Demon Tempted (Karmic Lust) (21 page)

BOOK: Demon Tempted (Karmic Lust)
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“This isn’t how it’s supposed to be!” he screamed, spittle flying from his mouth. She was losing the battle. Her eyes would close soon, and she’d be no more. She needed to see Clay one last time. Clay ran to her, and it was then she realized he was no longer bound by Asmoday’s chains and neither was Samael.

She looked just behind him and saw a plethora of angels who had all the demons of Asmoday’s legion at the sword.

“Eva, just hold on. You did it. You beat this. Please don’t leave me.”

“Don’t worry about me. Help Lili, help the others.”

He reached for the sword that protruded from her chest, and she grasped his hands weakly. “No, this is the only thing keeping me alive right now. You must kill Asmoday.” She was slipping away, a blessed peace filling her. “Take care of Lili for me and let her know I did love her.” The sounds of the chaos in the room disappeared into nothingness as she took her last breath.



Chapter Twenty-Two


Clay gave a roar of pain and was off his feet in an instant, his hands at Asmoday’s throat and his powers fully restored. Asmoday’s eyes began to bulge from his head as Clay squeezed.

“No! Stand back, Adam of old.” Turning to see who’d dared to tell him to stop, Clay saw Luc in all of his glory. He was still as beautiful as ever and just as regal. The blond-haired demon in his human likeness strode forward. The sea of demons and angels parted as Luc made his way to Clay and Asmoday.

“Free him. he is mine to deal with. Not yours. Take your angels and humans from this place. Now is not the time for war. I decide that. Not you, not Kamuel and most definitely not the dog of a demon you hold in your hands.” Luc’s voice was calm and even.

“See, Master? I told you Asmoday was up to no good!” Another demon called from the crowd.

“That you did, Vestis, and you will be rewarded accordingly for taking care of this snake in the grass.” Luc turned his gaze back to Clay.

“That is an order, Clay. I rule here and no one else.”

Clay dropped Asmoday and hurried back to Eva.

“The blade, Luc, what about the blade in her chest?” He tossed Luc a glance.

“What blade?” Luc said simply.

“The fucking blade in her chest.” He all but screamed at the Prince of true darkness.

“There’s no blade. Now run on home before I change my mind.”

What the hell was he talking about no blade? He stared at Eva’s breast. There was a mark where the blade had been, yet no blade. He clutched her to him.

“Let’s go, we need to get the women to safety.” He heard a loud screech of terror and pain and knew that Luc was sufficiently dealing with Asmoday.

Most importantly, Eva was so still it worried him. His words were no sooner from his mouth than they were crossing the Nether over into the heavenly realm. Kamuel led them to a room of all white, and Clay laid her on the bed. Several angels surrounded Eva, cleansing her of blood and filth and when they moved away she was covered in a robe of purest white.

A hand was placed on his shoulder. “We’ll do all that we can to make sure she lives, Clay. She sacrificed her life for all of yours. That counts for something in this realm. The blade was her way out, and she took the right path. She didn’t commit the highest sin by killing herself. Asmoday took on that evil burden. Let her rest. She needs to heal.”

With a sob of relief Clay left her in the very capable hands of the angels of healing. He needed to check on Samael and Lili.


Eva awakened with a gasp. Everything was so white. Why was everything so white? She was dead, wasn’t she?

“Ah, you have awakened. It’s been quite a journey,” a soft voice spoke. Turning her head, Eva was faced with Kamuel.

“Am I in limbo, Kamuel? How long have I been out?”

“Yes, I suppose you could call this limbo. You’ve been out for a good month.”

“Are Clay, Lili and Samael safe?”

“They’re doing rather well. Though they’ve been a bit worried about you sleeping for so long.
It’s been hard to keep them out of here.”

“Sleep? You mean I’m not dead?”

Kamuel let out a snort of laughter. “Dead? By no means are you dead. You’re perfectly healthy. You’ve paid your debt. Are you ready to see them?”

“Oh yes, yes I am. I just hope they can forgive me.”

“Clay has been by your side through all of this. I just tossed him out of here a little while ago. He’s waiting in the wings. Do you need help sitting up?” She shook her head in the negative as she gingerly sat up in bed, propping herself on the pillow.

As she adjusted herself the door opened and Clay sprinted into the room. He pulled her close, and she snuggled into his warmth.

“Eva, it’s so good to see that you’re awake.”

“Clay, I thought never to hold you again.” He kissed the top of her head.

“You can’t get rid of me.”

“I wanted to say that I’m sorry for everything.”

“I wanted to say that I’m sorry as well and to say thank you. You freed us.”

“My actions of the past hurt us all. You and the others were right. I’m just glad to have made amends.”

“Lili wants to come in.”

“She’s here?”

“Yes, they’ve allowed her to stay while you were healing. Do you want to see her and Samael?”

She swallowed back the tears and nodded frantically. The door opened once more, and both Lili and Samael entered. Lili rushed to her side as Clay took a step away.

She was enveloped into Lili’s arms, and both of them began to sob. “I’m sorry, Lili, more sorry than you’ll ever know.”

“Sister dear, you don’t have to apologize. I know that your words ring true as your actions proved. I love you. I forgive it all, and I want you in my life.” Tears streamed down her cheeks hotly, and she let out a sob, overcome with emotion at Lili’s words.

“Thank you. I love you. I’ve always loved you. I just allowed temptation to get in the way.”

“I love you too. Samael and I’ve forgiven you. So don’t fret about that anymore.” She leaned in close and kissed her cheek, but before she pulled back she whispered softly into Eva’s ear. “Fight for your demon like I fought for mine.”

Lili got up and Samael came over and kissed her forehead. He didn’t speak, but words weren’t needed. She already had confirmation from Lili that he’d forgiven her. The two left the room, leaving her with Clay.

“I need to say something, Clay.”

“You don’t need to apologize anymore.” He shook his head.

“Not an apology. Sit next to me and listen.” He sat on the bed next to her. She held out her hand, and he took it within his own.

“I love you. I should have said it long ago. But I was too stubborn. I love you, and it’s okay if you don’t love me too.”

“Stop right there, Eva.” His words gave her pause. What had she done now? He kissed the back of her hand and just let silence fill the room. She could hear her heartbeat.

“I love you too. I have since time began for us. I should have made sure that you could feel it. I failed to do that, but I promise that isn’t how it will be for us from now on.”

“From now on?” Once again she was mimicking words, and she sounded like a parrot.

“Yes, from now on. Kamuel has said that you are allowed a clean slate. You’ve paid your debt. He also said you have your choice of being a demon again or human.”

“But if I chose to be a human that means I’ll die.”

“Yes, that’s what it means, but we have also been given our own curse in a way.”

“What do you mean our own curse? Clay, you’re talking in riddles.”

“Well just as you cursed Lili with reincarnation, if you choose to stay human we have been granted the same. You will be human, and we will have each other for an eternity. But this time I’ll know you and you’d know me.”

“I’d have the same choice if I stayed demon, right?”

“Yes basically, if that is the choice that you want to make.”

“I just want to be with you and either choice gets me that.”


“Well I’m ready to make that choice. I want to be human again. This is my second chance at living the blessing I was given, and I want to do that. I don’t want or need any powers. What I want I have already. You, Lili and Samael are all I require.”

“Fantastic!” He kissed her hungrily then pulled away.

“Thank you, Clay, for keeping at me and believing that I’d make the right choice when it came to what to do.”

“Anything for you, baby.

He kissed her again, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, drinking in that kiss and his love. She’d won. She’d beat the demon of temptation at his own game.
She now had the spoils of her victory, and life was good.


The End



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