Defensive Zone (The Dartmouth Cobras #2) (57 page)

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Authors: Bianca Sommerland

Tags: #romance, #hockey, #menage, #erotic romance, #bdsm, #sports romance, #bianca sommerland

BOOK: Defensive Zone (The Dartmouth Cobras #2)
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"Scott Demyan is a
looking man."
Erin sighed dreamily, no hint on her face that she was concerned of
her husband's reaction. "I would hope that his reputation is
exaggerated if you're interested in him, though."

" Rebecca glared at her
brother when he laughed and, through the corner of his eye, saw her
kick Landon under the table. "We came to meet your new woman.
Shouldn't she be in here with the grownups?"

"Tell me you weren't grateful that she took
Casey out of your hair for a bit. You were doing the zombie-mom
thing." Landon smirked at his sister, cutting her off before she
could protest. "But I
don't want to talk about
Demyan. He comes near you, I'll kill him. Point final. I'm curious
about the joke, dad."

"That bad, ey?" Adam frowned over his beer
bottle at his daughter and nodded. Then a broad grin broke over his
face. "All right, so the couple are getting it on in the woods.
After about fifteen minutes, the man curses and says 'I wish I had
a flashlight.'. The woman pulls away and says, 'Me too! You've been
eating grass for ten minutes!'"

Landon snorted. Rebecca groaned.

Dean chuckled. "All right, supper is almost

"You did all the cooking, let me serve."
Rebecca bounded from the table before he could reply and called
back. "Get Silver and Casey!"

Exchanging a look with Landon, Dean headed to
the living room. Landon followed him and they both stood just in
the entrance, grinning like fools as they watched her applying
bright red lipstick to the little girl's lips.

She held up a compact mirror for Casey to
take a look. "You like?"

"Perfect!" The child pursed her lips, then
giggled. "Do you think the hockey guys will think I'm pretty?"

"For sure! But don't worry about impressing
them, they'll all be old men by the time you're old enough to
date." Silver leaned close and spoke in a stage whisper. "If I were
you, I'd hold out for their sons."

Casey nodded, her face suddenly serious.

"Silver, how about you come eat before you
corrupt my niece." Landon stepped forward and held out his hand.
"We've got about an hour before I have to hit the ice for warm

"Okay." Silver latched onto his hand and
hopped to her feet, pulling Casey along with her. "You know, I was
a little nervous about tonight, but your family is awesome. I'm
glad I came."

I'm glad you met his before mine.
followed the trio back to the dining room, his lips twitching up as
they let Casey take a seat between them. Landon served Casey's
plate while Silver spread a napkin over the little girl's lap. For
a moment he wondered at his lack of resentment. If his suspicions
were correct, how much of this aspect of their lives could he
really share with them? Would he always be on the outside, looking

Maybe, but he wanted Silver happy. And he
would find his place with them.

He pulled out the chair at Silver's other
side, sat, then covered her hand with his under the table. She gave
him a hesitant smile.

"Guess what, mommy!" Casey stuffed a big
piece of roast in her mouth and spoke around it. "Remember the mean
girl in daycare?"

Rebecca circled the table, laying out the
salad and bread basket. "We don't speak with our mouth full,

"Sorry, mommy." Casey quickly swallowed and
continued, obviously excited. "Silver told me how to deal with

"Oh?" Rebecca paused at her daughter's side.

"Put gum in her hair!"

Adam barked out a laugh and his wife used her
napkin to smother her own. Landon coughed.

Dean watched Silver's face. And smiled at the
calm look she gave Rebecca.

"It worked for me."

"Casey, Silver was joking." Rebecca frowned
at Silver. "

Silver's brow furrowed. "No. Why should she
have to put up with the nasty brat?"

Rebecca sputtered.

"Casey, honey." Erin composed herself and
smiled at her granddaughter. "What do you think your teacher would
do if you put gum in someone's hair?"

Casey pouted and scooted closer to Silver.
"She'd put me in the naughty corner."

"You don't want that, do you?"


"Well then, maybe you can just speak to your
teacher." Erin sat back and arched a brow at Rebecca. "And if mommy
doesn't have time to go with you, I will."

