Desired by Wolves [Call of the Wolf 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (16 page)

BOOK: Desired by Wolves [Call of the Wolf 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Alex was surprised to realize he was nervous. He’d grown up with many of these people. His therapist had gotten him to realize that he now had pushed people away emotionally for years, unconsciously cutting ties so they wouldn’t be as upset if he ended up dying in battle. And now it was up to him to try to reestablish those ties. He was home for good now, and he had to make up to a lot of people, if they would let him.

He only stayed for an hour, but he felt like he’d shaken a hundred hands. He was humbled by how happy people were to see him. He’d expected recriminations but instead got only love. They’d offered to buy him drinks, too, but since his brothers owned the place, that hadn’t been necessary. Instead, he’d offered them a round on the house and offered to work it off behind the bar. Joe and Will readily accepted his offer and told him to be there at five on Sunday for the dinner shift, which he readily agreed to.

As he drove away, he realized that he still had no idea what he wanted to do with his life. He was only thirty-five. He had his army pension, which would allow him to live simply, but it wasn’t about money. He wanted, he needed to feel useful again.

He thought of his little buddy Otis who had been so happy to see him. Otis needed him. He still went over to Lena’s every day to play with Otis, but he rarely saw her. She was working long hours, and in the evening, they were both exhausted. Often they’d have dinner together, either alone or with his brothers, but they didn’t so much as hug, and it was killing him. They needed to talk, but he admitted to himself that he was afraid of what she might say, so it was easier to stick with the status quo for now even though it was killing him not to be able to touch her and kiss her and sink his cock deep inside her and make her his again.


* * * *


Sunday was a warm sunny day. Alex did his exercises and then went over to see Otis. He was disappointed but not surprised to realize that Lena wasn’t home. She was generally absent when he was there. She’d given him a key to let himself in, but he’d never used it. Instead, he stayed outside with Otis.

“At least you are glad to see me, boy.” Otis responded by licking his face enthusiastically before chasing the ball that Alex threw for him.

An hour later, Alex was showered and changed into good jeans and a Lupo’s T-shirt. He wanted to do a good job today and hopefully they’d let him work there for a while until he got things together. He’d always been good with his hands and loved to build things. Maybe McAllisters was hiring.

When he arrived at Lupo’s, he was surprised at all of the vehicles in the parking lot. He was lucky that there was a staff spot left because there wasn’t another open parking spot in a five-minute walk. He’d had no idea the place was so popular.

He pushed the door open and walked in and nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw the crowd and their banner with the word “Surprise!” on it.

Alex stood stock-still for the longest time, slightly puzzled and then he realized that they hadn't yelled out because they were worried about his reaction. They cared. They did this for him. He started grinning like a fool and found that he couldn’t get the foolish smile off his face as one by one everyone came up and hugged him.

“Welcome back.” The crowd parted as Lena walked up to him. “Welcome back, my mate.” She gave him a kiss that made him go weak in the knees before walking away and moving behind the bar. He tried to follow her but was quickly swallowed up by the crowd that seemed determined to catch up on the last ten years in a single evening. He watched her walk away and sighed, letting her go when every fiber of his being told him to go after her and make her explain those words.

But that would come later. Her eyes had promised him that. Now he had a lot of making up to do with the people who’d come down to welcome him back.

Time seemed to fly by as the drinks and the food flowed. Alex stuck to soft drinks. He was off the pain killers, so there was no risk of bad interactions, but he wanted a clear head tonight when he talked to Lena. He looked around. She’d been at the bar all evening so he and his brothers could mingle. He hadn’t even managed to grab a word with her, but now that he had a minute to himself as the crowd started to thin out, she appeared to be gone.

“So how’s the prodigal son?” Gabe slapped him on the back before pulling him into a crushing embrace. Gabe was accompanied by a pixie-haired brunette who was smiling broadly. “This is my mate Samantha. Sam, this is Alex, my best friend.”

“Nice to meet you, Alex.”

“Same here, Sam. I must say, I’m delighted to meet the woman who could tame the McAllister brothers. Can you two join me for a drink? Or something to eat?”

“We’d love to, but another night. The sun will be setting soon, and you know what that means on the first night of the full moon. I have to get my mate home, or she’ll rip my clothes off and have her way with me right her at the bar.”

Alex smiled as Sam turned bright red and hid her face against Gabe. “No worries, man. We’ll get together in a few days. You go home and satisfy your woman.”

The men hugged again, and then Gabe and Sam left. Alex realized that the place was now almost empty. All of the wolves were heading home with their mates, and the humans were heading home because tomorrow was a work day.

He looked around and realized that his brothers were closing up. He checked his watch. Eight p.m.

“Kind of early to close up, isn’t it?”

“Not when you’ve got places to go and mates to be with.”

Alex felt his shoulders slump. He didn’t have a place to go, not really. And he didn’t yet have a mate to be with. Maybe he never would.

“Coming?” It was Will, turning off the lights. He looked at Joe was at the door. He followed them out, and Joe locked up behind him and then followed him to the truck.

“What’s up?”

“We think it is time for all of us to talk about the future.”


“No.” Joe snorted. Alex had opened the truck door. Joe pushed him inside and then got in the driver’s seat. Will got in his own truck and followed Joe and Alex out of the parking lot.

Alex wasn’t sure what the hell was happening, but damned if he’d ask his crazy brothers what was going on. He stayed silent until he realized that they weren’t heading home. They pulled into Lena’s driveway, parking behind her SUV and then got out, walking to the porch.

“Guys, I don’t think this is a good idea. I know we all need to talk, but the sun’s almost down and it’s the first night of the full moon. Let’s come back tomorrow when the sun’s up.”

“Alexander Maxwell James, if you walk away now, keep walking and never darken my door again.”

