Desires (39 page)

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Authors: Holly J. Gill,Nikki Blaise

BOOK: Desires
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“What’s wrong?” he said gently, lifting his hand up to
twine her hair in his fingers.

“Nothing. Make love to me.”

She pressed herself against his groin, feeling the bulge
of his penis through his shorts. He responded instantly, slipping his hands
beneath the T-shirt she wore, his T-shirt, caressing her bare back. Tingles
danced along her nerve endings and she shivered.

Her pussy throbbed and she ground herself into him, his
bulge firming up beneath her. Dan’s hands became more urgent, running down to
her bottom and cupping her buttocks. He touched his lips to hers and kissed her
deeply, his tongue probing and teasing. She hung her arms around his neck and
pressed herself to him, kissing him back as hard. She moved her hand down to his
groin, slipping it into his trunks to palm his cock, rubbing it heatedly into a
full erection. He thrust into her fingers, clutching her back convulsively. She
pulled the T-shirt over her head and threw it to one side. Dan buried his face
in her breasts, sucking and licking her nipples while she pulled down his
trunks. He reached over to grab a condom and she rolled it on him, then slipped
her panties to one side and impaled her craving pussy on his rigid cock,
groaning as she felt him fill her, and pushing herself down on him as hard as
she could. Stacie pulsed up and down on his cock, feeling his penis filling her
to the joyful brim. Their lips stayed meshed, kissing passionately as she slid
up and down on him.

His fingers moved down to her clitoris, rubbing the
delicate nub until she began to gasp and squeal. She threw her body back,
letting herself go, feeling the crest come and take her. She screamed as she
climaxed, covered his groin in her juices. As her shuddering sighs died down,
he held her torso and rolled her back, staying inside her. He stared down at
her face, touching his lips to her cheeks, her eyes, her mouth, her nose,
before thrusting deeply into her. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling his
head down to her, feeling the bliss of him deep within her. He filled her over
and over, thrusting deeper until he gave a deep groan and she felt his passion
fill her.


* *
* *


After they cleaned up and got dressed, they headed
downstairs for breakfast. As they walked in the restaurant, Stacie saw Angel
sitting at the bar. Angel smiled as they walked in. Stacie managed to smile
back, hoping it didn’t look too forced.

Dan and Stacie found a table and the waiter came to take
their order. Stacie glanced across to the bar. Angel was staring at her. Stacie
quickly looked at the table, feeling her cheeks heat. She wanted to just forget
about Angel, and Larry, everything that had happened last night, and make some
last memories to cherish while she was here.

Stacie tried to forget that in a matter of hours she
would be walking away from him forever. She would have to find the strength to
carry on with her life and move on. But at least she would have the memories of
Dan to keep her going until she managed to find herself a nice man all by

Breakfast arrived and Stacie tucked in. She had to force
herself to swallow the mouthful though, when she saw Larry appear in the
restaurant. Mechanically she ate another mouthful, concentrating on the
movements of chewing and swallowing. The food suddenly tasted like dust and she
was struggling to get it down. Oh God, he was coming over to them. Stacie
looked determinedly at the table.

“Hello Stacie…Dan,” she heard Larry say. She didn’t
reply. “How are you both this morning?” Stacie looked through her lashes at Dan,
who was also not paying Larry any attention. “I would like to say once again how
sorry I am for the misunderstanding. I see you’re still here at the club having
fun. Have you forgiven me?” Larry asked, not sounding particularly sorry at all.

The pit of Stacie’s stomach ached, and she put down her
knife and fork, if only to resist the temptation to plunge the utensils into
his stupid smug face. Finding courage to face the monster, Stacie turned to
look at Larry. “My reasons for still being here have nothing to do with you. If
you don’t mind, you’re putting me off my breakfast.”

“I understand, but I really need you to forgive me and
tell Angel,” he said, batting his eyelids, looking pathetic.

