Desire Unleashed (18 page)

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Authors: Layne Macadam

BOOK: Desire Unleashed
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She closed her eyes and visualized Shane. Not only was he gorgeous and exciting, but he was a man of action. True to his word, he’d organized an unlisted phone number, and she’d felt at ease ever since. Even with him being away this last week, she hadn’t been nervous at all, believing the threat had passed.

He was a giant of a man in more ways than one, all hard muscle and sinew, and the way his sapphire eyes twinkled when he gave her one of those quirky little smiles made her go weak at the knees. Just thinking about him had her heart somersaulting, and Kathy pulled up short as the stark realization dawned that her feelings for Shane were more than just casual.

* * * *

Ice had done what Frosty advised and thought long and hard about Kathy while he’d been away, and as a result, he’d geared himself up to end their relationship. He couldn’t think straight when he was with her. She befuddled his mind. It was like he was on a roller coaster and was so dizzy that he didn’t know which way was up. The minute he entered the building though, his preconceived plans bit the dust. He was drawn to her like a bear to honey, and there was no fighting it. He had to see her, have one last night with her.

He scaled the stairs two at a time, entered the apartment and made straight for his bedroom where he dumped his duffle bag, snatched up a handful of rubbers from the bedside drawer and stuffed them into his pocket. Tonight he’d sate his passion; tomorrow he’d walk away without a backward glance.

Kathy’s door opened on his first knock and the sight of her pole-axed him, she was so goddamned beautiful and her smile radiant. “Come here babe,” he demanded. Without a moment’s hesitation, she melted into his arms.

“Did you miss me, Kat?”

“Oh yeah.”

“Show me how much,” he invited as he backed her into the apartment and kicked closed the door. Her arms lassoed his neck, her lips parted under his. As he pressed her up against his erection, their kiss turned ravenous. Hell, the way she was sucking on his tongue confirmed he’d made the right decision; she was just as eager for it as he was. He scooped her up and carried her to the bedroom as if she was no heavier than an infant.

Ice put Kathy down near the bed, the instant her feet touched the floor her hands were tugging at his shirt. He helped by pulling it over his head while she tackled the belt and buttons on his pants. Balancing precariously on one leg, he, quick as a wink, toed off his boots and socks. Kathy ripped his pants down to his ankles, and he kicked them aside in one swift movement.

Ice spun her on the spot, wanting her as naked as he was. He unzipped her dress and tossed it onto the chair in the corner. Cobalt eyes swept her from head to toe. What a vision. Flowing chestnut hair, sexy black lace bra and matching thong against creamy skin, curvaceous, the woman was a goddess. All his Christmases rolled into one.

When he took her into his arms it was like she was made just for him, she fit so well. Everything about her made him want her more. The way she leaned into him and rubbed her body against his, it was hard to believe she’d been a virgin mere weeks ago.

“God, you’re beautiful. I’ve thought about this for days. I want to touch you all over,” he murmured against the softness of her neck as his hands ran down her body and slipped the thong from her ass.

“I want to touch you too and show you how much I’ve missed you,” she whispered back.

Ice unclasped her bra and expertly maneuvered her onto the bed. Lowering himself beside her, intent on moving to the next stage, he was taken aback for a moment. It seemed Kathy had ideas of her own and with a firm shove pushed him down and straddled his hips. His shock at her initiative was fleeting though. The feel of her pussy pressing against his lower belly claimed his attention, and his blood heated.

That wasn’t his only reaction as she licked her way up his torso, torturing his nipple with her tongue. God, she turned him on. He could tell she was into him too by the way she scraped her nipples over his chest and by the juices weeping from her pussy. Man, was she hot. He bucked his hips against her as she laved the outside of his neck and nibbled his ear with her perfect ivory teeth.

“I want to taste you,” she whispered.

Geezus, did she mean what he thought she did?

Nah, no way.

When she started planting tantalizing licks and wet kisses all the way down his body, he wasn’t so sure. But when her mouth neared his groin, he was hopeful. His cock reared up and she seized it, curling her fingers around the shaft and entwining them in the thatch of course hair while her other hand began massaging his balls.

