Deception (13 page)

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Authors: A. S. Fenichel

BOOK: Deception
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Slowly, she impaled herself on his shaft. They both cried out. When he was deep inside her, he gripped her thighs and held her in place. “One moment,
mon trésor
. Just hold still for a few seconds.”

Her body demanded she move. “I’m sorry.” She rose and descended, reveling in the buildup of another rapturous climax.

Grabbing her shoulders, he pulled her down on top of him, rolled her to the mattress, and held her there. His eyes remained closed, and Lillian couldn’t help giggling.

His eyes popped open. “You think it funny that you drive me insane with your body?”

Growing serious, she said, “I think it is the most wonderful thing I have ever known. I love that I can make you lose control.”

He devoured her lips while he rocked forward with slow determination. In this new position, his body rubbed against her bud each time he filled her. She kept pace with him and lifted her hips with every thrust. She clutched his hips with her long legs, desperate for more contact.

He sprinkled kisses on her cheeks, lips, eyelids, and chin. He muttered love words she couldn’t understand but adored the sound of.

Lillian’s body tightened more and more, and then it snapped and she screamed his name. He covered her mouth with his while her canal pulsed around him.

With a grunt, he pulled out and spilled his warm essence across her stomach. His body jerked and shook, and she embraced him as he had done for her until it passed and his breath slowed.

His kiss was long and slow.

The only intense emotions Lillian had known in a long time were anger and hate. She’d loved her mother, but that relationship stung with betrayal. Her friendship with Reece had kept her alive and sane over the last five years. She missed her friend, but she did not long for him. This driving need for another person was more devastating. She could not compare its hold on her and tears returned.

Dorian kissed each one away, continuing to whisper words she didn’t understand.

With one more kiss on the tip of her nose, he pushed away. “Do not move,
mon trésor

The sweet endearment hung in the air. Had anyone ever treasured her before? It was only a fantasy, but for one day, she embraced the idea and closed her eyes. Deliciously sated, she remained limp against the soft mattress.

Returning with a wet towel, he cleaned her stomach from his seed and even washed between her legs. Nothing could have been more lovely or foreign to her. The entire experience had been so different from anything she’d ever known, tender yet passionate. Lillian was no virgin, but this felt new.

“What are you thinking about?” He pulled her into his arms, though remained at her side.

“How lovely that was.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Something else?”

“Are you reading my mind now? You did not mention this talent.”

“I can see it in your eyes.”

Fear battled with desire to share something real. “I have never experienced anything like what happened between the two of us.”

She was about to explain further, but he nodded. “Lovemaking is not the same as other forms of sex.”

Lovemaking. Is that what they had done? It was a terrifying prospect, which inferred there was love between she and Dorian. Did he love her?

“Now, why do I get the impression you do not want to go to meet my mother?”

She rolled toward him and slid her hand down his chest. Her hand settled on his waist. It was possessive. If only for a few hours, he was hers. A bubble of joy popped inside her. “What makes you say that?”

“When I mentioned it in the breakfast room you looked as if you had a drink of sour milk.”

“I do not belong in a ballroom with your mother, Dorian. The sooner you realize that, the better off you will be, and you can stop pretending this fantasy can be real.”

He pressed his finger to her lips. “One day, Lilly. If you ruin it, I will demand a second day of fantasy.”

Another bubble swirled around her belly, and though she tried to push it town, she couldn’t. She playfully pushed his finger away. “Fine. I have two other issues to discuss that should not be a breach of our agreement.”

“I would be delighted to hear and solve your concerns.” His hand slid down her ribs to her buttocks, and he pulled her tight against his already recovering erection.

A tiny sigh escaped in spite of her desire to explain why she couldn’t possibly attend a ball. The fact that they were having the discussion while nude took the fire out of it. “First of all, how on earth will you explain who I am and what I am doing with you?”

“And the second?” He rubbed the back of her thigh to the sensitive skin behind her knee.

