Demons and Lovers (9 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

Tags: #paranormal romance

BOOK: Demons and Lovers
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The entire day he’d been thinking about the woman—whoever she was, whatever she was—who’d kept appearing and disappearing in and out of his life. What happened on his living room rug had been real. But the way she’d just faded away… He was going out of his freaking mind.

He tossed his keys on the entryway table then strode into the kitchen.

And came to a complete stop.

Lilin. In his kitchen.

This time she had clothes on—jeans and a gray T-shirt with a Grateful Dead logo on it. She sat at the kitchen table, her elbows on the surface, chin in her palms, and a glum expression on her pretty face. Her silvery-blonde hair that tumbled over her shoulders shone in the evening light coming through the bay window. Her eyes, though, looked more gray than silver as she looked at him. She didn’t smile or get up.

He dragged his hand down his face. “What are you doing here?”

Lilin gave a deep sigh. “Thanks to you, I am mortal now.”

That made Archer pause. “Listen, lady. I don’t know what planet you came from—”

“Otherworld.” She straightened and draped her forearm on the table. Her Irish accent was stronger now than before. “I was a Succubus. I failed to get your soul for the goddess Rusalka so she made me mortal and sent me to you to decide my fate.”

Otherworld? The goddess Rusalka?
The names rang like bells in Archer’s head, as if he should know them. They had to be from fairytales read to him when he was a child. Not that he remembered his childhood.

Lilin kicked at the table leg with her white tennis shoe. He saw a hint of her bare ankle. God, she had sexy ankles.

He shook his head to get the crazy thoughts out of his mind. “I’m tired, hungry, and I need a shower.” He gestured to the front door. “You know your way out.”

Lilin’s eyes glistened and his gut ached at the sight of a tear rolling down her cheek.

“No crying,” he growled. “That’s not playing fair.”

“I’m sorry.” Her throat worked as she swallowed. “I have never been human before. I have no place to go, and I don’t know what to do. There is only one thing I have ever been good at, and I won’t lower myself to do it as a mortal. As a mortal I would be considered a prostitute, using my body to get what I need. I just won’t do it.”

Archer lifted a brow. “Sex?”

She sniffed and raised her chin. “If you could remember your past, you would know exactly what I’m talking about. Sex and the taking of a human’s soul. In your case, a female’s soul.”

He groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger before looking back at her. “Give me a break. I don’t know what’s going on and I want some answers.”

Lilin stood and moved toward him. “Did you not wonder how I could appear and disappear? And wings—do you think mortals can grow them whenever they please?” Another tear rolled down her cheek. “I failed because you rejected me. Now I am as damned as you are.”

She was close enough that Archer reached up to cup her chin in his palm and rubbed away the tear with his thumb. “Why is it I want to believe you?” He continued to stroke her cheek that was so soft beneath his touch. He slowly shook his head. “What is it about Otherworld and the name Rusalka that makes me feel like someone punched me in the gut?”

Her gray eyes widened. “You remember?”

His brow wrinkled. “Remember what?”

Lilin leaned into his touch. “You were once an Incubus, as I was a Succubus. But you displeased the goddess—I do not know why—and you were cast out and given a mortal’s soul and a mortal’s life. The fact that you were an Incubus was probably why you were able to resist me.” She sniffled again. “It was not fair of her to choose you as my prey.”

Archer shook his head. “I should take you straight to the hospital and have you admitted to a psych ward.”

Another tear rolled down her cheek, this one bigger. “I have no way to prove any of this. Rusalka said I have little time to get my affairs in order before I will be as you are and not able to remember my former life.” She drew away from him and folded her arms beneath her breasts, pulling the T-shirt taut.

Those perfect breasts…

He snapped back to attention as she continued, more tears rolling down her cheeks. “If you do not help me, then I may as well be taken to a hospital. At least then I will have housing and food.” She sighed. “I now know what hunger is. I have not had a meal all day and my stomach makes a funny rumbling, growling sound.” She sniffled as a virtual flood of tears started.

Archer couldn’t help himself. He was a sucker for crying females. He reached for her and brought her into his embrace. She buried her face against his shirt and sobbed.

