Destiny Redeemed (16 page)

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Authors: Gabrielle Bisset

BOOK: Destiny Redeemed
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mouth formed a small pout. “That doesn’t help.”

her chin between his thumb and forefinger, he smiled. “Now, that’s the fire I

her eyes, she made a clucking noise with her tongue. “You’re not taking this

where you’re wrong, love. I’d be crazy with jealousy if I thought about you
with another man.”

bent down to kiss her again and took her face in his hands. “I don’t want to
think about anyone else tonight, Thea. I want to get lost in you. I want to
make love to the woman who’s meant for me and show her that I’m the only man
for her. And then I want to do it all over again.”

at her ear, he murmured low and deep, wanting to hear her answer. “Tell me what
my Thea wants.”


knew the answer she wanted to give him. She wanted his power, his desire,
everything he was. Never before had she craved a man like she craved Amon, but
fear held her back. Fear of her desires. Fear of the destined ones who’d come
before her. But her body betrayed her as her hands ran across his chiseled
stomach and her fingers grazed under his pants, briefly gliding over his erect
cock. She felt the hardness under her fingertips and heard his sharp intake of
breath near her ear followed by a deep groan that told her she had nothing to
fear or doubt with him.

her insecurities away, she unfastened his pants and reached into them to take
him in her hand. As she stroked the fullness in her grip, she watched him close
his eyes and let a groan escape his lips. With each movement of her hand, his
breathing became deeper with need.

interrupting the rhythm of her hand, she slowly slid down his body dragging her
tongue over the sharp planes of his chest and abs. When her mouth was level
with her target, she lifted her face to see his expression.

head was thrown back and his brow knitted waiting for her to finally touch her
mouth to him. But as her lips met his body, she heard a noise from above her
and Amon gently pulled her up by the shoulders to her full height.

he groaned in her ear.

Thea searched his face but found no answers to explain his apparent
disinterest. As the sting of rejection hit her, she opened her mouth to express
her hurt, but Amon’s mouth was on hers, full of passion. Instantly, she forgot
all the words she wanted to say.

the first time in forty-five lifetimes, she felt the need to be with a man.
Never before had she known a feeling like this. As he stood in front of her,
she was pulled to him by some deep call from inside him—like no one else in the
world could satisfy her like Amon could. The thought was both thrilling and

she felt like a naive girl in her first lifetime, unsure of everything her
heart and body were telling her to do. Amon was so much more than anyone she’d
ever met, and he was hers.

destined one.

his kiss deepened, Thea’s senses swirled into a jumbled mass of desire. The
feel of his soft lips pressing against hers as his tongue swept into her mouth
over and over, teasing the tip of her tongue playfully, set her on delicious
edge.  His strong hands held her to him, hands that would protect her against
any danger. The smell of his skin, earthy and musky, filled each breath she
took. His deep voice, moaning into her mouth as he showed her just how much he
needed her, touched her core.

potent combination of desire and need threatened to overwhelm her, and she felt
like the room was beginning to swim around her. His effect on her was
intoxicating as every cell in her body called out to him to satisfy her.

deep inside, in a place she’d long forgotten about, a tiny lick of happiness
began to grow—the happiness of knowing that in all the world and after so many
years of ultimately being alone, she’d finally been blessed with someone who
was just for her. No more lifetimes of hoping for something sweet and real that
never came to her.  No more accepting the hollow nothing to fill the want her
Aeveren soul always carried with it.

she had found the one meant for her.

more, she was meant for him. She was the woman destiny had chosen to love and
cherish him, one of the most powerful Aeveren to ever live.


feel of Thea’s mouth and tongue on his skin had been pure ecstasy, but Amon
wanted more. He wanted their first true moments together to be the joining only
destined ones could ever know. He’d known that bliss three times already in his
many lifetimes, but he knew Thea had never felt the joy of a destined one
before him.

and possession grew inside him as he feasted on her mouth, so willing and
ready. She was his and only his, meant only for him. Her lips, her body a
perfect match for him. And he knew from his time in her mind the day before
that she wanted him as he wanted her.


a way he’d only wished for with other women since Sevine.

of Thea’s fantasies played in his mind as he stripped her of her clothes, and
she stood naked in front of him, her blue eyes sparkling with passion as she
looked up at him.

sexy grin came onto her face, and Thea moved backwards a few steps toward the
bed. Amon quickly shed his shirt and moved to follow her, but she turned out of
his hold and he found himself looking across the bed at her as she stood facing
him, looking sexier than ever before with her silky hair flowing over her
breasts and stomach.

bent down and planted his hands on the bed. Looking at her, he thought about
how good it was going to feel to be deep inside her. Lifting his left hand, he
crooked his index finger and beckoned her to him.

here,” he said, his deep voice edgy with need.

cock stiffened more as Thea crawled on her hands and knees toward him, her eyes
focused on his to show she’d play the submissive but not entirely. That was
fine with him. He’d never liked a woman to completely play the role of
submissive, which seemed just a step above the way Kiril used his slaves. No,
he preferred a challenge—something to keep his interest and desire piqued.

kneeled on the bed in front of him with her face turned upward. Gently, he
pushed her long hair back to reveal her breasts and pearled pink nipples. As he
pressed his lips to hers and slid his tongue into her mouth, his thumb played
with a nipple while his hand tenderly cupped the milky white breast around it.

reward for the gentle pinching of her nipple between his thumb and forefinger,
Amon heard a soft moan into his mouth and felt her arch her body into his. Her
skin felt so warm pressed against his.

forgotten the perfect pleasure a destined one provided after all those
lifetimes alone. How one touch could ignite passions that existed with no other
soul on Earth. The sweet taste of her lips danced on his tongue and made him
crave her all the more.

a fistful of hair, he tugged Thea’s head back and buried his face in her neck.
The delicious smell of her honeysuckle shampoo filled his nose, exciting yet
another sense and building his desire to a higher level. The innocent fragrance
contradicted the passionate and knowing actions of her hands as they glided
over his flesh to the areas that aroused him most.

slipped his hands down over her back to the fullness of her ass and squeezed
the soft flesh, kneading it with his fingers. Thea responded by raking her
nails over the healed skin of his back, igniting a need that overtook him.

