes and stared deep into hers. He was panting as hard as she was. “I want you ...
of you.” He lowered his head before his meaning sank in and drove his tongue to the center of her being.

She screamed his name, sobbing, as her climax burst through her. The next thing she knew, he was poised above her in all his naked glory, pulsing and ready, but he paused just before he entered her to gaze into her eyes.

“Thank you,” he whispered in a husky voice as he slipped inside, keeping his eyes locked on hers. His face contorted in an expression of sweet agony, as though trying not to hurt her.

When he sank to the hilt, they both moaned in ecstasy, and he moved slow, building pressure once again. She wrapped her legs tight around him and ran her nails down his broad back, until they came to rest on his muscled behind. When she dug her nails in, he grunted with satisfaction.

Cody picked up the pace, and she matched him thrust for thrust. This time, she arched her back and convulsed as her climax hit like a tidal wave crashing against the shore, filling her with all its glory.

A second later, he swept his hands over her face and framed her head as he said fiercely, “Look at me, Monica.”

It was the first time he’d said her name.

Tears misted in her eyes as she watched his climax wash over him in a magnificent display of strength and beauty, holding her spellbound. He shouted her name once again and then collapsed on top of her. She held him tenderly and stroked his back. His weight pressed down on her, but she didn’t care.

She’d never known it could be this magical, that she could feel this close, this connected to another human being. Like she was destined to be right here, right now. The feeling of finally coming home consumed her, overwhelming her and paralyzing her. She didn’t belong here. Yet, being in his arms felt unbelievably right.

He started to roll away, but she held on tight. She wouldn’t think about it, she would live for the moment and cherish her time with him now.

Chuckling, he wrapped his strong arms around her and brought her with him. She’d never felt so safe and protected before. She laid her head on his chest, and he pulled the sleeping bag around them, stroking her back.

Things couldn’t get any better than that.


Cody stared up at the ceiling of his barn. Making love to Monica had been the most amazing act of his entire life, a whole new experience, like he was a part of her, and she of him. He didn’t believe in destiny, but damned if he didn’t feel like her soul mate or some crazy thing like that.

It’d been years since he’d allowed himself to care. He’d tried to stop it, done everything in his power to keep her at a distance. It hadn’t mattered one damn bit. His feelings for her were so powerful, he felt helplessly out of control.

He had to remind himself that he’d agreed to a short-lived affair, and that she’d be gone in less than three weeks. God help him if she tried to talk him into an east-coast-midwest long distance relationship. His relationship with his ex-wife had started that way, and look at where he’d ended up. No matter how much he cared about Monica and enjoyed her body, he’d let her walk away. He had to.

But he knew it wouldn’t come to that. Once she found out about his part in this whole charade, she’d hate him. He’d have to tell her the whole story about his dad and her father. Then maybe she’d understand. And then he’d tell her about his ex-wife. He hadn’t been enough for her, and he doubted he would be enough for a woman like Monica either. Hell, she deserved a whole lot more than his sorry ass. She’d come to realize that one day and thank him for stopping her from making the biggest mistake of her life.

The memory of her charging into the barn like some magnificent Amazon warrior determined to have her way with him burned in his mind. He’d never forget that image for as long as he lived. Determined to enjoy what time they had left, he rolled onto his side and then leaned on his elbow to look down at her. She opened her eyes and smiled. He lifted his hand, brushing a loose strand of hair away from her face.

BOOK: Destiny Wears Spurs
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