Deep Surrendering: Episode Eight (10 page)

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Authors: Chelsea M. Cameron

Tags: #New Adult Romance

BOOK: Deep Surrendering: Episode Eight
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Talked to Sapphire. Call me when you can.

I sent the message after I paced the apartment a few times. Sapphire’s perfume lingered in the air. It was sweet, almost like cotton candy. I took the empty water glasses and washed them out in the sink, and then headed for the bedroom and crawled into Fin’s bed.

Fin hadn’t told me he was giving her money. I could imagine why he’d kept it a secret. I should be angry. I should be jealous. Instead, I was just . . . curious. Why had he given her money? What was it about her that caused him to do that for so many years? Was it guilt about the night they met?

Fin had painted a very different picture about their interaction, but according to Sapphire, he’d been gentle and sweet. The two of them had been kids in a very adult situation. The way Fin talked about it, he’d taken advantage of her, but she’d denied that.

I didn’t know which story was true. But truth could sometimes be all in the perception. It didn’t matter if Fin wasn’t a predator if he still saw himself as one.

My head started to throb, and I went to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom to get some aspirin. I stared at my face in the mirror for a moment. Fin had fabulous lighting in his bathroom. Nothing like those awful fluorescent lights that washed you out and made you look terrible.

I almost didn’t recognize myself. Sapphire said Fin had changed for me. Well, I’d changed for him.

I wasn’t sure I knew who I was anymore. I stepped away from the mirror and then my phone rang. I ran to get it.

It was Fin.


Don’t forget to check out

Deep Surrendering

Episode 9

when it comes out on November 20th

The Noctalis Chronicles

(Book One)

(Book Two)

(Book Three)

(Book Four)


The Whisper Trilogy

(Book One)


Fall and Rise

Deeper We Fall
(Book One)

Faster We Burn
(Book Two)

Slowly We Trust
(Book Three)


My Favorite Mistake

My Sweetest Escape

(Available from Harlequin)



Sweet Surrendering

Surrendering to Us

Dark Surrendering


For Real



Wow, I’m shocked so many of your are still hanging on. Thanks go (as always) to my editor, formatter, publicist and all of you for sticking with Fin and Marisol. We’re almost there…



Chelsea M. Cameron is a YA/NA and Adult New York Times/USA Today Best Selling author from Maine. Lover of things random and ridiculous, Jane Austen/Charlotte and Emily Bronte Fangirl, red velvet cake enthusiast, obsessive tea drinker, vegetarian, former cheerleader and world's worst video gamer. When not writing, she enjoys watching infomercials, singing in the car and tweeting. She has a degree in journalism from the University of Maine, Orono that she promptly abandoned to write about the people in her own head. More often than not, these people turn out to be just as weird as she is.

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Chelsea M. Cameron (Official Author Page)

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