Desert Angel (Family Justice Book 2) (21 page)

Read Desert Angel (Family Justice Book 2) Online

Authors: Suzanne Halliday

Tags: #A Family Justice Novel

BOOK: Desert Angel (Family Justice Book 2)
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brother’s style score,” Angie quipped. “A limo? I mean, really! Alex has always been more of a beater truck kind of a guy.”

Meghan blushed at Angie’s observation and smiled. Oh, he had the old truck all right and it had been the backdrop of some memorable fuckery. Shifting in her seat, she silently admitted,
And so has this limousine.

“Well, if I can learn to sit a horse, the Major can adapt to a fancy car!”

“He’s really happy, Meghan. I’ve never seen him so full. Of life. Of love. Of the future. You know we almost lost him,” she ended on an emotional croak.

Meghan instantly reached for Angie’s hand.

“And afterward, for a long time, he just seemed really serious. Like he was always on a slow burn. Our folks were so worried. Especially Mom. He scared the shit out of her with the way he closed off. But now? Oh my god, Red. He’s Alex again. You just have no idea . . . thank you so much.”

Emotion clawed at Meghan’s throat. No one should be thanking her. It was Alex who made the journey from doubt and remorse to happiness and hope. That was all him, and she’d never been prouder than at that moment when he left the past behind and turned toward the future.

Had she been forced to leave his sorry ass and put thousands of miles between them in order to push him to that point? Yes. And it had almost killed her because until the moment when he laid it all on the line, the outcome had been uncertain. But he got there on his own—surrounded by good people who loved him. If he was Alex again, as Angie said, it was because he’d done the work to get himself there.

“Angie,” Meghan murmured, still holding the other woman’s hand. “I swear to you that nothing matters more to me than your brother’s happiness. I think if I had to go away in order for him to be truly happy, I would. Even though it would kill me to lose him, I’d have no choice. I love him that much.”

“Wow,” Angie whispered. “I guess that’s what unconditional looks like in actual practice.”

She half-shrugged. “It’s not about me. I can’t live unless he’s happy.”

“That’s what he would say too, you know. All he cares about is you, Red.”

Meghan smiled and settled back in her seat. Angie prattled on for a bit until her phone buzzed. Looking to see who was calling, she waved it and winced.

“Eek! Mi madre.”

Ah haha.
Meghan understood. “Go on.” She chuckled. “I’m just going to sit over here and daydream for a bit.”

While Angie launched into a spirited conversation with her mother, Meghan stared at the scenery going by. It was a nightmare sitting there like nothing was amiss when each time she moved or squirmed, she became super aware of what she was wearing and the unavoidable fact that her panties were definitely a tad on the icky side.

Their playful bargain where he wiped points off the slate if she let him assert his bad-boy charms had ended up being quite memorable. Damn him for it too because there was little possibility Meghan would be able to do anything now except replay the sexy scene he put her through earlier, over and over.



Earlier that morning . . .

They had breakfast together and, though he looked at her with a covetous hunger, no mention was made of what she should expect. He’d told her all she needed to know when they struck their deal. To lose the points, she was to let him kidnap and take her to the desert to be mercilessly fucked. His expression, not hers. What he wanted to do sounded so hot that she’d agreed so fast, she almost left skid marks.

A couple of hours after breakfast, he called her into their bedroom and started barking orders about overnight bags. Bemused, she pointed out what she was taking, watching silently as he gathered her things and headed for the door.

“I’m taking these downstairs for Ben. We leave the house in forty minutes. Get ready.”

“Okay,” she murmured, completely turned on by his aggressive voice and body language.

“And bathe yourself. I want to find you in the tub when I get back.”

“But I already showered this morning,” she assured him.

“Don’t care. Bathe again.”

He stomped away after that, and she shivered with a smile. This was new to their playtimes. The role-playing. She’d gotten very good at understanding Alex’s signals. She knew when he wanted soft and when he needed hard. With just a few clipped words, he’d spelled out where this was going.


