Depth of Deception (A Titanic Murder Mystery) (36 page)

BOOK: Depth of Deception (A Titanic Murder Mystery)
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What do you mean?

She was paranoid of dying in a fire. Would get out of bed two or three times a night to make sure the fire was out in the wood stove. It was
that reason she never allowed smoking in the house.

What did you say?
Edward asked coming out of the kitchen.

She was paranoid of fire…

No, not that… your mother didn’t allow smoking?

That’s right,
replied Myra
Archie was quite annoyed with that the first time he came over to meet her…

That’s how the fire was started,
Edward interrupted. He strained to remember the earliest conversation he had with his father about the family tragedy.
I was told Grandma Sloane died in a fire caused by her smoking in bed and falling asleep. Your sister died from smoke inhalation.

That’s not possible! Mama didn’t smoke!
Myra insisted.

But Archie… did,
Edward remembered how much his father used to smoke, before he had to get a new heart.

Edward, what are you saying? You can’t possibly think that your father is capable of murder? I can believe he could be manipulating and controlling… but not a murderer.

Well, you were being poisoned.

Myra was shocked.

Dr. Lindsay informed me that the hospital found Laudanum in your bloodstream. Judging by the amount in your system… you had been ingesting it over a long period of time.

I don’t remember ever having taken Laudanum,
Myra absently picked up the photo album. Tears were welling up in her eyes, and she started to busy herself looking through older pictures of her family.
This is too much for me. To you they’ve been dead for seventy years. From my perspective, I only saw Mama and Maggie… a couple of months ago… and the idea that my husband could be responsible is unthinkable.

I’m sorry,
was all Edward could muster for comfort. The flashing light on his answering machine momentarily drew his attention. Sneaking a peek, he noticed that he had missed four calls while he was out looking for Myra.

Is this you? Don’t you look handsome!
Myra said.

Edward looked back to see Myra pointing at a photo, and strained his neck to see what it was.
Oh, yes, my high school graduation photo. I can’t believe I was that boyish looking. Excuse the awful haircut.

Oh no, I think you look handsome…
Myra stopped in mid-breath. Edward glanced over to see the color drain from her face as she stared at the photo. Her finger stabbed at the image of the woman standing next to young Edward and his father.
Who is that?

That’s…motherrr…the other ‘Myra’….

Edward could see the rage swell in her eyes as she glared at the face of the woman who
had taken
over her life. Through gritted teeth Myra hissed,
I know her!



April 9, 1982


Callum had been driving aimlessly, trying to figure out what to do next. He knew he needed to dig up more evidence, but that would be difficult to do now that he was no longer able to show his face in public.

As he was approaching one of the few self-serve filling stations in the area, Callum looked down at the petrol gauge. The needle was at a quarter-tank. Better to top up Dolanna’s automobile here. The fewer people he had to interact with, the better.

After doing so, he decided to check his home answer-phone to see if there were any messages or clues. After punching in his code, 505, he could hear the machine whirl as it rewound. First was a voice from the beyond as he heard de Kirkhaugh say,
The next time you go after a century old murderer, make sure you have all the facts!

It was the same message he had left with his pager system.
What did he mean?
Now Callum couldn’t help but wonder if there was some cryptic clue within it that he had to decipher. He pressed ‘4’ to rewind again.
The next time you go after a century old murderer, make sure you have all the facts!
Callum wrote it verbatim in his note pad. What did it mean?

Click, Beep!

Then a male voice with an American accent said,
Mr. Toughill, this is Edward Hoffman.
I’m sorry I missed your calls. T
hank you for letting me know about Dolanna. I can be reached at the same number you called before. Tomorrow I’ll be traveling but will be arriving there in London at Stansted airport on my private jet…


Callum quickly jotted down the flight itinerary as Edward spoke. That settled it. Callum knew where he was going next: his flat in London to change his clothes, then to Stansted to find Edward Hoffman. But first one other call.
This i
s going to be unpleasant.

. . .

Commander Toughill, speaking,
Pamela said into the receiver as she answered her office phone.

