Read Desired by Shadow (A Shadow Walkers Novel) Online
Authors: Cynthia Luhrs
Satisfaction coursed through him—he’d found her killer. It had been one of the Day Walkers, a dude named Alexander. The scene played out in front of him like he was front row, opening night. The dirty bastard kept a memento. An earring he’d given Alice on her birthday. Knew it was hers when he saw the “Love M” carved on the back. Why’d the guy hold onto it? If he’d felt something for her, he could have left her alive. And it wasn’t like they’d found any other souvenirs.
Retribution was sweet. As a cop he wasn’t supposed to cross the line and mete out justice but the hell with that. He’d crossed too many lines in his career to stop. He wasn’t corrupt but he strongly believed in making sure the guilty got what they deserved, screw the paperwork. Guess that’s why he wasn’t part of the force any longer.
Quit letting this bullshit bounce around in your brain. It’s over and done with.
Hell, he was destined to be an ass. God, this trip down the yellow brick road was ruining the mellow feeling provided by the alcohol he’d consumed. Better to think about the Day Walkers and figure out their plans. In his opinion it came down to one of two things: money or power. Sometimes both.
Plastic Mindi informed him they were on the initial descent. Stowing his thoughts along with his bag, he was interested to see Robert’s home. What was with these guys and castles? Okay, maybe a bit of jealous talk, but still. Damn. The sprawling mountain of stone beneath him had to be Gwrych Castle. The aerial view was spectacular. Wonder how much land the estate encompassed? The plane came to a soft landing, taxiing to a gentle stop. Mindi opened the door and shot him a blinding smile. “Glad to have you aboard.”
Nodding his thanks, he hit the bottom of the makeshift steps and stretched. There was some uptight looking guy waiting. “Mr. Monroe. I’m Gareth. It will be my pleasure to escort you to the castle.”
A butler. So let’s get this straight—a castle, a butler, fancy cars, and loads of cash. He was so getting in this circle. Lush meadow bordered the airstrip. He could see sheep grazing. Turning to take in the surroundings, he inhaled deeply. Nothing like the fresh, salty smell of the Irish Sea. They walked a couple of kilometers before reaching the castle. It sat on a wooded hillside, surveying everything around it, daring you to approach.
Had to admit, the pile of stones was damn impressive. The entire place must have stretched almost two kilometers. His eyeballs jumped around taking it all in. Part of it was four stories high and hello, there were nineteen towers if he counted correctly. Shutting his mouth with a snap, he wished his ex-partner, Shamus could be here. The guy would be salivating, getting a chance to poke around history up close and personal. Guess he’d have to remember what he could to tell Shamus over a pint.
Entering the castle he was speechless upon laying eyes on the impressive marble staircase. Gareth led him up the stairs to the second floor. “How many bloody steps up this thing?”
“The staircase consists of fifty two steps. Gwrych has over 128 rooms including the outbuildings.”
Must cost a hellacious fortune to heat the place. Who needed that many rooms? What would you do with them all? Gareth spoke, jolting him out of his thoughts.
“If you’ll follow me to the sitting room sir. Milord will be with you shortly.”
“Sure, great.” He’d counted the outer hall, inner hall, a dining room, drawing room, billiards room, he’d like to get a crack at the table in there, a study, library and as Gareth opened the doors, the sitting room. The place reeked of money. Antiques were scattered around with careless abandon, the rug looked old and very expensive and oh yeah, his eye was drawn to the ornate sideboard. There was an assortment of amber colored liquids. Gareth offered him a drink before closing Monroe into the masculine room. Not a flower covered chair in sight. He sank down next to the fire, sipped his whisky and gazed around the room.
The doors opened with a bang as Robert and the woman stepped over the threshold. He stood to shake Robert’s hand. “Monroe. See you’ve found the drinks. Appreciate your coming on such short notice. How was the flight?”
“No problem. You always have the good stuff. I’d gotten Amy and Mark home so I had the rest of the day to kill. The kid’s fine. Colin healed the boy and his friend. Nifty trick. Can you do it too?”
“We all can.”
He wondered what else they could do. “Don’t think I’ll ever want to fly commercial again. Nice plane.”
