Demon's Web (23 page)

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Authors: Laura Hawks

BOOK: Demon's Web
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Tyler hemmed and hawed a bit, shifting uncomfortably. If he agreed, it would mean spending more time with Trinity, and he wasn’t sure he could hide his growing affection for her. He was known as not interested in anyone except to sow his oats as often as any mare would let him. Rarely the same twice; he never wanted to get attached to anyone. Until he met Trinity. Even under the direst circumstances of being held captive for so long, something about her caught his attention. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but he had to admit he had done nothing but think about her since he first saw her. Out of respect for the man-code, he wasn’t going to say or do anything. If Logan figured out how he was really beginning to feel, it would cause innumerable problems, to say the least.

“Even if I did agree, I couldn’t be of much help. She’s here and I’m already pushing my luck by breaching the contract between our realms twice already. Besides, she has been through a hell of her own. She sure as fuck don’t need a screw up like me protecting her. Why ask?”

“I just thought if you could help, you might be interested in getting her back into the world of reality. I trust you, because I know she would be in good hands, like Jaz has been all these years.”

“I would still guard her, if you wanted me to. You just got to bring her to the Human Realm or something.”

“She still has this thing for Nathan. Fucking Coyote, screwing with her head like that. I would love to get my hands on him for five minutes without the council looking, but Dad has already tried, from what I heard. Anyways, I just thought, maybe you could help me get her out more. If I could bring her to the Human Realm and away from here for a bit, get her among others, maybe she would adapt better.”

“Maybe. Or it might make things worse if she becomes too frightened.”

“I thought about that, which is why I thought of your ability. What do you think?”

“I don’t know her very well, Logan, but despite everything she went through, she still seemed amazingly strong when we got her. She wasn’t going to leave without Nathan. She was willing to fight for him, for us to find him. Meek and frightened like some little mouse is not the impression I got. She didn’t cower or back down in any way, despite being restricted, and fuck-only-knows how she was treated for as long as she had been there. You would know these subtleties better than I. Listen, bro. If you want, I will help you help her however you wish.”

“You are great, Ty. Let me know if you can make those arrangements and when they are done for Faefardom. I’ll call you when things are settled for her to come to the Human Realm.”

“I’ll get some planning done for her visit to the Human Realm. Might even give Jazzy some of the planning work, help her get her mind off of her experience and give her something to look forward to doing.”

“Do you think she will be okay with Trinity?” Logan asked worriedly. “I’m afraid she will hold it against my sister for what happened.”

Tyler shook his head. “No. Jaz has said the whole time, she knew it was Coyote and the Rougarou and Trinity was only a victim who was being manipulated. If there is any resentment still there, she has not indicated anything to that effect.”

Logan sighed with relief. “I was worried she would hate my sister because of what happened and, in association, me.”

“No, dude. She loves you too much and you know she had felt awful about the loss of your sister. There is no way she would think anything less of her or you.”

“Still. I had to wonder.”

“I get it. I do. I will call you when I have everything planned for tomorrow.”

Logan shook his hand, his other slapping his shoulder. “Tell Jaz I’ve not forgotten about her and I miss her terribly.”

“She knows, dude. I’ll tell her, though, and suffer the eye roll I will probably get as a result.” Chuckling, Ty headed back through the portal.

Taking a couple of deep breaths, Logan braced himself then headed back to help his mom with Trinity.


Chapter 21


Tyler had to pull a lot of strings, use up favors he had collected over the years and make a few promises he would have preferred not to, in order to get the two visitor passes: one for Trinity and the other for Logan. He was going to get additional ones for Clarissa and Mel, but after talking with Logan was informed they would not be going. Clarissa wanted to, but she also realized her children didn’t need their
tagging along.

