Read Defending Earth-Searching for Death Feeders Online

Authors: Saxon Andrew

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Alien Invasion, #First Contact, #Galactic Empire, #Genetic Engineering, #Hard Science Fiction, #Military, #Space Fleet, #Space Marine, #Teen & Young Adult

Defending Earth-Searching for Death Feeders (20 page)

BOOK: Defending Earth-Searching for Death Feeders
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Kyle glanced over his shoulder, “You should go and check on the status of your people. We’re going to need as many as possible if we’re going to take on that Fleet of Feeders.”

“We’re at Fleet.” Kyle stood up and quickly walked off the bridge. Nicole watched him leave and wondered what she had done. She started to ask, but he was gone. She saw the hotel in Miami appear and she sighed. “Please keep me up to date on what’s going on, Willow.”

“I’ll do what I can, Nicole.”

“What does that mean?”

“You should remember that no secret information will be broadcast openly. Anything that happens on this ship is secret but I’ll do what I can.”

“Thanks, Willow. I appreciate your help.”

She walked off the ship and Amber waited until the port closed. “What was that all about?”

“I really don’t know, Amber. Something put a burr under Kyle’s saddle.”

“What does that mean?”

“Look in your databanks at riding horses. You’ll understand.” Amber looked in the database and after a few moments chuckled.

• • •

Kyle walked down the stairs to his office and lifted his wrist unit, “Admiral Charles.”

“Yes Sir.”

“I’ve just arrived and I need you to update me on what we know about the Feeder Fleet. I’m going to clean up and, if you don’t have any plans, will you go with me to dinner.”

“Sir, I can meet you in your office.”

“I’d rather get out and do this without distractions. Are you available?”

“Is this a social or professional meal?”

“Why do you ask?”

“I need to know how to dress.”

Consider it social. I’m not going out in uniform.”

“What time, Sir?”


“I’ll meet you on the roof.”

• • •

Nicole wondered what was going on. She decided to find out. She lifted her wrist unit and pressed Kyle’s code. The unit vibrated for three minutes and then disconnected. What was this? She tried to contact him six more times during the evening and finally pressed his sister’s code. She immediately answered and Nicole said, “Please forgive me for contacting you, but I’ve been trying to get in touch with Kyle.”

“He’s having dinner with Admiral Charles and has probably turned off his wrist unit.”

“Admiral Charles?”

“Clarissa Charles, Nicole.”

Nicole’s expression showed her shock and she said, “I apologize for bothering you, First Commander.”

Kyley saw Nicole’s expression and quickly said, “He should have it back on in the morning.”

“Thank you, Sir.” Kyley knew when a woman was hurt and it was abundantly clear that Nicole was. Then she realized telling Nicole that Kyle wouldn’t be available until morning only made it worse. She would think the worst. She lifted her wrist unit and left Kyle a message on what happened. He was going to have to handle this.

• • •

Kyle landed the shuttle outside the Senior Officers’ Quarters and walked Clarissa out to her home. “Thank you for getting me up to speed, Clarissa.”

“Glad to do it. I’ll meet you anytime you need me.”

Kyle smiled and Clarissa stepped in close and kissed him. Kyle put his arms around her and kissed her gently. After a moment, Clarissa broke the kiss and looked at him. Kyle smiled slightly and Clarissa said, “Nothing?”

Kyle sighed, “I’m sorry. I’m just not…” His voice fell into silence.

“Forgive me, Kyle. I just had to see if there was anything. I really think you are a very special man and I’ve been attracted you.”

“Thank you. I’m just not…ready.”

Clarissa smiled, “Let me know when you are.”

Kyle smiled, “I’ll do that.” Clarissa went into her quarters and Kyle decided to walk. He sent the shuttle away and walked the two miles to his quarters and got ready for bed. He sat down on the edge of his bed and picked up a picture on the bedside table. He stared at it for an hour and then put it back. He laid down and closed his eyes. Sleep avoided him until fatigue kicked its backside and he lost consciousness. The nightmare didn’t come this time.

• • •

“Willow, do you have no shame?”

“Not really. I’m very much like Averel was when it comes to finding out what’s happening. I believe the proverbial crap is going to hit the fan in the morning and I need to be prepared to keep it off the walls.”

“Do you think you can?”

“Probably not. But at least I know what’s going on.”