Oh, now see,
she thought shivering slightly.
There was that pussy-clenching thing again.
Just thinking about how her Major intended to play out an abduction scenario made Meghan bit her lip against the moan that wanted out

Even though she was dutifully in the tub as commanded and was expecting him to take possession the moment he returned, she was surprised when he didn’t. He was so good at this. The whole time she bathed, Meghan was super conscious that he was preparing her to be consumed. By making her wait, and wonder—he was stretching out the anticipation.

Sounding gruff and impatient, he called from the bedroom, grunting, “Get dressed.” She hurried to towel off before tiptoeing from the dressing room.

Alex was waiting for her by the bed. A jolt of pure animal lust shot into her center when she looked at him. He was big and rather fierce looking, dressed in black jeans and a dark button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled back. His expression was hard, but Meghan caught the gleam of excitement in his eyes that let her know he was already enjoying himself.

“Put that on.” He pointed to a pile of clothing on the bed.

The menacing growl in his tone made her bones melt. Oh, my. This was her demanding Major, and he was just getting started. She hoped to survive and giggled lustfully before gasping in horror when she realized what she’d done.

He smacked her on the ass so hard, she yelped and did a little jig to escape. “Think this is funny?” he snarled.

Funny? No. Hot?

Lowering her eyes in surrender, she reached for the clothes he’d put out and nearly shit when she saw a roll of masking tape and a wrapped up length of rope laying alongside.

Crowding her personal space, he stood right on top of her as she dressed, touching each section of her body as she pulled on the clothing like he was inspecting his prey. First, he handed her a bra. As she straightened the garment and prepared to slide it on, he’d grabbed at her breasts and pulled her nipples. Even after she was covered and had hooked the two sides together, he’d tweaked her lace-covered nipples—

It just got worse from there. He slid her panties on, stroking every inch of her flesh from ankle to belly button. When the teal satin was in place, he’d calmly pulled the crotch aside and put a finger inside her.

“Not wet enough,” he grunted after a minute of teasing and pulled his hand away.

After that, she shook as he dropped a plain cotton dress over her head and yanked it down like he was mad at her for being undressed in front of him.

Pulling the clip from her hair, he let the auburn curls tumble free then grabbed a handful and jerked her head back.

“When we leave this room, walk straight to the driveway. Do as you’re told and maybe I’ll be gentle.”

He retrieved the tape and rope from the bed, giving her a meaningful leer when he did, and motioned toward the door.

The moment they left the bedroom, he put his hand on her neck, like he owned her and marched Meghan down the long hallway to the winding staircase. He grabbed her forcefully by the arm as he moved them swiftly down the steps then took her neck again as they left through the front door.

To be honest, she was practically skipping along with glee. The possessive grip on her neck, his gruff manner, and the rapacious vibe he was putting off . . . well, it all was incredibly erotic. She
this shit and knowing he did too allowed Meghan to immerse herself in his desires.

There was absolutely nobody around. She had no idea where Angie was. Drae and Tori had driven into town with Daniel for a well-baby visit. Cam and Lacey were busy at home, loving each other up after having been apart. It was the perfect moment to be kidnapped. No hope of rescue. Her fate was sealed. It was the wrong time to smile so she chewed on her lip and whimpered instead.

He marched her to the driveway, snarling when she stumbled, but careful to make sure she was all right at the same time.

At the truck, a grim looking Alex forced her into the front seat, immediately wrapping her wrists with the tape before doing the same to her ankles. Opening the glove box, he withdrew a red bandana, rolled it up, and used it to gag her. The tying up she expected. The gag she had not.

When she was restrained and gagged, he leaned back and surveyed his handiwork. Meghan saw the smoldering look in his eyes and moaned.

He ran a hand up her leg from knee to the inner thigh, pushed aside the panties again, and thrust two fingers deep inside her. She’d gasped into the gag and quivered.
Holy fuck.

This time when he withdrew, his fingers glistened with her arousal.

“Much better,” he grunted, then got an inch of her face and made a show of licking his fingers clean. “I taste your excitement,” he murmured quietly. “And your fear.”

