Delusional Love (2nd Edition) (5 page)

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I just need to make a call,” Ivan said.


take too long,” she said with a lustful look in her eyes.
Ivan walked to his bar and poured
himself a drink, sat down, and dialed the phone.


waiting for Ivan Ashley went over to Ivan’s nightstand to make sure he was
still using the same box of condoms she placed there a month ago.
‘Damn, we’ve only used half the box of
She thought back on how she had purchased the same brand Ivan
uses, carefully poked holes in every one of the condoms in the box and replaced
his with her tampered box. She was careful to make sure that she matched the
same number as was in the original box.
has to work.’
She was confident that she was the only one Ivan was sleeping
with; there was no chance he would be using those condoms with anyone else.
Ashley quietly closed the drawer. She stripped down to her red lace bra and
thong and waited patiently for Ivan.


hung up the cell phone and his mind instantly thought of his new assistant.
‘What the hell is wrong with me?’ He thought as he tried to clear his head. Ashley
appeared in the room and walked over to him.


taking so long, I almost started without you.” She said with a sexy smile.


coming, I just needed to return some calls.”


walked over to him and straddled his lap. Looking into her eyes he could see
the hunger. He gripped both of her breasts as he closed his eyes and brought
his lips down on hers. He started envisioning his new assistant and his manhood
began to rise. He took her left breast into his mouth sucking on her hard
nipple through the lace. She leaned her head back and moaned, began to undo his
pants and reached in to release his dick. He grabbed her hands halting her


go to the bedroom.” He said as he lifted her up and carried her to the bedroom.
Once inside the bedroom Ivan lowered Ashley onto the bed and began to undress.


let me do that.” Ashley said as she unbuttoned his shirt revealing his black
undershirt. She quickly removed the undershirt, moaning as she took sight of
his amazing muscular form while tracing his rock abs with her fingers. She ran
her fingers down his chest, and over his stomach. She lowered herself to her
knees, unzipped his pants and pulled down his pants and boxers together. Ivan
stepped out of the clothes that pooled at his feet and kicked them to the side.
She inhaled deeply, taking in his scent: a combination of woody and musky
scent. His smell was intoxicating; she was in awe at the sight of his
She took him in her mouth
slowly savoring the taste of him as she heard him moan loudly. The sounds of
his enjoyment caused her inner thighs to moisten. She tried to take all of him
into her mouth holding the base of his dick, turning her hand in a circular
motion with every stroke of her lips, creating a suction feeling. She could
tell see was pleasing her man by the sounds that were coming from his


couldn’t take it anymore he needed to fuck her. He growled and lifted her onto
the bed, “You have a very talented mouth.” He said in a low tone.
She smiled as he reached over to grab a
condom and quickly sheathed himself moving between her thighs. Ivan lowered his
mouth onto her breast as he placed two fingers inside of her.
She was always wet for him. She arched
her back and moaned. He began to thrust his fingers into her wet warm canal
while using his thumb to rub her swollen clit. She moved her hips to meet every


baby I’m coming; Yes Ivan. Yes. Oh God, yes.”



felt her body trembling as he thrust one last time. Ivan lay on the bed and
pulled Ashley on top of him. “Ride me baby.” He said as he placed his dick at
her entrance of her fold, she slowly lowered her body down onto his, taking all
of him inside her. She began to move faster, riding him as he thrust his body
upward. She moved her hips up and down, tilting her body forward with every
down thrust. Ivan

, the constant connection of their bodies created an
incredible sensation. He pulled her off of him and placed her on the bed. She
wrapped her legs around his waist. He thrust into her as she tilted her hips to
take him in deeper. Ivan closed his eyes concentrating on the feeling when the
face, the beautiful face of Stephanie appeared in his mind. He instantly halted
his motion and Ashley knew
something was wrong
she started to panic
he somehow know that I tampered with the condoms? Oh
God! He is going to freak,’
she thought.


wrong baby?” She asked concerned.


