Deep End: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (11 page)

BOOK: Deep End: A Bad Boy Sports Romance
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“You get
what you expected?” he whispers
breathily into my ear, as he takes the bottom of my ear in between his teeth, biting it ever so delicately in a way that makes me gasp again in pleasure. I don’t know why it feels
good, but it does. It feels divine.

I’m too shy to say anything, but I nod, and hope my smile says it all.

I may be shy about speaking right now, but I’m not
my body, or Anchor’s.

I take his cock in my hands. It
big, and incredibly hard, like steel.

“That’s it,” he says. “That feels good,” he groans a little, and I can feel my body responding to his vocal noises.

My hands are running up and down his thick shaft as he holds himself over me. I’m underneath him, with both hands on him. He’s bucking his hips just a little, as if he’s already fucking me.

“I want you to take me,” I say. “I want you to fuck me.” It’s as if I’ve finally found my voice, and I’m
him what’s been secretly on my mind this whole time.

“You got to take your clothes off first,” he says, and begins helping me with my shirt.

When my bra comes off, he runs his
gently around them, finally settling on my nipples. He takes one in his teeth, and bites ever so gently, beginning to suck on it.

I let out a soft moan, and press his head down, guiding it down towards my pants, which he removes quickly, pulling them down around my ankles, then completely off. He
reaches inside the waistband of my panties, and pull
them down.

He explores the are
a with his fingers, then begins
licking. He parts my outer lips with two of his fingers, and then licks me inside, right inside, and then works his way around the
lips, ever so delicately. I
, and my body is squirming up and down against the
, my hips rising in the air to bring myself closer to his mouth.

“I need to be inside you,” he says, his breath heavy, his voice thick with lust.

I want him inside me too. I need him inside me. It’s an intense kind of longing, a longing that I didn’
t fully know I had until now.

myself out from
under him, and move my body around, so that my mouth is right by his crotch. He pulls me up to
, and kisses me deeply on the mouth. Our tongues connect, and the taste is warm, wet, and intense.

my head down, I find his hard cock and put my lips right onto the tip of it. Slowly, I take the whole thing in my mouth. It fills my mouth, and my consciousness changes, so that I’m not aware of anything but him,
his cock. I’m sucking off the dumb jock I thought I hated, the muscular hardened ripped jock whose cock is hotter, bigger, thicker, and harder than any I’ve ever seen. It feels like all his intense lust for me is concentrated in his cock. It quivers and spasms gently in my mouth as I bob my head down around it. Anchor makes thick masculine groaning sounds as I suck, running his hands through my hair
ever so gently, and then taking my head in his big, strong hands.

Finally, I can’t take it any more, and I
my mouth
and throw myself down on the bed.
“Take me,” I say.

“I’ll get the condom,” he says, rummaging through his pants that are in a pile on the floor.

I watch as he unwraps the condom, and puts it expertly onto his large cock, unrolling it all the way down. His cock is now ready, ready to go inside me.

I’m so overcome with lust that I reach up and grab it again, and continue holding onto it as he pushes his body down against mine, massaging my breasts as he kisses me gently on my neck.

He puts it gently inside me, just the tip of it.

I gasp.

“Oh, Anchor,” I cry, as he pushes it slowly

Inside, I’m on fire with pleasure, a pleasure that I’ve never felt before, that swims up through me, warming m
y entire body, taking complete
control of me.

The speed is slow at first, but Anchor gradually picks up the speed, thrust his hips, so tha
t his cock comes deep inside me, all the way down to the deep end.

His muscular body is pressed against mine as he pumps into me. I feel his abs with my fingers, pushing my hands between our bodies. He’s completely
is muscles
are working perfectly together, like a real

He’s thrusting faster and faster, harder and harder, and I’m moaning while he’s grunting with almost each thrust.

We’re completely lost in the moment together,
of anything but each other, and the pleasure.

I let out what sounds almost like a
, as I begin to come.

“I’m coming,” I say, breathless, my mouth pressed against his ear. His head is pressed down towards the pillow, to the side of my head. He
his head, and licks my ear,
ithout letting up fucking me hard and fast.

“Good,” he says. “I can’t wait any more.

And with that, we come together.

I love the way he’s being vocal, grunting as he comes with me.

I can feel his cock spasming inside me. I’m moaning as I
the most intense
of my life, for what feels like forever. Finally, his thrust stops, with his cock pushed all the way to the hilt, deep inside me.

“Wow,” I say,
as he rolls off me. I can hear him taking care of the condom, but I’m falling into a dreamy sleep state, partially unaware of what’s happening around me.

I hear his belt buckle
making sounds, and I finally open my eyes, to see him getting dressed in front of me.

“Where are you going?” I say, my eyes widening. Is he going to leave me now, just like all the other girls he’s
with? I’m
, feeling like a complete idiot. Is this really happening?