Moisture settled between her nether-lips and the familiar tingle returned. “I have nothing to wear.”

“To the first, I thought you did not care about your reputation. You told me you had none to worry about.” He drew tiny circles with his finger and it was driving her to distraction.

She grabbed his hand and stayed the motion. “Just because I do not worry over my own social status does not mean I do not care about yours or your mother’s.”

He kissed her hard and quick. “That is very thoughtful. I suggest we go to the source, and she will have a solution. I suspect she will have one for the gown as well.”

“You want to ask your mother what to do. She will toss me from the house.”

Pushing her wild curls away from her face, he smiled. “I do not think so. I think she will adore you.”

“You really are living in a fantasy, Dorian.”

“Maybe so, but I am also correct.” Leaning forward, he kissed her neck, retrieved his hand, and continued the light tickle behind her knee. Both actions had her burning for him.

Dorian traced the curve of her ear with his tongue, and she gripped his back.

She scratched him, but if he minded, he didn’t say, and his hard shaft still pressed against her middle. She loved the passion he had for her.

Later she’d convince him not to bring her to his mother’s home.

He eased inside her, draining all reason from her busy mind.



Chapter 7


Dorian would never get enough of this fabulous woman lying in his arms. Her body was slim and muscular, her breasts small, perfect globes with the most delicious nipples. He rolled onto his back, pulling her on top of him. He could lose himself in her exquisiteness for a lifetime. If only he could convince her that all of the obstacles she put in the way were meaningless.

Insatiable, she slid along his cock.

A loud knocking at the door froze them.

Lillian giggled and buried her head in the pillow next to his ear.

“Who is it? I’m quite busy at the moment.”

“There is an urgent message from the castle, my lord.” The door muffled the butler’s voice.

Regrettably, he lifted her off him, kissed her, got up, and drew the curtains on the bed. She was so adorable he hated to hide her away but wanted to protect her from any embarrassment.

More giggles followed before she peeked out between the curtains. She scanned him from top to bottom. His shaft ached for more Lilly.

He grabbed the robe from the wardrobe and went to the door.

“Very sorry to disturb you, my lord.”

“It’s all right, Stuart.”

He handed him an envelope with the familiar Company lion holding a sword embedded in the red seal.

He broke the seal. His heart sank. “I’m afraid my plans to keep you in bed all day are thwarted. A young woman of means is missing. It seems the incident took place two days ago, but was only reported today.”

“Are we summoned to the castle?” She swung her shapely legs over the edge of the bed.

“No. There is not much more information. The girl’s name is here, and that she was nicked off the street in broad daylight. My mother knows everyone. Perhaps a visit under the guise of work will be more appealing to you.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Why do I feel as if I’ve just been manipulated?”

He looked at the bed. “You may call it what you like.”

She laughed. One day with the woman of his dreams was what she had agreed to. She believed he only wanted to pretend there were no demons to fight and that she was of noble blood. He could not have cared less about the circumstances of her birth or the demon threat. He wanted Lillian Dellacourt with him, in his life, in his bed, everywhere.

* * * *

Even Lillian agreed the ball was the best way to get a lot of information in a short time. It was unfortunate they had not heard about the abduction sooner, but evidently, the family had been trying to keep it quiet so as not to start a scandal. Ridiculous.

As they walked up the steps to his mother’s townhouse, Lillian’s back stiffened, and her luscious lips pulled into a straight line.

He wished he could pull her into his arms and chase away her concerns. As it was, all he could do is hope his mother might do the job for him, in her way.

It was just past midday. The front door opened before they knocked. “My lord, welcome back. We were informed you were in town.”

Handing over his top hat to the aging butler, the familiar warmth of coming home enveloped him. Though he had not grown up in Edinburgh, it seemed wherever his mother resided held his memories. “Good to see you, Jenkins. You look well.”

“I am old and arthritic, but your mother insists I am still useful, so here I am, my lord.”

“Jenkins, this is Miss Lillian Dellacourt.”