Robert shrugged. “Gets me from point A to point B when the need arises. I’ve been remiss. Allow me to introduce my lovely Maggie.” He pointed to a woman with porcelain skin and long hair the color of sunrise. She stepped forward, meeting his eyes.
He stuck out his hand. “Nice to meet you. I’m Monroe.”
She gripped his palms in a firm handshake. “Robert told me you helped look for me. Thank you.”
He brushed her gratitude away. Was never comfortable with it, hell, it was his job. Well, ex-job but still. “This place is immense. Do you use all the rooms?”
Maggie snickered. “I called it a monstrosity when I saw it but there’s something about it that makes you feel like you’ve come home…” Her voice trailed off. The way Robert was looking at her, well looked like he’d found another woman to worship him. Though the way Robert was mooning over her…damn. Looked like the feeling was mutual.
“I can’t remember. Anyway, in addition to the hothouse there are a number of outbuildings and a generously sized wing for the staff. Maggie is planning to wander the unused wings and see if she finds any treasure lying about.” He smiled at the lady in question who blushed.
Stephan came in bearing a tray laden with sandwiches, fruit, tea and some kind of lemon tart. “Late afternoon snacks.”
He left them to the food. Monroe thought Maggie was going to knock him over for the oranges and cranberries.
“Sugared cranberries. I think I’ve died and gone to heaven.” She groaned. Robert laughed.
“Better look out, pilfer her beloved fruit and she’ll take your hand off.”
The lady in question stuck her tongue out at him. “Be nice, or I’ll eat all the cranberries myself.”
“What are those things? Isn’t that the stuff that comes in a can, Yanks eat it at Thanksgiving?”
Maggie’s eyes opened wide. “Seriously, you’ve never had one? Well, in that case, I guess I can share a few with you.” She spooned a few of the red globes coated in a white sugar looking like crystals onto his plate and watched him. “Well go on, pop one in your mouth.”
He was game. His mouth exploded in flavor. The tart against the sweet of the sugar was delicious. He eyed the dish. Robert roared in laughter.
“Gods, darlin’. You’ve created a monster. No need to fight over them, I’ll have Stephan make some more.” Robert looked perplexed. “I’ve never seen two people so crazy about fruit. Now gold, jewels, paintings…that I can understand. You’re daft, the both of you.”
“Whatever. Maggie obviously has excellent taste. Now. How do we stop these bastards before they destory my entire Country?” He passed on the sandwich, still full from his delicious lunch in the sky.
They sat around the fire eating and drinking tea, talking about recent events while Monroe filled Robert in on what he knew and Robert did the same. Maggie told him of her kidnapping, the house where she was held, what went on there. Monroe’s blood turned to molten lava.
“Fucking Day Walkers and their crews, kidnapping and killing my Countrymen. I’ve had enough of this bullshit.”
“Good. You’re impassioned and angry. And no longer a cop.” Robert held up a hand. “I mean no disrespect. On the contrary, you’re no longer bound by ridiculous human laws so we can do whatever is necessary to stop these atrocities.”
Maggie got up and brought the lemon tarts over. “I want to help.” She had inside information and could be an asset. Before Monroe could answer her, Robert jumped in.
“Maggie, you’ve told us enough to go on. You don’t need to do anything else, you’ve taken enough risks. Stay here at Gwrych where it’s safe. Help from here.”
He could see the color rise up from her neck to suffuse her face. Her hand gripped the arm of the chair and the other hand shook while she refilled her tea.
“Don’t tell me to sit back and write up a friggin’ report or some such nonsense. I have as much right, no more right, to help. To make sure they don’t keep hurting people. I may not be a man, or an investigator, or a blasted Shadow Walker but I can be useful.”
Robert held up his hands. “Easy love. I meant no disrespect. All I thought was with Bruce and his men looking for you, it might be wise to lay low for a while and then take a more active role. If you want to go out in the field and shoot the bloody bastards, I’ll teach you myself. Deal?”
So not only did the guy have feelings for her, his lady meant a great deal to him. In the year since they’d met, he’d never seen Robert with the same woman more than once and never with one who had the hard, street look Maggie did. She was interesting rather than pretty. As far as he knew Robert had never brought a woman to his home. This was more than protecting a female, he could see it in the way Robert looked at her, the way he acted around her. Protective.