“If anyone
me coming from
dorm room, I’m dead,” he says. “I’m on s
trict orders from coach not to
with you. He told me I was supposed to
show you
he ropes of the swim team, tell you all about it, but that you were off limits. If I sleep with you, I’m off the team, and then there’s no Olympics for me.”

“I see,” I say, not knowing what to say.

He turns and goes towards the door, opening it.

I feel tears welling in my eyes. “Bye,” I say, not knowing how it sounds coming out of my mouth, or how I even intend for it to sound. I feel confusion rumbling inside of me, tearing me apart from the inside out.




I walk back through the dark campus, heading back to the swim house. I’m feeling wonderful. I think we just connected in a
ay that I haven’t connected with anyone before. It was sex, and great sex, but there’s something else going on, like there’s a link between us.

I know she understood perfectly why I had to go. I mean, what did she expect anyway, that I’d stay the night? I’m already risking my
career by hooking up with her. It would be completely crazy to stay the night. Anyone might see us tomorrow morning together. I can just feel Spellman inching his way towards this thing already, butting his nose in where it
belong, like
, and I know he’d simply relish telling coach, and getting me kicked off the team. Word travels fast on this campus, and I make a resolution to tell no one, not even Dave.

The party is still raging when I get back.

I push my way through the dancing crowd, most of whom are completely plastered, and rolling on
, trying to get to the stairs so I can get up to my room.

A jun
ior girl I’ve seen around rushes
up to me. She’s
stacked, with an ass that makes me want to take her right here and now. But, I thin
k of Allison
, and realize I can’t
do it. My cock
even springing to attention for this hot piece of ass, and it’s not because I just unloaded my balls, it’s b
ecause I feel something for Allison
. No other girl has ev
er had this effect on me before.

“Don’t you want to have a good time?” says the girl, pushing herself up against me. I can feel her breasts on my chest. She leans in drunkenly and tries to kiss me.

“Find someone else,” I say.

“Asshole,” she says, throwing her drink in my face.

Great, now I stink like cheap
skunked beer. It’s all over me, and I can taste
in my mouth. There
goes the delicious taste of Allison
that was still on my tongue.

“What’s the matter, man?” says Dave, sliding up next to me, seemingly out of nowhere.
“You don’t want to get laid? She was begging for it, and she’s fucking hot.”

“Not now,” I say. I’m not in the mood to talk to Dave right now, and anyway, he’s so drunk, he’s slurring his words, not really capable
a real conversation.

Wow, man, what’s gotten into you? You’re normally the center of the party. But you disappeared for an hour right when things are getting good.”

“You can have her,” I say, and turn and walk away, finally pushing my way
the last bit of the crow
d that blocks my way to the stairs.

I flop down on my bed, the stink of the beer still bothering me, wafting up from my soaked shirt.

I th
ink over what happened with Allison
. I’m suddenly not so sure of how things we
t. This is really unusual for me. Normally, I fuck a girl,
I’m done, and can never think about her again, unless I need some material for jacking off, and she was

I brie
fly consider jerking off to Allison
, since just thinkin
g about her alone here on my be
d has gotten
me hard again. But it wouldn’t
be the same. I already miss the feel of her body, her soft smell, her delicate skin, and the way her hair was falling all around me, and all around the pillow as I came inside of her.

Should I call her?

Now that I think over what happened, I’m starting to get worried. She did seem a little pissed, after all, that I was leaving the room, rather tha
n staying and cuddling with her.

But can’t she understand what I’m going through, the pressure I’m under to make the Olympics? Swimming is my whole world. If I can’t be
on the team next year, I don’t
have any other options. I can’t
see myself doing anything else but swimming, and I’m already risking that for her…just for her.

But I send a text

“Sorry for running out,” I write,
delete it, then write it again. “I had a great time,” I finish the text message with, then hit send.

I immediately regret it for
a thousand reasons. Who am I turning into?

Why did I have
to write something that sounds
so lame? Can’t I come up with anything b
etter than, “I had a great time?
” She’s a
after all, and she would have come up with
smarter, cleverer, wittier, and more full of feeling. Well, she’ll probably just think I’m a dumb jock like she thought before.

There’s no knock on the door before Dave burst
in, grinning ear to ear. His arm is around the girl from downstairs, who threw the drink in my face. She gives me a look that says, “You turned me down, so I’m here to shove it in your face.”

“Could you give us a couple minutes?” says Dave, slurring his words terribly.

I don’t
say anything as I leave the room.

I slump down
the wall in the hallway, but soon I can clearly hear them having hard, fast, drunk
sloppy sex inside the room, and I get up again and go to the end of the hall, where there’s a
fire escape

I sit on the
fire escape
, staring into the dark night, the sounds of the party raging behind and below me.

BOOK: Deep End: A Bad Boy Sports Romance
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