wrong. Just too much on my mind,” as he began to move again, “But your body is
helping to relieve the stress from my mind and body,” he said as he

again hard. He began to pick up the pace, as did his
labored breathing. Ashley started to scream as she came again. He could feel
her body trembling beneath him has her inner muscles started to pulsate around him.
He could not hold on any longer and with one last hard thrust he came hard. He
rolled over and laid on his back until his heart rate slowed to normal. He went
into the bathroom to discard the condom and came back to bed.


understood the deal; he was not the cuddling type, so she pulled the covers on
top of her nude body, positioned herself close to Ivan’s body and lay on her
side facing him as he lay on his back with his arms behind his head. She looked
at the beautiful man lying beside her and hoped it worked. She hoped that the
pain-staking task of putting holes in every one of those condoms would yield
her the results she was looking for. She was currently ovulating and needed
this to work. If not this time, hopefully, as long as they remained friends
with benefits she still had a chance.


lay there looking at the ceiling as his thoughts swirled around in his head. He
was thinking about his current situation with Ashley, the fact that he couldn’t
stop Stephanie from invading his thoughts and the major deals he had pending.
One in particular had become too complicated.




said he was starting to develop a headache. He swung his body around and
planted his feet on the floor. With his back to Ashley he lowered his head into
his hands. Ashley stared at him; there is definitely something wrong.


what’s wrong? Did I do something to upset you?”


I just have a headache. I’ll be fine as soon as I take something for it.”
He said softly. He stood up, grabbed his
silk robe off the hook and walked to the living room. He decided against the
medicine and got a drink instead. He sat in the dark nursing his drink and
headache when Ashley entered the room naked.


there anything I can do to help you?”


go back to bed. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”


but don’t take too long. The bed is cold without you.” She said trying to sound
seductive but it came out sounding desperate.


watched her retreating back as he lay on the sofa putting the glass to his head
allowing the coolness to soothe his head. He needed to end this with Ashley
permanently. Someone always got hurt even when perimeters were set. She knew
this was all she was going to get from him but he could tell that she was becoming
The best way to deal with
this was a clean break. His thoughts immediately went back to Stephanie. He
began imaging them together; making love in several different positions and his
entire body began to relax as he dozed off.





JUNE 14th


phone rang just as she was getting off the treadmill.
She looked over at the clock it was six
o’clock in the morning. It had to be Brianna, Tara, or both.


she spoke into the receiver.


morning Ms. Young you don’t know how to return phone calls? Brianna asked in a


Miss Anti-social. You didn’t call me to find out how my evening went with
Lawrence on Saturday.”


morning Ladies, I assume since you are calling me in a semi-good mood, that I
am still employed.”


What happened?” They inquired in unison. Stephanie explained to the duo the
events that happened up until she walked out the door.


you’re a good one considering how rude that bastard was, because I would have
cursed his ass out.
Tara said


right Steph. If you feel like he is getting out of hand, you can quit and they
can find another agency to use. No one should be verbally abused at work.”


it’s fine, I think he got the message. The one major bonus to this job is the
eye candy I get to look at every day. Can I just say that my boss is drop dead
gorgeous and he has the most amazing green eyes? I didn’t know if I wanted to
smack him or sleep with him.”


right Steph, considering you haven’t had sex, how would you know how to start?”
Tara said jokingly.
There was dead
silence on the phone.


sorry Steph, you know I didn’t mean anything by that, I was just joking,
obviously badly. I’m sorry, sweetie.” Tara said.


fine Ty. I’m just wondering if I will ever find that person that I am willing
to share my body with.” Stephanie said sadly.


you could be like Tara and give it up to a handsome face and a smile.” Brianna
said and they all laughed.


of giving it up, tell Steph how well you and Lawrence got along.” Brianna said.


funny, Bri, but let me just say the brother is

and he definitely knows what to do with it.”
Tara said as she continued to tell them
every detail about her night that ended in the morning, including how many
times and the different positions.
She did not mention the visitor she had after Lawrence left. She still
felt a wave of nausea when she thought about how close she came to actually
considering a relationship with Dr. Antonio Russo. She shook off the feeling as
Brianna’s voice interrupted her thoughts.


that’s more than I needed to hear before I’ve had breakfast.”


