Descent Into Chaos (85 page)

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Authors: Ahmed Rashid

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Kargil attack ()
Karimov, Islam -
Karimova, Gulnora
Karmal, Babrak
Karshi-Khanabad (K) air base
Karzai, Abdul Ahad
Karzai, Ahmed Wali
Karzai, Hamid
in Afghan war
assassination attempt against
background of
George W. Bush’s relations with
cabinet of
corruption and
economic policies of
international support for
in Loya Jirga
Musharraf’s relations with
Pakistan policy of
political affiliation of
Popalzai tribe of
popular support for-
as president -
in presidential elections ()
reconstruction efforts of-
speeches of
Taliban opposition to
U.S. support for-
warlords and
Karzai, Zeenat
al Qaeda forces in
elections for
Indian-Pakistani conflict in
ISI forces in
Islamic militants in
Kargil attack in ()
Musharraf’s policies on
suicide bombings in
U.S. mediation in
Kasuri, Khurshid
Kayani, Ashfaq
Kazemi, Syed Mustafa
Kellenberger, Jakob
Kennan, George
Kennedy, Patrick J.
Kerry, John
Khakrezwal, Mohammed Akram
Khalili, Karim
Khalili, Masud
Khalilzad, Zalmay
Khamenei, Ayatollah
Khan, Abdul Qadeer
Khan, Amanullah
Khan, Amir Yaqub, king of Afghanistan
Khan, Ayub
Khan, Ghulam Ahmad
Khan, Ghulam Ishaq
Khan, Hayatullah
Khan, Ismael
Khan, Jalaluddin
Khan, Jamal
Khan, Jan Mohammed
Khan, Liaquat Ali
Khan, Mohammed Siddique
Khan, Muzaffar
Khan, Naeem Noor
Khan, Naheed
Khan, Sahibzada Yakub
Khan, Sher Mohammed
Khan, Yahya
Khandan, Malik
Khan Research Laboratories
Khatami, Mohammad
Khyber Pass
Kinzer, Stephen
Koenigs, Tom
Laroche, Eric
law, international
Legal Framework Order
Libi, Abu Laith al-
Libi, Ibn al-Sheikh al-
Lindh, John Walker
Line of Control (LOC)
Lockhart, Clare
Lodhi, Maleeha
London bombings ()
Louis Berger Co.
Loya Jirga (LJ)
Lugar, Richard
McCain, John
McColl, John
McConnell, Mike
McNeill, Dan K.
madrassas -
Madrid bombings ()
Mahmood, Sultan Bashiruddin
Mahsud, Abdullah
Mahsud, Baitullah
Majid, Abdul
Maley, William
Malizai, Qadir
Manas (Ganci) Air Base
Manningham-Buller, Eliza
Mansur, Abdul Hafiz
Mansur, Khaled
Mansur, Saif ur-Rahman
Marine Corps, U.S.
Marri, Balach
Marri, Khair Bux
Marshall, George
Marshall Plan
Masri, Khaled al-
Masud, Ahmad Shah
Masud, Ahmad Wali
Masud, Ahmad Zia
Mavlanov, Mohammed
Medusa, Operation
Mehmood, Shafqat
Mengal, Ataullah
Merkel, Angela
Meshrano Jirga (House of Elders)
Middle East ;
see also specific countries
Milam, William
Miller, Geoffrey
Mirzoyev, Ghaffor
Mishra, Brajesh
Mohammed, Faqir
Mohammed, Fida
Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh
Mohammed, Maulana Nur
Mohammed, Maulana Sufi
Mohammed, Nazar
Mohammed, Nek
Mohammed, Wakil
Mohaqiq, Mohammed
Mountain Thrust, Operation
Mountain Viper, Operation
Mujaddedi, Sibghatullah
Mujahid, Mullah Sakhi Dad
Mukadyrova, Fatima
“Mullah Omar’s missiles,”
Mullen, Michael
Munguia, Ricardo
Murray, Craig
Musa Qala
Musharraf, Pervez
Afghan policies of
in Afghan war
assassination attempts against
author’s meeting with
autobiography of
background of
Benazir Bhutto’s relations with
George W. Bush’s relations with
Bill Clinton’s relations with
economic policies of
elections rigged by
India policies of
Islamic fundamentalism supported by
Januaryspeech of ()
Kargil attack organized by ()-
Karzai’s relations with
Kashmir policy of -
martial law imposed by
media coverage of
military coup by ()
military dictatorship of -
military support for-
nuclear policies of
Pearl kidnapping and
popular support for-
power-sharing agreement of
as president
Red Mosque and Red Mosque and—
"reform program” of
speeches of
state of emergency declared by
Supreme Court and
Taliban policies of
tribal policies of
U.S. support for
Muslim Brotherhood
Muslim League
Muslim League Party
Muttawakil, Mullah Wakil Ahmad
Muttehida Majlis-e-Amal (MMA)
Myers, Richard
Nadai, Mir Mohammed Mahfooz
Nadery, Ahmad Nader
Najibullah, Mohammed
Namangani, Juma
Naqibullah, Mullah
Naseer, Jamal
Nasir, Vali
Nasr, Hassan Mustafa Osama
Nasser, Jamal
National Directorate for Security
National Intelligence Estimate (NIE)
National Logistics Cell
