Denys, Jennifer - Just Good Friends [Friends and Acquaintances 1] (Siren Publishing Classic) (8 page)

BOOK: Denys, Jennifer - Just Good Friends [Friends and Acquaintances 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Then the next day she was sitting with Sam in a restaurant, feeling relaxed, sipping coffee, having finished a lovely meal, and she could feel his hand going up her skirt under the table as he sat by her side.

“What are you doing?” she whispered at him in worry, peering furtively around the room to see if anyone was watching.

When he had invited her out, she naively thought he just wanted to take her out for a meal. They had been out for meals before, but it was usually for a burger or something like that. This was the first time he had invited her to a really nice restaurant, and so she had taken her time getting ready.

She had gone as far to buy a new outfit, going for a sultry, dark red dress instead of her usual green, with a hemline just above the knee instead of midcalf. The neckline was still high, but it was sleeveless and tight fitting, showing off her breasts well. This sort of a dress was usually outside her comfort zone. Her hair was tumbling over her shoulders instead of being tied back. In fact, it was more common for her to wear her hair down these days. She particularly enjoyed the look on Sam’s face when he first saw her in this new outfit.

He looked around the room, too, but his glances were bold and open unlike hers. “No one is watching,” he said quietly, turning back to Jessie as he rested his other arm negligently over the back of her chair. “As to what we are doing, we are recreating the last book we read, like we have done with all other book readings. Well, not the sci-fi ones because that would be downright impossible!” He chuckled.

Jessie frowned. She was having problems concentrating whilst his fingers were caressing her tingling thigh. He had become very good at knowing her acute arousal spots. She unconsciously opened her thighs wider. “Which one in particular are we recreating? I seem to recall several we discussed that involved sex in public, and I am telling you now I am not jumping on the table and opening my thighs for you to suck me while all the other guests watch,” she finished, her voice being louder than she intended.

He laughed quite loudly, causing some nearby customers to glance in their direction. He smiled at them politely then leaned in and stated softly, “The way I see it, or in this case, the way I feel it, your thighs are already open.”

“Hmm,” was the annoyed retort. That was about all she could say, and even that changed to an “umm” as he reached her panties. Her legs were bare as it was a hot evening, so he had unrestricted access. He started caressing her silk-covered pussy with his thumb—silk, as she had given up her old-fashioned cotton panties altogether since they started reading erotic books together.

She suddenly grabbed hold of the tablecloth, causing a glass to wobble. She ignored it. Her mind was on other things. A huge part of her wanted to push his hand away. The other half equally wanted him to continue.

“Sam, you are going to have to stop,” she cried out desperately, as quietly as she could. But she didn’t do anything physically to stop him and instead took in some deep breaths.

“Coward, coward, pants on fire,” was his mocking response as he stroked her hair down her back. She could feel his fingers threading through the thick strands as his other hand continued its exploration between her thighs.

Jessie regained some sensibility, frowning at his bizarre comment. “
? You nut, that’s supposed to be liar, liar, pants on fire,” she giggled.

Sam shrugged and grinned. “My way fits the occasion better.” He leaned over and kissed her lightly on the lips and went back to his caressing. This time his thumb worked its way under the panty elastic, toying around her clit but not touching it, stroking through her curls.

“Sooo, remind me which book we are recreating because… ohhh…for the life of me I can’t think—” She finished on a rush, her hands moist as they crumpled the tablecloth.

“It’s set around New Year’s festivities. Yes, I know it’s not the New Year,” he forestalled her. “Stop being so literal.” She poked her tongue out at him. He ignored her. She then hissed as his thumb reached her clit. “And this is the bit where the a guy takes a girl he’s really keen on to a New Year’s dinner during which he fingers her under the table.
, I am taking it a step further because he didn’t bring her to climax—at least not while they were in the restaurant.”