I’m really ready for a shower, I will talk to you
later. Bye.” Stephanie said before hanging up the phone.




arrived at work early and began to review her assignments as well as comments
left by Mr. Quinn from the previous work completed.


I guess this means I’m not fired?”
Stephanie said to herself.
Betty walked into the office and smiled.


I see you made it through the first day, that’s more than I can say for some of
the previous assistants.
Mr. Quinn
will be away on business for a couple of days but said you should have enough
work to keep you busy for the rest of the week. We are expecting him back on
Friday, but there is no guarantee. If you have any questions about the
assignments, Mr. Quinn said to speak with his brother Adam. I can introduce you
if you’d like? Just between you and me, Adam is much nicer than his brother.
He's really handsome and available.” Betty said with a smirk.


you Betty, I’m okay and I have actually met Adam, so the introduction won’t be


Betty said with a smile as she sat down.


did you meet him here or outside of the office?” Betty moved closer to
Stephanie as if she were about to be let in on a secret or at least some juicy
gossip. Stephanie never liked to gossip or get involved with office politics,
so she immediately shut down the conversation.


was introduced to him by my employer. So, are those all the assignments on my
desk or did Mr. Quinn leave additional ones with you.”
Stephanie said as she turned from Betty
and walked towards her desk. She was not about to tell her that her employer
was her best friend and that she met Adam at a nightclub. That would just fan
the flames of office gossip.
took the hint.


but I will have to check my pile to see if he left any additional assignments.”
She walked away visibly disappointed that she did not get more information.


Oh, Ms. Betty, I guess you are one of the
office gossips and I will have to watch you.’


next couple of days went by uneventful.
Stephanie was extremely busy but enjoyed the work. She was actually getting
a feel for what was required in this job and had a pretty good handle on
managing the workload. It was Thursday afternoon and Stephanie was finishing up
the final touches on her reports. After finishing the final assignment
Stephanie sat back, pleased that she had finished everything in record time.


‘I guess I will get a chance to explore the
other aspects of the company.’
Just as she was about to eat the sandwich
she packed for
into the office with a look of panic.


wrong Betty, are you okay?” “No, Ms. Young I…”


call me Stephanie”


, Stephanie please don’t get angry, but I just found
two other assignments that Mr. Quinn put on my desk for you to complete and
they were under the wrong pile of work.”


‘Oh just great’
Stephanie thought. “Let
me see it hopefully I can finish it this afternoon.”


gave her the files nervously. “I will stay late to help with whatever I can, I
am so sorry, Mr. Quinn is going to be very upset with me.”


reviewed the files.
‘Shit, Shit, Shit,
this will take me until midnight to complete.’


Betty let’s not panic. If you help me prioritize these assignments we may be
able to get it done by tomorrow afternoon.”


these are the assignments that were to be completed first, Mr. Quinn wants them
e-mailed to him by 8:00 am on Friday. I am so sorry I can’t believe I missed
those folders.”


okay, we just need to focus and get to work, but we will have to work late.”
Stephanie immediately focused on the task at hand and started working, when she
looked up again it was nine o’clock and Betty looked exhausted. “Betty, why
don’t you head home?
I can finish
the rest and you can come in early to make sure it’s e-mailed to Mr. Quinn
before eight o’clock.”


no I’m fine I want to be here in case you need me to do anything else.”


you can do for me is put on a pot of coffee and go home to your family, I will
be fine.”


you sure, this is entirely my fault and I can’t believe you are staying to
finish this. I will tell Mr. Quinn in the morning that I forgot to give them to


you won’t, they will be ready in the morning to be e-mailed. Now stop worrying
and get home because you do have to be here in the morning early.”