Stacie saw the desperation in his eyes. She replied by
shrugging her shoulders, then turned her head away with annoyance. She was
almost enjoying this, she had him crawling, totally in her power. She flicked a
glance at Dan who was trying to cover up a snigger.

Stacie knew she had Larry where she needed him, hanging
on a thread. He needed her to accept his apology or his contract at Desires was
history. Stacie cared nothing for Larry, or his contract. Her only worry was
that if he was banned from Desires, he might take his sick attitude out into
the real world and then other girls would suffer from his vileness.

She turned back to Larry, who was now going down on his
knees. She shook her head, glancing at Dan who was staring out the window,
trying to stifle his giggles. Stacie looked back at Larry, wondering how far he
would go to beg for her forgiveness and for her to tell Angel she had accepted
his apology.

Maybe she should just keep him dangling for a little
while longer. Dan had finished and Stacie left the rest of her breakfast,
pushing her chair back and walking past him as if he weren’t there. Dan
followed her. She swept past Angel, ignoring her significantly arched and
neatly-plucked eyebrow, and headed back up to the room.

They had both showered earlier, but Dan went into the
bathroom to shave. Stacie watched him, with Dan looking at her through the
mirror occasionally.

“Is everything okay?” he asked.

“I just like watching you shave,” she replied without
thinking. Shit, would he think that was weird? But, no, he just smiled at her
in the mirror and went back to his shaving.

Her heart beat faster. She was desperate to tell him
exactly what she was going through and about her feelings for him. Stacie
couldn’t stare enough at him, longing to have him holding her forever, wishing
to hear the sound of his voice all the time, whispering sweet nothings, telling
her how beautiful she looked. She had never thought when she entered the front
door of Desires that she would meet such a man, not just sexy, but kind and
sweet, and everything she had ever wanted. How would she cope with him gone?
What would have happened if she had never signed that damn contract?

Dan left the bathroom and her heart collapsed as it had
been penetrated with a knife.

“Get a grip, Stacie,” she told herself, hitting her
thighs. “He’s just a man. There are plenty more out there.” She needed a
distraction. Maybe the afternoon with Jason and Chrissie would help.

Stacie got ready very carefully, going for the gorgeous,
girl-next-door natural look. Her hair was tousled, her make-up glowing but
subtle. She came out of the bathroom to see Dan dressed, sitting and watching
the television.

She picked out her clothes, jeans and a tight fitted
T-shirt, putting a long waterfall cardigan over the top. The room phone rang
and Dan answered it. He looked up at her, puzzled.

“Jason and Chrissie are waiting in reception for us?” he
said, a question in his voice.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you. I asked if they’d like to
come and have lunch with us. You don’t mind, do you?”

“Of course not, it’s a fab idea.”

Stacie put on her boots and they walked toward the door
but, before Dan opened it, he drew Stacie into his arms and gave her a long,
slow, delicious kiss.

“What was that for?” she said, when they finally parted.

“Do I have to have a reason?” Dan said, kissing the tip
of her nose before opening the door.

Oh God,
he was making it so difficult.

They headed downstairs. Jason and Chrissie were sitting
on the leather couch waiting for them. They jumped to their feet, and all four
greeted one another with kisses and hugs. At least if nothing else she’d made a
friend here.

Then Angel appeared, greeting them all. Stacie felt the
atmosphere take a dip, or was that just her? No one else here had a reason to
have a problem with Angel. “Good afternoon,” Angel said with a sparkling smile.
Crocodiles smile too,
Stacie thought.
Just before they eat you.
“I hope you
are all well. I would like to take this opportunity to offer you a freebie, on
the club, a room to yourself. Do as you please, and have lots of fun.” It
seemed to be a kind offer to valued clients, but Stacie sensed an alternative
motive. She betted it had something to do with Larry.

Bailey handed them the key and they went to the room
Angel had assigned them. Dan flicked the light switch and a dozen twinkling
spotlights in the ceiling illuminated a room wallpapered in black, with a shiny
tiled black floor, almost hidden by piles of massive cushions. One wall was
dominated by a huge flat-screen television. In one corner was a DVD player on
top of a black ash cupboard. In another was a well-stocked minibar in a
matching black ash cabinet. Dan and Jason went over to the DVD cabinet.
Chrissie moved close to Stacie. “Well? Have you told him?”


