Desire Awakened (Aaron's Kiss #13) (2 page)

Read Desire Awakened (Aaron's Kiss #13) Online

Authors: Kathi S Barton

Tags: #vampires, #paranormal romance, #magic, #werewolves, #erotic romance, #aarons kiss

BOOK: Desire Awakened (Aaron's Kiss #13)
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The police cruiser was stationed in front of
his limo, and as soon as he was inside, they were off. Logan tried
to tell himself that they would be fine, that Anna would never lie
to him, but he couldn’t help but think about his son and sister
hurt. As soon as the car came to a halt in front of the doors of
the hospital, he stepped out and rushed inside the area.

“I need to see my son and sister. Mathew and
Donna Burris. I understand they are in surgery.” The nurse nodded
and reached for her phone. He watched her with a lot less patience
than he normally had while she asked someone to come up front

“Doctor Reilly was in the building and he
was taking over their care until you arrived to tell us who their
doctor was. Your wife is a little upset and couldn’t remember.
She’s up there now.” A man came through the doors, and she nodded
at him. “He’ll take you up. Oh, and your wife has all your

Logan was in the elevator when he thought
about his wife. He wondered what the fuck she was doing here much
less telling anyone she was his wife still. As soon as the doors
opened, he was going to rip her apart. He just knew that whatever
happened to his son had something to do with her. Either that or
she would try and find a way to profit from it. He looked toward
the desk when a woman stood up and started toward the desk as

She was covered in blood. Her suit coat that
had once been a creamy white was now pinked in large blotches. Her
skirt had a small handprint on it, and he knew at that moment that
it was his son’s. He arrived at the desk just as she did and looked
at the nurse.

“I was wondering if you could find me some
scrubs to put on, please? I don’t want my father to see this on me.
He’s going to be mad enough as it is.” The nurse nodded and stood
up. “Thank you.”

She started away when the nurse called her
back. “Mrs. Burris, emergency just called. Your husband is on his
way up.”

The woman paled. Logan thought she was
already very pale, but her creamy skin seemed almost transparent
when she looked at him. He nodded to her, and she backed up two

“I don’t think so, honey. Come on and we’ll
find a place to have a talk about our son.” He took her arm and
pulled her down the hall. He was pissed off, but he wasn’t going to
embarrass them both by calling her out.

“I didn’t tell them I was your wife. They
just assumed it and I didn’t want—”

“Let me guess, you heard the name Burris and
decided to see if your pretend husband was the one in the paper.
Good call on your part with that one, but I’m not going to pay you
a fucking red cent.” He shoved her in a chair that was in the
smallish waiting room only to have her come up quickly. “Sit down
before I knock you down.”


Logan opened his eyes and looked at the man
standing over him, smiling. He tried to sit up. Was he really lying
down? The man sat down next to him with a strong hand on his

“She’s still pissed at you. If you’re a
smart man, you’ll wait here until she has a minute to calm down.”
He nodded toward the woman as he continued. “I’ve been knocked on
my ass by her sucker punching me before. She held back with

“She hit me?” The man nodded and grinned
bigger. Then he remembered what they’d been talking about when
she’d hit him just punched him right in the
. He brushed the man’s hand off and walked toward
the woman as he worked his jaw. She’d hit him hard enough that he
knew he was going to be bruised in the morning. He could have sworn
the man said, “It’s your funeral,” but wasn’t sure. She was talking
to a woman who looked to be ready to deliver. He noticed there were
a lot more people in the room than there had been before she hit

“I would like a word with you. Now, if
you’re finished socializing.”

The pregnant woman giggled and walked to the
man still sitting on the couch where he’d been. He looked back at
the woman who looked even paler than before.

“If you tell me to sit again like I’m a
fucking dog, I will show you that I can be one in a heartbeat. I
will not be treated like that.” He snorted, and she glared. Christ,
all he could think about was how absolutely beautiful she was.

“What did you have to do with the accident?
If you think to blackmail some sort of payment out of me, you’re
going to be sadly disappointed.”