• • •

Kyle awoke in the morning and didn’t feel rested. He showered and put his wrist unit on. He saw he had a message from Kyley and he pressed the play button. “Kyle, Nicole contacted me last night saying she was unable to reach you. I told her you were out with Admiral Charles and wouldn’t be available until morning. I think she was…shocked…hurt…I don’t know but she didn’t appear to take it well. You should contact her.”

Kyle shook his head and erased the recording. He knew how little Nicole thought of Clarissa but it was because she didn’t know her. Nicole saw her as a tart. Kyle’s eyes widened slightly and immediately understood that Kyley’s comments made it look like he had spent the night with her. He sighed and shook his head. He pressed his communicator and Nicole appeared on the small display, “Nicole, I’m leaving in a few hours to join the fleets out in the Coma Cluster. How long will it take you to get ready to go?”

“I’m not going.”


“Can you not hear? I’m not going; find someone else.”

“What’s going on?”

“You’re the genetic genius, you figure it out.”

Kyle saw Nicole’s face disappear from his wrist unit. This is just great! Women! “Amber, you and Willow go to Fleet Maintenance and gather enough provisions for a long voyage.”

“Do you want us to pick up Nicole afterwards?”

“No, she’s not going.”

“Who is taking her place?”

“No one. Willow is capable of keeping track of the Feeders. Get moving and let’s plan to leave in three hours after I meet with Kyley.”

“On our way.”

• • •

Nicole sat at the bar and had Bart pour her a tequila. She felt like crying but resisted doing it. She took a sip and felt her wrist unit vibrate. She felt immediate anger and pressed the receive button, “I TOLD YOU I’M NOT GOING!!”

“No you didn’t.”

Nicole looked at her wrist and didn’t see an image on it, “Who is this!?”

“You asked me to stay in touch.”

Nicole’s eyes narrowed and she thought for a moment and then slowly said, “Willow?”


“What do you want?”

“You should reconsider going out with us.”

“Forget it.”

“Kyle is not replacing you and is going to depend solely on my ability to hear the Feeders. Amber and I agree that, if he does that, he will be placed in greater danger if you’re not with us.”

“Talk some sense into him and pick up another member of my species.”

“Please reconsider.”

Nicole ended the call and picked up her glass. Bart stared at her, “Something wrong?”

Nicole looked at him and sneered, “Your alcoholic friend went out with the raven haired nudist last night. He probably spent the night with her.”

“No he didn’t.”

Nicole put her glass down and looked in Bart’s eyes and said with as much sarcasm as she could muster, “What do you know?” Bart stared at Nicole, shook his head, and sighed. “What is that about!?”

“Why are you here drinking?”

“Because I enjoy it!”

“That’s a good answer…but not the real one.”

“Who are you to…”

Bart interrupted her, “People drink to either forget something or to remember something. For example, you’re here trying to forget what he did.”

“You’re full of…”

“Why does he drink, Nicole?”

Nicole’s mouth closed. She was angry at Bart and wanted to slap him silly…but…why did Kyle drink so much. “According to you, he’s trying to forget or remember something.”

“Actually, it’s a little of both.”

Nicole stared at Bart, took a sip, and said, “Ok, why does he drink?”

“You know, but just can’t put it together. Why did he attack that Admiral and get kicked out of the service.”

“Dawkins caused his co-pilot to die.”

“I was here when you asked him if he would have done the same thing if she wasn’t harmed and he said he would. Why would he do that, Nicole?” Nicole stared at Bart and thought about that question. Then she started shaking her head. “That’s right, Nicole; he loved her. And he drinks every night trying to find something that will allow him escape from the pain of losing her. He did not spend the night with that woman, of that I am certain. It’s a shame you aren’t.”

Bart walked away and Nicole thought about all the evidence to support Bart’s statements that she had missed. Kyle had not responded when she kissed him on her planet. He did it, but his heart wasn’t in it. He’d made no pass at her the entire time they had been on the ship, and she knew how beautiful she was, too many men had tried to get her attention. Kyle was heartbroken and she hadn’t seen it. She pushed her glass away and lifted her wrist unit. She pressed the last code that had come in and when the unit activated she said, “Come and get me.”

“Are you sure?”

“You’re wasting time.”

“We’ll be there in an hour. Pack to be gone for an extended trip.”

