Destined Mate (5 page)

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Authors: Katie Reus

BOOK: Destined Mate
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The thought of losing Knox now that fate had dropped her into his life again…she fought off the shudder. If Titus killed Knox, she knew she’d die as well because she wouldn’t be able to control herself from attacking him. The feelings Knox had evoked in her…she didn’t even want to go there right now.

Titus shoved the trembling she-wolf to the side and stripped off his jacket. “Weapons?”

The woman scrambled toward one of her pack members as Knox shook his head. “We fight in our natural form.”

Titus’s white toothpaste-commercial grin conflicted with the dangerous glint in his eyes. “Perfect.”

Angela clenched her fists at her sides, feeling helpless and hating it. Instinct told her to jump in between them and stop this madness.

She must have moved in their direction because Alaric’s hold tightened. “Don’t interfere,” he murmured to her as he tightly gripped her upper arm.

Wrenching her arm away, she ignored him and his comment. All around, the rest of Knox’s pack and Titus’s warriors surrounded the two men. The vampires she’d known were waiting in the forest had shown themselves and now joined the rest of them.

Knox stripped his long-sleeved sweater off but didn’t bother with his pants or boots. Standing behind him she only got a brief view of his broad shoulders and muscular back before he underwent the change.

She hadn’t seen a lot of werewolves shift before but he was scary fast. Not like the males from earlier that night. No wonder he was Alpha. His bones shifted, broke and realigned before she had a chance to blink. And he was huge, probably six feet on all fours. Under the moonlight his all black coat gleamed. She’d never seen a more beautiful animal. So much power rippled through him as he snarled low in his throat and took a menacing step toward Titus.

With a shockingly fluid grace, he shook off the tatters of his shredded pants. Whatever fear she had for him disappeared in that instant. It was Titus who should be quaking in his hand-made leather boots. Knox looked every inch the lethal predator and any sane being would run at that moment.

A low growl emanated from Knox as he began to circle her tribe leader. As he moved, so did Titus. Their movements were slow, precise.

Knox made the first blow. As fast as she’d seen any vampire strike, he lunged at Titus and struck out with one paw. Extending his sharp claws he swiped along the vampire’s shoulder before landing on all fours a few yards away. The blow knocked the strongest vampire she knew back four feet.

It was a show of dominance. Knox was taunting him. She had no doubt. Though it was impossible to tell in his animal form, Angela could almost swear Knox was smiling.

And Titus wasn’t anymore. No cocky grin. Nothing. He bared his fangs and quickly made his move. Jumping through the air, he cleared at least seven feet and landed on Knox’s back. His own nails weren’t as long as Knox’s and they weren’t claws exactly, but when they lengthened into deadly points, she bit back a cry.

He speared Knox on both sides of his neck before the wolf rolled to the side and tossed him off.

The fight was officially on.

Her heart thumped erratically as she watched them. One struck, then the other. It seemed to go on forever. Both strong males. Both violent and dominant.

Wiping her damp palms against her pants, she tried to calm her breathing but found it impossible. Watching Knox like this was too much. She had faith in his strength but seeing them fight, she also realized just how strong her tribe leader was.

She hadn’t realized she’d moved toward them until Alaric gripped her upper arm and pulled her back. “Don’t.” Even though it was a command, he said it softly. When she tried to yank out of his embrace, he continued. “You’ll only distract him.”

The werewolf was right. Didn’t mean she had to like it, though. Clenching her fists at her sides, she did the only thing she could. She watched and waited and winced with each blow Knox took. It was damn near impossible to just stand there but she knew if she acted, Knox would be distracted and possibly hurt. Or worse.

Grunts and growls came from them until Knox suddenly gained the upper hand. He pinned Titus to the ground and speared his chest with his claws.

Titus struggled and shoved his own pointed nails into Knox’s side but the big wolf barely seemed to feel it.

With his other paw, Knox had his throat pinned to the ground. Holding her breath, Angela waited for him to make the killing blow. He’d either rip his heart out or rip his head off.