She responded in a higher-pitched voice than normal. “Oh God, Sam, you’re not going to do that?” But he was indeed doing just that, his thumb pressing hard on her clit in a circular motion while his fingers had worked their way inside her panties, parting her labia.

“You can always say your safe word, but I hope you won’t,” he whispered.

Jessie was trembling violently and biting her bottom lip, partly in a subconscious reaction to keep from moaning out loud. It was also because she didn’t want to say her safe word. She could be really stubborn sometimes. Her hands dug into the tablecloth. She’d almost given up wondering if the other customers guessed what they were doing. It didn’t matter if her face was flushed.

“Don’t worry,” he stated softly as he correctly guessed some of her worries. “I’ve deliberately placed your seat so that you are out of view of most of the other guests. It’s enough for me that you are allowing me to do this in public, but I don’t want the other people to really be aware of what we were doing.”

She was grateful and finally she came with a strangled moan, and an elderly man on the next table did turn around and look at her with a strange expression on his face, somewhere between annoyance and amusement. Startled at their neighbor’s direct stare as she opened her eyes, Jessie caught her breath in her throat, which caused a coughing fit.

Sam started banging her on the back as he removed his other hand from under her skirt smoothing her dress back down. “Are you all right, darling?” he asked in a loud false voice. “I thought your cold was getting better.”

, I’m perfectly okay.” She glared back at him, having gained some degree of normality. Sam gave her a
butter wouldn’t melt
look. Right, she thought, narrowing her eyes in determination, licking her lips in anticipation,
two can play this game,
and proceeded to place her hand on his thigh very close to his cock, squeezing firmly. She grinned evilly when he jumped at her touch.

“You wouldn’t?” he questioned quietly and put his hand on top of hers to hold it still.

“Fair’s fair, darling,” she responded softly in a sexy voice she had never used before. She swatted his hand away, and turning toward him, she started stroking his cock through his trousers then gave a playful smile. It was his turn to open his thighs wider. His breathing appeared to be getting shallower as she caressed his inner thigh. While not taking her eyes from his, she then stroked back up to his cock. She could feel it was already fairly hard from watching her reactions to what he did to her earlier.

A commotion came from the restaurant. Intent on what they were doing, Jessie looked around slightly guiltily. A band that had been playing earlier had come back after a break. “Oh wonderful, I am in the mood for dancing,” cried Jessie, gleefully. She stood, pulling on Sam’s reluctant arm. “Oh don’t tell me you can’t dance?”

“I hate dancing, and you know that full well. And in any case, I am not dancing in this condition,” he hissed through gritted teeth. The elderly man clearly overheard as he chuckled, shaking his head at their antics.

Jessie leant over to whisper in Sam’s ear. “Oh, yes you are, lover. Just stay close.” And she gave a huge push which propelled him out of his chair. He grabbed her quickly around the waist, his front to her back as they walked toward the dance floor, then deftly turned her and plastered her to his body without showing his bulging front at all.

He smiled down at her. “You are an evil witch that I have created, and I am so going to punish you for this.”

“Promises, promises…” Jessie leaned into his body and relaxed, enjoying the gentle sway of their bodies going side to side. She was enjoying flirting. This was a side of herself she didn’t know she had, and thankfully, although her panties were damp from her earlier climax, it didn’t show.

Sam bent his head forward, snuffling her hair. “God, your hair smells wonderful—of roses.” He then moved down to nibble her neck. She tilted her head to give him access. “Is that good?” he asked. She hummed her response. He continued his journey up her neck, kissing her jaw, the corner of her lips, her cheek.

Jessie’s heart was beating faster. She had entirely forgotten for the moment they were on public scrutiny in the middle of the room. Then she came to her senses, and a quick peek around them showed her they were surrounded by other dancing couples only involved in themselves, so she relaxed again, closing her eyes while enjoying the sensuous trail of his lips.

Her relaxation didn’t last long, as Sam chose that moment to put his tongue in her ear. “Uhh, no!” She pulled away.