Her hand on his cock was sensational, but when she dipped her head and tongued him slowly from root to tip, he was in seventh heaven. A single pearlescent bead appeared on the swollen head. Ice watched in anticipation as Kathy swiped it with her tongue before taking the whole pulsating head between her lips. His breath hitched. But when she began working him with her mouth, he broke out in a cold sweat and groaned. He’d forgotten just how damn good head felt. The velvetiness of her inner cheeks was warm as she sweetly caressed his manhood. She’d never been like this before, he’d always been the instigator of their sex play, but this new aggressive side to her was incredible, and he had to wonder just when the dynamics had changed. He was in a vortex of ecstasy and could hear himself moaning from somewhere on cloud nine when cool air hit him as her mouth released him.

“Are you okay Shane, am I being too rough, do you want me to stop?”

Was she for real? “No babe, you’re doing everything just right,” he assured her and wound his hand through her glorious hair and guided her back to his dick.


Kathy had wanted Shane’s homecoming to be special, memorable. She’d been unsure about initiating this, how much pressure to use, the technique, it was after all a man’s most sensitive area.

Her licks were slow and experimental at first, but when the bead jeweled on his penis she lapped it tentatively. To her inexperienced taste buds, he was musky and earthen, wild and primitive, the texture of his shaft silky-soft. He was as hard as granite, and her tactile senses were aroused. She’d taken him into her mouth, and enjoying the new sensation, was lost in the sensuous motion until Shane moaned. Thinking she may have been a little rough, she’d released him at once. But he’d been quick to reassure her and pushed her back to his groin. And aroused by the power that gave her, she took him back into her mouth and began pleasuring him again.


Ice took the loving punishment for as long as he could, but when Kathy grazed the tip with her teeth, he almost exploded in her mouth.

“Stop,” he commanded. He was determined that she’d have her pleasure before he had his, and if he didn’t pull back now he’d go over the edge. “But you like it, and I want to make it good for you.”

“Trust me babe, it’s always good for me.” He pulled her up beside him and pushed her onto her back. “But ladies first,” he said, pushing her thighs apart.

His tongue burrowed into her silken petals. She was already aroused from pleasuring him, and that thought excited him. He licked and nipped her heated flesh, and it was only a matter of minutes before she splintered apart.

When her climax subsided, he flipped her over and ran calloused hands across her creamy ass.

“What are you doing?” she asked as he encircled her waist and yanked her to her knees.

“I want to take you from behind,” he explained while sheathing his erection in latex.

“Doggie style?”

“Trust me babe, you’ll like it.”

“I do trust you, Shane. I like everything you do to me.”

Ice preened, nudged her legs wider apart, and gripped her hips. She was raring to go, and he entered her with a smooth thrust.

Kathy clenched him tightly, her inner muscles squeezing him as he rocked against her.

“Harder Shane,” she ordered.

“Okay babe, you got it.” He didn’t have to be told twice. Pistoning his hips, he plowed his length in and out of her body, filling her tight pussy with his thick cock. Her own counter motion to his thrusts slammed her bottom against his groin, pushing him to a higher plane and robbing him of all cognitive thought. His balls slapped noisily against her clit, her frenzied moans spurred him on. “Is this what you want babe?”

“Harder Shane, faster.” Kathy sobbed.

Ice obliged and damn near exploded at her feverish words. He was rough as he pummeled her, but it was what she wanted, what they both craved. Raw lust, at its most primal, radiated, sending them into a sexual frenzy. Both were pumped and sweating. Ice’s animal instinct took over, and he fucked her until a nuclear explosion carried them over into orgasmic bliss.


Shooting stars, brilliant and white exploded in his head. It was like the Fourth of July but more amazing. He collapsed against her replete, emotionally and physically spent.

Rolling onto his side, he cradled her in his arms and kissed the soft part of her neck. Her heart was racing—he could feel it pounding through her breast as he palmed it. She was both an angel and a sex goddess. He raised his hand to stroke her cheek and was shocked to feel the dampness there.

In an instant the sweat chilled on him and his blood froze. “Babe, you’re crying, did I hurt you?”

“No Shane, it was just so amazing, that all the emotions started crowding in on me.”

Ice cringed at Kathy’s confession, but vanity prompted his reply. “It was pretty amazing wasn’t it?”