Maybe both.

A trickle of guilt worked its way through her that she felt little concern for her leader. She knew she should be loyal to her own kind, but she didn’t care about anything other than Knox coming out victorious. There wouldn’t be any repercussions since this had been a fair fight with a lot of witnesses.

The silence that fell over the shifters and vampires watching was deafening. Not even the wind dared to rustle around them. The blood rushing in her ears was the only sound she heard.

Knox growled low in his throat. The sound of victory.

Then he pushed off Titus.

She gasped. It just slipped out. What the hell was he doing? Knox stepped back, still looking menacing as hell and let her tribe leader stand.

Titus’s eyes were slits as he clutched his bleeding chest and tentatively pushed up. No doubt because he wondered if Knox was toying with him. She didn’t blame him. This was insane.

Before anyone could move or even react, Knox shifted back to his human form. Again, the transformation was so quick and almost seamless. If she’d blinked she’d have missed it. With his back to her she got an even better view of him in all his naked hotness.
forgetting where they were, her breath quickened as her gaze tracked all those hard lines and muscled striations.

Knox spoke, breaking the suffocating silence. “Get off my land. If I ever see or scent you again, I won’t be so merciful.”

Titus glared at him but instead of responding he looked past Knox to her. His eyes seemed to glow as he stared at her. She knew he couldn’t hurt her but the urge to step back under that angry stare was overwhelming. “Is this what you want? To live with these…animals?” His voice dripped with disdain.

Pretty ballsy for someone who’d almost just got his head ripped off.

Before she could answer he continued. “If you stay here, you’ll be banned from my coven and I’ll see to it that no one else will ever give you shelter once this
is done with you.”

Knox made an ominous rumbling sound low in his throat that sent shivers down her spine. Thankfully it wasn’t directed at her.

It was almost imperceptible but she noticed when Titus took a small step back.

She started to respond when Knox turned to look at her. His dark eyes were almost
as they locked on her. He didn’t have to say it out loud but she could see it in his eyes. She had his pack’s protection. Even better, she had his. That knowledge made her insides melt.

Angela hadn’t chosen to be a vampire. The life had been thrust upon her in one violent, terrifying night. Fearful of her former lover’s reaction, she’d searched out and lived among her own kind for the last ninety years. Partly by choice but more or less out of a need to survive. Living among the humans hadn’t been a viable option.

The next step she made would change her life and everything she’d known for so long. Tearing her gaze away from Knox’s, she looked at Titus. “I’m staying.”

There was a low murmur of surprise from the warriors but Titus nodded as if he’d expected her answer. Covered in blood and his shredded clothes, he motioned to the rest of the vamps. Wordlessly they all turned and headed back the way they’d come.

Once they’d disappeared behind the tree line, Knox turned back to her. Before she could cover the distance between them, he stood in front of her.

Still totally naked.

He was seemingly uncaring about his nakedness and she guessed all wolves were like that but the most primal part of her hated it. She didn’t want anyone seeing what was hers.


She jerked back at the abrupt thought.

Before she could contemplate
, he cupped the side of her face and gently rubbed his thumb over her cheek. With his other hand he palmed her hip and tugged her close. The feel of his erection growing against her belly was impossible to miss.

Feeling her cheeks heat up, she cleared her throat. “Your entire pack is watching,” she whispered.

“I know.” Leaning down he covered her mouth with his. This time it was soft, gentle and exploratory. There was nothing crushing or demanding about it.

Her nipples ached and, as his tongue danced against hers, she was vaguely aware of the rest of the pack quickly dispersing.

When she clutched his shoulders, her fingers met with a slick wetness. Instantly she jerked her head back, horrified at herself. Reality overrode any of her desires. “You need medical attention.”

His dark eyes flared with heat. “I heal fast. What I need is you.” Without waiting for a response he scooped her up. This time he didn’t throw her over his shoulder. He gently held her against him and stalked across the lawn for the house.

