Destiny of Souls (4 page)

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Authors: Michael Newton

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Afterlife & Reincarnation

BOOK: Destiny of Souls
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S: Too much grief. It is so overpowering. Alice is in such a state of shock over my being killed that she is too numb to feel my energy.

Dr. N: Tammano, has this been a recurring problem for you after your former lives, or is it just Alice?

S: Right after death the people who love you are either very agitated or completely numb. In either situation their minds can shut down. My task is to attempt a balancing of mind and body.


14 Destiny of Souls Dr. *N: Where is your soul at this moment? *S: On the ceiling of our bedroom. Dr. N: What do you want her to do?

S: Stop crying and focus her thoughts. She doesn’t believe I could still be alive so all her energy patterns are in a terrible tangled mass. It’s so frustrating. I’m right next to her and she doesn’t know it!

Dr. N: Are you going to give up for the moment and leave for the spirit world because her mind is closed down?

S: That would be the easy way for me but not for her. I care for her too much to give up now. I wont go until she at least senses that someone is in this room with her. That is my first step. Then I will be able to do more.

Dr. N: How long has it been since your death?

S: A couple of days. The funeral is over and that is when I settle down to try and comfort Alice.

Dr. N: I suppose your own guide is waiting to escort you home?

S: (laughs) I have informed my guide *Eaan that she would have to wait for me a while *… which was unnecessary. She knows about all this Eaan was the one who taught me!

This case demonstrates a common complaint I hear from newly released souls. Many are not as proficient or determined as *Tammano. Even so, most souls who are anxious to depart for the spirit world will not leave Earth’s astral plane until they take some sort of action to comfort those in distress who care about them. I have condensed this client’s narrative of how he assisted Alice in her grief recovery in order to focus on the soothing effects of soul energy patterns on disrupted human energy.

Dr. N: Tammano, I would appreciate your taking me through the techniques you use to help your wife Alice with her grief.

S: Well, I’ll start by telling you Alice has not lost me. (takes a deep breath) I began by throwing out a shower of my energy as an umbrella from Alice’s waist to her head.


Death, Grief and Comfort
.= 15 Dr.
N: If were a spirit standing next to you, what would this look like?

*S: (smiles) A cloud of cotton candy.

Dr. N: What does this do?

S: It gives Alice a blanket of mental warmth which is calming. I must tell you I’m not fully proficient with this cloaking yet, but I have placed a protective cloud of energy over Alice the past three days since my death to make her more receptive.

Dr. N: Oh, I see, you have already begun your work with Alice. Okay, *Tammano, what do you do now?

S: I begin to fiter certain aspects of myself through the cloud of energy around her until I can feel the point where there is the least amount of blockage (pause) I find it on the left side of her head behind her ear.

Dr. N: Does this spot have some significance?

S: Alice used to love to have me kiss her ears. (memories of caressing points are meaningful) When I see the opening on the left side of her head I convert my energy to a solid beam and train it on that place.

Dr. N: Does your wife feel this right away?

S: Alice is aware of a gentle touch in the beginning but the awareness is fragmented by grief. Then I increase the power of my beam sending her thoughts of love.

Dr. N: Do you see this working?

S: (happily) Yes, I detect new energy patterns that are no longer dark coming from Alice. There are shifts in her emotions
… her crying stops
… she is looking around *… sensing me. She smiles. Now, I’ve got her.

Dr. N: Are you finished?

S: She is going to be all right. It’s time for me to go. I’ll watch over her, but I know she is going to make it through this and that’s good because I’m going to be busy myself for a while.


16 * Destiny of Souls Dr. *N: Does this mean you won’t contact Alice further?

*S: (offended) Certainly not! I will remain in contact whenever she needs me. She is my love.

The average soul is much less skillful than even the most junior of student guides. I will discuss these elements further in chapter 4 under the sections of energy rehabilitation. Still, most souls I work with perform rather well from the spirit world on a physical body. Typically, they choose to work in concentrated areas using the beam effect described by *Tammano. These loving energy projections can be very potent, even from the inexperienced soul, to people who have sustained emotional and physical trauma.