She looked at him, then threw back her head
and laughed.

“If you don’t believe me, we’ll see when I
have my attorneys contact you.”

“I don’t want, nor do I need, your money,
Mr. Burris.” She looked over his shoulder and groaned. When she
reached for the wall beside her, he put his hand out to catch her.
She looked ready to fall over.

The arm around his throat had him put both
of his hands up in surrender. As the grip tightened, Logan felt his
air shut off, and was just reaching for the arm when the girl

“Don’t hurt him, Daddy. Please? His little
boy and sister are the ones I helped.”

He was suddenly free of the arm around his
throat, but not the man himself. When he was turned around, Logan
knew the true meaning of fucking pissed. This man seemed to vibrate
from it. And Logan wasn’t sure, but his eyes seemed to have changed
to a deep red.

A woman, a very beautiful woman, stepped
between them, and the man took a step back. When she tapped her
foot, he took two more back. She turned to him and smiled.

“You’ll have to forgive my husband. He’s a
tad possessive of his only daughter. I keep trying to tell him
she’s fine on her own, but he just insists that she won’t be able
to fend for herself.” She took his chin in her hand and tilted his
head to look at his jaw. “She did this to you?”

Logan nodded. “I’m sure I fell when she
shoved me, but I can’t be sure. I think I might have hit my head as

“Of course you did. No mere female would be
able to knock a big man like you over.” He wasn’t sure, but thought
that statement was a trap and said nothing. “Good boy. I’m Sara
MacManus. The man standing over there with our son and his wife is
Aaron. My son is Mac and his wife is Andi.”

“I’m Logan Burris. My son and sister were in
an accident. I came as soon as I could, only to find out that who I
thought was my ex-wife, Lula Burris, was here claiming to be my
wife. Then I find her here.” He glanced back at the woman who was
sitting on a couch with her head leaned back and her eyes closed.
“Is she all right?”

“She will be.”

The doctor came around the corner, and they
all stood up. Before he could say anything, the doctor hugged them
all including him. “You’re a very lucky young man that she was
there when the accident occurred. Had she not been, the woman would
be dead and the little boy would have lost both legs. As it is,
they’ll both be fine in a few days.”

Chapter 2


Lizzy was feeling sick. She had listened to
Thomas and felt so much better. The nurse gave her a pair of scrubs
to put on, but thought she’d just go home and get to bed instead.
Knowing that Mathew and his aunt were going to be okay, she started
down the hall toward the elevators. Mr. Burris came up beside her
just as she pushed the button.

“What did you do for them?”

She looked at him, not sure what he

“To help them? The doctor said you had
helped them. I just wondered what.”

“Nothing much. I talked to them. And before
you ask, no, I didn’t take their valuables. I have enough of my
own.” He had the good grace to blush. She looked away. There was
something very appealing about him.

“I was wrong to snap at you like I did. I
thought you were someone else. My ex-wife has a tendency to leap
right into the mess of things if she believes it will benefit her.
I thought when they told me my wife was here, it was her.”

Lizzy nodded.

“I’d like to tell you I’m sorry.”

“Fine.” She pushed the button again, trying
not to think about how close he was to her. “I have to leave now.
It was not so nice to meet you.”

When the doors finally opened, she stepped
in. Before they could close, he did as well. She was ready to blast
him by telling him to get the fuck away from her when the shaft
moved and she felt her head spin. Before she hit the floor, he
pulled her to him.

The elevator took a sudden jerk and then
stilled. She tried to get away from him, but he held her tightly.
His soft words had her putting her hands on his shoulders to look
at him in the dark. They were trapped in the elevator together.

“It’ll be fine. You don’t have to be
scared.” She told him she wasn’t and he laughed. “Okay, I don’t
have to be scared if you hold me. I’m seriously freaked out here,
and I’d hate to sob like a little boy.”

Lizzy felt another wave of dizziness sweep
over her and leaned her head into his throat. His vein was right
there, warm blood flowing through it, and all she could think about
was tasting him. Her tongue licked along the path of the blood from
his pulse to just behind his ear and he moaned.

