Delivered with Love (28 page)

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Authors: Sherry Kyle

Tags: #About the Quest for Answers

BOOK: Delivered with Love
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"Yes, you did." Claire nodded. "And I want to thank you for that." So many people had impacted her life the past few months—Pearl and Harry, Samantha, Tom and Nancy, Vivian, Geraldine, Blake, and Michael.

"And he provided Blake to teach us how to prepare steaks— medium-rare. They're perfect." Pearl gave Harry a peck on the cheek.

Harry wiped his face on a napkin. "All right. All right. I've learned a lesson, but don't let it get to your head, son."

Blake laughed. "No worry there. This woman keeps me humble." He gestured across the table at Claire. "I've been trying to get close to her ever since I laid eyes on her."

Claire took a swig of soda to swallow the lump in her throat. "I had a good talk with Michael today." Why did she always see the need to change the subject? Trust. Isn't that what her father had instructed her to do?

Blake sat across from Claire and leaned in. "I saw you with him out front earlier today."

"Are you spying on me?" Claire tried to keep a straight face.

"Who, me?" Blake grinned.

"It's a nice night for a walk. Why don't the two of you let us clean up?" The corners of Pearl's mouth turned up. "Come on, Harry. You too, Samantha."

Did Samantha say something to Pearl?
Was it a setup?

"I'm not done with my steak." Harry glared at Pearl.

"You can finish inside the RV. Come on, now." Pearl tugged on his arm.

Samantha took her plate and stood from the table. She winked at Claire before she followed Harry and Pearl to the motor home.

Two minutes later, Claire sat alone with Blake. Did she dare tell him her true feelings? He looked vulnerable sitting across from her at the table. She stood and held out her hand. "That walk sounds good."

Blake pulled a small flashlight from his jacket and turned it on. "Want to hit the trail to the beach?"

"Are you sure you're up to it?" Claire pointed to his arm.

"If we take it slow." Blake rested his left arm around her shoulder and allowed her to navigate the path with the flashlight.

Take it slow.
That was exactly how Claire liked it. If she was going to trust Blake with her heart, she needed to take it one step at a time.

They stood on the trail overlooking the city lights. Claire knew Blake was in pain. She noticed him wince when he thought she wasn't looking. "Let's stop here." She leaned against the railing. "Blake, I—"


"You go first." Claire looked up at the moon. It was full, casting a glow on the ocean.

"I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable earlier. I want you to know how much I care for you. And if I have to wait, I will." Blake gently touched her cheek.

"Yellow." Claire reached up and held his hand. "Your kitchen should be painted yellow."

"What?" Blake laughed. "You want to talk about my kitchen?"

"Remember when we were at Bella Roma? You asked me to help you pick out kitchen cabinets."

"Oh, yeah. Who'd forget that night? You weren't too happy with me."

Claire hesitated. "It wasn't you. I wasn't happy with myself. Blake, I'm scared. But I want to trust." She took a step forward, clasped her hands behind Blake's neck and stood on her tiptoes. "I love you and I promise I won't push you away if you want to kiss me." She closed her eyes, and tilted her chin. And waited.

"The question, honey, is if
want to kiss
Blake rubbed their noses together.

She peeked. "No doubt in my mind."

When their lips came together, Claire's heart nearly burst. The kiss was soft. Gentle. Like a warm caress. She couldn't believe what was happening. She was in love.






now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride," said the Pastor from Capitola Christian Fellowship.

Claire clutched Blake's hand as she watched Julia and David kiss. Her heart warmed at the genuine affection the bride and groom shared. She glanced at Blake and couldn't help but dream of her future.

Blake gave her a crooked grin. Was he thinking the same thing?

"And now, may I present to you: Mr. and Mrs. Richards," announced the Pastor.

Julia took her bouquet from her friend Emily, linked arms with David, and proceeded up the aisle. The crowd erupted in applause.

"She made such a beautiful bride." Haley, who sat on Claire's right, whispered in her ear. "I don't want to stand next to her. I'd look like a beached whale."

"You're barely showing." Claire patted her sister's pregnant belly. "And you're beautiful."

Haley kicked off her heels. "Thanks. You do wonders for my self-esteem."

Claire remembered their phone call a couple months back. Haley had begged Claire to return to L.A. But after a visit with her grandmother, Claire realized Haley needed to make it on her own. The healthy glow on Haley's cheeks was a clear sign Claire had made the right decision. Mark continued to live with his uncle, making great strides toward sobriety. Hopefully, Haley and Mark would work out their differences by the time their baby arrived.

Michael walked up the aisle with her grandmother on one arm and Sandy on the other. Claire noticed the way Michael and Sandy had looked at each other during the ceremony. If Claire wasn't mistaken, she saw renewed love.

Geraldine smiled at Claire as she walked past. Her grandmother was one determined woman. Not only did she get out of rehabilitation after only a week, but she also demanded Julia invite Claire to the wedding.

She grinned back. Claire loved her grandma with every ounce of her being.

"Ready?" Blake held out his arm, his wound completely healed.

"I've been ready for a long time. I just never knew it before today." Claire pressed a kiss on Blake's cheek, held his arm, and walked up the aisle.

Someday—when the time was right, she'd walk in the opposite direction—and Blake would be waiting at the other end.




Discussion Questions


  1. The story begins in L.A. with the memorial of Claire's mother, Emily. Have you lost someone you love? What was it like at the memorial? Do you relate to Claire's desire to be alone?
  2. When Claire is fired from her job as a waitress and kicked out of her sister's home, do you think her decision to go to Capitola is based on becoming independent or her desire to hold on to her mother's memory? What role did the old love letter play?
  3. Vivian encourages Claire to pursue her dreams. What do you dream about? What is stopping you from going after what you want?
  4. Relationships are difficult and take work. Communication is key. Describe Claire's relationship with her sister Haley. What about Michael and his wife, Sandy? How do these relationships change as the story evolves?
  5. Money is a topic that is brought up in
    Delivered with Love.
    How does the lack of money affect Michael? What could he have done differently? What does the Bible say about worry in Matthew 6:25-34?
  6. Harry and Pearl, as well as Tom and Nancy, are basically strangers and yet they help Claire in different ways when she's in need. Have you ever been the recipient of a stranger's kindness? Tell about a time you showed kindness to a stranger.
  7. Besides being a romantic interest, Blake shows Claire the importance of prayer and having a relationship with God. How does his consistency and example help Claire grow spiritually? Is there someone in your life who's done the same for you?
  8. Michael wants to forget his past. How does one lie lead to another? Why is it so difficult to forgive ourselves for our past mistakes? In what way does guilt play a role? Courage?
  9. What is your impression of Geraldine? Why do you think her character is so important to the story? How does she encourage Claire? Challenge Michael?
  10. Claire had a big decision to make—whether to stay in Capitola or go back to L.A. Do you think she made the right one? Why or why not? What would you have done in her situation?
  11. The information Michael receives finally causes him to take the high road. What do you think is the most important factor or person in this transformation? Did you learn anything from Michael's journey?
  12. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." How do these verses pertain to the main characters in
    Delivered with Love?
    What is one way you can apply these verses to your life?


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