"Thank you, mother." Rebecca shuffled to the
other end of the table and picked up the bottle of wine she'd
opened earlier to let breathe. "I can handle it."

Dean thanked Rebecca after she filled his
glass, then watched with interest as she moved to fill

Silver put her hand over her glass and shook
her head. "No thank you. I'm fine with water."

Landon choked. His fork hit his plate.

That answers that.
Dean eyed Landon as
his father thumped his back hard.


Chapter Thirty-Six


Titanium cage bars disappeared from Landon's
vision as the puck dropped. Warmup scarred ice spread out before
him and his mind locked on the play as Callahan swept the puck
towards Mason. The puck thumped into Mason's dropped glove.

Fuck yeah.
Landon pushed his mask up
and grinned at Ramos, who'd circled back to guard his left flank.
"That didn't take long."

"Yeah, the fucker." Ramos jerked his chin
towards Mason as he rounded the Sabres' captain, Nelson, his bared
teeth flashing white as the snow on the ice in his dark face. "We
flipped for it. I get the next one."

Considering the way the last game had ended
against the Sabres, Landon had no doubt there would be a few
fights. The first one would dictate the tone for the rest of the

"He's a clean fighter." Ramos remarked as
Mason tossed his helmet. "This is good."

"Not sure about that." Landon sprayed some
water into his mouth and scowled as Nelson spun out of reach, his
own helmet still secured on his head. "Not against that dirty

Then again, Landon hadn't seen Mason fight.
And a lot of people would say him taking off his helmet was cocky
and stupid. But Mason was a big guy. Maybe he was just evening
things out.

Not that Nelson stands a chance of beating
Landon smirked as Nelson took a wide swing, then danced
out of reach. The man would be lucky to get in a single punch.

The refs inched closer, speaking to the men,
obviously ready to end the 'fight' since nothing had happened.
Before Nelson could evade him again, Mason lurched forward,
snatched a handful of his jersey. His fist clipped Nelson's jaw.
Nelson bowed his head and drove into Mason's chest, taking away
Mason's advantage of a wide swing. Mason's feral smile practically
invited the swift uppercut from Nelson. A fucking gift.

Mason ended the fight with two quick jabs and
pulled Nelson's jersey over his head. The refs wrenched them apart
and directed them both to the penalty boxes.

Back to center ice. The players took their
positions and Landon slapped his helmet into place. He skidded from
side to side, then bent his knees and centered himself.
Here we
go. Now it starts for real.

Unfortunately, Ramos proved to be a goddamn
wall, and didn't let the opposition get anywhere near the net.
Landon kept himself sharp for the first five minutes, reading the
plays, calling out warnings when his teammates left themselves
vulnerable for nasty hits, but hell, the net could have been empty
and it wouldn't have made a difference.

He moved just to keep his blood pumping. But
his mind wondered.

Water. Did you seriously freak because she
asked for water?

This was the girl he'd caught having rum for

Doesn't mean anything.

Like hell it didn't. He and Silver needed to
have a little chat.

A full line change. Landon hardly

You've been gone for weeks. She didn't say
anything when you called. She would have if . . .

The rookie defenseman, Owen Stills, missed a
pass. The Sabres attacked, smoothly snapping the puck back and
forth. The Cobras scrambled to recover.

Shot. Rebound. Landon dived to cover the puck
and it slipped out from under his pad.

And was tucked into the net behind him.

Faceoff. As soon as the puck hit the ice, the
Sabres forward skipped it to his defense. Stills managed to
intercept a pass, but then he iced the puck, trapping his line on
the ice.

Maybe she's trying to clean up. She did tell
you about the coke. Dean's reaction was enough to set her

Landon hunched down and clenched his jaw.

Get your head in the fucking game,

The Cobras won the face off. Too cleanly.
Landon cracked his stick into the pipes when he found the puck
behind him, gliding over the goal line.

"Shit, sorry about that." Another rookie,
Swedish center Eric Hjalmar, skated over to pat Landon's pads with
his stick. "Was trying to get it to Stills."

"Not your fault, man." Landon forced a smile.
"I'm good. But you guys must be tired. Switch it up, ey?"