Eastern practices of yoga and meditation include the use of chakra body points in ways that resemble how souls partition the human body with healing energy. People who practice the art of chakra healing say that since we have an *etheric body that exists in conjunction with the physical, healing must take into account both these elements. Chakra work includes unblocking our emotional and spiritual energy through various points of the body from the spine, heart, throat, forehead and so forth, to open and harmonize the body.

Ways Spirits Connect with the Living Somatic Touch I have taken the clinical terms of “somatic bridging” and “therapeutic touch” and combined them to describe the method by which *discarnate souls use directed energy beams to touch various parts of an incarnated body. Healing is not limited to the chakra body points I spoke about earlier. Souls who are reaching back to comfort the living look for areas that are most receptive to their energy. We saw this in case 1 (behind the left ear). The energy pattern becomes therapeutic when bridges are established to connect the two minds of the sender and receiver in telepathic transmission.

Bridging by thought transmissions to a body which is hurting is somatic when the methods are physiological. It involves the subtle touching of

body organs while eliciting certain emotional reactions Death, Grief and Comfort 17 which can include the use of the senses. Skillfully applied energy beams can evoke recognition by sight, sound, taste and smell. The whole idea with recognition is to convince the person grieving that the individual they love is still alive. The purpose of somatic touch is to allow the grief-stricken person to come to terms with their loss by acquiring an awareness that absence is only a change of reality and not final. Hopefully, this will allow the bereaved to move on and complete their own life constructively.

Souls are also quite capable of falling into habit patterns with somatic touch. The next case is an example of a forty-nine-year-old man who had died of cancer. While the soul of this man does not demonstrate much skill, his intentions are good.

Case 2 Dr. *N: What technique do you use to reach out to your wife? *S: Oh, my old standby the center of the chest. Dr. N: Where exactly on the chest?

S: I direct my energy beam right at the heart. If I’m a little off, it doesn’t matter.

Dr. N: And why is this method successful for you?

S: I am on the ceiling and she is bent over, crying. My first shot causes her to straighten up. She sighs deeply and senses something and looks upward. Then I use my scatter technique.

Dr. N: What is that?

S: (smiles) Oh, you know, throwing energy in all directions from a central point on the ceiling. Usually one of those bolts reaches the right place the head anywhere.

Dr. N: But what determines the right place? S: That which is not blocked by negative energy, of course.

Compare the difference between case 2 and the next client who carefully spreads her energy in a focused area as if she was applying icing on a cake.


18 Destiny of Souls Case 3 Dr. *N: Please describe the manner in which you are oing to help your husband with your energy.

*S: I’m going to work the base of the head just above the spine. God, Kevin is suffering so much. I just won’t leave until he feels better.

Dr. N: Why this particular spot?

S: Because I know he enjoyed having the back of his neck rubbed by me, so it is an area where he is more receptive to my vibrational imprint Then I play this area as if I was doing body massage which I am, actually.

Dr. N: Play the area?

S: (my subject giggles and holds her hand out in front of her, opening up five fingers wide) Yes, I spread my energy and resonate myself by touch. Then, I use both hands cupped around each side of Kevin’s head for maximum effect.

Dr. N: Does he know it is you?

S: (with a wicked smile) Oh, he realizes it must be me all right. No one else can do what I do to him and it only takes me a minute.

Dr. N: Isn’t he going to miss this after you return to the spirit world?

S: I thought you knew about such things. I can come back whenever he really gets down in the dumps and yearns for me.

Dr. N: lust asking. I don’t mean to be insensitive, but what if Kevin eventually meets another woman in this life?

S: I’ll be delighted if he finds happiness again. That is a testimony as to how good we were together. Our life with each other every scene is never lost, and can be recaptured and played again in the spirit world.

lust about the time I think I am getting a complete grasp of soul capabilities and their limitations, a client will come along to dispel these faulty notions. For a long while I told people that all souls

seemed Death, Grief and Comfort 19 to have difficulties getting past the uncontrolled sobs of the grieving before they could go to work with healing energy. Here is a short quote from a level III whose tactical approach during the peak of the grief process proved me wrong:

I am not delayed by people who are crying hard. My technique is to coordinate my vibrational resonance with the tonal variations of their vocal chords and then springboard to the brain. In this way I can align my energy to effect a more rapid melding of my essence with their body. Quite soon they stop crying without knowing why.