She felt the wall behind her press into her
back as he lifted her up. Every part of her body was screaming at
her to bite him and drink from him, but her mind was telling her
no, to wait. When he kissed her, his mouth taking hers hard and
with hunger, Lizzy felt her fangs drop in need. He groaned when she
pulled back from him.

“We can’t do this. You’ve no idea what I
want to do to you right now.” He buried his mouth at her neck and
nipped. Jerking his head up, she knew she was lost. “I’m so

She bit his throat as gently as she could,
and his hot blood filled her. His hands slid up under her skirt and
she felt him slide his fingers deep into her. Reaching between
them, she cupped his cock. Christ, she wanted him right fucking
now. She lifted her head to tell him. But he pulled away and she
nearly tumbled over.

He tore at his pants, and she watched as he
freed his cock. When she reached for him, wrapped her hands around
him, he groaned. Before she could taste him, he picked her up by
her ass again and took them to the floor.

“I need to be in you.” She nodded as he
pulled her skirt up over her hips. “Christ, I’ve never wanted a
woman this badly before.”

He tore her panties from her and moved to
her entrance. When he hesitated, she pulled him down to her mouth
and kissed him. As soon as he slammed into her, she pressed her
mouth over his open wound and suckled.

Pain seared through her, and she cried out
against his throat. When he started to lift off her, she wrapped
her legs around him and felt his cock jerk inside of her. He moved
slowly now, the pain was now being replaced by the most incredible
pleasure. She knew what was building, knew that her own release was
close, and she sealed the wound at his throat with her tongue and
moaned when he pinched her nipple through her bra and blouse.

“Come for me. I want…no, Christ, I need for
you to come.” He tore the buttons open and shifted her bra down
over her breast as he sank his teeth onto her nipple. Even as he
fucked her, he reached down and tilted her ass upward and she came

Crying out, he lifted his head. His command
for her to come again brought her, and his body stiffened above her
as he joined her. She pulled him down and sank her fangs into his
pounding pulse as he filled her. She felt his second climax even as
his first finished. Lifting her head from his throat, she opened
her vein at her wrist and offered it to him, wondering as she did
what she was doing. Then his mouth took her, and she cried out
again, a climax that rolled over her like a warm summer storm. As
soon as he lifted his head from her wrist, she knew what they’d

“Christ, you’re my mate.” Thinking quickly,
she took the memory of giving him her blood from his mind.


Logan pulled at his clothes as he watched
her reflection in the mirror surrounding them. What the fuck had he
just done? She was mumbling something, but he wasn’t able to
understand her. He was pretty sure he didn’t want to know what she
was saying. She was pissed, there was no doubt about that, but he
didn’t have any idea what she had to be upset about. Then he
remembered something.

“You’re a virgin.” She laughed a bitter
sound that for some reason tore at his heart. “You
virgin. What the hell were you thinking that you made me take you
in an elevator?”

She turned from fixing her blouse to look at
him. He had a feeling that if he made any more comments right now,
she’d murder him without thinking. Without taking his eyes from
her, he leaned over and picked up her panties that seemed to glow
under the emergency lighting. They were the brightest white scrap
of silk and lace he’d ever seen. She snatched them from him and put
them in her pocket.

“If you’ll remember correctly, Mr. Burris,
you were the one that grabbed me. I in no way started this.” She
leaned back against the elevator wall and glared at him. “You stay
over there and I’ll keep over here. That way you won’t have to
worry about me touching you again.”

He wanted her to touch him almost as badly
as he wanted to touch her. On the floor, against the wall, he
wanted her. Badly. He wanted her to bite him like she had, sink her
teeth into—

“Did you bite me?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Why
would I want to bite you?”

He had a feeling she wanted to do it again,
but didn’t know where that thought had come from when she shifted
on her feet and pressed herself harder into the wall.

He took a step toward her, then a second,
when the lights around them flickered. He waited to see if they
moved or the elevator dropped them both to the lower levels and to
their deaths. Logan watched her as the lights came on then off.

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