Although she was nervous letting either of them, especially Trinity, out of her sight for any extended period of time, she also believed it was a necessary step. Trinity needed to have a bit of her independence while Clarissa needed to overcome her motherly overprotection, which was a bit smothering. She knew she had every right to want to put her daughter in bubble wrap, but it wouldn’t be very conducive to any mental and emotional healing, which needed to be accomplished by both of them. Clarissa spent years hunting and searching for her daughter. She was as emotionally raw and exhausted as her child must be.

It had seemed odd for Clarissa to awaken with no plan on where to search or who to beat up in order to get the next clue as to where her daughter was being detained. The first night they brought her home, Clarissa stayed in the same room as Trinity so every time she opened her eyes, her daughter was visible.

Years ago, Trinity might have balked at the over-concern she was being shown, but truthfully, she appreciated the security she felt with her mother being so close. She was sure it would take a while for Trinity to feel secure again. Five years being alone, except for Nathan and her guards, would take time to overcome. Trinity knew she had to adapt to many things again, some new and some old.

Trinity’s mother even encouraged Logan to take her to Faefardom, just to give her opportunities away from being cooped up in her room. True, it was someplace Trinity had always wanted to visit and had even blackmailed Logan into taking her there once many moons ago. So why wasn’t she excited about the prospect now?

Trinity realized part of it was because she had pictured Nathan with her once they were both free. She believed they would spend their time together, maybe even grow old together. How could she have been so wrong about him? How could she have not known he was lying to her? True, she had no experience with boys other than the guards, her father, or her brother before she was taken from her home, but she didn’t think she was so stupidly naïve. Yet, the entire time Nathan wasn’t real. He didn’t exist. Someone she had cared for, maybe even loved, was nothing but a lie, an illusion. How was she supposed to deal with that? How was she supposed to trust anyone? Nathan told her what she wanted to hear, gave her the comfort she longed for and wormed his way into her heart. She would have done anything for him,
done everything she could to help keep him safe, when in truth, he was never in danger. Talk about screwing with one’s head!

Trinity didn’t want to go on Logan’s planned field trip. She wasn’t ready to leave the sanctity of her home when she barely got past the inviolability of her room. Logan and Tyler knocked on her door. When she finally answered, Logan and Tyler waited until she invited them inside. They both were trying to be respectful of her or they would have just each grabbed an arm and toted her away. Definitely not the most appropriate course of action with someone who was kidnapped and held against their will for so long.

“Hi, Sis. You remember Tyler? My buddy?”

Trinity nodded. “Yes. He was part of the, I mean, he was with you when you all came and got me.”

Tyler walked over to her and held his hand out for hers. When she eventually gave it to him, he bowed low over it. “My greatest pleasure in being a participant in your freedom,” he said graciously.

Trinity blushed and looked at Logan, confusion etching her features. Logan still had a difficult time adjusting to seeing his sister more mature in stature, as well as appearance, since she had been gone. It tore at his heart they could not find her sooner. If only he had told them about Jazzy sooner, or that his girlfriend was most likely what they had been seeking when they took his baby sister. But, hindsight was twenty-twenty when it came to the past, and what ifs would drive any sane person bonkers.

“Don’t mind him. He is always weird, but he is harmless.”

Tyler threw Logan a
‘shut it, asshole’
look, which only made Logan smirk.

Trinity pulled her hand back. “Thank you for securing the passes to visit your realm, but I am not going after all.”

“Of course you are going. You have no idea how difficult getting these passes for folks from the Nether Realm were to achieve. I had to use a lot of persuasion to get them and I hope you won’t deny me the wonderfulness of your company. I have so much to show you, such as the Trident Falls and the Singing Springs. It’s so beautiful; I know you will absolutely adore it. Our skies are a pale lavender and the clouds are sky blue. Please, don’t disappoint me from showing you around. I promise you will have a great time and you will be safe. You have my word on that.”

“And mine. On you being safe, I mean. I won’t let anything happen to you. Faefardom has some sort of natural ability to block the call of the stone. Jaz will be with us and I so want you to get to know her better. She is so anxious to spend time with you.”

“She isn’t upset with me for hurting her?”