“We both think you’d be a great asset.” Monroe liked her spirit. She’d been through the shite and came out swinging. “I’ve got to get back to the city. You’ll let me know which locations Colin thinks are fronts?”
“Aye. We will. I’ll walk you out. Would you like to go back by ship? Unless you’re one of those blokes who gets seasick. Maggie, want to come along?” Robert smirked at him.
“I would. I do not, and for that smart ass remark, I’ll drink all the whisky on board.” Monroe retorted.
“You two go on. I’m going to curl up in the library and finish
Gone with the Wind
The pirate laughed. “Be my guest, I’ve plenty more.” He walked over and kissed Maggie. “I’ll walk Monroe out and then we can figure out the best way to proceed.”
She nodded at Robert, standing to look Monroe in the eye. “You won’t regret letting me help.”
He patted her shoulder as Robert scowled. “I’m looking forward to it. Here’s my number if you think of anything else.” He handed her his card.
Maggie touched Robert’s sleeve. “A word before you leave?”
“Aye, milady. Monroe, I’ll be outside in a moment.” He left the two of them and walked out the door catching Maggie’s question and Robert’s response.
“Since I’ll be living here, what would you think about using one of the empty buildings to start a school or provide housing for those we find and rescue?”
“’Tis a wonderful idea. I think we should do both. Have a look around and take your pick of buildings. We can talk more when I get back. I thought I’d drive Monroe to the ship.”
Monroe softly walked down the hall and out the door. Yep, the womanizing pirate had fallen for the bewitching redhead and it seemed she for him. Especially if he was going to allow children to run amok.
Robert caught up to him. “I’ll drive you to the dock.”
“My ex-partner, Shamus will be dying for details. He’s crazy for old ships.” Robert led him to a black Aston Martin. “Another black car, really? Do you guys own vehicles in any other color?”
Robert turned and looked at him. “Black is classic. Get in. Stop being a wanker and maybe I’ll let your friend Shamus board the
Revenge II
one day and have a look around.”
Monroe caught movement over to the right, next to the stables. Turning around to look, there was no one there. “Did you see someone by the stables?”
Stopping the car, Robert got out. “There’s no one there. It was probably Ben, the stable boy.” Getting back in, he turned the beautiful machine away from the castle.
Monroe’s vision was playing tricks. Chalking it up to a lack of sleep, he took one last look back before settling into the rich leather seats as Robert gunned the engine turning the picturesque scenery into an impressionist painting.
No, you don’t want Ashley, you want Rhett, you twit
. Curled up on the sofa in the library with an icy cold Pepsi and more sugared cranberries, Maggie was content. Robert had introduced her to drinking cold soda with ice, said it was Emily’s favorite. It was delicious and the bubbles tickled your nose.
The word settled in her mouth and she sat forward, reaching out with a hand to steady the crystal dish of berries she’d almost knocked over. Maggie thought about it. For the first time in her life, she wasn’t always looking over her shoulder. Felt like she belonged here at Gwrych. Had come to love this sprawling estate and if she was truthful, had serious feelings for the owner. Sinking back into the cushions, pondering these thoughts it took a few moments before she acknowledged someone was standing in the doorway.
“Stephan. Is that you?” Turning to look, the goblet fell from her fingers, landing with a thud on the priceless rug. “Ned? What on earth are you doing here? How did you find me?”
“Huh, Gwrych Castle. You’ve moved up in the world. I studied this place when I worked at the hostel. Never thought I’d see it up close and personal. Did you know the estate is over six thousand acres? There’s an area to the west called Cae Gerail or field of corpses from some old battle though I’m guessing it will be aptly named again soon.” With that cryptic comment, her old friend wandered around the room, keeping his distance. While he wasn’t very smart, Ned had a thing for castles and remembered the most obscure facts. The book lay on the carpet next to the Pepsi now seeping into the rug. Surely Gareth or Stephan had let him in. Opening her mouth to call out, Ned was suddenly standing in front of her, his face an angry purple, the vein in his neck throbbing. Ants skittered up her back and the reptilian part of her brain screamed at her to run. Willing her body to calm, she asked again, “How did you find me? I said I was going to Edinburgh Castle.”