Deceptive Treasures: Slye Temp Book 5 (8 page)

BOOK: Deceptive Treasures: Slye Temp Book 5
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Before the mountain could snarl at her, the other man said, “I’m Blade
. You already know he’s Bo.”  Next, Blade pointed at the tall one standing guard. “He’s the Italian Stallion and the other one is Dingo.”

Bo the mountain let out a sound that was part sigh and part growl
. “Back to your head, Jin.”

She lowered her hood, but sent him a warning glance about ordering her around
. He wouldn’t notice, though.

Blade flipped up his night-vision eyepiece and stepped over to her
. He had a nice face that belonged on a doctor, but on a team like this, he would be only a medic. He reached inside his vest and pulled out a flashlight smaller than hers. “Turn around and let me take a look.”

She did as told
. This time she pulled the pin holding her hair in a knot.

Their medic made noises of concern
. “You can get by without stitches, but I need to clean that and put some antiseptic on it.”

“I understand,” she said, giving her permission for him to proceed.

Bo stepped into view. He’d lifted his night-vision eyepiece, too, and pulled the hood back from his head as well. Dark hair sprang loose around the straps of his headgear. He had a strong jaw, something she’d always thought necessary for a man to be attractive.

Not that she considered this one attractive.

And now you are lying to yourself.

Blade touched her head with something cold that stung. She flinched.

Bo reacted by glaring over her head at Blade. “Be careful.”

“Think you can do better?”


“Then shut the hell up.”

She waited for the backlash from Bo, but he just rolled his eyes and shook it off. Odd. She was considering that when she lifted her gaze to check his reaction again and found him staring down at her, studying her face with great interest. His gaze shifted with concern one minute and annoyance the next.

Everything about this man confused her except for one thing.

She found no acceptance in his eyes.

He would leave her behind at the first opportunity.


Chapter Nine


A scientist.

Okay, researcher in a lab, but the same difference as far as Tanner was concerned.

He needed a shovel slapped upside his head for having a momentary attraction back in the tunnel. This Jin had shown up at the last second ready to lead him out of the city. She’d convinced him that their mission had been blown.

But the bottom line was that she wanted a free ride to America.

What if
been the one to alert the soldiers to Pang and Har’s defection just to destroy Tanner’s first exit strategy and undermine his faith in any other plan?

If so, that had worked brilliantly

She’d been involved somewhere in the communication line for this extraction and must have decided that as long as Pang and Har had friends helping them, she’d jump on the same ticket out of town.

Tanner could appreciate wanting to leave this place after the atrocities the world saw committed upon these people every day, but something about the way Jin had inserted herself into this mission hadn’t set well with him since he’d dragged her out of that bogus hotel.

she had nothing to do with any of the fallout tonight and just wanted to defect.

She had a sister somewhere

If Jin were captured, her sister would end up in a prison camp even if they killed Jin, because the DPRK punished everyone related when anyone dared to break their laws.

Tanner would condemn one woman to death, and another to a life of hell if he made the wrong decision.

He dropped his gaze to Jin just as she looked up at him with soulful eyes that searched his face for answers
. Her hair pooled around her shoulders and for the first time tonight, she looked desperate.

Blade started explaining to Jin how she had to keep the antibiotic on her head and the cut clean to prevent exposing it to any more germs
. He glanced up at Tanner and nodded, letting him know he would do a subtle interrogation if Tanner stepped away.

That was the smart move, but Tanner’s feet weren’t helping him out one bit.

Blade raised both eyebrows that Tanner ignored until Dingo called over, “Bo.”

When Tanner reached where Dingo kept an eye on one end of the storm drain while Nick watched the opposite direction, he clicked off his comm set to make sure Jin didn’t somehow hear him through Blade’s
. “What’s up, Dingo?”

“What do you plan to do about her, mate?”

Tanner wished he knew. “She claims she works with these two guys and she wants to defect, too.”

Dingo struck a thoughtful pose
. “Pang says we’re making a mistake to listen to her.”