Both the men shook their heads. “No,” Logan stated firmly. “She knows you were only doing what you were told to do. She realizes none of it was your fault or doing. She has been as concerned as the rest of us in just getting you home again, and she is so thrilled we have achieved such an accomplishment.”

“Then where is she?”

“Actually, Jazzy is already there waiting for us and making a picnic lunch for us to enjoy. The weather is beautifully warm and sunny, which is normal for us. She is making some sandwiches and salads to bring with us for some of our sightseeing adventures,” Tyler replied, taking her hand once again. “Please, say you have changed your mind and will go to my magical realm.” Tyler’s eyes beseeched hers. He had told Logan he would use his wings if he needed to in order to get her to be calm enough to want to go with them, but he was hoping his own enamoring, personable self would suffice.

Trinity hesitated. Tyler certainly made some charming and convincing arguments and really seemed to want her to go. However, it was Logan who seemed to be silently pleading, which altered her original resolve. “Okay,” she said rather reluctantly. “I’ll go, but only on the condition that when I am ready to return, I am allowed to do so.”

“Of course,” Tyler said.

“Sure, Sis. You say the word and we are back here. But let’s give it a chance and really see it.”

Clarissa nodded from the doorway. “I’ll be waiting for your return. Just have a good time and don’t worry about anything.”
‘I’ll be doing enough of that for five people as it is,’
she added silently.

Clarissa walked down to the reception room with them and watched the three leave through the portal to the Faefardom Realm. As she continued to stare at the doorway, she felt iron bands wrap around her shoulders. She didn’t think, just reacted. She elbowed her assailant, stomping on his foot. When the hold weakened with his grunt of surprised pain, she twisted and flipped him over her shoulder. It was only when he landed at her feet, staring wide-eyed up at her, that she realized who had placed his arm around her. She let his wrist go, taking a step back in abject horror.

“Mel! I’m so sorry. I hadn’t realized!”

“I figured that one out myself. Thanks, darling. Love you, too.” He stood and brushed off his suit. “Been a long while since you were that kinky.”

She laughed as she swatted his belly. “Very funny. I was just mentally lost.”

“I assume, then, the kids left on their field trip.”

“Yes. Just minutes ago.”

“They will be fine. Come on. I need you at the council. Coyote is going to be sentenced and I am sure you wish to be there for that bit of entertainment.”

Clarissa nodded. “Yes. I hope he pays dearly for what he has done: taking our daughter, keeping her from us, tricking her by being this Nathan and deceiving her into trying to find the Gem of Avarice.”

“I highly doubt the punishment would be as severe as we would like, but, something is better than nothing.” Mel took her hand and they opened the portal to go to the council chambers where several of the gods were waiting for Nana and Coyote to return. Mel led Clarissa to the side area, pulling her chair out as she sat.

They had barely gotten situated when Coyote was led in, wearing a gilded armband which negated his powers. He glowered at Mel while sporting a relatively new black eye and split lip. Clarissa gave a questioning look to Mel who simply nodded, taking personal satisfaction on Coyote’s injuries. Mel leaned over to her and added quietly, “He’s lucky that was all I got a chance to give him. He’s also lucky he didn’t get two minutes alone with you. I think you would have done far worse.” He rubbed his stomach where she elbowed him to make his point.

Nana entered the chambers before she got a chance to respond, but she continued to glare at Coyote in the meantime. Nana called the council back in session. He gave Clarissa a nod in acknowledgement of her presence before turning his full attention on Coyote.

“You have done many despicable things in your millennia of a lifetime, but never anything like this. Your search for the Gem of Avarice has exposed the treacheries committed, the least of which was arranging for the murders of Clarissa’s family, conspiring with Jes to send Xon and others to obtain the stone and, finally, in the kidnapping of a child. You took the daughter of your friend, knowing they were worried for her safety. Your ambition to acquire the artifact has caused a callousness within you. The fact you didn’t sexually touch her or physically harm her is your only saving grace.”

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