“You were amazing.”

He felt bad, god-awful bad as she beamed up at him. The sex was awesome, the best he’d ever had, but there was never going to be a happily ever after. It didn’t matter that he felt more for her than he had for any other woman, and even though she’d agreed to keep things casual, the fact of the matter was, she was the marrying kind and he wasn’t. The head on his shoulders was urging him to do the honorable thing and end it now, but selfish prick that he was, it was the other head he was listening to, and tomorrow would be soon enough.

“A penny for them.” Kathy snuggled against him.

She was soft and cuddly and curled up like a contented cat, resting her head in the crook of his arm, her warm breath tickling his chest. He’d missed the intimacy between them this last week while he’d been away.

“It can wait till tomorrow,” he said, wiping her tear stained cheek with his thumb.

“Night Shane,” Kathy murmured drowsily and fell asleep almost before the words were out of her mouth. He listened to the sound of her even breathing for a few minutes before easing her out of his arms and padding to the bathroom.

* * * *

Next morning, Ice woke invigorated. He hadn’t slept so well in ages. Kathy lay face down sprawled across the mattress, her hair cascading in disarray across her naked back. So, so sexy. Despite having done it twice more through the night, he wanted to have at her again.

His stomach growled noisily, signaling the fact that they’d missed dinner last night. He was famished, and Kathy would be too. She was sleeping like a baby, and he didn’t have the heart to disturb her yet, so decided to head back to his apartment to shower and change, grab some bacon and eggs, and surprise her with breakfast in bed.

Ice crept out of bed. Sunlight peaking from behind the curtains promised a beautiful day. He tamped down a twinge of misgiving. The team knew he always kept his personal life separate from his professional one, but damn, he’d let his guard down, and Wolf had slipped under the radar and invited Kathy to come skiing with them. So he’d just have to deal with it for one more day. Besides, he had no one to blame for toting her along to Meredith’s party but himself.

After showering, he gathered up his booty and let himself back into Kathy’s apartment. He placed the bacon and eggs on the kitchen bench along with Kathy’s keys that he’d grabbed on his way out. It was then that he saw the roses for the first time. They were vivid red and eye catching, it was a wonder he hadn’t noticed them before. Crossing the room in three strides, he picked up and read the small card propped up against the vase.

Can’t wait until you’re beneath me

Anger flared. What the hell kind of a message was that? More important, who the hell sent it? Then he noticed the other vase of roses decorating the dining room table, only these were longer stemmed and in the center of the arrangement was a single perfect white bud.

The message was blatant.

He snatched up the second card and read it too.

My bed is cold without you.

Anger transformed into cold fury. Just what in blue blazes had been going on in the week he’d been away? His mind powered up. Kathy was different. She’d never been submissive in bed, but neither had she’d been aggressive, that is until last night. So who the fuck had she been taking lessons from?

Sure, she acted like she’d missed him and maybe she had, but that didn’t explain her wild behavior or the not so subtle messages in the cards. Well, he was going to get to the bottom of this. To hell with breakfast in bed, he wanted an answer, and he wanted it now.

Ice stormed into Kathy’s bedroom. She looked angelic lying there, but appearances could be deceiving. He’d had firsthand experience of that with Janine.

“Wake up Kathy,” he said, giving her shoulder a firm shake.

Kathy blinked, gave a stretch, and smiled up at him bewitchingly. She propped herself up on her elbow and lifted her hand toward him in open invitation. The gesture caused the sheet to slip to her waist, exposing her sensational breasts. Last week she would have clutched the sheet to her chin in an effort to hide her nudity. The fact that she didn’t today unreasonably angered him.

“Good morning handsome,” she crooned as she wiped the sleep from her eyes and stretched again, exposing more flesh.

Ice ignored her and in a voice as cold as his name demanded, “Who sent you the flowers?”

“Pardon me?”

“Who sent you the flowers?”

“I don’t understand.”

“It’s not a difficult question Kat, who the fuck sent you the goddamned flowers?” His face darkened, his voice rose decibels, black anger gathered deep in his gut. With a visible effort he forced it down, smothered it like one does a fire before it could gain momentum and race out of control.

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