Lena’s voice rang from the doorway, stopping Alex in his tracks.

“I never thought you were a coward.”

“Lena, it’s the full moon.”

“Tell me something I don’t know.”

“It’s too soon. We have to take our time, get reacquainted. I don’t want to rush you into something before you are ready.”

“You haven’t changed a bit, have you, you son of a bitch? Still trying to make decisions for everyone else.”

“I’m the Alpha.”

“Then act like it. Claim your mate.” She came to stand at the top of the veranda stairs, staring down at him. She looked magnificent with her passion blazing, her anger almost a tangible thing as she looked at him, daring him.

The sudden desire raged through him like a freight train. For so many years, he’d denied himself his mate. When they’d made love, it had awakened passions he’d thought long buried, but he’d still refused to hope that she would agree to be his mate. And now he was standing here like a fool, refusing what she was offering.

“I walked away from you once, but I won’t do it again. If I touch you tonight, I’m not leaving until the four of us are mated, and then we’ll be tied together forever. Is that what you want?”

“It’s all I’ve ever wanted.”

Alex swept up the steps and pulled Lena into his arms. He lifted her up and wrapped her legs around his waist, holding her tightly so that she could feel his desire for her. Will and Joe moved quickly with Will opening the door and Joe closing it behind them when they were all inside.

Alex didn’t stop until he was in Lena’s bedroom. Tenderly he laid her on the bed. Joe moved to turn on the lights using the dimmer so it wasn’t too bright, but they would enjoy the sight of their mate in heat for them.

“Are you sure? I won’t ask again.”

“I’m sure.”

“Strip for your mates.” Slowly Lena moved to the edge of the bed, sitting with her legs over the edge and removing her shoes and socks. She went to stand up when Alex stopped her.

“Did I give you permission to leave the bed? Strip and then kneel before us.”

Lena sat back down, moving to the middle and getting up on her knees as she pulled her T-shirt over her head and then unclasping her bra and letting it slide down her arms. Alex felt like his cock was going to burst through his pants. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, and her every movement drove his desire higher. She wasn’t playing coy or teasing. She was obeying her mate, and it was beautiful.

When she lay back to pull off her pants and underwear, he thought he’d come in his pants by the time she was kneeling in front of them, her knees spread wide and her juices clearly visible on her thighs.

Keeping eye contact, Alex undressed. He reached down and stroked his erect cock. Lena’s eyes grew wide. He looked to his left and right and saw that his brothers were naked and aroused, too.

“Lena, you will stay in the center of the bed but turn facing away from us. You will lower your head and keep your ass raised. I’ll enter you and fuck you hard. As we both come, I’ll bite your neck. You will stay in position as I pull out. My brothers will each fuck you in turn, also biting you as you all come.

“When they are done, I’ll mount you again, and when I come, the mating will be complete. We’ll all be tied together for as long we live. You’ll belong to us forever, Lena, especially on the nights of the full moon when you’ll be insatiable for your wolves. Are you prepared to make that commitment?”

“I am. Ten years ago, we almost did this. The last time we were on the verge of this, we were all young and perhaps a bit naive. Maybe if we had mated all those years ago and foregone my chance to be a vet, I’d have some regrets, but I’m ten years older and wiser. We all are. And I know with every cell in my body that this is the right thing to do.” Lena’s response was simple, and the love shone from her eyes. “I love you all, and I long to be your mate, forever and always.”


* * * *


She turned, presenting her ass and pussy to her mates. Lowering her head and spreading her knees she waited. This night was a long time coming, and when she felt Alex pushing into her, not stopping until he was fully seated inside her, she was wet and ready for his possession. She felt him move to cover her whole body and make sure she was ready before he started moving.

“Sorry, love,” he whispered into her ear. “This is going to be quick. Once the mating is done, we are going to take our time and fuck your brains out until the sun comes up.”

Lena felt the desire surge through her body at his crude descriptions and wordlessly urged him to start moving. Alex didn’t need a second invitation and quickly brought them both to the verge of climax. He leaned down and opened his mouth over the place where her shoulder met her neck. When he bit down lightly, just breaking the skin, she felt her climax rocket through her body as she tensed and then bucked against him as what felt like a thousand tremors moved through her.

She hadn’t stopped shaking when Alex pulled away. She started to protest when his brother push into her swollen pussy, his way eased by his brother’s climax. The thought of him using Alex’s cum as lube caused her arousal to spiral up again as he started pumping inside her.

“Come for me, Lena,” she heard Joe whisper in her ear as his hand snaked below her and caressed her clit. As she climaxed again, he, too, leaned down and bit her.

When he pulled out, she almost sank down onto the bed, but then she felt a smack on her ass.

“Back into position, mate.” Will smacked her other cheek and then grabbed her hips, positioning her just right so he could slide right in. “Do not disobey your mates, pet, or you might find yourself being punished. I’m dying to put you over my knee and spank your ass until it’s bright red before I fuck it. I’ve never tried it before so as not to scare you away, but when you’re my mate, I plan on teaching you many new and exciting ways to please me.”

She shivered at the thought, his words just inflaming her desire. She was wolf, too, even though the women of the pack didn’t change, and the thought of him trying to dominate her was strangely arousing.
Smack. Smack. Smack.
He slapped her right butt cheek again, and Lena found that it set off her orgasm and she bucked against him wanting more. He obliged, slapping her left butt cheek before he leaned down to bite her neck as he came inside her.

And then she was alone again. She felt Alex’s presence behind her. He slid a hand down her spine and she had to fight to stay in position as he moved behind her. She wanted to roll onto her back and make love with him face-to-face, but she knew that first he had to take her this way one last time.

BOOK: Desired by Wolves [Call of the Wolf 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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