He drove them out into the desert after making her lay on her side in the front seat. With her hands and feet tied, all she could do was flop over, exposing her backside in the process. Alex chuckled and lifted her dress even further so basically her ass was lying there on the seat right next to his thigh. Something he took advantage of during the bumpy drive.

She wasn’t all that surprised to see where they ended up. It was their special place updated with a wooden bench and a beautiful pergola—both handcrafted by Draegyn. They were out in the open—yes. But had total control. No one could come upon them without them knowing it and having plenty of warning. The perfect place to ravish someone who’d been kidnapped. Lord. It couldn’t get any better than this. Could it?

Oh, hell yeah, it could!

With the kidnap accomplished, it was time to move on to the fucked mercilessly part of Alex’s bargain.

Hauling Meghan from the cab of the truck like a sack of potatoes, she grunted when he tossed her over his shoulder, walked her to a pile of spread out blankets, and dropped her on unsteady feet. He ripped the tape off her ankles and hands but left the gag in place.

Like a champion rodeo roper, he stripped the dress off her in one smooth motion then spun her around and pulled her wrists together in the small of her back. Leaning close, she felt his breath and trembled at his menacing growl.

“It excites me when you’re helpless.”

Oh shit.
The trembling became a full-body quiver. He meant business by wanting her hands behind her back. It always frightened her a little. The total surrender. He knew it challenged Meghan and would back off in an instant if she hesitated, but she wanted to let this scene play out the way he saw it in his head. She trusted him to take care of her, and he’d never once orchestrated anything that came even remotely close to making her truly afraid.

He gave her a chance to deny him, but when she didn’t move, he quickly bound her wrists together.

Leaving her standing half-naked in just a bra and panties, her hands bound behind her back, a gag in place, her hair all over the place—he casually went and sat on the bench, arms spread wide across the back and enjoyed the view she made.

And while he watched her, she watched him just as intently. He was, simply put, the most magnificent specimen of masculinity she’d ever seen. The shadows from the pergola danced on his skin, his massive muscular chest rising and falling with each breath. Was bad enough that the gag made her drool, but looking at him sitting there eyeing her up, deciding how he planned to fuck her, well, it made her mouth water even more.

She glanced down to his lap and froze. An ominous bulge was forming and growing right before her eyes.

“That’s right,” he snickered when he saw where she was looking. “All of that’s going to be inside you. Every hard, thick inch.”

The whimper she let out wasn’t play-acting.

“Come here,” he demanded. She took several hesitant steps forward and stopped at his knees. Reaching for her bra, he yanked the stretchy lace cups down and exposed her breasts. He’d even chosen her underwear well. With the fabric shoved beneath her mounds, it acted as a sort of naughty truss for her tits, framing and cradling them perfectly for his pleasure. Her nipples puckered as excitement rushed through her. He noticed and immediately latched onto one and sucked hard. Until her knees trembled. Repeating the greedy suckle on the other side, Meghan struggled to stay on her feet.

Releasing her nipples, he swept the panties down her legs and hung them on the corner of the bench. A stark reminder about the rest of Alex’s plan. How after he was finished with her, she would put those pitiful panties on and go about the rest of her day as their shared arousal leaked from her body.

He looked at her mound and smirked. Putting a hand on her hip, he drew her further forward until her legs opened on either side of a knee. Holding her firmly with one hand, he looked her straight in the eye and began fingering her.

“Priming the pussy,” he leered as his fingers went deep. “Getting you ready to come all over my cock.”

He knew just how to arouse her and used that knowledge with ruthless efficiency. When an orgasm began building, he calmly withdrew and snickered.

“Let me up,” he demanded. Meghan stepped back as her sexy giant rose from the bench and started to undress. When he was completely naked, he grabbed hold of his proud cock and stroked it. The gag in her mouth barely absorbed the groan she couldn’t help
. Fuck.
She never failed to be completely and utterly mesmerized whenever she watched him handle his impressive sex.

“This won’t be pretty, my love. I’ve had days to think about fucking you and for what I have planned you need to keep up.”

He moved in closer and aggressively thrust his fingers inside her again. “But you won’t last if I don’t let that greedy pussy come,” he told her, his eyes locked on hers.

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