National Movement for the Restoration of Pakistani Sovereignty
National Security Council (NSC)
National Solidarity Program
nation building
Natsios, Andrew
Nazarbayev, Aliya
Negroponte, John
Neuman, Ron
New Beginnings Programme
Niyazov, Saparmurat
No-Dong missiles
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
Noor, Sadiq
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Northern Alliance (NA)
North Korea
North-West Frontier Province (NWFP)
nuclear proliferation
Nurzai, Arif
Nutsch, Mark
Obama, Barack
oil resources -
Olcott, Martha Brill
Omar, Mullah Mohammed
Open Media Fund for Afghanistan-
Orakzai, Ali Jan
“over the horizon” deployment
Owens, Joseph
Afghan refugees in
Afghan relations with
in Afghan war
air force of
Pakistan (
al Qaeda supported by -
army of -
borders of
British relations with
British rule of
Christian minority in
CIA influence in -
civil war of
Bill Clinton’s visit to ()
constitution of ()
corruption in
creation of
democracy in
disappeared prisoners in
drug trafficking in-
earthquake in ()
economy of
education in
elections in
foreign debt of
foreign policy of
government of -
gross domestic product (GDP) of
history of
human rights record of-
India’s relations with -
international relations of
Islamic fundamentalism in -
jihadism in
Karzai’s policy on
in Kashmir conflict,
lawyer’s demonstrations in
legal system of
literacy rate in
Loya Jirgas held in
mass media in
military coup in ()
military coup in ()
military rule of
National Assembly of
national identity of
natural resources of (gas)
nuclear weapons of -
Pashtun tribes of
police of
political parties in
Sharia (Islamic law) in
state of emergency declared in
suicide bombings in
Supreme Court of
Taliban in
Taliban supported by -
taxation in
terrorism sponsored by
tribes of - ;
see also specific tribes
as UN member
U.S. embassy in
U.S. foreign aid to
U.S. military forces in
U.S. relations with -
U.S. sanctions against-
women in
see also specific provinces and towns
Pakistan Muslim League-Q (Quaid-e-Azam) (PML-Q)-
Pakistan People’s Party (PPP)
Pakistan Resolution ()
Panjsher Valley -
Partnership for Peace
Pashtun, Yousuf
Pashtun tribes- -
Passaro, David
Patten, Chris
Pearl, Daniel
Pearl, Mariane
Pelosi, Nancy
People’s Movement
Perle, Richard
peroneal strikes
Persons Under Control (PUC)
Peshawar Group
Piracha, Javed Ibrahim
“platoon houses,”
Polk, George
Popalzai tribe
poppy cultivation
Powell, Colin
Powell, Nancy
Predator drone
“preemption” policy
Pressler Amendment
Priest, Dana
prison ships
private contractors
Prodi, Romano
Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs)
Putin, Vladimir
Qadir, Haji Abdul
Qadir, Maulana Abdul
Qadoos, Ahmed Abdul
Qala Jangi (Fort of War)
Qanuni, Younus
Qasimyar, Ismael
Qureshi, Rashid
Rabbani, Burhanuddin-
Rakhmonov, Emomali
RAND Corp.
Rashid, Abdul
Rasul, Zalmay
Razzaq, Abdul
Razzaq, Mullah Abdul
Reagan, Ronald
“reconstruction opportunity zone,”
Red Horse squadrons
Red Mosque
Rehman, Abdur
Rehman, Attaur
Rehman, Matiur
Rehman, Maulana Fazlur
Rehman, Maulvi Jamil-ur
Rehman, Sherry
Reid, Richard
“rendered prisoners,”
Republican Party
Reza, Iqbal
Riasat Amniat-e-Meli (National Directorate of Security) (NDS)
Rice, Condoleezza -
Richards, David
Riedel, Bruce
Ritchie, James
Ritchie, Joseph J.
Robertson, George
Rocca, Christina
Roed-Larsen, Terje
Rome group
Rona, Gabor
Rove, Karl
Roy, Oliver
Rubin, Barnett
Rubin, Elizabeth
Ruhani, Ghulam
Rumsfeld, Donald -
Afghan relations with
in Afghan war
Central Asian influence of
oil industry of
see also
Soviet Union
Ruzicka, Marla
Saeed, Hafiz
Saleem, Sheikh Ahmed
Saleh, Amrullah
Salt Pit
Samar, Simar
Saqlain, Raja
Sassi, Nizar
satellite surveillance
Sattar, Abdul
Saudi Arabia
Sayari, Mohammed
Sayyaf, Abdul Rasul
Scheffer, Jaap de Hoop
Scheuer, Michael
Schifferdecker, Arnold
Schröder, Gerhard
Schroen, Gary
Scotland Yard
Secret Service, U.S.
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, U.S.
Septemberattacks () - -
Sethi, Najam
Shah, Aitezaz
Shah, Ejaz
Shaheen, Imtiaz
Shahir, Mohammed Rafiq
Shahrani, Nematullah
Shamshatoo Camp
Shamzai, Maulana Nizamuddin

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