Desire's Edge (9 page)

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Authors: Eve Berlin

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Adult, #Legal, #Fiction

BOOK: Desire's Edge
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She did, moving her hand up the length of him. He was big, his flesh heavy, swollen. She licked her lips, another spark of desire lighting her up like a series of tiny fireworks going off in her system. She loved touching him. Loved the way he felt in her hand. There was some sort of power there. Dizzying, as she felt him pulse in her palm. The power was in being able to bring him pleasure. In pleasing him with her own.
“Ah, so good,” he murmured, his hands moving over her skin. “But I need to be inside you.”
He stood, picking her up and taking her with him. He took a condom from the packet he’d set on one of the built-in shelves in the pale granite of the big shower, and, tearing it with his teeth, he pulled out the latex sheath and slid it over his erection.
She could not believe how utterly sensual even this was to her, seeing him handle his cock so deftly. Seeing how hard he was.
“Spread for me, Kara. Yes, just like that.”
She moved her thighs apart, and he grabbed one of her legs and wrapped it around his waist, opening her up. She held on to his strong shoulders, and as the water flowed over her body and his, he pushed right into her.
“Ah, Dante.”
“You feel so good. Jesus, Kara.”
Pleasure was as liquid as the fall of the shower: that hot, that sinuous. It moved through her body, undulating, then building as he thrust into her, over and over. His mouth was on hers, kissing her, nipping at her lips. And every driving thrust of his hips, every bite of his sharp teeth, was like a small orgasm in itself.
The sensation of him sliding into her, then pulling out, was exquisite. Overwhelming. That and her body still buzzing with her climax. Her head buzzing with the things she had learned about herself, about the power exchange he’d tried to explain to her, but which she was just coming to really understand.
His skin was impossibly soft under her hands and she gripped his shoulders, her nails biting into the skin. She needed it, somehow. It was too intense; she couldn’t help it. She couldn’t help her rasping breath, the arching of her hips into his, wanting to take him deeper.
As the steam rose around them, enveloping them in its warm embrace, they both came. They called each other’s names, their hips clashing together. It was all need and shattering fulfillment. Wet flesh and a pure, startling pleasure. And Kara let it all go—her body, her mind—and sank into it. Into Dante. Let herself, for the first time, become utterly lost.
Kara sat behind the desk in her office, sipping from the extra tall, double-shot latte she’d needed that morning. She was tired—exhausted—and a little sore from her weekend with Dante.
Dante . . .
God, the man was insatiable. She had been, too. They’d barely gotten out of bed the entire weekend—or the shower, where they’d had sex at least four times. Dante really did have a thing for the water. She didn’t mind. She’d loved it, in fact. Loved the clean scent of his soap, the steamy air. He’d taught her to really tune in to sensation, and the water was incredible on her skin. Even showering at home this morning after he’d dropped her off had had a newly sensual aura to it.
It had been the most amazing weekend, and when they’d woken up early this morning she hadn’t wanted it to be over. But it was Monday, and time for work. Not that she’d be able to concentrate on a single thing. She was sleep deprived, worn-out, sore in all the best places. And thinking of Dante.
He hadn’t been ready for her to leave, either. That had been clear enough when he’d woken her at five thirty to have sex. Slipping into her while they were both groggy, half-asleep, his hips pumping until they’d both come, gasping their pleasure into the still morning air.
No matter how many times they’d done it over the weekend, he was still hard for her. And there was something she loved about that predawn sex, when they were both still half-asleep. He was irresistible, with his mussed hair, the dark, scratchy stubble on his chin. It made him seem more male. More primal. There was something almost surreal about it. Almost romantic.
Don’t go there
She sipped her coffee, letting the heat relax her a little. She wasn’t a romantic kind of girl. The last of that had been killed off with Jake. No matter how hot the sex was with Dante, she would remember that it was just that: sex.
The hottest, most intense sex she’d ever had.
Still, nothing more than sex.
She was fine with that. Just an intense chemical connection. No strings. They’d known each other for so long that it was comfortable, too, even if they hadn’t kept in touch over the years. He was familiar enough that it didn’t feel as if she were sleeping with a complete stranger. Friendly but casual, nothing more. But she was glad Dante had said he’d call her today, that they’d see each other again.
She sank back in her chair, taking another slug of her coffee, and stared out the window, which overlooked downtown Seattle. It was raining a little. She didn’t mind it. It gave her a sense of being cocooned, somehow. Looking down, she could see umbrellas moving down the sidewalk, the people beneath them hidden away.
Why did this familiar view look different to her today? Why did she feel so different? Was it that psychological fallout Dante had talked to her about? She didn’t feel bad. Just . . . changed a little.
She ran her thumbs up the sides of her thick paper cup, enjoying the heat. Remembering the heat of Dante’s hands on her skin . . .
Her sex went damp, and she crossed her legs, trying to ease the ache there.
Dante . . .