If Tanner were honest, he’d tell Dingo that he didn’t care for Pang, but that might only be due to Pang’s being a jerk to Jin
. Why that bothered Tanner after having known those two for so little time was a mystery to him. “What reason did Pang give?”

“He says she’s only a flunky and he’s heard rumors that she’s sleeping with soldiers all the time. He’s worried that
the leak.”

A reasonable concern since Tanner had entertained a similar thought, but he had a tough time giving Pang any more credibility than Jin, even if the State Department had
rubber stamped Pang’s defection. And he’d felt Jin react to his touch in a way that called Pang a liar about her sexual activities.

Besides, the guy hadn’t shared any nuclear secrets yet

Until that happened, he was just a package to be delivered. Tanner asked, “What’s your take?”

Dingo scratched his chin, with its crop of whiskers a few shades darker than his short blond hair. “She did get us out of a tight spot.”

True and Tanner might be wrong to cut her any slack for that, but she’d been just as much at risk of dying. If there’d been a better alternative to the flooded tunnel, she’d have taken it

He believed
, if he believed nothing else.

Blade walked up to the group
. “She’s good to go.”

Tanner asked, “You learn anything?”

“She and her sister were raised by foster parents who are no longer in the picture. She tested high in science and languages, so she was put into an academic program at ten.”

Dingo asked, “She say anything about the other two Norks?”

“Yes.”  Blade nodded and looked over at the pudgy physicist sitting next to Har, who still coughed and wheezed. He turned back. “She said she’s just as valuable as Pang or Har, but women are given no respect in their lab beyond being assistants. She says Pang hates her because he is a ...” 

“What?”  Tanner prompted.


Dingo scrunched his face. “A what?”

Tanner translated. “A pig.”  That fit.

Chuckling, Dingo snorted
. “Because Pang doesn’t miss a meal?”

“No.” Blade smiled at the reference then his expression soured
. “Because he tried to force himself on her and she escaped him.”

Dingo stopped laughing and sent an evil look in Pang’s direction

Blade finished reporting what he’d learned from Jin. “She said Pang’s been impossible to work with since she rejected him and she fears he’ll lie to make us leave her.”  Blade cut his eyes at Tanner
. “Are we taking her, too?”

Tanner was still processing that Pang had tried to sexually assault Jin and wanted to jack the little bastard up for that, but his common sense finally showed up and reminded him that
could be the one lying to all of them.

Female scientist and lies had gone hand in hand before.

Not the same woman, dude.

. But she was sure as hell hiding something. He knew it in his gut.  

But his men deserved a decision so they could form the next plan of action.

Tanner spoke for his team’s ears only. “Before I make a decision on Jin, I want to talk to Pang and get a read on him. While I do that and Blade deals with Har, we need to pin down where we are, Dingo.” 

Dingo was all over that. “I’ll get our satellite position so we aren’t moving blind this time.”

“Sounds good. Wait until we’re further out of the city to make contact with home base,” Tanner said, indicating their people back in Seoul waiting to hear from him.

When they broke up, Dingo asked Jin where the closest opening to the street level was
. She pointed past Nick and explained where they were in relation to the river.

With that, Dingo took off.

Tanner motioned to Blade who had just finished administering more drugs to deal with Har’s cough and sniffles. When Blade stepped up close, Tanner kept his voice low. “Get Har away from Pang without it appearing obvious that we’re separating them and find out what you can from the whiny one.”

“Not a problem
. Har needs a quick breathing treatment. I’ll tell him I want to get him under better light so I can check him over. He’s eighty-percent hypochondriac. Should be no effort to get him to move.”

While Blade got Har up and moving, Tanner watched Jin, who’d maintained a wide berth from everyone, especially Pang. That allowed the privacy he needed. He stepped over to sit next to Pang and commented, “She works with you, huh?”

me,” Pang stressed. “She is assistant. Nothing more.”

Tanner crossed his arms with his rifle hugged up against his chest
. He dropped his voice to that level men used to share bedroom secrets. “You ever get a piece of that?”

Pang was very still for a moment then smirked
. “Of course. Women like her will spread their legs any time for someone in my position. What else are they good for beyond giving a man pleasure? They are not as intelligent and cannot be trusted. After I had her, she slept with soldiers. I do not tolerate seconds.” 