“I don’t know what to do,” she whispered as she tilted her head up to face him. “Where does a Succubus go when she isn’t immortal anymore?”

He squeezed her tighter to him and couldn’t believe the words that came out of his mouth. “You can stay here for now, okay?”

She flung her arms around his neck. “Thank you, Archer,” she whispered. “Thank you.”

* * * * *

It was a sunny day and Lilin stood on the porch breathing in clean scents of pine and fresh earth. In the distance she heard the rush of water in a creek, and it reminded her of something—something she couldn’t quite remember. A river perhaps? Yes, a river. She frowned, unable to think of anymore beyond that one simple thing.

Nearly a month had passed since she had started living with Archer and already she had forgotten much of her life as a Succubus. The more she struggled to remember, the harder it became. She knew she was different, but it wouldn’t be long before that thought would vanish, too.

It took a while before she and Archer fell into a routine. Lilin was so grateful to Archer she would have done anything for him, but he asked nothing of her. She had no skills—as an immortal she had used magic to help at his office the day she had replaced his assistant. She didn’t have a clue what to do without her magic.

She would be a disaster as a human.

Archer had been taking her step-by-step through small tasks. First he taught her how to cook, starting with boiling water. That had nearly been a catastrophe when she knocked over the teakettle and water flooded the burner and snuffed the gas flame.

She could now spread a substance called peanut butter on bread, although she had problems with jelly. Wiggly, sticky stuff. She normally ended up with half on her shirt, but triumphant with the half that made it onto the other slice of bread. The taste was quite pleasant.

He was a patient teacher, but she knew when he was trying to hide a smile when she was mad enough to scream with frustration. The first time he grinned at one of her blunders, she had stomped on his foot. He kept his amusement to himself after that.

A strong breeze stirred Lilin’s hair around her shoulders, bringing with it the scent of an oncoming thunderstorm. She felt as if she could fly with the wind and soar through the trees. She closed her eyes, picturing herself riding the wind.

What odd thoughts. She frowned and opened her eyes. She’d been a Succubus, yes. Did Succubae have wings?

She shook her head. This was getting harder and harder with every day that passed.

It was difficult being around Archer and not sharing his bed. She was sure he felt the same, if the hardness in his jeans whenever he came near her was any indication. But he respected her clear desire not to use her body to gain favor. In contrast to her former life, as a mortal she would no longer bed a man unless he cared for her.

She wished to please him in other ways. For the time being. She was no longer a Succubus and she would learn to live like a human—if it killed her.

Which it might if she didn’t learn how to run that infernal washing machine. The first time she tried to wash a load of clothes herself, as a surprise for Archer, she’d put in too much of the stuff he’d called detergent. Bubbles had flowed out as if the machine was foaming at the mouth. In the beginning the bubbles were rather delightful, but it wasn’t long before her delight turned to horror.

Her cheeks heated as she remembered how she had frantically used that telephone thing, punching in the numbers Archer had left scribbled on a pad next to the phone. He’d hurried home to find her rushing around with towels to mop up the bubbles that kept pouring from the machine’s mouth.

He’d turned it off and the soap bubbles stopped pouring out of it. She thought she heard him snort with laughter. The moment she shot her angry gaze at him, his features turned innocent.

Now Lilin shook her head at the memories and went into the house where she’d prepared a surprise dinner for Archer. She liked how predictable he was in coming home at the same time every day. They had fallen into a pattern and she found she loved the routine.

She’d set the table the way he’d taught her. In the center she placed the mashed potatoes (so, they were a little lumpy and watery), peas (that were just a tad brown), and a beef roast she’d been cooking all day in the crockpot (it was falling apart, but never mind that). For dessert, she would grab the ice cream stashed in the freezer and the chocolate sauce from the refrigerator. She couldn’t go wrong with that. She hoped.

At the center of the table was a jelly jar filled with a fistful of wildflower blooms Archer had brought home yesterday.

Lilin wondered at the happiness expanding in her chest. She didn’t remember ever feeling like this before. Had she
truly been happy?

Thumping noises on the steps and then the porch.
Archer is home!

