Descent (A Hidden Wings Novella: Prequel) (9 page)

BOOK: Descent (A Hidden Wings Novella: Prequel)
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I shared
the stories of my youth, about my parents, even the note left by my birth father, and the visitation of the angel that night in the cemetery. They weren’t nearly as fascinating as his, but he seemed absorbed and attentive to every detail.

I told him about the
mark on the back of my neck, and that I was told never to reveal it to anyone. He completely understood and never questioned me about it, allowing me to keep it secret. This simple act made my trust and love for him grow even more.

But, Samuel was still
under the hand of Lucifer, and needed to leave me for lengths at a time, to go back to his Fallen world and missions. He didn’t want to leave, but he had to, as not to draw attention. While he was gone my thoughts remained with him, hoping and wishing he would keep safe. At night my dreams were filled with his face, and his smile. His scent always lingered around me, comforting, filling me with warmth until his return.

was deeply concerned for my safety, but I was just as deeply concerned for his. We took our relationship very slow, but our friendship grew and blossomed into something beautiful. Something strong. Something the two of us could not deny or anyone could ever destroy.

I wanted to be with him, and even though the stakes were high, I was willing to risk it all. How could you deny someone love, when that love is so real, so pure, and so absolute. I had found my soul mate. The one I wanted to spend the rest of my exi
stence with, no matter what the cost.




Despite the law, which forbade them to be together, Samuel and Alaine continued their relationship. Being in each other’s presence was not only something they wanted, it was something they needed.   

One night u
nder a full moon and a twinkling diamond sky, Samuel and Alaine cuddled under a large willow tree, discussing his recent battle and her nursing classes. Alaine was wrapped tightly in the circle of his arms, and electricity buzzed all around them.

Samuel paused
and gazed into Alaine’s eyes. His gaze was alluring.

“I love you,” he whispered. He leaned over and pressed his lips to her forehead.

She smiled
and breathed him in. Her chocolate eyes sparkled. “I love you too.”

softly brushed his fingers down her cheek, and then slowly raised her chin, pressing his full lips against hers. His kiss was soft, tender, but then deepened the more he tasted.

is taste was also sweet, enticing her, luring her deeper into his paradise.

n an instant they were lost. Lost in an eternal ecstasy which made them weak. Carnal desires roared within them, yearning, thirsting for more.

he seduction of the bond could not be held back any longer.

only by the dark sky, emotions took over all reason. Their bodies blazed with a fiery passion as two bodies became one. Each tangled in the other’s web of ecstasy.

t their eclipse, Samuel unfolded the most beautiful black wings from his back, and wrapped Alaine protectively in the warmth of his embrace. While she slept, he carefully studied every detail of her face. He knew at that moment that there was no one he could ever love more, and it was her love in return which gave purpose to his existence.     








Chapter Eight

The Gift




















One night of passion led to a most unexpected gift.

Alaine was pregnant



I started to feel sick the day after Samuel and I spent the night out under the stars, but it was much too soon for
symptoms of morning sickness so I didn’t even give it a thought. After a few more days of feeling nauseous and throwing up, I decided to head down to the local drugstore and buy a test… just to humor myself. I was completely caught by surprise when the results came in. It was something I never expected.


Oh, that’s when my world began spinning. I was
completely terrified, but also delighted because I was carrying Samuel’s child. I couldn’t wait for him to return from his mission so I could share the news, but I wondered what he would think about it. I knew he would be very distressed, knowing the situation we were already in.

He was troubled a lot lately, and very
careful of where we traveled, especially together. I know he wanted to keep me safe, but I hated that our relationship had to remain so secret, and was so forbidden. If other immortals found out that we were together and now having a child, we would be a huge target. I knew this fact was going to weigh heavy on his heart.



I came
back from war, and was given the news that Alaine was with child. I was happy because Alaine was glowing and seemed to be happy, but disconcerted because this child she was carrying would not be able to remain in our care.

We were bringing a
n innocent child into our world, filled with death and despair.

What was even more troublesome was an age old prophecy of the F
allen. This prophecy foretold the birth of a child, a child born of a Pureblood and a Halfbreed, who would bring change to the Otherworlds.

I realized that this
prophecy was of our unborn child. If any of the Fallen discovered the child, it would mean inescapable danger and death for all of us. If the child survived, it would eventually have to learn to fight, or risk capture and become a slave to the evil of immoral hearts.