“Why on earth not? Do you still like him?” Chrissie

“God, yes, more than I can say,” she whispered, not
wanting Dan to hear her.

Chrissie tapped her watch. Stacie knew what she meant,
that time was ticking by. Suddenly her firm decision to make this the last day
she saw Dan started to crumble and doubt once more crept in.

“Girls, what do you fancy?” Dan said.

Stacie’s head twisted so fast on her neck she was
surprised she didn’t pull something. “Sorry?” she said, while her knees went
weak at the look on Dan’s face.

Jason waved two DVD boxes at her. “What do you fancy
watching? Hardcore, or a movie style?” Jason asked.

“Hardcore,” Chrissie replied, finding her spot on the
scattered cushions.

Stacie was stunned for a minute. She hadn’t realised
they’d be watching porn. She wasn’t entirely comfortable with the idea,
especially with other people there, but she didn’t want to appear a prude. She headed
over to the cushions, joining Chrissie and making herself comfortable. Dan put
the DVD on then dimmed the lights. The men came to sit down and Dan reclined
next to Stacie.

“You okay with this?” he half-mouthed, half-whispered at
her, gesturing with his head at the television.

She nodded, trying for a smile.

She attempted to look at the television screen, but she
was acutely aware of him next to her. All she wanted to do was stare at him, to
drink in his beloved face. The DVD began with a girl in slinky underwear doing
a very seductive dance in front of a man.

“I heard you had an interesting night last night?” Jason

“You could say that,” Dan replied.

“How did Stacie end up with Larry?” Jason asked.

“Angel took
Stacie off to show her round, then left her on her own. She should’ve brought
her directly back to me. It’s as much Angel’s fault as anyone’s.”

“Yes, but I could’ve found you,” Stacie interjected. “But
instead, I heard a good tune and wanted to dance, and that was when
found me,” she said, not quite sure why she was defending
Angel. She hadn’t really considered Angel’s share of the blame game.

“Angel should’ve known better. She knows what kind of men
come to those functions. You weren’t to know,” Dan said, sitting up and reaching
over to hold Stacie’s hand.

Chrissie stepped in. “Stacie
gone off with him if you hadn’t suggested she try out other men.”

Stacie stared at Chrissie. Hadn’t she told Stacie not to
blame Dan, yet here she was doing the same thing? She hastily interrupted, not
wanting this to turn into a bloodbath. “I agreed with Dan that it might be a
good idea. I just picked the wrong man, that’s all.”

Jason spoke out, “The result was you still ended up in
the wrong hands. That shouldn’t have happened—the club had a duty of care to

Dan cut in, “Larry just goes around shagging whatever
takes his fancy. He’ll shag anyone who opens her legs to him, then moves onto
the next one. Most of the regular girls here know what he’s about. If that’s
what they want, then fine. If not, they know to leave him alone.”

“Isn’t that what you do?” Chrissie said, her quiet
question falling into silence. Stacie’s heart pounded. Why had she said that?
Chrissie was meant to be helping her, not making the situation worse. Chrissie
continued, “Only you take their money.” That was something Stacie mentioned
earlier to her on the phone. Clearly, Chrissie was trying to get answers to
questions that Stacie was afraid of asking.

Dan paused, washing his hands over his face. “Yes, I
agree I take women’s money to have sex with them. However, I do it for their
pleasure, not my own. I am here to make them happy, not to make myself happy. I
don’t just open their legs and shag them. Unless that’s what they want, of
course. I respect women and I hope I send my clients home smiling.” Stacie
looked at him while he glanced at her. “I don’t come here and treat them like
meat, that’s the difference. Larry has no consideration or feelings for women.
All he’s interested in is himself. He’s a complete selfish bastard. I would
never do that.”

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