hugged Stephanie.
Never before had
anyone at that company been willing to put their neck out there for her and
Betty would never forget it.


will get the coffee started before I leave and you have my cell number. Call me
if you need anything.” Betty hesitated before leaving the room. “Thanks again
for saving my butt.”


gave her a faint smile and got back to work.


few minutes later Stephanie got a cup of coffee and went back to work and
exactly an hour later Adam walked by the office and saw the light on, he was
surprised to see Stephanie still working.


know office hours are from nine to five don’t you? Don’t tell me my brother has
you working this late on your first week.”


I just wanted to make sure I completed these reports before I left.”


it’s almost ten o’clock do you want me to wait and give you a ride home?”


fine, I have my car and the security guard has been checking on me. I will only
be another hour and then I will be heading out.”


but know that we are not expecting you to work these types of long hours.”


know, but I really didn’t have any plans so I decided to work late.”
She did not want to explain to one of
her bosses how these assignments were over looked. Adam started to walk away,
but suddenly turned around.

Stephanie, how is Brianna? I was thinking about giving her a call to see if she
wanted to go out for drinks.”


great, you should give her a call.”


do that and don’t stay too much longer.” “I won’t, good night.”


looked at her watch and it was eleven thirty. She headed down the hall to the
restroom. ‘
I need to review the report
one more time and then I can head home, finally.’


she returned from the restroom she heard someone in Mr. Quinn’s office.


in the world is going on?’ She reached for the phone to alert security. It was
then that she recognized the voice. It was Ivan Quinn. She walked over to her
desk, but she could still hear his phone conversation. He was obviously talking
to a woman and he was not happy.


Ashley, we’ve been through this, we agreed no strings. What are you talking
about; you benefited greatly from this arrangement so please spare me the
Look, I’m extremely busy and this conversation is over.”


hung up the phone. Stephanie felt like she was eavesdropping although the
conversation could be heard clearly throughout the office. She sat at her desk
and gathered the files she was working on.
She wanted to finish her final review and put them on Betty’s desk on
her way out. She just needed Mr. Quinn to stay in his office so she could leave
before he realized that she was still there. Stephanie did her final
corrections and headed towards the door when she heard him.


are you still doing here, you aren’t expected to stay late.” Ivan was surprised
that she was still working. He was just thinking about her,
‘no wonder the smell of her
perfume was still in the air.’
She spun around slightly startled.


Evening Mr. Quinn, I was finishing up a few assignments but I am heading out


me see what you were working on”


‘Oh, great!’
She knew this was not going to be good.
She moaned as she handed Ivan the folders, which contained the reports. He quickly
glanced at the reports and frowned.


are you just completing these assignments? I left explicit instructions to
complete these assignments first. Why are you just getting to these now?”
Before she could answer he continued.

am really disappointed, if you are having trouble keeping up with the workload
then maybe this is not the right job for you.” He let out an exasperated
breath. “Tell me Ms. Young, are you finding this job too difficult to keep up?”
He said with a condescending tone. “I don’t have the time or the patience to
follow behind my assistants and make sure they are meeting their deadlines. Do
I make myself clear Ms. Young?”


looked up at him with those amazing eyes, the same eyes that haunt him in his
sleep. The same eyes he wanted to look into to as he was fucking her, God, he
really wanted to fuck her.


Mr. Quinn, loud and clear.”


‘Okay Steph, you had to take this one for
the team. Just walk away and keep your mouth shut.’
She coached herself.


won’t happen again. Good night, Mr. Quinn.” She turned and heading out the
door. She was fuming.
‘Every time I run
into him it’s confrontational. I have truly started off on the wrong foot with
him and I need to turn this around.’


felt bad about the way he spoke to her and he definitely was not ready for her
to leave. He wanted to spend more time with her. Before she could get out the
office he spoke again, “It is really late, do you need a ride home Ms. Young?”

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