"Penalty's almost done."

Like I'm going to admit I need Mason out
Still, he sighed with relief when the newbie line got
traded for a fresh, more experienced one. With Ramos in front of
him, he had time to catch his breath. Once Mason came out of the
box, the puck spent a bit more time at the other end. Demyan
skirted around the Sabres defense and easily slid a pass to Carter
who was practically sitting in the lap of the Sabres' goalie. A
backhand shot made the sirens wail.

2-1. How about you do your job and give your
team a chance to pull ahead?

Right. He cleaned the snow from the blue ice
with his stick blade and his chin jutted up. The press box drew his
attention. He couldn't see Silver, but he knew she was up there.
Probably wondering what the hell was wrong with him.

She's fine. Dean's with her.

The next play happened so fast, he didn't
have a chance to react.


"Hey, Bower." Callahan slid up to his side as
the game stopped for a commercial break. "We're not playing fucking
dodgeball. Got it?"

I got it.
Landon nodded and cleaned
the ice again with his stick. "I'm good."

"I hope so." Callahan's eyes narrowed. "One
more and you'll be pulled. Which might be good, since apparently
there's something on your mind more important than the game."

"I said I'm good."

"We'll see."

"Hey, Captain!" Carter slowly back skated to
Landon's side. "Since we've got a sec to chat, I was wondering if
you could show me how to tie up a woman with tits as big as
Oriana's next time we go to the club. Is it possible?"

"Carter, seriously . . . ." Callahan shook
his head. "Fuck off."


"After your stint with Silver? Kid, you're
not touching my woman." Callahan slid backwards, his hand wrapped
around his stick in a choke hold. "Chicklet will teach you what you
need to know."

"Your woman, but . . . ." Carter cocked his
head as though confused. "You know what, never mind. I'll ask
Perron. I'm sure he'll get off watching her play with someone

"I'll do what?" Perron moved from the bench
and stretched his legs. "You being a pain again, Carter?"

"Who me?" Carter shook his head. "Fuck no.
We're a team. I respect you guys."

"You have a strange way of showing it."
Callahan grumbled.

Carter nodded. "So do you."

Landon sighed and grabbed Carter
before he could skate away. Out of hearing, he spoke low. "I get
what you're trying to do, and I appreciate it. But fuck, man, I'm
not all here. Callahan's right to tell me off. You guys need me on
my game."

"Yeah, we do." Carter frowned in the shadows
of his own cage. "What's up with you?"

"I may have made the Delgado family . . . a
bit bigger."

"May have?"


"Cool. How about we sit down for beers and
cigars when you know for sure." Carter punched his shoulder. "Until
then, give the woman something to cheer for, okay? The stress of
watching you play like shit can't be good for her."

"Damn it." Landon laughed and punched Carter
back. "You're right, you little fuck. I'm on this."

"Good. I'll go tie things up. You just do
your thing."

"We're behind by two."

"I kinda noticed, buddy. Like I said, I'm
gonna tie things up. Then I might let someone else get one in."
Carter took Landon's water bottle and sent a spray into his open
mouth. "We'll see."

Landon shook his head. "Generous of you."

"Hey." Carter winked. "We're all team

"Callahan was right. Fuck off."

Carter saluted. "Be glad to fuck on. Just say
the word."

"Sure. You top her, and she says yes . . .


"No. And even if I was okay with it, you'd
have to go through Richter."

"Ha! No thanks, pal." Carter took a few
strides towards center ice, then glided back. "I bet you anything
Callahan will be thrown out of the face off. I'll take over and
snap the puck to the defense. Probably Mason. He's solid, but you
good if he misses?"

"I already told you. I'm good." Landon
tightened his grip on his stick. "Get out there."

"Sure. Just one thing." Carter tapped his
gloved hand on his chin. "Luke Bower has a ring to it, don't you



"You score now and I'll make you my next
kid's goddaddy. Make it reel worthy."

"Reel worthy?" Carter said with a chuckle.
"Don't make it hard or anything."

Seconds later, Carter scored a pretty,
twisting, snap shot. He threw his hands up, urging the crowd to
keep cheering. Then he held up one finger. Not the middle one.

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