She struggled slightly against him but didn’t want to fight too much because she didn’t want to injure him further. “You shouldn’t be carrying me. You need to see a doctor.”

He grunted softly which only exasperated her. Reaching up, she brushed her hand over his wounded shoulder and wiped some of his blood away. As she did she realized he really was healing. The wounds that would have shredded another wolf or vampire were almost completely sealed up.

The coppery scent of his blood teased her nose and she hated herself for the light-headedness she experienced. She’d always be drawn to blood, but his blood…was different somehow. It made her crave him with a primal awareness that almost scared her.

“You’re mine, Angela, and I intend to claim you. Tonight.” The raw possession in his voice as they reached his bedroom door jerked her out of her thoughts.

He placed her on her feet, shut the door behind them and all the air rushed from her lungs. When he slid the lock into place, she could almost swear her heart stopped for a moment. Wolves didn’t claim each other lightly. When they did, it was forever. But what if it was a mistake? They hadn’t seen each other in so long and the reason she’d left had been because of his hatred for vampires. There was still too much to talk about. Too much they didn’t know about one another.

“I need to know why you ran from me,” he said softly.

She sighed tiredly and sat on the edge of the bed. “Of all people I
how much you hated vampires. I’d seen you kill… I didn’t want to become one of your hunted. I knew when you killed me it would be hard for you to live with it. I didn’t want you to bear that pain, but mainly I
didn’t want to die. And the thought of you killing me…” She shuddered as she trailed off.

Knox was silent as he stared at her, only imagining what she was remembering. Though he wished she hadn’t, she’d witnessed him kill more than once. Both times untamed vampires roaming the streets had tried to attack her and he’d had no choice.

The first time she’d witnessed him rip apart a newly turned vampire had been within days of their first meeting. Times had been different then. New Orleans had just entered what was now known as the Jazz Age or the Roaring Twenties. At the time he’d been a furniture and wine importer, and from the moment he’d seen Angela dancing at one of the many dance clubs that had popped up around the city he’d known he would possess her. She’d been so full of life and everything about her had drawn him in. Before her he’d been all about making money and expanding his pack’s power but she’d shown him how to enjoy life. She’d even convinced him to dance a few times. They’d just been in the courting stage, had barely known one another. Hadn’t even kissed.

But he’d still known she’d be his.

She was the first human he’d ever been completely honest with. After she’d seen him kill the vampire he’d had to tell her what he was. To his surprise she hadn’t panicked. She’d taken everything in stride. Maybe because of where she lived it had been easier for her to digest. Whatever the reason, he’d fallen a little in love with her in that moment.

After that it had all been downhill for him. He’d told her about his pack, his true age and the reason he hated vampires so much was that they’d killed his parents and baby sister. And she’d just taken everything he’d thrown at her and only shown him love and compassion.

He hated that she assumed he would have killed her. “You really think I would have killed you?”

She lifted a dark eyebrow. “The only good vampire is a dead vampire,” she said, quoting him in a semimocking tone.

“But you and I—”

She shook her head and propped up on her elbows. “You and I, nothing. You hadn’t promised me any kind of future. I knew when you left New Orleans you wouldn’t be taking me with you. After I was turned I was afraid I’d change into this evil being but I never did. I had to learn to control my cravings but I was still me. Something you’d never told me. You said vampires were all evil and I knew that just wasn’t true. If you’d lied about that…”

Her words pierced his heart with the force of a silver dagger. Everything she said was true. He’d never made her any promises because he’d assumed she’d known how he felt about her. How could she not? At the time he’d been so filled with rage and hatred toward her kind, he’d labeled them all the same. But when he learned she’d been turned—things had changed.

changed. He’d been forced to admit that all vampires weren’t evil. Something he’d already known on an intellectual level but had refused to acknowledge even to himself.

It had been too late, though. She’d already left.

“I wouldn’t have killed you—I couldn’t have,” he said quietly.

The look in her eyes was skeptical and he didn’t blame her.

“I’m mating with you.” If he said it enough maybe she’d get that he was serious.

Chapter 5

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