They stopped in the middle of the room. “What’s wrong?”

Jessie moved sinuously back into his arms, determined not to make a fuss, ignoring the odd looks from those around them. “Sorry, my love, that was nearly a Romulan moment.”

Sam clasped her around the waist again and pulled her close, whispering, “What, you were fine when I finger-fucked you under the table, but you don’t like me sticking my tongue in your ear?” She leaned back and gave him an expression of
whatever made you think I would?
He chuckled.

As Jessie snuggled into his arms again, Sam said, “You realize you’ve called me by several endearments tonight. Admittedly, some of them you’ve made as a sarcastic retort.”

“Hmm, so I did.” That was all she was prepared to say but silently wondered how he felt about her saying them. The fact that he mentioned it seemed to indicate he liked it.

He grinned at her idiotically. She saw this change to a grimace as he shifted uncomfortably. She giggled at his attempts to surreptitiously reach down to ease himself into a more comfortable position in his trousers.

Jessie never got to fulfill her revenge that night and make Sam come in public, but she did enjoy his efforts to hide his obvious bulge, which never abated and was clearly causing him some considerable discomfort. Of course it didn’t help when she moved her thigh deliberately between his as they danced, making sure she bumped against his cock from time to time whilst stroking the back of his neck tenderly with her hand.

When Sam leaned his head to her ear again, she tensed, thinking he was going back to where he left off before. Instead, she gave a throaty chuckle when he whispered firmly that they were going to have to leave the restaurant that instant or he was going to provide the people in the restaurant—staff and customers alike—a show they had not been expecting.

Jessie had never been ushered out of a building quite so quickly before. She laughed delightedly when Sam grabbed her hand and, after hurriedly paying the bill, pulled her towards the nearest cab. Giggling, she knew they were going to have lots of fun when they got back home.

Chapter Ten

Sam leaned against the wall of his apartment building. It was 10:00 a.m. on Saturday morning, and Jessie was in a huff because he had left the bed early without saying where he was going. He knew she needed milk for breakfast because he deliberately poured the remaining milk away to ensure she left the apartment. He just didn’t think she would leave it this long before going to get some. He looked at his watch again,
. He was beginning to think his carefully thought-through plan was not so carefully thought through.

The door opened, and Jessie came down the steps. He smiled evilly. He loved it when a plan came together. Before she noticed he was there, he had wound a fleecy scarf around her mouth, tying it tightly.

“What?” came the muffled exclamation. Her hands went up to the scarf gagging her. Grabbing her hands to stop her, he wound his other arm around her waist and leaned his head to her ear.

“Shush, my love.” Jessie sagged in relief as she realized it was just Sam and tugged on the scarf.

“Uh-uh,” he admonished. “This is a scene from the book we read the other week, and you are going to quietly walk to the blue car over there and get in the back. I don’t want to end up in prison because someone has seen me on security camera!” She did as she was told, and Sam climbed in after her, partly closing the door after him.

“I know we’ve read other books since, but it’s taken me this long to get things set up. You know how the story works—the girl gets kidnapped by mistake for her friend but stops struggling after being attracted to the guy. You know the type of story, the forced seduction, one of your favorite scenarios. This is a combination of several kidnap-type stories, and they generally seem to involve mistaken identity.” Jessie giggled behind the scarf.

“Now you need to sit back so I can tie your hands.” Which she did meekly. “Come on now, get in character, a little struggle would be good.” Jessie burst out laughing at this, so he took advantage of the moment to tie her hands together—in front so she wouldn’t panic—with the stocking he had placed in the car beforehand.

“That’s it—don’t you dare touch the gag—lean back and open your legs.” Sam grinned as Jessie finally remembered the generic plot which called for the heroine to clamp her legs together at this point. He reiterated, “Open your legs or you’ll get something even worse when we get out.” At least he thought the line went something like that. She complied, and he caressed her thigh under her skirt, eliciting a moan from Jessie.

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