Personification with Objects I have heard some fascinating stories about the use of familiar objects, such as with the man in my next case. Since husbands usually die ahead of their wives I do hear more about energy techniques from their perspective. This does not mean male-oriented souls are more proficient with healing because they get more practice at comforting. The soul in case 4 has been just as effective in former lives as a woman who preceded her husband in death as a husband in this life.

Case 4 Dr. *N: What do you do if your efforts right after death are not having the desired results anywhere on the body?

*S: When I found that my wife, Helen, was not receiving me by a direct approach, I finally resorted to working with a household familiar.

Dr. N; You mean with an animal a cat or dog?

S: I have used them before, but no … not this time. I decided to pick out some object of value to me that my wife would know was very personal. I chose my ring.

At this point my subject explained to me that during thi< past life he always wore a large ring of Indian design with a raised turquoise stone in the center. He and his wife often sat by the fire talking about their day. He had a habit of rubbing the stone while talking to

Helen. His 20 *’ Destiny of Souls wife often kidded him about polishing the turquoise down to the metal base of the ring. Helen had once reminded him that she had noticed this nervous mannerism the night they met.

Dr. *N: I think I understand about the ring, so what did you do with it as a spirit?

*S: When I work with objects and people I have to wait until the scene is very tranquil. Three weeks after my death, Helen lit a fire and was looking into it with tears in her eyes. I began by wrapping my energy within the fire itself, using the fire as a conduit of warmth and elasticity.

Dr. N: Excuse my interruption, but what does “elasticity” mean?

S: It took me centuries to learn this. Elastic energy is fluid. To make my soul energy fluid requires intense concentration and practice because it must be thin and fleecy. The fire serves as a catalyst in this maneuver.

Dr. N; Which is just the opposite from a strong, narrow beam of energy?

S: Exactly. I can be very effective by rapidly shifting my energy from a fluid to a solid state and back again. The shifting is subtle but it awakens the human mind.

Note: Others have also told me this technique of energy shape shifting “tickles the human brain.”

Dr. N: Interesting, please continue.

S: Helen was connecting with the fire and thus with me. For a moment the grief was less oppressive, and I moved straight into the top of her head. She felt my presence *… slightly. It was not enough. Then I began shifting my energy as I told you, from hard to soft in fork fashion.

Dr. N: What do you do when you “fork” energy?

S: I split it. While keeping a soft fluid energy on Helen’s head to maintain contact, I fork a hard beam at the box which holds my ring in

a table drawer. My intent is to open up a smooth pathway Death, Grief and Comfort 21 from her mind to the ring. This is why I am using a hard steady beam, to direct her to the ring.

Dr. *N: What does Helen do next?

*S: With my guidance, she slowly gets up without knowing why. She moves, as if sleepwalking, to the table and hesitates. Then she opens the drawer. Since my ring is in the box I continue to shift back and forth from her mind to the lid of the box. Helen opens it and takes out my ring, holding it in her left hand. (with a deep sigh) Then I know I have her!

Dr. N: Because…?

S: Because the ring still retains some of my energy. Dont you see? She is feeling my energy on both ends of the fork. This is a two directional signal. Very effective.

Dr. N: Oh, I do see then what do you do with Helen?

S: Now, I move into overdrive with a ful-power bridge between myself standing on her right side and the ring on the left. She turns in my direction and smiles. Helen then kisses my ring and says, Thanks, darling, I know you are with me now. I’ll try and be more brave.”

I want to encourage anyone who is in a terrible state of grief over the loss of a love to do what the gifted psychics do when they want to find missing persons. Take a piece of ewelry, an article of clothing anything that belonged to the departed person and hold it for a while in a mutually familiar place and quietly open your mind, while blanking out all other irrelevant thoughts.

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