Pamela… It’s me.

Are you mad?
Pamela whispered in a harsh tone, as her blood began to boil.
You can’t ring me up here. I’m MOD Police… you are a wanted fugitive.

I didn’t kill anyone!
Callum exclaimed.

She could hear the frustration and desperation in his voice.
Don’t you think I know that?

They’re calling me Jack Frost. What
that mean?

Pamela stole a glance to make sure there wasn’t anyone within earshot.

Jack Frost is the nickname of an assassin. Uses bullets made up of gallium and liquid nitrogen. In theory the bullet melts in the body… making it untraceable.

It may be more than a theory. When I was released from Strathclyde Police holding, de Kirkhaugh mentioned a modified gun to shoot
75 bullets.

Gallium is expensive. From what I recall, a private company made some prototypes and both MOD and our American counterparts were interested but the prototype didn’t seem cost effective. Especially since the bullets needed to remain cool at all times, hence the modified gun….


The bullets would melt… you even need to wear gloves because body heat would compromise them.

Pamela stopped as she heard voices approaching.

What about…
Callum started.

Hold on a moment, sir, while I look that up,
Pamela said into the phone, and started to rifle through some pages on her desk. As soon as the voice disappeared, she said back into the phone.
You can’t stay on the line. However, you need to know that I read on the ARPANET…

The what?

Pamela sighed. She didn’t have time to explain how the
Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
was a global network of computers connected together for the sharing of science, medical and defense information for the last six years. Nor should she be overheard sharing that information.
… not important. Yesterday there were three shootings using gallium bullets, one in Glasgow, one in London and one in New York City. That’s how we know it’s not you.

That means it’s an international organization of assassins? Bloody Hell! What have I gotten myself into?

You’re the one who always complained that your work was too dull.

What about Dolanna?
Callum asked.
She’s in danger too…

Pamela was caught in a difficult position. She had to follow protocol.
I don’t know if I can keep…

She’s Agatha Gilcrest’s granddaughter…

She didn’t mention that when we spoke…

That’s because I don’t think she knows.

Fantastic! That would explain a lot. How do
know she’s related?

Gut feeling… I had hoped to get back to the Scottish Record Office, to confirm. But I can’t go someplace so public.

Well, I can assure you I can’t get to Edinburgh right now… not without something more concrete.


I’m sorry. My hands are tied. I will keep Dolanna here… for… um… medical observation.

Oh, wait a mo… Could you get a blood sample from her?

Pamela knew where he was going. It was at least something she could do without drawing attention. But she didn't want him to think that she would be on his beck-and-call. She needed to be careful.
I’ll see what I can do… no promises.

Thanks… I’m heading to…

I don’t want to know,
interrupted Pamela.
If someone asks me where you are, I won’t have to lie.




Emily Speck stood in front of a news camera, holding a microphone as she spoke in her friendly British manner,
Crowds have already gathered here on the docks of Southampton to marvel at the RMS
. Although named differently, it bears a striking resemblance to the infamous ship
. Out of respect for fellow survivors, the
family has chosen not to name her
Titanic II
as originally planned.

Emily then motioned for a handsome man in a naval uniform to stand next to her,
I am speaking now with Captain Thomas Hastings, who will be in command of the RMS
on her maiden voyage. Captain, can you tell us about this new ship and how it compares to the original

Hastings said with a smile and gestured to the immense ship behind them.
is even larger than the original
which was 882
ft long, this one is over 1,300
ft long. Like the
it is furnished with Art Nouveau décor, but with more modern amenities, like a five-star hotel, fit for a king.

Or a Queen, as will be the case for the maiden voyage,
Emily chimed in.

Captain Hastings nodded,
Quite right. Her Majesty The Queen and His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh will be arriving tomorrow. For their safety, and the safety of all our passengers, the
boasts the latest in navigational systems
. It's
equipped with sonar and radar and is the first ship with the prototype Global Maritime Distress and Safety System developed by the International Maritime Organization as well as the NavStar Global Positioning Satellite.

What does that mean exactly?

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