She could picture his deep brown gaze, his eyes so intense she could barely stand to look into them, sometimes, but compelled to at the same time. His mouth, which was really too lush for a man. She liked the way it softened his angular features, loved the contrast of it. And those authoritative orders issuing from such a soft-looking mouth . . . It was too good.
She remembered the way he used that mouth, too. All over her skin, between her thighs.
She sighed, her body heating. And jumped when her cell phone rang.
She smoothed a hand over her hair, as if someone could see her, before picking it up.
His voice was deep, rich. Sexy as hell.
“Dante. Good morning.”
“Yes, it is. How are you?”
“Tired, but good.”
“Yes, a little.”
“But you like it.” It was a statement, not a question. She liked that, too.
“Yes.” She laughed. “I like it a lot.”
“Good, then you’re still interested in doing it again?”
“I might be.”
“Oh, it’s far too late to play coy with me. I watched you come into my hands just this morning.”
Her body went blazing hot, simply hearing him say it.
“Dante . . .”
“You’re slipping down into that space even now, aren’t you, beautiful girl? But I won’t take it any further. I know you have to work.”
She pulled in a breath, tried to calm herself. “Are you at work now, too?”
“Yes. First day at the new job. Nice office. I think I’m going to like it here. And there are some great places to eat in this neighborhood. Maybe we can meet for lunch this week. Someplace with a long tablecloth. I have this fantasy about getting you off under the table. Someplace just a little public. What do you think of that?”
Oh God, she was soaking wet.
“I think that’s . . . very interesting.”
He chuckled, sounding pleased.
“How far away do you work?” he asked. “I’ve just realized I never asked the name of the firm you work for. We were too busy with other things.”
“It’s—” Her main line buzzed. “I’m sorry, Dante. There’s a call coming in on my work phone. Can you hold on a moment?”
“That’s okay. I’ll leave you with that thought and call you tonight. I have a meeting in a few minutes.”
“Have a good day. And, Kara. Think about that lunch.”
“Mmm, I will.”
They hung up and she picked up her work line.
“Hi, Ruby. What’s up?” she asked her secretary.
“I’m supposed to remind you there’s a meeting in about five minutes in the big conference room.”
“Ah, I’d forgotten about it. I’m a bit slow this morning. Thanks, Ruby. I’ll be right there.”
She gulped down a little more of her latte, flipped open the compact mirror she kept in her desk to touch up her lipstick, stood and straightened her charcoal-gray pencil skirt. Time to forget about Dante and focus on work.
She opened her office door and made her way down the hall, her heels clacking on the hardwood floor. The firm of Kelleher, Landers and Tate was in a beautiful, classic brick building with high windows and all the gorgeous old architecture preserved. She appreciated the ornate crown molding, the wide-planked wood floors, and that they always furnished the office in antiques, or at least antique reproductions, making it look like something out of the 1940s, if it weren’t for the computers on every desk. It made for a cozier work environment than the too-often sterile offices that were so common everywhere else.
As she walked into the conference room she remembered they were introducing a new junior partner today. She’d been a little annoyed about it last week. She thought it would have been more fair to hire from within the firm. Not that she was eligible herself; she hadn’t been there long enough. But there were several people who should be. Theresa Jackson had been there for years, and worked plenty of overtime. And Gary Auerbach, too. Apparently the new guy was some hotshot they’d stolen from another firm, which was why, she supposed, they hadn’t told anyone who it was yet.
She nodding a greeting to the other attorneys already present and found a seat at the enormous oak table. Ruby came in right behind her and stood against one wall, a notepad in her hand. She smiled at Ruby, who winked back. Ruby was the youngest of the secretaries and hadn’t been with them for long, but she was amazingly efficient. She worked for several of the attorneys in the office, but she was always available when Kara needed anything—one of those incredibly capable people. Kara liked her; they’d taken to having lunch together now and then. She was good company.
Kara took the water pitcher from the center of the table and poured herself a glass, sipped it. And nearly spit it out when the new junior partner walked into the room with her boss, Lyle Kelleher.
She took another sip of water, trying not to cough and attract attention to herself.
Holy mother of . . .
She choked, trying too hard to swallow, and Dante caught her eye. He raised an eyebrow, but other than that his face remained calm.
She could not believe this.
Breathe, Kara!
She took in a breath, watching him as he was seated at the other end of the long table.
Next to her Theresa whispered, “You okay, Kara?”
“What? Yes. I’m fine. Thanks.”
But inside she was absolutely on fire. Burning with equal amounts of lust and anxiety.
be the new junior partner. She wasn’t supposed to
the new junior partner. He was the enemy. The man who’d taken the job away from two people whom she respected and who had deserved this promotion.
She certainly wasn’t supposed to be sleeping with the new junior partner.
What the hell was she going to do?
She glanced at Theresa, whose face remained calm. But Theresa always seemed calm; it was one of the things that made her such a good attorney. The only thing betraying her serene expression and neat-as-a-pin appearance was the sharp glitter in her brown eyes and a tiny trembling in her perfect chignon.
Kara was shivering inside. She twisted her hands together in her lap and tried to take a deep breath. Her mind was going a hundred miles an hour.

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