The butler bowed. “Miss Dellacourt. The dowager marchioness is in the parlor. Please follow me.”

His mother was already on her feet, already informed of their arrival by a footman or maid. “Thank you, Jenkins. That will be all.” Her thick French-accented English washed over him like a warm balm.

As soon as the butler closed the door, his mother’s formal expression transformed into a stunning smile, and he crossed the room and walked into her open arms. “It is good to see you, mother.”

He hadn’t seen her in over a month, but she was unchanged. She’d worn dark gowns since his father’s death, and today was no exception. The navy blue suited her, though, and her light brown eyes were similar to the ones that stared back at him each morning from his mirror.

“I’m so happy you are safe. Is Brice well?” Her black and silver hair swept into an elegant bun, and her smooth skin remained relatively unmarred by time.

“He is fine.” He’d missed her. “Mother, may I introduce you to my good friend, and a fellow member of The Company, Miss Lillian Dellacourt.”

Lillian curtsied as if she were born to it. He wondered if his brother had taught her that as well. A pang of jealousy hit him by surprise. He wished he had seen her develop from the seamstress’s daughter into the woman before him. Brice had been lucky.

The marchioness crossed the room and took Lillian’s hand. “It is a pleasure to meet one of Dorian’s associates. Please come in and I will call for tea.”

Lillian’s eyes widened. She muttered a polite thank you.

“Please have a seat.” His mother was remarkable in every way. She’d gone from being a woman who dined with kings to an exile with grace unblemished.

Lillian sat on a small, overstuffed chair. Her back was stiff and her expression guarded. He saw none of the wild, restless woman he’d come to know. With her hands folded in her lap, and in the plain peach day dress, she might have been any debutant out calling on a neighbor for tea.

His mother sat opposite Lillian, and he sat on the settee near his mother. “I’m afraid this is more than a social call, Mother.”


“Yes, there has been an abduction, and we suspect it will involve our kind of action to recover the girl.”

“Truly Whitmark? You think she was taken by those things you fight?” Her support of his and his brother’s choices was above and beyond what he expected of anyone, let alone a gently bred woman of means.

“Do you know her?” Lillian asked.

“Not very well, but she has never been any part of a scandal. She seemed a nice enough girl, quiet, obedient. I was surprised to hear about her disappearance. People are saying she ran off with someone to marry against her parents’ wishes, but she never seemed the type.”

Dorian had heard as much from the note he received. “Do you think we might be able to gather information from your guests at the ball tonight?”

“I am certain there will be several people in attendance who know the girl far better than I do. I can give you a few names if you like.”

“That would be very helpful. Thank you.”

Lillian cleared her throat politely and fiddled with her skirt. “My lord?”

He tried to hold back his smile, but failed. Since by her own admission, she had no reputation of her own to fret about, he assumed it was his she worried over. “Indeed, I had nearly forgotten. Mother, we will need to tell people something in regard to Miss Dellacourt. Perhaps she is an old friend of the family.”

“Oh, yes of course. She should spend the afternoon here. We can say she is staying with me for a short visit. It will be acceptable. No one will question it, and I shall make excuses over the next days until it is appropriate to say she returned to London. It will not be a problem.”

The tea arrived, stopping the conversation. Once the maid left the room, his mother poured each of them a cup.

Why was tea in his mother’s home so much better than anywhere else? He breathed in the warm mist of it and took a sip. Heaven.

Lillian adjusted her seat, smoothed her hair, and clasped her hands. “My lady, I apologize for all the inconvenience. I do have one other problem and require your assistance.”

His mother put down her tea, eyes filled with concern. “What is it, my dear?”

“I’m afraid in my current occupation, fine ball gowns are not strictly necessary. I do not own an appropriate dress for this evening.”

His mother’s face filled with delight and she picked up her teacup and saucer. “I’m sure we can find something stunning for you. I can send a note to a local
and see what can be done today. Have no fear, my dear. You can carry this off. You are quite beautiful, and people will be struck by that fact alone.”

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