My heart ach
ed knowing I had to tell Alaine she wouldn’t be able to keep the child. To ensure its survival it needed to be hidden away with a good mortal family. A couple who would raise the child as their own until the day of transformation.

he maturation of an immortal child within the womb was much more rapid than those of the mortals. Alaine and I needed to discuss arrangements for this child soon, and I knew it was going to be a dreadful task.




That evening, Samuel took Alaine to their secret place under the willow tree. He carefully explained to her that she would not be able to keep the child, and needed to find someone suitable to raise the child immediately after birth.

Samuel’s heart ached as he
listened to the uncontrollable sobs of his love. Alaine was completely heartbroken, but already had a knowing deep inside that if their child had any chance of living a normal life, it would have to be away from them.

he finally gathered herself so she could think straight, and then it hit her. Alaine knew exactly who she wanted to raise their child. There was only one choice. ONE ALONE. And she prayed that this couple would say yes.

Those many years back… the
night of Alaine’s eighteenth birthday when the Angel told her that her birth mother was still alive and living in her area, Alaine started to do some research on her own.

eventually found her mother, who had kept her maiden name Jane Wilder. But Alaine waited until she was out from the Gray’s home, and in college, before she made contact. She first sent a letter, but after getting no response, she decided to take a drive to the address that she was given.

Alaine learned
that Jane’s husband had left her and their daughter about five years before. She also learned that Jane had been diagnosed with cancer and was battling to stay alive. She was staying in a nursing home, a few miles away.

Alaine was apprehensive to meet her at first, not knowing if she would be accepted,
but she had to at least see her before she passed away.

When Alaine peeked
into Jane’s room, her heart dropped. She looked like an old woman, so thin and pale, and was attached to many wires. Her hair had fallen out, probably due the chemo treatments, but Jane’s eyes were closed.

Alaine slowly stepped into her room, and with each step, her heart beat faster and faster. She started to second guess herself, and just as she was about to turn around,
Jane’s eyes opened.

Hello,” Jane breathed weakly. “Are you looking for someone?”

Um. Yes. I. I’m looking for Jane Wilder,” Alaine stuttered.

Jane smiled. “I’
m Jane Wilder. Do I know you?”

Alaine paused, swallowing hard. “Yes…and no.”

When she saw Jane’s brow crease she knew she had to tell her, even though she was terrified of rejection. Alaine walked up to Jane and carefully rested her hand on hers.

rs. Wilder, my name is Alaine Gray. I am your daughter.”

Jane’s eyes widened in total confusion. She began to shake her head, but as she looked into Alaine’s eyes,
she began to weep.

“How did you find me?”

Well…it’s kind of a complicated story.  On my eighteenth birthday, an Angel named Aurora once told me about you and my birth father. She gave me your name and said that you were in the area. I did some research online and found out where you lived.”

Jane shook her head, but after a few moments, took hold of Ala
ine’s arm and pulled her closer and embraced her. She wept, and apologized for having to give her up, and prayed that she had a wonderful life.

Alaine thanked her for making the right decision, and shared stories of her childhood, and all of her wonderful memories
growing up with the Gray’s.

A few hours later a teenage girl came walking in, and paused when she saw Alaine.

Her skin was flawless, the color of cream, and her features were very petite.  Long auburn hair curled down her shoulders, and her eyes were a bright green. She was beautiful. Alaine introduced herself, and found out that her name was Victoria. This was her half-sister.

walked over to Jane and gave her a kiss on the forehead, and then put some fresh flowers in a vase, which sat in front of her. Victoria seemed happy to learn that she had an older sister. Alaine noticed a lot of similarities between her and Victoria. Although Alaine had chocolate brown hair and eyes, they had the same shaped eyes and smile.

Alaine made sure to vi
sit daily, and Jane enjoyed talking with and listening to Alaine’s stories about growing up.

ut it wasn’t long before the cancer ravaged Jane’s weak body, and it soon came to the point where she could no longer talk. Alaine still came, sat next to her bedside, and told her happy stories of her youth. Within a few weeks, Jane was gone.

Alaine was devastated,
but also glad she was given the chance to have met and talked with her birth mother before she passed, and also relieved that she and Jane had a chance to make amends.

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