I need you. Now.”

pushed her back gently onto the bed and ran his hands up the smooth skin of her
legs as his eyes devoured the sight of her pale pink sex. His fingers reached
the desired destination first and carefully explored the soft folds that
glistened with moisture. With one finger, he stroked her excited nub and then
traced his way to her entrance, wet and eager for him.

for a taste of her, Amon bent his head to her and touched his tongue to her
clitoris, sending waves of pleasure through her body. Her hands held him to her
while her fingers trailed over the shells of his ears and the nape of his neck.

second finger joined the first inside her, and he thrust into her as he sucked
her swollen nub between his lips. She tasted so good—sweet but musky—and his
mouth worked to satisfy the craving she caused in him.

him, Thea’s body opened to his every stroke and desire. With every nip of his
tongue and sweet invasion of his fingers, she melted into him becoming his and
his alone. He felt her begin to tighten around his fingers as the walls of her
core signaled her approaching climax. He pushed into her faster, his fingers
stroking her to completion as his tongue sensually flicked her hardened nub. Thea’s
fingers pressed against his skin behind his ears, and he heard her mew her
pleasure above him.

later, he felt her come apart and quickly moved to lap up her juices as his
tongue slid inside her. He stayed with his mouth savoring her until she ceased
quivering, and when he lifted his head, he sucked the taste of her from his
fingers with the devilish grin of a man who knew he’d thoroughly pleasured a

down at her, he saw her lazily stretch under him, relaxed but wanting more.

like these gone,” she said as she stared at his pants through half-lidded eyes
and tugged at them.

you command, my lady.”


much larger body loomed over hers, and her eyes flowed over his chest and abs.
Everything about him signaled his power, from his deep blue eyes to the strong
ridges of his muscular body. She’d fantasized about him taking her for his, but
the reality of him was even better than anything she could have imagined.

trailed her fingertips over the hardness of his torso and saw him smiling down
at her.


I was just thinking how beautiful you are.”

was noticing the same thing,” she whispered as her fingers traced the trail of
soft blond hair over his chiseled belly and below where his pants had hidden. Looking
down, she eyed his rigid cock, even more than what she’d expected from a man so
large. As she wrapped her hand around it and fisted its girth, she looked up to
see the calm look he wore so often slide from his face, replaced by one full of


Amon glided his tongue over his lips until they glistened. “I do—very much.”

slid her hand from base to tip, noting with pleasure how thick he sat in her
hand. A tiny smile crossed her lips as he spoke.


looked down and then looked up again, as if she needed to inspect it before
making her decision. In a voice far sweeter than she felt, she answered, “I
do—very much.”

dipped his mouth to hers, and she tasted herself as his tongue slid over hers.
Even more, she smelled the scent she’d loved since the first time she was close
to him. His smell was masculine, but now it mixed with desire to produce an
incredibly seductive scent.

slid up her body until his fit perfectly with hers, and he positioned himself
at her entrance. Cradling her face in his hands, he said, “Thea, I’m your
destined one, the man meant for you. Your pleasure is my pleasure. Everything I
am I give to you.”

words thrilled her.
The man meant for you
. Kissing him deeply, she opened
herself to him to become one with the soul she’d always wished for.  Finally,
she’d been given a destined one. 

entering her, he said in a voice hoarse with desire, “Let me show you what it
feels like to be with the one meant for you.”

she looked into his eyes, he slid into her, filling her like no other man had
in any of her lifetimes. All she could think of was how perfect he felt as he
slid in and out of her. Each time he entered her, he touched her somewhere no
one ever had, as if he were created to fit into only her. With each thrust, his
powerful body slid lightly over hers as Amon kept all his weight in his arms.
Never had she thought he could give her the perfect mix of strength and
tenderness she’d dreamed of for so long in a lover.

wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him into her even closer, her arms
around his strong back drawing him to her. As much as she loved how thoughtful
and considerate he was, she wanted to feel all of him. His strong, muscular
legs pressing against hers. His abdomen pushing against hers, the muscles
contracting and releasing with each thrust. His powerful chest against hers.
She wanted him so close to her that she couldn’t breathe. Even an inch away was
too far.

than the physical pleasure was the emotional connection of Amon with her. Just
as she’d heard all those times over and over, now, for the first time, she felt
that bond between herself and him that had never been there with any other


Amon, the feel of Thea around him was sublime. Each time he plunged into her,
she fit him like a glove. After thinking of her fantasy, he’d fantasized about
something else and yearned to have her that way, though.

roll over,” he said as he changed her position from under him to on top of him.

Amon looked up
at the woman riding him and saw a goddess. Blond waves fell toward her waist
and bounced in time with her breasts as she lowered herself onto him.
Half-closed eyes stared down at him, and her pink tongue drew a quick swipe
over her lips, swollen from his kisses. His large hands sat on her waist
guiding her and setting the pace.

placed her hand on his and nudged it lower. “Amon, touch me, please,” she
begged in a keening voice.

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