“Contact me when you’re here.”

“Thanks, Nicole. He just doesn’t realize how much he needs you.”

Her unit went dark and she wondered what Willow meant. It could be taken two different ways.

Chapter Fourteen

yle shook his head and looked at Admiral Amelee Jorgenson, “Has anyone figured out how the Feeders ended up in the Coma Cluster.”

“Derek Gibbons in mapping thinks the Feeders working with the Legends came from this particular fleet. It’s like you mentioned earlier, this fleet appears to be a scout unit searching for telepathic species. It’s nowhere close to being large enough to conquer an entire galaxy.”

“If that’s true, this fleet knows about the Goran.”

“If the Feeders that were forced to leave the Legends went back to it, you’re probably right. I suspect the reason they’ve not shown up at our doorstep is they keep running into other telepathic species and are delayed. They will probably attack the planet that’s been conquered by that aggressive species our scouts found.”

“Have any other telepathic species been discovered in that galaxy?”

“There’s three more on the opposite side of the galaxy from the Feeder’s current position.”

Kyle nodded slowly and looked at his sister, “Have you determined when the Feeders will wrap up at the current planet they’re attacking?”

“At least two months.”

“Why so long?”

“The planet’s defenses are significant and the Feeders don’t have enough warships in their fleet to use the tactic you observed during your scouting mission.”

“The Feeders are refusing to link?”

“They are. They appear to be extremely reluctant to kill the majority of the beings on the planet. I suspect they may just pass this planet on to a larger fleet and move on to the next planet. This fleet is, after all, a scout fleet searching for telepathic species.”

“What are they going to do if they defeat them?”

“One of our scouts has found a huge number of Feeder Transports holding position away from the battle. They’ll probably march the surviving population onto those transports and take them back to Feeder Central, where they’ll be settled into communities to feed the higher ranking Feeders. They’ll consume any surplus that won’t fit on the transports.”

“Do you have any evidence the Feeders know about the subjugated telepaths?”

“Captain Gonzalez discovered a probe in the planet’s system. He did a remarkable job avoiding it detecting his ship. I have to assume that is a feeder probe.”

Kyle tilted his head, “You’re doing a great job, Sis.”

“You should be doing it.”

“I still have too much to do before I can relieve you. I’ve sent all the information I’ve gathered in Feeder Territory. You should get your experts working on it and see if we uncovered anything new.”

“I have Intelligence working on that data now. I’ll let you know if anything turns up. What are you going to do now, Kyle?”

“I’m going to skip out to the Coma Cluster and look around.”

“I’m notifying all our personnel there that your commands overrides any others that have been issued.”

“I don’t know if that’s necessary, Kyley.”

“If you don’t need the authority, no harm. However, I don’t want an issue to arise that any of my Commanders might not do what you thinks is best.”

Kyle felt his wrist unit vibrate, “Excuse me for just a moment.” He pressed the unit and heard, “We’re on the roof landing pad.” Kyle nodded, “I’ll be there momentarily, Amber.” He looked at Amelee, “How is the training of your landing forces coming along?”

“The main issue we have to resolve is communications. If the Feeder’s on a planet link, my warriors will have to go to maximum power on their thought blockers. That will also block any electronic signals from getting in or out.”

Kyle looked at Kyley, “Is that true?”

Kyley nodded, “The power required to protect our warrior’s minds will scramble their signals.”

Kyle looked back at Amelee, “Will it rob power from their weapons?”

Amelee shrugged, “It does right now. Fleet development is working on both problems.”

“I don’t see the power being taken from their weapons as a huge issue at the moment.”

“Why not, Sir.”

“The vast majority of planets controlled by the Feeders don’t use energy weapons or force fields. Our warriors can just carry baseball bats to kill them.”

“And if the Feeders drop warriors from one of their supporting species on us that does use force fields and blasters?”

“Touché! You make a good point. Let me know how you resolve the problems.” Kyle stepped over and hugged Kyley, “Keep up the good work.”

“You’re leaving now?”

“I am; I’ll send you anything I discover.” Kyley returned his hug and released him. Kyle turned and headed toward the elevator to the top floors.

Amelee watched him walk away, “Is it just me or do you see that he’s not expecting to survive very long?”

BOOK: Defending Earth-Searching for Death Feeders
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