A smile lit her face as she hurried to the door and swept it open. “I made dinner,” she said as soon as he walked in. She added with pride. “By myself.”

He gave her one of his sexy grins after he closed the door. To her surprise, he caught her by the waist, brought her to him, and brushed his lips over hers. “Thank you,” he murmured against her mouth, and her knees nearly gave out on her. She’d never had that happen before. If he did that every time she had dinner waiting for him, she was going to prepare a meal each and every day.

Archer drew away and she steadied herself by placing her palm on the entryway table. He took her free hand and led her to the kitchen. He helped her carry all of the serving dishes to the dining room where they sat at the table.

If Archer was unhappy with dinner, he didn’t show it. He ate two big helpings of everything. She couldn’t help grinning as he ate.

Later, when she started to pry spoonsful of ice cream from the container into two dessert dishes, he didn’t laugh when she flung a chunk of ice cream across the kitchen. However, she did see amusement in his eyes when she squirted chocolate sauce on her face and hands instead of on the ice cream that had made it into the cups.

“Let me help.” He took her in his arms and licked sauce from her nose and cheeks. She shivered with every touch, every kiss, as he continued on to her palms and wrists. When he had licked every bit of chocolate off her, he leaned his back against the kitchen counter and brought her fully into his embrace. She tilted her face and looked into his eyes before he moved his mouth to hers.

Chapter 5

Lilin sank against Archer and moaned as he devoured her. He tasted of chocolate and male. Better than anything she remembered tasting. His scent—goddess, he smelled good. Testosterone, sawdust from the work site, pine, and fresh air from the outdoors.

In all the time she’d lived with him, he hadn’t kissed her. He’d taught her, taken care of her, bought her clothes, and had done so much for her. He’d never pressed her for anything.

In truth, she hadn’t been ready. She, a former Succubus, was not ready for sex as a mortal. The thought was so absurd she would have laughed if she weren’t so busy moaning at the things Archer was doing to her.

Archer kissed her thoroughly, like no human male should be able to do. His big hands stroked her body as if she was a fragile piece of art. He eased his hands further down until he cupped her buttocks, squeezing and massaging them.

His hardness pressed against her belly as she wrapped her arms around his neck. The ache between her thighs was fierce and her breasts heavy. She wanted him now, more than anything she had ever wanted before.

When he raised his head, his eyes were darker blue and his chest rose and fell faster than before. “I need a shower.”

“I’m sticky from the chocolate.” She bit his lower lip. “I’ll join you.”

“We’ll save water.” He slipped his tongue into her mouth then drew it out again. “Economical.”

He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist and kept her arms tight around his neck as he carried her into his bedroom.


Archer started the shower so the water would run warm. God, he’d wanted Lilin for so long. But he’d given her time to adjust and had given himself time to get to know her.

She had to be from another world. Or raised by wolves. She’d been like a child needing to be taught almost everything. He enjoyed her delight in simple things, like the times he brought wildflowers home for her. The first time, she’d been so disappointed when the flowers had wilted. Now he brought her home bouquets almost daily.

He finished adjusting the water’s temperature and found Lilin naked. As magical as if she were still a Succubus. The idea still seemed unbelievable, but everything about Lilin was unusual.

She was so beautiful. Her silvery-blonde hair tumbled to her waist and her gray eyes were wide and innocent. Her breasts were pert, her nipples hard.

He took her into his arms and felt the softness of her body through his clothing. When he kissed her, he lost himself in the moment, never wanting it to end. Only the pounding of water against marble reminded him of their shower.

Archer stripped while she watched, and tossed his clothing onto hers. Her eyes told him she wanted him, and that she was just as filled with desire as he.

He led her beneath the spray, shielding her from the brunt of the hard blast until they got used to it. She laughed and tilted her chin so that the water sprayed her face before she turned her back to it. He reached for shampoo and squirted some on his hand before starting to soap her hair. He massaged her scalp, the lather thick and heavy. He could almost imagine her purring as he worked the shampoo through her hair. He finished washing her hair and rinsed it, watching the lather as it rolled over her breasts, down her back, and over her buttocks.

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