Just the way Pang had said that pricked Tanner’s skin

Pang might be telling the truth, but he sounded like a sleazeball who treated women like dirt
. Tanner could see this man threatening a woman who had wounded his fragile ego.

Dingo’s voice called into the comm unit, “I’m heading back,” alerting Nick not to shoot him

Tanner had heard all he wanted from the
and slogged through the six inches of drainage sludge again to meet up with Nick and hear what Dingo had to say.

Dingo reported, “We’re just under five kilometers southwest of the Ryugyong Hotel and half a kilometer from the river. She got us out of the center of the city.”

When Blade joined them, Tanner asked, “What’d you find out?” 

The medic frowned
. “Har says Jin is little more than a messenger between the lab and the underground group helping them defect. I asked him if he trusted her and he said he didn’t know her well enough to answer that question. She stays to herself and only this week revealed herself as the contact delivering information about their escape.”

Throbbing picked up behind Tanner’s eyes

Which one of the three was telling the truth
? Pang and Har’s stories were the closest, but Pang had said that Jin was his assistant, not a messenger.

Tanner spoke for his team’s ears only
. “At this point, I don’t trust any one of the three of them. I said we’d deliver these guys, but that doesn’t mean they can’t show up in cuffs. Jin goes with us, but that could change depending on what happens between here and crossing back into friendly territory. Until we find out for sure who she is, she’s under suspicion.”

He paused, considering everything he’d learned just now, and added, “Don’t lower your guard, but I don’t want Pang harming Jin while she’s in our custody
. Got it?”

They all agreed and Nick said, “Roger that.”

Everyone broke apart to resume their positions for moving through the sewer.

Before leaving that spot, Tanner asked Jin where everyone could hear her answer, “Where are we?”

She eyed Dingo then her gaze slashed back at Tanner. “Your equipment does not tell you?”

“That’s not what he was doing,” Tanner lied

She pointed in the direction Dingo had gone
. “The river is that way. If we pass the first opening to the street, the second one is in a more secluded area where it will be very dark at this time.”

Tanner nodded as if she’d just told him something he didn’t know

Everyone moved forward at a steady pace with Jin in the lead again. She walked beside Tanner, shining her tiny light onto the sludge ahead of her

Was she telling the truth about wanting to defect or was Pang right about her being the leak? Tanner couldn’t discount the physicist just because he didn’t like the guy
. The CIA had confirmed Pang and Har’s position in the DPRK nuclear program, but there hadn’t been a spit of intel that mentioned Jin.

Until someone Tanner
trust could establish her identity, she was an unknown entity and would be treated as such.

It took another twenty minutes to locate the manhole Jin claimed was the best place to exit the storm drain
. Tanner pushed up the manhole cover and peered at the street that would be busy in any other city just after a major event.

But North Korea was a world unlike any other

One minute a massive celebration to one man’s ego, but the instant that was over all the locals scurried home and the city went silent

Jin had been right about the lights being out in this section
. That didn’t stop the twitch between Tanner’s shoulders.

Something was off about this entire extraction.

It could just be Jin’s unexpected presence, but he had a feeling it was more than that.

He pushed up out of the hole and stepped aside to keep watch as Dingo climbed out next and called each one up behind him. Tanner sent the two physicists and Jin to hide in the shadows of nearby trees with Blade and Dingo covering them
. Once they were all above ground and moved to the cluster of trees, Tanner backed away from the street, turning at the last minute to face the group.

He had to come up with a plan and fast

Jin whispered, “What time is it?”

Dingo said, “Twenty-three, forty-seven.”

She cocked her head, eyes looking away as she did the conversion.

Tanner translated, “It’s thirteen minutes to midnight.”

Her fine eyebrows drew tight
. “We cannot stay here. A patrol comes by every half hour. We must move down the river and find a boat we can cross over with, but we will have to avoid being spotted by a river patrol.”

Nick had joined the circle and stood with his arms crossed
. “How far down the river to these boats?”

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